BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan...

BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS Course Outline Lecturer: Imam Baihaqi, Ph.D Varah Nuzulfah, MBA Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, MT Puti Sinansari, MM DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 2019

Transcript of BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan...

Page 1: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.



Course Outline

Lecturer: Imam Baihaqi, Ph.D Varah Nuzulfah, MBA Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, MT Puti Sinansari, MM



Page 2: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.


1. Course Description This course provides an introduction to data analysis to prepare students to enter the work life with skills using Microsoft Excel. This course is designed to enable students to analyze data and make decisions

2. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, the student should be able to:

1. Learn the statistics in the context of data analysis 2. Able to work with real problem data so that students are able to understand the

ins and outs and complexities of the analysis

3. Supported Graduate Learning Outcome


a. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mampu menunjukkan sikap religius;

b. Menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan dalam menjalankan tugas berdasarkan agama, moral, dan etika;


c. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan Pancasila;

d. Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air, memiliki nasionalisme serta rasa tanggung jawab pada negara dan bangsa;

e. Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain;

f. Bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan;

g. Taat hukum dan disiplin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara;

h. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik; x i. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan

di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri; dan x

j. Menginternalisasi semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahaan.


2. Penguasaan pengetahuan

a. Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen bisnis x b. Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen pemasaran,

operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan x

c. Memahami konsep dan teknik-teknik pemecahan masalah bisnis


d. Memahami konsep dan teori tanggung jawab bisnis terhadap sosial dan lingkungan


3. Ketrampilan khusus a. Mampu mengelola dan menjalankan bisnis baik bisnis

baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan


b. Mampu bekerja pada bidang pemasaran, operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan pada sektor swasta maupun pemerintahan


Page 3: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.


c. Mampu melakukan analisa dan pemecahan masalah bisnis menggunakan metode ilmiah dan prinsip-prinsip manajemen


d. Mampu memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bidang manajemen


e. Mampu mengidentifikasi peluang bisnis dan memformulasikan dalam rencana bisnis yang komprehensif


f. Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan dan tertulis, dengan menggunakan berbagai saluran komunikasi.


4. Ketrampilan umum a. Mampu melakukan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat

berdasarkan analisis dan informasi yang akurat x

b. Mampu melakukan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengendalian serta evaluasi pada level operasional suatu organisasi


c. Mampu merencanakan, mengelola, dan mengendalikan sumber daya bisnis


d. Bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasi


4. Textbook

1. Berk K.N, Carey P (2000) Data Analysis with Excel. Duxbury. [B] 2. Groebner, D.F., Shannon, P.W., Fry, P.C., Smith, K.D. (2014). Business Statistics: A

Decision Making Approach, 9th. Edition, Pearson. [G] 3. Goldmeier, J., Duggirala, P. (2015). Dashboard for Excel. Apress. [GD] 4. Camoes, J. (2016). Data at Work: Best practices for creating effective charts and

information graphics in Microsoft Excel. New Riders. [C]

5. Prerequisite -

6. Workload and Learning Approach The workload of this course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150 minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business project.

7. Course Schedule

Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

1 – 2 The Where, Why, and How of Data Collection • Know the key data collection methods.

[B] Ch 1 [G] Ch 1

Discussion and Assignment

Page 4: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.


Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

• Know the difference between a population and a sample.

• Understand the similarities and differences between different sampling methods.

• Understand how to categorize data by type and level of measurement.

Getting started with excel • Start Excel and recognize elements of the

Excel workspace • Work with Excel workbooks, worksheets,

and chart sheets • Scroll through the worksheet window • Work with Excel cell references • Print a worksheet • Save a workbook • Install and remove Excel add-ins • Work with Excel add-ins

3 – 4 Working with Data

• Enter data into Excel from the keyboard • Work with Excel formulas and functions • Work with cell references and range

names • Query and sort data using the AutoFilter

and Advanced Filter • Import data from text fi les and databases

[B] Ch 2

Discussion and Assignment

5 – 6 Working with Chart • Identify the different types of charts

created by Excel • Create a scatter plot with the Chart

Wizard • Edit the appearance of your chart • Label points on your scatter plot • Break a scatter plot down by categories • Create a bubble plot • Create a scatter plot containing several

data series

[B] Ch 3 Discussion and Assignment

7 Exercise

8 Mid Term Examination

9 - 10 Describing Your Data • About different types of variables • How to create tables of frequency,

cumulative frequency, percentages, • and cumulative percentages • How to create histograms and break

histograms down by groups • About creating and interpreting stem and

leaf plots • How to calculate descriptive statistics for

your data • How to create and interpret box plots

[B] Ch 4 [G] Ch 2 [G] Ch 3

Discussion and Assignment

Page 5: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.


Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

11 - 12 Tables • Create PivotTables of a single categorical

variable • Create Pivot Charts as column and pie

charts • Relate two categorical variables with a

two-way table • Apply the chi-square test to a two-way

table • Compute expected values of a two-way

table • Combine or eliminate small categories to

get valid tests • Test for association between ordinal

variables • Create a custom sort order for your


[B] Ch 7 Discussion and Assignment

13 - 14 • Excel Project [B] Ch 11 Discussion and Assignment

15 Final Project Presentation - Group Presentation.

16 Final Exam

*) In-class discussion

- Students should prepare to answer the discussion before showing up to the class.

