Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA€¦ ·  · 2016-10-092016-10-09 ·...

Casas Adobes Elks Lodge No. 2663 4684 N. Highway Drive PO Box 36024 Tucson, AZ 85740-6024 520-292-1780 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED CASAS ADOBES MONARCH October, 2016 Vol. 2, No. 7 Dated Material Delivered Free To Members To a very important member IN THIS ISSUE: Officers & Committee Chairs Exalted Ruler’s Message Secretary’s Message Major Projects News Friends of the Monarch October Birthdays House Committee Report Americanism Lodge News & RV News Lodge meetings: 7:00 PM the first and third Wednesday in September through June, and the third Wednesday only in July and August Elks Lodge E-Mail address: [email protected] & [email protected] Social Quarter Hours: Sunday 2-7 PM, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 3-9 PM, Hours may vary based on patronage – Special Prices until 6 PM Monday through Friday NON PROFIT ORG US Postage Paid Permit Number 2163 Tucson, AZ Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA

Transcript of Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA€¦ ·  · 2016-10-092016-10-09 ·...

Casas Adobes Elks Lodge No. 2663

4684 N. Highway Drive PO Box 36024

Tucson, AZ 85740-6024 520-292-1780



October, 2016

Vol. 2, No. 7

Dated Material

Delivered Free To Members To a very important member


Officers & Committee Chairs Exalted Ruler’s Message Secretary’s Message Major Projects News Friends of the Monarch October Birthdays House Committee Report Americanism Lodge News & RV News

Lodge meetings: 7:00 PM the first and third Wednesday in September through

June, and the third Wednesday only in July and August

Elks Lodge E-Mail address: [email protected] & [email protected]

Social Quarter Hours: Sunday 2-7 PM, Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, 3-9 PM, Hours may vary based on patronage – Special Prices until 6 PM Monday through Friday


Permit Number 2163 Tucson, AZ

Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA

Casas Adobes Elks Lodge #2663

Officers and Committee Chairs, 2016–2017

Officer Exalted Ruler Danny Ball 293-1954 Est. Leading Knight Dan Rhoads 403-7190 Est. Loyal Knight Jim Thacker 613-395-4979 Est. Lecturing Knight Sharon Miller 405-3644 Secretary Don Baker 240-9284 Treasurer Sherry Lasuzzo 887-0877 1-yr Trustee Tony Potts 742-5329 2-yr Trustee Joe Miller 405-7352 3-yr Trustee Charlie Mariscal 940-2828 Tiler Georgette Rhoads 822-4466 Esquire Bruce Van Den Eng. 344-9711 Lodge Chaplain Karen Thacker 619-840-6530 Inner Guard Marv Thompson 360-9559

Committee Chairs Accident Prevention Charlie Mariscal 940-2828 Americanism Joe Miller 405-7352 Auditing & Accounting Lynne Buckel 744-2034 Blood Drive Marv Thompson 360-9559 Community Activities All Officers Elks Training Al Carr 744-1086 Flag Day Joe Miller 405-7352 Gov’t. Relations Marv Thompson 360-9559 House Committee Debbie Gacilos 661-0599 Orientation Brian Taylor 904-7092 Justice of Subord. Forum Eugene Benevenia 797-1423 Lodge Activities All Officers Major Projects Cat Taylor 820-7640 Membership Brian Taylor 904-7092 Monarch Editor Sherry Lasuzzo 887-0877 ENF Shirley Paviovich 360-6910 National Vet’s Service Joe Miller 405-7352 PER Association Danny Ball 293-1954 Protocol Coord. Ira Cohen 250-6737 Public Relations Joe Miller 405-7352 Visitation Carolyn Smith 887-8248 Youth Activities Cub Scouts Vacant > Hoop Shoot Vacant > Soccer Shoot Vacant > Scholarship Eugene Benevenia 797-1423 Special Olympics Kathryn Aitchison 279-1662 > Drug Awareness Georgette Rhoads 822-4466 * Please notify the Monarch Editor, Sherry or Joe Miller of any corrections* [email protected] or [email protected]


