Benevento meeting logbook

2013 M.-H. Fasquel – French coordinator Lycée Giraux Sannier 01/01/201311/2013 Benevento Comenius Meeting

Transcript of Benevento meeting logbook

Page 1: Benevento meeting logbook


M.-H. Fasquel – French coordinator

Lycée Giraux Sannier


Benevento Comenius Meeting

Page 2: Benevento meeting logbook


Benevento meeting – November 2013


Form : 2nde A / 1èreES 2

Italy: let’s get to know our Italian partners and Italy!

Language Write all the words and phrases you learnt during your stay in Italy:

Italian French Italian French

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What did you eat? Where? (restaurant, host family, …). Add as much information as you can.

Did you like the meals, what did you enjoy most?

Breakfast Lunch Dinner Anything else (snacks…)

Monday, November 11

At home Packed lunch In Rome. Restaurant: My meal:

Tuesday, November 12







At home

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Write down the recipes your host family gave you (the dishes you liked best):

What else did you learn about Italian food?

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Rome is the capital city of Italy and the Italian region Latium. It is on the Tiber River and has 2.8 million people. An estimate by the OECD put the number of people of the city area of Rome at 3.47 million. The enclave Vatican City is in the north-we.


According to legend, Rome was started on April 21, 753 BC/BCE by Romulus. He killed his twin brother named Remus, with whom he had been raised by a wolf, and became the first king of Rome. After Romulus, who among other things created the Senate, there were, according to legend, six more kings: Numa Pompilius, Tullo Ostilio, Anco Marzio, Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius, and Tarquinius Superbus. At the end of the age of monarchy, began the Republican era, during which Rome, by way of increasing expansion, faced several conflicts: in 390 BC, after struggles with neighbouring peoples, the town was invaded by Gauls and between the third and second century AD, fought against the rival Carthage, which then was captured and destroyed by the Roman army. Only with Julius Caesar in the first century BC, did the city began to grow significantly, especially toward the Campo Marzio, at the north of Capitol, and its domain was extended to Britannia. Caesar was never crowned emperor, a title which, however, fell to his adopted son Octavian who took the throne under the name of Augustus. Augustus "found a city of bricks and left it of marble" and its predecessors were no less: there was no emperor who enriched its city with new monuments, temples and triumphal arches. With the decline of the Roman Empire, the city declined in importance and fell into ruin. Pope Gregory I created major reforms for the people. The economy of the former capital was a turning point: we can say that from that moment on, the city was ruled by the pope, and soon also became the capital of a state, the Papal States, which remained active until the nineteenth century. Even popes, like the emperors, became richer over the centuries. The city of monuments and churches was called the "capital of Christendom", since here stood and still stands the Basilica di San Giovanni Lateran, the most important church of the world. The power of the Pope lessened along with its state. In fact, on 20 September 1870, Garibaldi's army, which had the task of uniting all of Italy under the crown of Savoy, entered the city through a breach opened in the walls at Porta Pia and, the same year, Rome became the capital of the newborn state.

Rome today

Rome is a major European political and cultural center, containing the HQ headquarters of FAO. It is home of the pope and was one of the most powerful cities of antiquity (the old world). It currently contains numerous museums, basilicas and palaces, such as the Colosseum.

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Rome stands on predominant hills, with an area of 1285.31 kilometers ². The city is crossed by two rivers: the Tiber, which runs from east to west, and the Aniene, which runs from north-east to north – within the city, it flows into the Tiber. Rome was built on Sun Hill, later named Palatine. It grew and is now built on seven principal hills:

Palatine Aventine Capitoline Quirinal Viminal Esquiline Caelian


Rome is an educational place in Italy. The children in Rome have to start school from the age of six until 14. This takes them to the end of junior high school. Rome has the biggest university in Italy and it is named University of Rome. It was created in 1303. About 200,000 students go to study at this university.

Ancient buildings

Roman Forum Colosseum The Temple of Antonius and Faustina (141 AD/CE) The Temple of Julius Caesar (29 BC/BCE) The Temple of Vesta (7th century BC/BCE) The Temple of Castor and Pollux (484 BC/BCE) The Arch of Augustus (29-19 BC/BCE) The Forum of Caesar (54 BC/BCE) The Forum of Augustus (2 BC/BCE) The Temple of Venus and Rome (135 AD/CE) The Circus Maximus The Baths of Caracalla (212–216 AD/CE) Pantheon

Source: Wikipedia, simple English.

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You can also do this task : interactive quiz about Rome


Places we visited

What you learnt

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Your pictures

Scans of some of the documents you have kept (leaflets, tickets,…)

Before the meeting: Please prepare a webquest about Rome and share it with us? --> Sidonie and

Clément T.