- Use the above discussion questions to trigger in-class discussion. Lecturers may ask other related questions

8. Assessment

Type of Assessment Learning Objective

Due Date Bobot

Class Activity All During semester 10%

Quiz 1 All Random 10% Quiz 2 All Random 10% Final Project All Week 15 20%

Mid-Term Exam All t.b.d 25%

Final Exam All t.b.d 25% Total 100%

9. Assignment Details

1. Assignment will be given during the class. 2. Final project is designed to groups of students. Each of group must do a

random observation to gather the data. By using the tools provided in Excel, visualize the data into infographic.

Page 6: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.


10. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. “Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper. • Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually. • Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test. • Collaborating with another student during a test without authority. • Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or

in part the contents of an un-administered test. • Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. • Purchasing a test and submitting it.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. “Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.

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Page 8: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.



Dosen : Nugroho Priyo Negoro, ST, SE, MT

Ruang :

Email: : [email protected]

Jam konsultasi : sesuai perjanjian

Dosen : Aang Kunaifi, SE., MSA., Ak.

Ruang :

Email: : [email protected]

Jam konsultasi : sesuai perjanjian

Dosen : Geodita Woro Bramanti, ST,MengSc.

Ruang :

Email: : [email protected]

Jam konsultasi : sesuai perjanjian

Dosen : Puti Sinansari, S.T., M.M.

Ruang :

Email: : [email protected]

Jam konsultasi : sesuai perjanjian


Page 9: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.

1. Sinopsis/Deskripsi Singkat Sebagai mata kuliah utama, mata kuliah ini sangat penting bagi mahasiswa, karena memberikan

pemahaman mengenai investasi.. Investasi adalah bidang khusus di bidang keuangan yang melibatkan

manajemen sekuritas. Mata kuliah ini belajar mengenai topik spesifik tentang sekuritas di pasar keuangan.

Topik yang dipelajari meliputi mekanisme pasar keuangan, penilaian sekuritas dan analisis portofolio. Selain

itu juga akan belajar tentang topik khusus di bidang keuangan seperti derivatives

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Setelah menyelesaikan pembelajaran kuliah Manajamen Investasi dan Portfolio ini, mahasiswa diharapkan dapat memiliki kompetensi yang baik sebagai berikut ini :

(1) Mengetahui dan memahami tentang produk investasi dan pasar keuangan (2) Mengetahui dan memahami investasi finansial dan konsep portfolio (3) Menerapkan konsep penilaian dalam asset keuangan (4) Mempu mengukur risiko dan pengembalian dari sekuritas tertentu menggunakan informasi

keuangan yang tersedia.

3. Beban belajar Sesuai dengan yang tertulis dalam peraturan akademis, mata kuliah Manajemen Investasi dan

Portfolio dengan beban 3 SKS setara dengan 150 menit tatap muka di kelas, 150 menit pembelajaran

terstruktur dan 150 menit belajar secara mandiri di luar kelas.

4. Prasyarat Mata kuliah prasyarat : TB141307 – Manajemen Keuangan

5. Metode belajar mengajar Metode pembelajaran mata kuliah Makroekonomi ini menitikberatkan pada bentuk Student Active Learning (SAL). SAL ini menuntut peran mahasiswa lebih proaktif dalam proses pembelajaran. Dosen hanya bersifat sebagai fasilitator bagi mahasiswa dalam mendapatkan dan memahami materi pembelajaran.

Pembelajaran disampaikan melalui ceramah, proses diskusi dan tanya jawab di kelas, bekerjasama dalam tim/kelompok (presentasi tugas, turnamen antar kelompok), serta tutorial yang dibantu oleh asisten.


Page 10: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.

6. Bahan Bacaan Sumber referensi dan pustaka yang digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran ini, adalah berikut :


• Reilly, FK. Brown, KC. (2012) Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, 10th ed. South-Western Cengage Learning. [RB]

• Bodie, Kane & Marcus, (2014) Investments. Irwin / McGraw – Hill, 10th ed [BKM

7. Topik dan Jadwal Jadwal Perkuliahan

Minggu Topik Bahan Bacaan Tugas Mingguan 1 Latar Belakang Investasi RB Ch. 1 2 Pemilihan Keputusan Alokasi Aset RB Ch. 2

BKM Ch. 6 Mind Map

3 Pemilihan Investasi di Pasar Global RB Ch. 3 Mind Map RB Ch. 3 Q1

4 Fungsi dan Pengaturan Sekuritas RB Ch. 4 BKM Ch. 3

Mind Map RB Ch. 4 Q5

5 Indeks Sekuritas, Risk, & Return RB Ch. 5 BKM Ch. 5 & 8

Mind Map RB Ch. 5 Q7

6 Efisiensi Pasar Modal, Psikologi Investor dan Prilaku Keuangan

RB Ch. 6 BKM Ch. 11 & 12

Mind Map RB Ch. 6 Q4

7 Portfolio dan Model Penentuan Harga Aset RB Ch. 7 & 8 Mind Map RB Ch. 7 Q13

8 Evaluasi Tengah Semester

9 Valuasi Sekuritas dan Saham RB Ch. 11 & 14 BKM Ch. 18

Mind Map RB Ch. 11 Q7

10 Analisis dan Manajemen Saham RB Ch. 12 – 15 Mind Map RB Ch. 13 Q10

11 Fundamental Obligasi RB Ch. 17 Mind Map 12 Kuliah Tamu 13 Analisis dan Valuasi Obligasi Chapter 18 Mind Map 14 Analisis Derivatif Chapter 20-23

BKM Ch. 23 Mind Map

15 Presentasi Tugas Besar 16 Evaluasi Akhir Semester

8. Penilaian Untuk mengukur keberhasilan pelaksanaan dan tujuan pembelajaran, maka dilakukan penilaian dan evaluasi, dengan rincian sebagai berikut :


Page 11: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.