Clayton Bonner 84-85 Ernest Estrada, PDDGER 85-86 Robert Alexander (Deceased) 86-87 Don Douglas 87-88 Sam Maiorana 88-89 Ken Short 89-90 Christopher Lawson (Deceased) 90-91 Phil Dietrich Sr. 91-92 Vincent San Angelo (Deceased) 92-93 William Marsh (Deceased) 93-94 Clayton Bonner 94-95 Clayton Bonner 95-96 Mike Dietrich* 96-97 Mack F. Dickerson 97-98 Lyle Sparks (Deceased) 98-99 Steve Heising 99-00 Steve Heising 00-01 Steve Heising 01-02 Steve Heising (Deceased) 02-03 Dan Ball 03-04 Dan Ball 04-05 Lorraine Heising (Deceased) 05-06 Michael Lunceford 06-07 Ira Cohen, PDDGER 07-08 Don Baker 08-09 Mollie Palmer 09-10 Albert Carr 10-11 Mike Comerford 11-12 Carolyn Smith 12-13 Marv Thompson 13-14 Dan Rhoads 14-15 Kellie Smith 15-16 Sam Dodson (Globe, AZ) Charles Shadduck, PDDGER (Burley, ID) Leo Pavlovich PDDGER (Sahuarita, AZ) (Deceased) Marilyn Burkhardt (Phoenix) *No longer a member of the Order The Casas Adobes Monarch is the official publication of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks of the USA, Lodge 2663, located at 4684 N. Highway Drive, Tucson, AZ. The purpose of the Monarch is to provide a ready means of communication within the Lodge and is published monthly with combined issues in July and August. Contributions of interesting and pertinent material are welcome and may be edited for appropriateness of content or size. The deadline is the 20th of the month preceding publication. All communication should be addressed to: The Monarch, P.O.Box 36024, Tucson, Az, 85740-6024 -Fax: 721-7936 [email protected] or [email protected]

"Friends of the Monarch" Member Name Paid Thru Member Name Paid Thru

Allison, Bobby Apr-17 Miller, Ken Apr-17

Allison, Patti Apr-17 Mirr, J.J. Apr-17

Anderson, H. Leroy Apr-17 Mooney, John Apr-17

Ault, Howard May-17 McKinney, Douglas Apr-17

Bedel, Eileen Apr-17 Mrotzek, Robert Apr-17

Benevenia, Eugene Apr-17 Neilson, Hildred May-17

Bonner, Clayton Apr-17 Osborne, Robert Mar-17

Broyles, Stan & Mary Jun-17 Patterson, JoAnn Mar-17

Carstens, Rusty Apr-17 Pavlovich, Shirley Apr-17

Cary, Richard Apr-17 Pritchard, Patricia Apr-17

Cash, Terry Mar-17 Rathbun, Terry Lee Apr-17

Clements, Joseph Mar-17 Rice, Herb & Betty Apr-17

Cohen, Ira Apr-18 Rockwell, Paul Apr-17

Coleman, Lois Apr-17 Rohrbaugh, Eugene May-17

Denchy, Thomas May-17 Royal, Walter Apr-17

Everett, William Mar-19 Ruder, Richard Mar-17

Ferguson, Donald Mar-17 Schoneck, Barbara Apr-17

Froehlich, Gregory Apr-17 Schuchard, Harold Apr-17

Greenway, Mike Aug-17 Schultz, Dennis Apr-17

Hannah, Andrew Apr-17 Scott, Edward Apr-17

Hays, Jeff May-17 Short, Ken Apr-17

Hightower, John Mar-17 Sikel, Gary Apr-17

Hinnant, Ira Apr-17 Smith, Burke Apr-17

Hurtado, Vince & Bobbe Jun-17 Smith, Carolyn Apr-17

Jackson, Robert Apr-17 Smith, Marion Apr-17

Jardee, Tim Apr-17 Sparacino, Allan Apr-17

Jones, Fremont Mar-17 Stewart, James Apr-17

Kariolich, Richard Apr-17 Stough, Charles Apr-17

Kellum, Gerald Dec-18 Streleski, Patricia Mar-17

Kettle, Callie May-17 Sullivan, William May-17

Leal-Holmes, Theresa Nov-17 Taylor, Brian Mar-17

Lee, John Apr-17 Taylor, Cat Mar-17

Long, Larry Apr-17 Taylor, Charles Apr-17

Lunceford, Mike Mar-17 Thompson, Donald Apr-17

MacLennan, Frances Nov-16 Thompson, Marvin Apr-17

Majewski, Bradley Apr-17 Titcombe, Daniel Apr-17

Margetts, Robert Apr-17 Turner, David Apr-17

McCaffery, Bernie Aug-17 Turner, Woody Apr-17

McFarland, David Apr-17 Walker, James Apr-17

McGuire, Patrick Apr-17 Wetterlind, Willard Apr-17

McGuire-Mooney, Mary Apr-17 Zimmer, Michael Mar-17

Thank you to all who contribute to the “Friends of the Monarch”