You need to choose 2 or 3 good websites about Naples and you need to ask questions (all the

answers are on the sites).


Naples is a southern Italian city with a port. It faces the Mediterranean Sea. Its name in Italian is Napoli which came from its Greek name Neapolis, meaning new city.

Ancient Greeks settled Naples in the 6th Century B.C. There were so many Greeks there, the Romans called it Magna Graecia, which means "Greater Greece." Later the Romans conquered the southern Italy and took Naples. When the Roman Empire fell to invaders in the west, Naples came under the rule of the Byzantines. The Byzantines ruled the Greek-speaking Eastern Roman Empire based in Greece and also in what is today called Turkey. Naples became independent later and but was combined with the Kingdom of Sicily during the Middle Ages. By 1500 it was ruled by Aragon, which was a kingdom in western Spain. Later Naples became part of Spain when Aragon and the other kingdom in Spain called Castile became one country. Naples was part of this Kingdom of Spain for over 300 years. Then it was conquered by the Italian kingdom of Sardinia-Piedmont in 1861. That kingdom became known as Italy. Naples was heavily bombed when Italy fought in World War Two, since British/American armies tried to capture it.

Today Naples is the capital of Campania and the largest city in southern Italy. It has a population of about 1 million. 300,000 people live in the area around Naples (including the habitans of Naples). It is an important city for tourists.

The average temperature and in the summer is 24°C. In the winter, the average can be as low as 8°C.

There is one airport in the city, Naples International Airport at Capodichino.

Source: Wikipedia, simple English.

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This is a file from the Wikimedia Commons.

Clockwise, from top left: A skyline of Naples and the Port of Naples, The historical center of Naples, Via Toledo,

Telecom Italia Tower the tallest building in Naples, Castel Nuovo, Skyline of Centro Direzionale in Naples.

You can also visit this website: (Naples pizza protected by EU)

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Places we visited

What you learnt

Your pictures

Scans of some of the documents (leaflets, tickets,…)

Before the meeting: Please prepare a webquest about Naples and share it with us? Camille and


You need to choose 2 or 3 good websites about Naples and you need to ask questions (all the

answers are on the sites).

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Benevento is a city and comune of Campania, Italy, capital of the province of Benevento, 50

kilometres (31 mi) northeast of Naples. It is situated on a hill 130 metres (430 ft) above sea-

level at the confluence of the Calore Irpino (or Beneventano) and the Sabato. It is also the

seat of a Roman Catholic archbishop.

Benevento occupies the site of the ancient Beneventum, originally Maleventum or still earlier

Maloenton. The "-vent" portion of the name probably refers to a market-place and is a

common element in ancient place names. The Romans theorized that it meant "the site of bad

events", from Mal(um) + eventum. In the imperial period it was supposed to have been

founded by Diomedes after the Trojan War.

Due to its artistic and cultural significance, the Santa Sofia's Church in Benevento has been

recently declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site as part of a group of seven inscribed as

Longobards in Italy. Places of the power (568-774 A.D.).

Source: Wikipedia, English.

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Places we visited

What you learnt

Your pictures

Scans of some of the documents (leaflets, tickets,…)

Before the meeting: Please prepare a webquest about Benevento and share it with us? Clément

M. and Alex.

You need to choose 2 or 3 good websites about Naples and you need to ask questions (all the

answers are on the sites).

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Europe: let’s learn about each other!

What did you learn about your partners’ culture? Feel free to add as many pictures as you can!

√ But always ask your friends first if we can publish them, please?

Italian partners __________________________________________________________

Finnish partners

Spanish partners

German partners

Sardinia partners

Polish Partners

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Ask your friends about their favourite books, authors, films, directors, places, food, … from their

own country and think about yours.

Italian partners __ _________________________________________________________

Finnish partners

Spanish partners

German partners

Sardinia partners

Polish Partners

Your turn! Please add pictures of you and your friends during the meeting?

Your favourite French dish:

The recipe: (you are bound to find a translation in English on the Internet).

Your favourite French pastry/dessert: The recipe:

Your favourite place in France:


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Your favourite French author:

Your favourite French book:

And a link to an extract from this book + an extract in English: you can also copy-paste the 2 extracts

and add the link here:

Your favourite French film:

And a link to an extract from this film (with English subtitles):

Your favourite type of music:

Your favourite band/singer:

And a link to a video:

Your favourite song in French:

And a link to the song:

Ask your friends about their language: learn some new words and

phrases and write them down: For instance how do you say “welcome!” in Italian, Finnish, etc?