No Nama Tugas Bobot Deadline 1 Keaktifan dalam Kuliah dan Tutorial 5% Selama 1 semester 2 Tugas Mingguan dan Mind Map 15% Setiap Minggu 3 Tugas Besar 20% Minggu 14 4 Quiz 10% Random 5 Evaluasi Tengah Semester (ETS) 20% 6 Evaluasi Akhir Semester (EAS) 30%

* Quiz akan dilakukan tanpa adanya pemberitahuan terlebih dahulu dan tidak ada pemberian Quiz susulan

9. Uraian Tugas Pada bagian berikut diuraikan secara jelas dan terperinci tentang bentuk penilaian dan evaluasi, yang meliputi penjelasan tentang bentuk tugas/evaluasi, teknik pelaksanaan, pelaporan dan pengumpulan tugas, serta proses evaluasi.

1. Tugas Mingguan dan Mind map

a. Bentuk : Membuat Tugas mingguan yang akan diberikan setiap minggunya Membuat Mind Map tiap bab yang akan diajarkan

b. Teknis Pelaksanaan : Mahasiswa wajib mengumpulkan mind map dan tugas di lembar yang berbeda Mind Map dan tugas mingguan dikumpulkan sebelum perkuliahan di mulai Satu Mahasiswa wajib mengumpulkan tugas mingguan dan MIndmap

2. Tugas Besar

a. Bentuk : Lihatlah pergerakan saham yang anda pilih selama perkuliahan di minggu ke 3 -13

Dapatkan saham daftar saham yang ada di IDX

Analisa saham yang anda pilih;

(1)Mengapa anda memilih saham tersebut ?

(2)Berapa profit/loss yang dihasilkan saham itu selama periode pengamantan

(3) Mengapa saham itu menghasilkan profit/loss? (Faktor-faktor internal dan

external apa saja yang membuat saham tersebut menghasilkan profit/loss)

(4) Mitigasi apa yang perlu anda lakukan di masa depan dalam memilih saham?

b. Teknis Pelaksanaan :

Setiap mahasiswa membuka akun saham pada perusahaan sekuritas.

Lakukan resume, telaah dan kajian terhadap saham (analisis industri, analisis

fundamental dsb.) yang dipilih selama periode minggu ke 3 -13 perkuliahan.


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Untuk lebih memahami dan memperdalam hasil telaah, carilah bahan dari berbagai

sumber tersedia yang relevan dengan topik, bisa berupa buku, paper, kertas kerja,

artikel, fakta lapangan, serta data-data penunjang. Kebaharuan data penunjang

merupakan faktor penting dalam penilaian.

Menyusun materi presentasi dalam bentuk powerpoint secara terstruktur, terkait

dengan hasil resume dan telaah yang sudah dikerjakan. Proses penyusunan materi

presentasi dapat dikonsultasikan dengan asisten

Beberapa tugas dipilih dan diberikan kesempatan untuk presentasi di depan kelas

sesuai jadwal perkuliahan yang ada, yaitu minggu ke-15.

Presentasi per orang dialokasikan dengan durasi waktu + 20 menit, dengan waktu

presentasi 10 menit dan 10 menit sesi tanya jawab

c. Pelaporan dan Pengumpulan Tugas :

Laporan akhir tugas berupa resume dan kajian terhadap topik yang dibahas


Format Pelaporan :

1. Resume dan kajian sesuai dengan topik dalam paper, ditulis dalam format doc,

huruf TNR 12, spasi 1,25,

2. Kertas A4, batas ka-ki-a-ba : 3-4-3-3 cm,

Pengumpulan :

1. Laporan akhir dan power point dikumpulkan dalam bentuk hardcopy dan

softcopy melalui email ke dosen.

2. File laporan akhir ditulis dengan format nama standar : TB - MINV_NRP.

Contoh : TB-MINV_0911174000001 artinya adalah tugas besar mata kuliah

manajemen investasi dan portfolio NRP 0911174000001

3. Laporan dikumpulkan pada minggu ke-14 (atau hari Rabu minggu ke-14)

d. Evaluasi :

Evaluasi dilakukan terhadap dua hal, yaitu proses pengerjaan dan penyusunan

laporan serta isi dari kajian

Evaluasi proses pengerjaan dan penyusunan laporan mempunyai bobot 20% dari

total nilai ( Laporan 20%, Presentasi 20%, Evaluasi kajian 60%)

Evaluasi terhadap isi dari resume dan kajian dengan melihat pada isi resume,

keruntutan dalam menguraikan masalah dan pemecahannya, serta kedalaman analisa

Informasi 4 orang penyaji , akan disampaikan pada H – 2 sebelum sesi presentasi


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10. Aturan dan Kedisiplinan Untuk kelancaran pelaksanaan pembelajaran dan keberhasilan pencapaian tujuan pembelajaran, maka peserta pembelajaran harus :

Kedisiplinan dalam kedatangan dalam perkuliahan di maupun sesi tutorial

Mahasiswa dilarang memakai peralatan elektronik (baik handphone, laptop, dan tablet)

selama perkuliahan dan tutorial, kecuali diminta oleh dosen/tutor.

