Campbellsport News Daniel's Steps

Campbellsport News • March 15, 2012 • Page 28 Northwinds Weding Showcase & Banquet Ha Open House Sunday, Mac 25, 2012 11:00a - 2:00pm Local Vendors, Menu Taing, Wine and Chapage Saples, Doo Pizes Admision $3.00 ea. Northwinds Supe Club 321 Fond du Lac Ave., (Hwy 45) Eden 920-477-3220 DESIGN/BUILD RENOVATIONS PLANTINGS STEPS/W ALKS BRICK P ATIOS RETAINING W ALLS DANIEL STUKENBERG CELL 262-689-6045 % #!! "!" " " # "$ ,/!&+$ 1, 1%" 1&,+) &/" /,1"1&,+ 00,&1&,+ 0*,(" )/* 3&))" 1 +6 %/!4/" 01,/" + /"!2" 6,2/ /&0( ,# !6&+$ &+ %,*" #&/" *,(" )/*0 /" + &*-,/1+1 -/1 ,# %,*" #&/" "0-" -)+ %"+ 1%"/" &0 #&/" 0*,(" 0-/"!0 #01 ,/(&+$ 0*,(" )/*0 $&3" 6,2 "/)6 4/+&+$ 0, 6,2 + $"1 ,210&!" .2&()6 &/" 011&01&0 0%,4 1%1 1%" *’,/&16 ,# #1) %,*" #&/"0 %--"+ 1 +&$%1 " 14""+ -* +! * 4%"+ *,01 -",-)" /" 0)""- ,*" 0*,(" )/*0 + )"/1 -",-)" 1, #&/" "#,/" &1 0-/"!0 $&3&+$ "3"/6,+" &+ 1%" %,*" 1&*" 1, )"3" 3&!"+" ,*-)&"! ,3"/ 1%" 0"3"/) !"!"0 0%,40 1%1 4,/(&+$ 0*,(" )/* + /"!2" 1%" %+" ,# !6&+$ &+ #&/" 6 -"/"+1 ,/!&+$ 1, + 0-,("0-"/0,+ 9&/" "5-"/10 ,+0&!"/ 0*,(" )/*0 1, " 1%" *,01 "##"1&3" ),4,01 "/)64/+&+$ !"3&" 3&))" ,/" -",-)" !&" #/,* 0*,(" &+%)1&,+ 1%+ #/,* 2/+0 *,(" )/*0 )"/1 6,2 1, !"3") ,-&+$ #&/"0 +! $&3" 6,2 1&*" 1, "0-": (" 02/" 6,2/ 0*,(" )/*0 /" 4,/(&+$ -/,-"/)6 7"01 "% )/* *,+1%)6 #,)),4&+$ *+2#12/"/;0 &+01/21&,+0 7"-)" 1%" 11"/&"0 14&" 6"/ "3"/ ,//,4 11"/&"0 #/,* 0*,(" )/*0 #,/ ,1%"/ -2/-,0"0 7"-)" 1%" )/* &10")# "3"/6 6"/0 7)"+ )/*0 #,)),4&+$ *+2#12/"/;0 &+01/21&,+0 #"16 1&-0 7+01)) 0*,(" )/*0 &+0&!" "3"/6 "!/,,* ,210&!" "% 0)""-&+$ /" +! ,+ "3"/6 )"3") ,# 1%" %,*" &+)2!&+$ 1%" 0"*"+1 7/$"/ %,*"0 *6 +""! !!&1&,+) 0*,(" )/*0 1, -/,3&!" "+,2$% -/, 1"1&,+ 7,/ 1%" "01 -/,1"1&,+ &+1"/,++"1 )) 0*,(" )/*0 0, 4%"+ ,+" 0,2+! 1%"6 )) 0,2+! 7+01)) 0*,(" )/*0 #,)),4&+$ *+2#12/"/;0 &+01/21&,+0 8 %&$% ,+ 4)) ,/ ,+ "&)&+$ # 6,2 +""! 0*,(" !"1"1,/ &+01))"! #&/" !"-/1*"+1 *"*"/ 4&)) " %--6 1, 00&01 8 ’201 )) 1%" #&/" !"-/1*"+1 1 1, 0%"!2)" + --,&+1*"+1 ,/ *,/" &+#,/*1&,+ ,+ (""-&+$ 6,2/ +! 6,2/ #*&)6 0#" 3&0&1 1%" *- "))0-,/1 &/" "-/1*"+1 4"0&1" 444*-"))0-,/1#&/",* The Sheriff of Nottingham, played by Zachary Doll, begins to announce the archery contest at the Fair. This was one of the many traps set to capture Robin Hood. Members of the Homeschool Performing Arts Club are performing Robin Hood on March 16 and 17 at the Fond du Lac Prairie Theater. Pictured above are, from left, Bethany Doll, playing the Sheriff’s wife; Amanda Jones, playing Lady Merle; Zachary Doll, playing the sheriff; Neve Schauer, playing Maid Marian; and Micaela Randolph, playing Annabel, a servant to Maid Marian. -photo submitted page 28_Layout 1 3/13/12 4:28 PM Page 1


Campbellsport News WNA - best use of color

Transcript of Campbellsport News Daniel's Steps

Campbellsport News • March 15, 2012 • Page 28

Northwinds Wedding Showcase & Banquet Ha? Open House

Sunday, March 25, 201211:00am - 2:00pm

Local Vendors, Menu Ta@ing, Wine and Champage Samples, Door Prizes

Admission$3.00 ea.

Northwinds Supper Club321 Fond du Lac Ave., (Hwy 45) Eden • 920-477-3220 •









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The Sheriff of Nottingham, played by Zachary Doll, begins to announce the archerycontest at the Fair. This was one of the many traps set to capture Robin Hood.Members of the Homeschool Performing Arts Club are performing Robin Hood onMarch 16 and 17 at the Fond du Lac Prairie Theater. Pictured above are, from left,Bethany Doll, playing the Sheriff’s wife; Amanda Jones, playing Lady Merle; ZacharyDoll, playing the sheriff; Neve Schauer, playing Maid Marian; and Micaela Randolph,playing Annabel, a servant to Maid Marian.

-photo submitted

page 28_Layout 1 3/13/12 4:28 PM Page 1