Exalted Ruler’s Message

By: Danny Ball

Welcome to Fall I`m Very proud to be your ER and this past month was a prime example of Elkdom at its finest: This Summer was hot one and actually an inch and a half of rain more than average but that didn`t stop us here at the Lodge. September was a busy, tasty and exciting month with lot`s work from our ever- present Volunteers and great participation from our Committee Chairman and Elk members. From our Labor Day celebration featuring fried chicken and potato salad for our Elks, to an official visitation on the 7th by our DD David Quackenbush featuring his special request of Mexican Style food. On the 17th we served a Roast beef dinner with special green beans and mashed potatoes and gravy and then on the 23rd we had Hooter`s Style Chicken Wings followed on the 25th by Hotdogs and Hamburgers and a “just for fun” bean Bag toss game. In between all that we managed to find time to serve hamburgers to 24 of our Veteran Friends form the VA`s Blind Rehab unit and get a “Major Project” off the ground with a gun range wall and a metal structured sun cover for the Flowing Wells JROTC (these are the same young men and women who take time out of their busy schedules to help serve our veterans on burger night). We weren’t done yet. Our Veteran`s Service Chairman joined up with a group of pro-Fisher House folks to deliver x-Box Games to the Fisher House here in Southern AZ. to help occupy the children of the families visiting their loved ones as they heal through the loving care at the VA Hospital. Now to round out the Month—Our Lodge Secretary, Loyal Knight and Public Relations Chairman joined up to distribute “Dan`s Pencil Project” Items that our Lodge Members Donated to help fill the needs that many of our children have while attending our local schools and then they delivered 138 plus dictionaries to two local schools through a Grand Lodge Grant used for just that purpose. I`m finished for now but have no doubt this next month will be filled with many more points of pride. Remember Elks Care, Elks Share Danny Ball

From the Secretary’s desk: October 2016

Currently, the Lodge membership stands at 365 members. WE ONLY HAVE 19 DELINQUENTS

ATTENDANCE DRAWING -- $50.00 Every meeting we draw for a $50.00 reward for those in attendance you must be present to win

NOT SO LUCKY (NOT PRESENT) at the September 7th meeting: 1st name drawn, Harold Haven and the 2nd name

Richard DeWitt.


Life Member Ray Gibson a retired rancher from Cawntillo, TX and an Elk for 60 years.

PER Steve Heising an Elk for 22 years and Exalted Ruler of

our Lodge for the Elk years 1999 to 2003

They are gone but not forgotten.

You can tell that autumn is upon the old Pueblo. All the license plates are changing colors and the cacti are losing

their needles. Welcome back snowbirds. Remember to let the old Secretary

know you are changing your mailing address. I don’t want you to miss any news for upcoming events

Don Baker, Secretary

Leading Knight by: Dan Rhoads

Happy FALL or AUTUMN; whichever you prefer. It's that time of year It`s that time of year when the mornings are cooler, days are sho cooler days are shorter and the temperatures in Tucson are dropping at least a little bit and football season is in full swing. It also means Lodge activities are going to be increasing as our Lodge is hopping in the next few months.

On Friday September 23, 2016; a group of Casas Adobes Elks delivered dictionaries to 3rd graders at a couple local schools.

The Academy of Math and Science received 72 dictionaries, with Drug Awareness Red Ribbons and Laguna Elementary School received 58 dictionaries, again with Drug Awareness Red Ribbons. Laguna was also the recipient of all the school supplies that you; our members, donated to them from Dan's Pencil Project. Once again you all amaze me with your generosity and caring.

The Charity Ball; "Down At The Speakeasy" , is quickly approaching. This annual event will be held on Saturday November 5, 2016 this year. It will be a costume ball if you desire to dress for it. TIckets ($15.00/single, $25.00/couple) are now available in the Social Quarters. Food will be provided by Cafe Tremolo; Italian fare, and the entertainment for the evening will be The Blackjack Band.