Tugas harus dikumpulkan tepat waktu. Keterlambatan pengumpulan tugas akan berakibat

pengurangan nilai (20% per hari)

Pelanggaran peraturan akademik dalam bentuk apapun (kecuali plagiarisme) akan

menurunkan nilai anda sebanyak 2 level.

Plagiarisme dalam bentuk apapun akan menghasilkan nilai nol, sangat mudah mendeteksi

tulisan yang sudah dipublikasikan di internet. Tidak ada toleransi jika terdapat bukti

mahasiswa melakukan plagiarisme


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Dosen : Dr. Bustanul Arifin Noer

Ruang :

Email: : [email protected]

Jam konsultasi :

Tutor :

Ruang :

Email: :

Jam konsultasi :

Page 15: BBXXXXX DATA ANALYSIS · 2020-03-10 · baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan x b.


1. Sinopsis/Deskripsi Singkat Komunikasi Bisnis merupakan mata kuliah yang memberikan pemahaman kepada mahasiswa mengenai

bagaimana berpikir secara kritis, berkomunikasi secara efektif, dan mengembangkan kemampuan dalam

berkomunikasi baik secara tulisan dan lisan dalam konteks bisnis. Terdapat 6 (enam) tujuan utama yang

diharapkan mampu dikuasai oleh mahasiswa, yaitu: kemampuan dalam berkomunikasi dan

menyampaikan pesan secara efektif, membangun proses komunikasi yang efisien, mampu menunjang

kompetensi diri melalui komunikasi, mampu berkomunikasi secara informatif dan persuasive, mampu

menyiapkan dan melaksanakan negosiasi yang efeektif, serta mampu menyampaikan komunikasi

secara tertulis dalam bentuk proposal atau report bisnis. Kemampuan berkomunikasi secara baik akan

meningkatkan kemampuan dalam mengembangkan bisnis dalam kaitan hubungan interpersonal,

sehingga dalam mata kuliah ini diharapkan teori komunikasi dapat dikuasi untuk mendukung

communication skills dari mahasiswa.

2. Tujuan Pembelajaran Membentuk kompetensi dan karakter mahasiswa baik secara hardskills dan softskills dalam konteks

komunikasi dan negosiasi bisnis. Kompetensi hardskills yang diberikan dalam mata kuliah ini antara lain:

1. Menguasai teori dan teknik dasar komunikasi secara efektif, meliputi kemampuan menganalisis,

memecahkan masalah bisnis, memahami audience, membangun empati dalam berkomunikasi,

memahami kecenderungan komunikasi dalam bisnis, berkomunikasi dalam konteks lintas

budaya dan bekerja dalam tim. [HS 1]

2. Mampu membuat suatu rancangan dokumen bisnis dengan baik, memanfaatkan desain untuk

mendukung kualitas dokumen bisnis, mengintegrasikan visual dan data display dalam dokumen

bisnis dan menyusunnya dalam sebuah presentasi yang menarik. [HS 2]

3. Menyusun suatu bentuk komunikasi yang persuasif dengan memanfaatkan sharing information

dalam organisasi, mengelola negative messages. [HS 3]

4. Menyusun suatu proposal dan report bisnis yang komprehensif. [HS 4]

5. Menyiapkan dan melaksanakan proses negosiasi bisnis yang efektif. [HS 5]

6. Mampu menunjukkan kompetensi diri dalam bentuk resume kualifikasi dalam berbagai

keperluan job application, pengembangan bisnis dan interviewing. [HS 6]

Selain itu, dalam pembentukan kompetensi softskills mata kuliah Komunikasi Bisnis memberikan bekal

kepada mahasiswa dalam hal :

1. Meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi secara tertulis dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan ide

maupun analisis terhadap suatu konteks bisnis. [SS 1]

2. Meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi secara lisan dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan ide

maupun analisis terhadap suatu konteks bisnis. [SS 2]

3. Meningkatkan kemampuan menggunakan teknologi informasi untuk tujuan komunikasi bisnis.

[SS 3]

4. Meningkatkan kemampuan komunikasi antar individu dan kerja sama dalam tim. [SS4]

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Succeding in Business Communication (W1)

Adapting Your Message to Your Audiance (W2)

Building Goodwill (W2)

Navigating the Business Communication

Environment (W3)

Communicating Across Cultures (W3)

Working and Writing in Teams (W4)

Planning, Composing and Revising (W5)

Designing Document (W6)

Creating Visuals and Data Displays (W6)

Sharing Informative and Positive Message (W7)

Delivering Negative Message (W7)

Crafting Persuasive Messages (W8)

Evaluasi Bersama Tengah Semester (W9)

Planning and Researching Reports


Writing Proposals and Progress Report (W10)

Analyzing Information and Writing Reports


Making Oral Presentations (W12)

Negotiation Process (W13)

Writing Job Application Letter (W13)

Interviewing for a Job (W14)

Presentation of The Final Project (W15-W17)

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3. Beban Belajar Sesuai dengan yang tertulis dalam peraturan akademis, mata kuliah Komunikasi dan Negosiasi Bisnis

dengan beban 3 SKS setara dengan 150 menit tatap muka di kelas, 150 menit pembelajaran terstruktur

dan 150 menit belajar secara mandiri di luar kelas.

