Build a website that attracts, engages and converts

Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622 How to Turn Web Browsers into Buyers


How to create a website that turns browsers into buyers.

Transcript of Build a website that attracts, engages and converts

  • 1. How to Turn Web Browsers into Buyers Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 2. Building Business through Your Website Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 3. Imagine how wonderful it would be if you didnthave to sell you business.Business simply flowed in from your website.It can happen.. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 4. A hardworking website can work like awell-oiled, money-making machine.It attracts a flood of traffic right at whentheyre looking for what you offer.Then it converts that traffic to payingcustomers. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 5. The Three Building Blocks of a Money-Making WebsiteCreate a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 6. First theres the technology to assure your websiteruns smoothly pages load in a split second, linkssprint to their destinations, and leads are capturedand securely locked down. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 7. Then theres the pretty stuff the branding, eyecandy and visual cues.According to user-experience psychologist andauthor Susan Weinschenk the initial decision tolinger on a website is related to the websites lookand feel. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 8. And finally theres the website copywriting.Or, at least, thats the way many business peopleattack the challenge. But its an upside downapproach. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 9. The Upside Down ApproachCreate a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 10. This is whats upside down. Business people hirethe technicians, the designer and, at a last minute,they might hire a website copywriter. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 11. Or maybe they dont even hire one.In that case they fill the pages with copy thats cutand pasted from a couple of old brochures, orchurned out by whoever has a few free hours tostring words together like sausages. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 12. In the rush to meet the launch deadline thecompanys goals of attracting, engaging andpersuading website visitors are all but forgotten.You have to admit, its a little upside down. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 13. Why Copywriting Should Come First Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 14. In a recent study participants were asked whichfeatures of a site earned their trust.74 percent cited the sites content, not its looks. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 15. Thats because after their initial yes/no screening,which is based on look and feel, visitors read andexplored to assess credibility and relevance. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 16. The Upfront Work of Website CopywritingCreate a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 17. To create copy that revitalizes yourwebsite you have to define your: Goals; Audience; and The benefits you offer. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 18. So think through the answers to these questionsbefore you write a word: What are the goals for your website? Who are your prospects? How does your product or service improve your prospects life? And, why are your prospects are better off buying from you than your competitor? Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 19. At the end of this process you should be ableto describe your prospects in detail.It always helps to write personas (ordescriptions) of a few typical prospects.Then empathize with them and describe theirhopes, dreams and fears.Imagine how your product or service canimprove their lives. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 20. Five Powerful Tips to Turbo-Charge Your Website Copywriting Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 21. 1. Captivate your prospects by tapping into their emotions and arousing their interest. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 22. 2. Pepper your website with testimonials, guarantees, and case studies to build trust. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 23. 3. Write for scanners. Include crisp headlines, snappy sub-heads and welcome white space. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 24. 4. Include a call to action that tells your prospects clearly what you want them to do. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 25. 5. Compel them to inquire or buy by reminding them of the benefits in the call to action. For example: For a website that attracts visitors and turns browsers into buyers, call Carolyn Frith Marketing NOW at 610-340- 0622. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 26. What Else does a Business-Building Website Need? Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 27. There are three more things you need to do.1. Search engine optimization to attract visitors. Ill cover that in another video.2. Design for visual appeal that reflects your companys image and reinforces your message.3. Implement technology that assures a people- and search-engine-friendly website. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 28. Next Steps: Turning Your Web Browsers into Buyers Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 29. Theres quite a bit of work to do. And if youhavent done it before, theres a lot to learn.You can take these tips and do it yourself. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622
  • 30. Or if you want help to create anengaging, persuasive website thats a magnet forsearch engines, check out our websitecopywriting services at immediate help call NOW at 610-340-0622 orwrite [email protected] for a FREE 30-minute consultation. Create a flood of web traffic that converts to customers with Carolyn Frith Marketing, LLC 610-340-0622