I'm always looking for donations to raffle and help with the event. If you're available to help in any way please give me a call at 520-403-7190. Remember this event provides us with the needed funds to do so much charitable work for our community.

Charity: " In a general sense, love, benevolence, good will; that disposition of heart which inclines men to think favorably of their fellow men, and to do them good." Fraternally; Dan Rhoads

Leading Knight Report By: Dan Rhoads

House Committee Report By: Deb Gacilos

Hello Elks,

Hello Elks,

Casas Adobes Veteran Services By: Joe Miller

On the Veteran`s Front

Lodge #2663 Veteran's Service Chairman Partnered up with Sons of the American Legion Alternate National Executive Committee Chairman Joe Roberts to present a much needed source of entertainment to our Local Fisher House here in Southern Arizona. At the Request of Fisher House Manager Kelly Laurich, Joe Roberts, headed up a group from his place of work, who showed an interest in helping our Veterans. Elk Lodge #2663, Veterans Service Chairman, Joe Miller, who is an avid supporter of Fisher House (as well as is Lodge #2663 which regularly donates to them), set Joe Roberts up with the Materials he needed to Promote Fisher House at his place of work. The group from his office, after seeing our presentation, considered this as a worthy cause and great way to serve our Veterans and their families in their greatest time of need. They raised $600.00 and purchased the requested X-BOX Gaming System and a dozen games, along with a gift card to Walmart. These items were presented to the staff at Fisher House on Friday September 9th.

Pictured: Joe Miller, Assistant Fisher House MGR. Gus Soto and S.A.L. NEC. Joe Roberts

House Committee Report By: Deb Gacilos

Pictured: Joe Miller, with Assistant Fisher House MGR. Gus Soto and S.A.L. NEC. Joe Roberts

Hello Elks, Welcome to the Month of October We had a good September and have more good times coming this month. First of all, I want to say Thank You to all of our great volunteers for attending our last Volunteer Meeting! Secondly, I want to welcome back our snow birds! We`ve missed you all. Activities for the Month of October are: October 15th- Oktoberfest. We will be serving Brats, potato salad and all the fixins. October 21- Prime Rib accompanied by our Karaoke singers showing off their singing talents. With more events to come, I urge you to watch for Blasts and Updates. Last but not least, please be sure to sign up to volunteer! Thanks to ALL. Deb

Casas Adobes Elks Lodge # 2663

Arizona Elks provide a New Weapon in the War on

Childhood Disease

At our Annual Convention last May the Exalted Rulers of Arizona Elks

Association’s Lodges voted to give an extra $150,000 to the UofA Steele

Children’s Research Center. This was in addition to the $250,000 we had

already committed. The purpose of this generous gift? To buy a confocal

microscope. A much needed piece of lab equipment.

Looking at the microscope itself is not particularly awe inspiring. It doesn’t fill a room

or shoot off lasers, or even play music. For $150,000 you would think it would at least

have leather seats and satellite radio, but alas its appearance is no more impressive

than a copy machine. And yet it is truly an awe inspiring machine. It allows doctors and research scientists to look deeper and farther into cells than ever

before. No cell goes unexplored in the quest to find new ways to attack childhood

autoimmune diseases that disable and kill children everywhere. On a recent tour one

doctor explained, “It’s the type of equipment that draws the best researchers to Steele.

The best and brightest want to work with the best equipment available.” The plaque

explaining that it was donated by you, the Arizona Elks is being engraved. What is the

key to defeating devastating childhood diseases? The best doctors on Earth, working

with the best equipment on Earth, donated by the Best People on Earth, Arizona’s

B.P.O. Elks.

Dr. Pawel Kiela, AEMP President Ira Cohen and Director of UA

Steele Children's Research Center Dr. Fayez Ghishan pose with the

new Confocal Microscope.