4. Prasyarat Mata kuliah Komunikasi Bisnis tidak terikat dengan mata kuliah prasyarat.

5. Metode belajar mengajar Mata kuliah Komunikasi dan Negosiasi Bisnis akan disampaikan dalam bentuk Student Active Learning

(SAL) dengan tugas yang mendorong mahasiswa melakukan analisis dan problem solving mengenai

permasalahan dan fenomena perkembangan komunikasi dan negosiasi dalam dunia bisnis.

Penyampaian materi dari dosen, akan ditunjang oleh tutorial dan study case yang dikerjakan secara

berkelompok di luar kelas untuk memberikan pemahaman yang kuat kepada mahasiswa, sehingga

mahasiswa juga dapat membandingkan dan mencari korelasi antara materi dan perkembangan bisnis

saat ini. Keaktifan mahasiswa tentunya memiliki peran yang besar dalam penguasaan materi, baik di

dalam kelas, pengerjaan tugas, proses tutorial hingga tugas besar dan presentasi. Pemberian tugas

mingguan diberikan setelah penyampaian materi oleh dosen dan tutorial akan diberikan asisten satu

minggu setelah penyampaian materi oleh dosen, atau setelah materi di kelas pada jam di luar kelas.

Materi secara online dapat diunduh di

6. Bahan bacaan [1] Locker, Kitty O., Donna S. Keinzler (2010). Business and Administrative Communication, 9th. Edition,

Mc Graw-Hill : Boston.

[2] Locker, Kitty O., Stephen K. Kaczmarek (2010). Business Communication: Building Critical Skills, 5th

Edition. Mc Graw-Hill : Boston.

[3] Adler, Ronald B., Jeanne M. Elmhorst (2010). Communicating at Work, Edition. Mc Graw-Hill :


[4] Dawson, Roger (2010). Secret Power of Negotiating: Updated for 21th Century, Career Press, ...

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7. Topik dan jadwal Jadwal Perkuliahan

Minggu Topik Bahan Bacaan HS SS


Introduction : Succeding

in Business


Business and Administrative

Communication Chapter 1. 1 All


Adapting Your Message to

Your Audience and

Building Goodwill.

Business and Administrative

Communication Chapter 2 and 3. 1 All


Navigating the Business


Environment and

Communicating Across


Business and Administrative

Communication Chapter 4 and 5. 1 All

4 Working and Writing in


Business and Administrative

Communication Chapter 6. 1 All

5 Planning, Composing,


Business and Administrative

Communication Chapter 7. 2 All


Designing Document and

Creating Visuals and Data


Business and Administrative

Communication Chapter 8 and 9. 2 All


Sharing Informative and Positive Message and Delivering Negative Message.

Business and Administrative Communication Chapter 14.

3 All

8 Crafting Persuasive Messages.

Business and Administrative Communication Chapter 16.

3 All

9 Middle Examination. Business and Administrative

Communication. 1, 2, 3 -


Planning and Researching Reports and Writing Proposals and Progress Report.

Business and Administrative Communication Chapter 17.

4 All

11 Analyzing Information Business and Administrative 4 All

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Minggu Topik Bahan Bacaan HS SS

and Writing Reports. Communication Chapter 19.

12 Making Oral Presentations.

Business and Administrative Communication Chapter 10.

2, 4 All


Building Resume, Writing Job Application Letter, Interviewing forr a Job

Business and Administrative Communication Chapter 11.

5 All

14 Negotiation process and

implementation Secret power of NEGOTIATING 5 All

15 Negotiation process and

implementation Secret power of NEGOTIATING 5


16 Final Examination Business and Administrative

Communication. 1-6


8. Penilaian

No Item Weight Deadline Competency

1 Middle Examination. 25% Minggu 9. HS 1-3

2 Final Examination. 25% Minggu 18. HS 4-5

3 Business Communication C Project .

25% Executive Summary and Presentation Minggu 15-17.

Seluruh HS dan SS.

4 Weekly Assignment. 15% Satu minggu setelah pemberian tugas.

Seluruh HS dan SS.

5 Class Activity (in lectures and tutorials).


Rekapitulasi akhir pada akhir minggu perkuliahan, pencatatan dilakukan setiap minggu

Seluruh HS dan SS.

9. Uraian Tugas 1. Tugas Mingguan.

- Dikumpulkan satu minggu setelah materi diberikan dan penjelasan tugas oleh asisten, dan

dibahas secara diskusi pada minggu pengumpulan tugas. Pengerjaan tugas dapat dibantu oleh

asisten secara tutorial baik di dalam dan di luar kelas.

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- Total bobot dari keseluruhan tugas mingguan sebesar 15%.

2. Business Communication Project .

- Membuat executive summary mengenai proses identifikasi dan analisis suatu dokumen bisnis

dengan menambahkan beberapa unsur perbaikan desain secara visual dan penyajian data serta

mengenai proses identifikasi dan analisis mengenai proses identifikasi dan analisis suatu annual

report perusahaan untuk keperluan bisnis.