Italian partners ___________________________________________________________

Finnish partners

Spanish partners

German partners

Sardinia partners

Polish Partners


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What do we know about Europe? From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Europe is a continent, the western part of Eurasia. It is not part of Asia, because of a

traditional eastern boundary that includes the Ural Mountains in Russia and the Bosporus in

Turkey, and from Africa by the Mediterranean Sea to Balkans. The Atlantic Ocean is to the

west of Europe. There are over 50 countries in Europe. The European Union is made up of

most of the countries in Europe.

Europe is named after a person in Greek mythology called Europa. She was said to have been abducted to Crete by Zeus. The name was later used for Greece. Then as the rest of the area we call Europe started to have cities and empires, the whole area West of the Ural Mountains became known by the same name.

History The history of Europe is long and has many turns. Individual specific 'eras' - this is the term meaning long amounts of specific time - can be mentioned:

Pre-historic (Paleolithic, Mesolithic Neolithic) - 2,600,000 years ago to 5000 Ancient Greek Civilisation (Minoan, Classical, Hellenistic) - 3000-100 BC Roman Civilisation Medieval Civilisation (early, high, late) 400 AD-1500 AD Early Modern Era (Renaissance, Reformation, Age of Discovery, French Revolution and

Napeoleonic Wars) 1500-1800 Industrialisation 1800-1914 World War I - 1914-1918 Interwar Period - 1918-1939 World War II - 1939-1945 Cold War - 1945-1989 Contemporary era - 1989-2008[source?] Post-Contemporary era - 2009-2011

List of Countries



Austria (EU) Belarus

Belgium (EU) Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria (EU) Croatia (EU)

Czech Republic (EU)

Denmark (EU)

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Estonia (EU) Finland (EU)

France (EU) Germany (EU)

Greece (EU) Hungary (EU)

Iceland Note: Geologically located in Europe and North America. (Official Candidate of EU.)

Italy (EU)

Kosovo Note: Not officially recognized. Latvia (EU) Liechtenstein Lithuania (EU) Luxembourg (EU)

Malta (EU) Moldova

Monaco Montenegro (Official Candidate of EU.)

Netherlands (EU)

Norway Poland (EU)

Portugal (EU)

Romania (EU)

Cyprus (EU) Note: Completely in Asia. Republic of Ireland (EU) Republic of Macedonia (Official Candidate of EU.)


Russia Note: Geographically in Europe and North Asia.

San Marino

Serbia (Official Candidate of EU.)

Slovakia (EU) Slovenia (EU)

Spain (EU) Sweden (EU)


Turkey (Official Candidate of EU.) Note: Geographically in Europe and Western Asia.

Ukraine United Kingdom (EU)

Vatican City My Pad about Europe: links to websites, quizzes…

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Your favourite game: Its name: Rules: Pictures: What you enjoy most about it: When do you play this game?

Your friends’ favourite games?

A new game! With as many friends from the meeting as you like, invent a game about Europe:

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Names of the team: Name of your game: Rules: Board (if there’s any): Any additional information:


Form : ...................................................................................................................................................... 1

Language ................................................................................................................................................. 1

Food ......................................................................................................................................................... 2

What did you eat? Where? (restaurant, host family, …). .................................................................... 2

Culture ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

Rome ................................................................................................................................................... 4

History ................................................................................................................................................. 4

Rome today ......................................................................................................................................... 4

Geography ........................................................................................................................................... 5

Education ............................................................................................................................................ 5

Ancient buildings ............................................................................................................................ 5

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Visits: ............................................................................................................................................... 6

Naples .................................................................................................................................................. 7

Visits: ............................................................................................................................................... 9

Benevento ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Visits: ............................................................................................................................................. 11

What did you learn about your partners’ culture? ............................................................................... 12

Your turn! .............................................................................................................................................. 13

Your favourite French dish: ........................................................................................................... 13

Your favourite French pastry/dessert: .............................................................................................. 13

Your favourite place in France: ..................................................................................................... 13

Your favourite French author: ....................................................................................................... 14

Your favourite French book: .......................................................................................................... 14

Your favourite French film: ............................................................................................................ 14

Your favourite type of music: ........................................................................................................ 14

Your favourite band/singer: .......................................................................................................... 14

Your favourite song in French: ...................................................................................................... 14

Ask your friends about their language: learn some new words and phrases and write them down: .. 14

What do we know about Europe? ......................................................................................................... 15

History ............................................................................................................................................... 15

List of Countries ................................................................................................................................. 15

Your favourite game: ............................................................................................................................. 17

Your friends’ favourite games? ............................................................................................................. 17

A new game! .......................................................................................................................................... 17

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Logo created by Florian (1es2) for the project.

"Edité avec le soutien financier de la Commission européenne. Le contenu de cette publication et l'usage qui pourrait en être fait n'engagent pas la responsabilité de la Commission européenne."

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.