Birthdays for the Month of October

01 Clark, Kathleen 21 Vega, Ernest 02 Esbeck, James K 22 Wethington, Mike 02 Mac Lennan, Frances L 24 O’Connor, Patrick 03 Patterson, JoAnn 25 Cohen, Ira S 03 Stark, Allen P 26 Bayle, Gregory C 05 Clark, Liza 26 Oakland, Don 06 O'Kelley, Ingeborg B 27 Bagehorn, Ernest 10 Lunceford, Michael R 27 Dickerson, Mack F 18 Davis, John R 29 Davis, Roger D 19 Ferguson, Donald A 29 Starkey, Wayne E 19 Mc Intyre, Mark 30 Jordan, Ann M 20 Allison, Patti 30 Walker, James 21 Anderson, H Leroy 31 Penrod, Linda Presentation of this coupon entitles an

Elk Member of the Casas Adobes Elks

Lodge #2663, a member in good standing

1 meal during his/her Birthday Month as

Listed in the Monarch.


(This coupon is not valid on special event nights).

This coupon must by presented when purchasing the

Meal ticket. Drinks will be purchased separately.

This Coupon is good only for the month of October 2016

Member #___________ Name: __________________

Congratulations to Bruce Van Den Eng. Elk of the Month, Sept. 2016

JROTC- Flowing Wells assist Vets on Hamburger Night

Congratulations to Bruce Van Den Eng. Elk of

the Month, Sept. 2016

Jackie DeMers - New Member October 2016

JROTC- Flowing Wells assist Vets on Hamburger Night

Ira Cohen, David Quackenbush and Mary

On Wednesday September 7th Elk Lodge #2663 was honored to host DD David Quackenbush and his entourage Ira Cohen and Mary Shaffer. All Required Officers, Trustees and Committee Chairs gave their required reports and received Great feedback from DD David. Our visitors enjoyed a tasty dinner featuring Mexican cuisine. Great choice David

Ira Cohen, David Quackenbush and Mary Shaffer

Public Relations Article

Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks to be Exhibited by the Smithsonian Institution

Examples of Elks charitable efforts will be seen on a “bully pulpit” offered to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks by the Smithsonian Institution. In this exhibit, the BPO Elks story can be told and the charitable efforts showcased in the digital exhibit “America’s Mailing Industry—Powered by the United States Postal Service” in the Smithsonian Institution’s National Postal Museum. The history and significance of the Order will be part of an interactive rotating exhibit at the National Postal Museum and will be on their website. Additionally, this will be tied into the Smithsonian magazine. Who will see this? We can’t say at this point, but there were 28.2 million visitors to the Smithsonian last year, and in today’s world, a percentage of them probably check out the website before visiting. This is a powerful platform on which to be seen and can only help to build an increased awareness of the BPO Elks and its benefits to the country. Certainly, all Elks can be proud that the Order is featured at the Smithsonian Institution. To see this, you may visit the BPO Elks website today and click to the magazine. There will be broader coverage later and a user friendly way to navigate the Smithsonian website, but here’s a direct link now:

Tucson Desert Ramblers RV Club By: Richard Ruder

Hello RV’ers don’t forget our RV meeting is Tuesday October 4th @ 6:30 PM and we have a camp out Scheduled for the 13th through the 16th of October in Araviapa. Looking forward to seeing everyone. ********************************************

Tucson Desert Ramblers RV Club By: Richard Ruder

Casas Adobes Lodge #2663 recently completed a multifaceted improvement project in support of the Flowing Wells High School JROTC program. The JROTC program Senior Army Instructor, Major (Retired) Robert L. De Witt provided the lodge with three "wish list" requests hoping to have one of them completed. The project was managed by Lodge Esquire, Bruce C. Van Den Eng with the support lodge members Wendell Avery, Bobby Hurt, John Mooney, and Allen Turner. Using a thousand-dollar grant from AEMP and the construction experience of Bobby Hurt and the welding expertise of John Mooney, all three requests were completed before the new school year began. The most crucial item was to move the back wall in their indoor pellet gun range three feet. This was a safety issue as the existing configuration of the range had the entrance door to the range in front of the firing line. Moving the back wall allowed for the placement of the range entrance door at the rear of the range behind the firing line. With the assistance of the JROTC cadre and cadets, Bruce and Bobby demolished the existing wall and built a new wall in just two days. Bobby and Wendell spent an additional two days putting the finishing touches on the wall. The second request was for the replacement of a stolen tree used to shade an outdoor grill the cadets use on a regular basis. Major De Witt agreed with a suggestion from Bruce that a structure to cover the grill was a better solution for shade than a tree. The grill cover was constructed of steel to ensure a long service life. In a single day, the cover was partially prepped at John's workshop by John and Bruce (Bruce held things and watched as John welded everything together). It took only one more day for John, Bruce, and Allen to erect the cover at the school.