- Format: latar belakang, tujuan, pembahasan, kesimpulan, referensi dan data. Maksimal 20

halaman. Untuk presentasi maksimal 10 menit dan 10 slides.

3. Business Negotiation Project .

- Membuat vidio singkat negosiasi

10. Aturan dan Kedisiplinan 1. Hadir tepat waktu baik dalam perkuliahan maupun tutorial.

2. Tidak diperkenankan menggunakan alat komunikasi selama proses belajar di kelas.

3. Menitikberatkan pada kejujuran dan tidak melakukan plagiarism, untuk referensi dicantumkan

sesuai standar.

4. Keterlambatan pengumpulan tugas akan dikurangi sebesar 20 poin per hari untuk tugas

mingguan dan 50% untuk Final Project.

5. Mengikuti proses belajar di kelas dan tutorial dengan antusias dan penuh semangat serta

berpartisipasi aktif dalam diskusi.

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Design and Organizational Behavior

Course Outline

Academic Year 2018/2019


Satria Fadil Persada, S.Kom., MBA., Ph.D.

Gogor A. Handiwibowo, ST, MMT


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Design and Organizational Behavior

Academic Year 2018/2019

Lecturer : Satria Fadil Persada, S.Kom., MBA., Ph.D.

Gogor A. Handiwibowo, ST, MMT

Room :

Email :

Consulting Hour : With appointment

Tutor :

Room :

Email: :

Consulting Hour :

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1. Course Description

Design and organizational behavior is one of the essential courses designed to students who want to manage their business. Aside from the basic understanding of management, this course will provide the description related to behavior and designing as well as improving the organization. The scope in this course will covers the individual perspectives, group in working environment, and the system in the organization. Specifically, several focused theoretical regarding attitudes, motivations, leadership, conflict management, and practices in organizational cultures are discussed. The idea for understanding these perspectives are to ensure the organizational can sustain in the dynamic change of environment.

2. Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this course, the students should be able to:

• Understanding the aspects of individual indicators such as attitude, satisfaction, emotions, personality, perception, and motivation.

• Able to analyze the aspects of group indicators such as group behavior, work team, communication, leadership, power, politics, conflict, negotiation, and structure of the organization.

• Able to analyze and design the organizational system

3. Supported Graduate Learning Outcome


1. Sikap dan tata nilai

a. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mampu menunjukkan sikap religius;

b. Menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan dalam menjalankan tugas berdasarkan agama, moral, dan etika;


c. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan Pancasila;

d. Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air, memiliki nasionalisme serta rasa tanggung jawab pada negara dan bangsa;

e. Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain;

f. Bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan;

g. Taat hukum dan disiplin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara;

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h. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik; x

i. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri; dan


j. Menginternalisasi semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahaan.


2. Penguasaan pengetahuan

a. Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen bisnis x

b. Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen pemasaran, operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan


c. Memahami konsep dan teknik-teknik pemecahan masalah bisnis x

d. Memahami konsep dan teori tanggung jawab bisnis terhadap sosial dan lingkungan


3. Ketrampilan khusus

a. Mampu mengelola dan menjalankan bisnis baik bisnis baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan


b. Mampu bekerja pada bidang pemasaran, operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan pada sektor swasta maupun pemerintahan


c. Mampu melakukan analisa dan pemecahan masalah bisnis menggunakan metode ilmiah dan prinsip-prinsip manajemen


d. Mampu memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bidang manajemen


e. Mampu mengidentifikasi peluang bisnis dan memformulasikan dalam rencana bisnis yang komprehensif


f. Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan dan tertulis, dengan menggunakan berbagai saluran komunikasi.


4. Ketrampilan umum

a. Mampu melakukan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan analisis dan informasi yang akurat


b. Mampu melakukan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengendalian serta evaluasi pada level operasional suatu organisasi


c. Mampu merencanakan, mengelola, dan mengendalikan sumber daya bisnis


d. Bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasi


4. Textbook Main Reference

• Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge (2018). Organizational Behavior, 18th. Pearson International Edition.

Supporting Reference

• Jones, Gareth R. (2004). Organizational Theory, Design and Change. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

• Sink, D. Scott and Tuttle, Thomas C (1989). Planning and Measurement in Your Organization of the Future. Norcross, Georgia: Industrial Engineering and

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Management PressCarnal, Colin A. (1990) . Managing Change in Organization. New York: Prentice Hall International.

• Hanna, David P. (1988). Designing Organizations for High Performance. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company.

• Rao, M.Gangadhara and Rao, Surya P.(1995). Organizational Design & Structure. Kailash Nagar, Delhi: Kaniskha Publishers, Distributors.

5. Prerequisite Human resource management

6. Workload and Learning Approach

The workload of this course is 3 credit semester comprises 180 minutes per week of self-study, 150 minutes per week of lecture, and 180 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business project

7. Course Schedule

Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

1 Introduction to organizational behavior

• Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace.

• Define organizational behavior (OB).

• Show the value to OB of systematic study.

• Identify the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB.

• Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB.

• Identify managers’ challenges and opportunities in applying OB concepts.

• Compare the three levels of analysis in this text’s OB model.

• Describe the key employability skills gained from studying OB applicable to other majors or future careers.


- Forming 10 Groups

2 Diversity in Organizations

• Describe the two major forms of workplace diversity.

