Business model


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Business model

Transcript of Business model

Page 1: Business model

Key Partners

Our partners will include rovio for app design, and websites that advertise our app will be lyricsfreak and music related websites. Our app could also be advertised on other apps made by the same people.

Key Activities

Our revenue stream will come from the selling of our app and advertising of other apps as a pop-up each time a page is refreshed/opened.

Value Propositions

We are helping to solve the problem of losing motivation over playing an instrument. Our site is quick simple and very effective. It teaches through video, tab and chords, helping improve self-taught ability.

Customer Relationships

We reward customers who go on our site enough by offering exclusive songs otherwise unavailable.

This helps maintain relationships.

Customer Segments

Our most important customers are people interested in playing an instrument; want to learn new songs and who will benefit from our site. We are creating value for this audience, now they will not need expensive lessons.

Key Resources

Our advertising builds our revenue stream and gets our app known. This will build more customers and therefore a stronger customer relationship.


We will reach out to our allocated customers by advertising on apps and websites they are likely to use and music stores etc to ensure that are target is reached.

Cost structure

The most expensive thing will be the advertising of our product to reach our target.

Revenue Streams

Our revenue streams are through advertising other apps and the upfront fee of our app. There is also product placement to consider.