The final request was for additional shelving in the walls of the JROTC classrooms for the display of the numerous trophy's earned by the cadets in various JROTC competitions. Bruce installed more than fifty feet of shelving in a single day. All three projects were completed for just under the thousand dollar grant due solely to lodge members offering their time and necessary skills to complete each project. This eliminated "labor" costs and allowed for the funds to be spent on the materials needed. Major De Witt and his staff are beyond thrilled with the results and are most appreciative of the efforts of the lodge. Major De Witt invited lodge members to an open house that was held on September 14th to see the finished work. Several lodge members, and their spouses, accepted the invitation further solidifying the relationship the lodge has with the JROTC program.

Casas Adobes Supports Flowing Wells JROTC

Dan Rhoades, Don Baker, SFC Thomas Dimmick, Bruce Van Den Eng, CSM Edward Russell, Ira Cohen, and MAJ Robert De Witt

Dan Rhoades, Don Baker, SFC Thomas Dimmick, Bruce Van Den Eng, CSM Edward Russell, Ira Cohen, and MAJ Robert De Witt – Picture in front of NEW WALL)

[OCTOBER] [2016]

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Thank You-Joey Alternant

Mary McGuire Your always there when we need you. Thank You!

Thank You- Joey-Bartender

Weekday Hours of Operation: 3pm-


Thank You- Bruce- Bartender

Thank You- Tammy-


Thank You- Charlie


Thank You- Debbie Bartender

1 Thank You

Charlie- Bartender Saturday Hours 3pm-9pm

2 Sunday Hours: 2pm-7pm Bartender Joey

3 Tacos

5 to 6:30

4 RV Club Meeting @ 6:30 pm

5 Lodge meeting

7 pm *

6 Burgers With our Veterans 5 to 6:30

7 Queen of

Hearts 7pm


9 Bartender Mary


10 Tacos

5 to 6:30



13 Burgers 5 to 6:30

RV Campout

14 American

Legion Dinner 5 pm

Queen of hearts 7pm

RV Campout

15 American

Legion meeting 10 am

Oktoberfest 5pm-see Flyer RV Campout

16 Bartender Mary-Football & Food RV Campout

17 Tacos

5 to 6:30

18 PER meeting

6 pm

19 New Member

orientation 6p Lodge meeting

7p *

20 Burgers 5 to 6:30

21 Queen of Hearts

7:00 PM

Prime Rib & Karaoke MID-YEAR MEETING



23 Bartender Mary- Football



24 Tacos

5 to 6:30


26 Meetings

Trustees 6:30 pm

Officers 7 pm

27 Burgers 5 to 6:30

28 Sharon’s delights

5:00 PM Queen of Hearts

7:00 PM

29 Halloween

Party ??????? Check in Monarch

30 Bartender Mary

31 Tacos

5 to 6:30

And a Big Thank You

To all our Prep And Server



*Denotes $50.00 drawing for Elk members in good standing. Must be present to win

Please Thank your BARTENDERS for the fabulous job they do every day

Thank You- Joey-Bartender

Weekday Hours of Operation: 3pm-


Dan Rhoads, Don Baker, SFC Thomas Dimmick, Bruce Van

Casas Adobes Elk Lodge #2663 Visited two local schools on September 23rd,

2016 and didn`t come empty handed. Through our Elk Dictionary Program, we were able to deliver the much need books to a total of (5) 3rd grade classes and

to the teachers of those classes at The Academy of Math and Science (received

72) and to The Laguna Elementary School (received 78) Also, to further our Elk support of local educational establishments, we delivered hundreds of dollars’ worth of school supplies to Laguna Elementary.

Dictionary Program


Pictured Below: Leading Knight Dan Rhoads-Laguna Elementary Principal Jackie Camacho

and Lodge Secretary Don Baker

These Third Grade Children and their Teachers Loved the gift of new dictionary’s. The Elk Program of giving the dictionaries coincides with timely curriculum goals

DAN`S PENCIL PROJECT was much appreciated

by Laguna Elementary Principal Jackie Camacho –

Thank you to all our Elk Members who generously

donated items to support our children.