• Demonstrate how workplace discrimination undermines organizational effectiveness.

• Describe how the key biographical characteristics are


- Real world case study review and chapter (Group 1)

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Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

relevant to Organizational Behavior (OB).

• Explain how other differentiating characteristics factor into OB.

• Demonstrate the relevance of intellectual and physical abilities to OB.

• Describe how organizations manage diversity effectively.

3 Attitudes, Satisfaction, Emotions, and Moods

• Contrast the three components of an attitude.

• Summarize the relationship between attitudes and behavior.

• Compare the major job attitudes.

• Define job satisfaction.

• Summarize the main causes of job satisfaction.

• Identify three outcomes of job satisfaction.

• Identify four employee responses to dissatisfaction.

• Differentiate between emotions and moods.

• Identify the sources of emotions and moods.

• Show the impact emotional labor has on employees.

• Describe affective events theory.

• Describe emotional intelligence.

• Identify strategies for emotion regulation.

• Apply concepts about emotions and moods to specific OB issues.

[R]Ch3,4 - Real world case study review and chapter (Group 2)

4 Personalities and Values • Describe personality, the way it is measured, and the

factors that shape it. • Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the Myers-

Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) personality framework and the Big Five model.

• Discuss how the concepts of core self-evaluation (CSE), self-monitoring, and proactive personality contribute to the understanding of personality.

• Describe how personality affects job search and unemployment.

[R]Ch5 - Real world case study review and chapter (Group 3)

5 Perception and Individual Decision Making • Explain the factors that influence perception. • Describe attribution theory. • Explain the link between perception and decision

making. • Contrast the rational model of decision making with

bounded rationality and intuition. • Explain how individual differences and organizational

constraints affect decision making. • Contrast the three ethical decision criteria. • Describe the three-stage model of creativity.


- Real world case study review and chapter (Group 4)

6 Motivations • Describe the three key elements of motivation. • Compare the early theories of motivation. • Contrast the elements of self-determination theory and

[R]Ch7,8 - Real world case study review and chapter (Group 5)

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Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

goal-setting theory. • Understand the differences among self-efficacy theory,

reinforcement theory, and expectancy theory. • Describe how the job characteristics model motivates

by changing the work environment. • Compare the main ways jobs can be redesigned. • Explain how specific alternative work arrangements

can motivate employees. • Describe how employee involvement measures can

motivate employees. • Demonstrate how the different types of variable-pay

programs can increase employee motivation. • Show how flexible benefits turn benefits into

motivators. • Identify the motivational benefits of intrinsic rewards.

7 Foundation of Group Behavior and Organizational Structure • Distinguish between the different types of groups. • Describe the punctuated-equilibrium model of group

development. • Show how role requirements change in different

situations. • Demonstrate how norms exert influence on an

individual’s behavior. • Identify seven elements of an organization’s structure. • Identify the characteristics of the functional structure,

the bureaucracy, and the matrix structure. • Identify the characteristics of the virtual structure, the

team structure, and the circular structure. • Describe the effects of downsizing on organizational

structures and employees. • Contrast the reasons for using mechanistic versus

organic structural models. • Analyze the behavioral implications of different

organizational designs.

[R]Ch9,15 - Real world case study review and chapter (Group 6)

8 Project Proposal - 10 Groups

9 Mid Term

10 Work Teams and Organizational Culture

• Analyze the continued popularity of teams in organizations.

• Contrast groups and teams.

• Contrast the five types of team arrangements.

• Identify the characteristics of effective teams.

• Explain how organizations can create team players.

• Decide when to use individuals instead of teams.

• Describe the common characteristics of organizational culture.

• Compare the functional and dysfunctional effects of organizational culture on people and the organization.

• Identify the factors that create and sustain an organization’s culture.

[R]Ch10,16 - Real world case study review and chapter (Group 7)

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Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

• Show how culture is transmitted to employees.

• Describe the similarities and differences in creating an ethical culture, a positive culture, and a spiritual culture.

• Show how national culture can affect the way organizational culture is transported to another country.

11 Communication and Leadership • Describe the functions and process of communication. • Contrast downward, upward, and lateral

communication through small-group networks and the grapevine.

• Contrast oral, written, and nonverbal communication. • Describe how channel richness underlies the choice

of communication channel. • Differentiate between automatic and controlled

processing of persuasive messages. • Summarize the conclusions of trait theories of

leadership. • Identify the central tenets and main limitations of

behavioral theories. • Contrast contingency theories of leadership. • Describe the contemporary theories of leadership and

their relationship to foundational theories.


- Real world case study review and chapter (Group 8)

12 Power and Politics • Contrast leadership and power. • Explain the three bases of formal power and the two

bases of personal power. • Explain the role of dependence in power relationships. • Identify power or influence tactics and their


[R]Ch13 - Real world case study review and chapter (Group 9)

13 Organizational Change and and Stress Management • Contrast the forces for change and planned change. • Describe ways to overcome resistance to change. • Compare the four main approaches to managing

organizational change. • Demonstrate three ways of creating a culture for



- Real world case study review and chapter (Group 10)

14 Final Report and Presentation - Five Groups

15 Final Report and Presentation - Five Groups

16 Final Exam

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8. Assessment No Assessment Point Score Deadline

1 Class participation, absent, class discussion

10% -

2 Team Project 30% Week 14

3 Mid Term Exam 25% Random

4 Final Exam 35% Terjadwal

Additional Bonus:

In order to trigger the good environment of students’ organizations in MB, DPO course will reward the

additional bonus to student for performing the DPO theories into actualization. The bonus of score

shall be given to the students with the eligible criteria. The score is from 1 to 10 added to the final score

of the students. The criteria consist of:

• Up to 10 points Score: The organization with two-periodic/ a year length of service (e.g: Student

Association, Improve, Student Community, MB Media, etc), proven by the documents

• Up to 5 points Score: The mini organization (e.g: Committee, workshop in national/international

scale, etc) in which the minimum duration of the start to finish the program is 3 months, proven

by documents.

• Up to 3 points Score: Active member with the great contribution to big/small organization,

proven by documents.

The students able to claim in only one time and one position, even though he/she works on more than 1

position. The students can claim if they perform (in progress, finished) in the same semester of running

DPO course or 1 semester before the running DPO course. The eligible students are:

• The head of organization (up to 10 points for two periodic/ up to 5 to 1 periodic)

• The vice head of organization (up to 10 points for two periodic/ up to 5 to 1 periodic)

• Active member (up to 3 points)

The documents shall contain:

• The detail activity

• The report of lesson learned from DPO theory to field actualization. How do you plan to improve

and enhance the sustainability of the organization through DPO theories?

• For active member with great contribution, he/she must get the seal letter of testimony from

the head of organization. The head of organization will write in hand regarding their thought

and give it directly to the lecturer in hand. The letter is sealed, and the active member is

prohibited to read it.

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9. Assignment Details OB Consulting Team Today, there are many organizations depending on individual and team to work on their business tasks. Thus, as the effective team, it is necessary to ensure the good organizational condition. As the OB consulting team, each group should choose an organization in Surabaya. The analysis can cover the whole or partial in organization and the team should give the recommendation to improve their performance. The group need to present their field observation in a creative and innovative way. The aims of this project are: 1. Integrating the theories of organizational behavior. 2. Practicing in organizational behavior implementation.

Project Proposal:

• Explain the profile of the organization (structure, vision, mission)

• List the DPO theories that will be used

• Timeframe and observation structure (instrument development)

Project Final:

• Explain the profile of the organization

• Reveal the DPO practice in the organization

• Analyze the improvement and the significance effects from the suggestions

10. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. “Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper.

• Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually.

• Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test.

• Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.

• Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered test.

• Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

• Purchasing a test and submitting it. “Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. “Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.

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BERTO MULIA WIBAWA, SPi, MM (Course Coordinator)





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1. Synopsis/Description

This course focuses on creating social venture by students, combining the textbook theories and the best practice of socio-preneur experience. Social ventures aim to achieve a “double bottom line” with meaningful social returns, as well as sustainable or competitive financial returns --through their products, services and other business practices. The objective of the course is to prepare students to test the viability of new social opportunities and conduct a feasibility study, either for their own idea or for others.

The course is relevant to any business leader or entrepreneur who wants to design, lead or fund a mission-driven nonprofit or for-profit enterprise, or may want to contribute time and energy to help build the social sector through strategic philanthropy, social investing, corporate alliances with social sector organizations, or board representation in social ventures (Berkeley, 2006).

2. Learning Outcome The learning outcome of this course are : 1. Students understand how to increase awareness of the pervasiveness and complexity of social

and environmental challenges and how those challenges can create entrepreneurial opportunities 2. Students able to use the tools and conceptual framework to evaluate entrepreneurial business

opportunities in the social sector 3. Students able to understand how to deepen the understanding of social entrepreneurship as a

tool (with strengths and limits) for achieving significant lasting social change, and also examine the challenges and rewards of creating and developing social purpose organizations

4. Students understand the best and sustainable business practices in the field of social entrepreneurship.

5. Students understand the concepts related to identifying and exploiting opportunities, including: evaluating entrepreneurial opportunities, business planning, business reporting, and implementation.

6. Students able to create the real social venture based on their passion and market opportunity.

3. Learning Methods This course is different with other course, because students will use “learning by doing” methods. The

course consists of lectures, tutorials, selling practice, and field work. Prescribed readings from textbooks and other sources including journals, newspapers, articles, texts, trade magazines, and websites. Participate in team work in group assignments and tutorial activities. Apply time and self-management skills to assessable work. Students also will learn from real social-entrepreneurs by discussing the proposed social ventures and listening to their presentations

4. Credit This is 4 SKS course, 100 minutes, and twice a week.

5. Pre-requisite Courses You need to make sure you meet the pre-requisites before registering for a class. This will ensure that

you are prepared to succeed in the classes you chose. The following courses must be passed and completed by all students before joining this course :

- New Venture Creation

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6. References Keybook : 1. Brooks, A. C. (2009). Social entrepreneurship: A modern approach to social value creation. Upper

Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Supporting book : 2. Wei-Skillern, J., Austin, J., Leonard, H., & Stevenson, H. (2007). Entrepreneurship in the Social Sector

(ESS). Sage Publications 3. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., Bernarda, G., & Smith, A. (2014). Value proposition design: How to

create products and services customers want.

7. Weekly Schedule and Topic

Week Topic Reading Discussion and Assignment

1 Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship - Able to define social entrepreneurship - Understand the different concept between

entrepreneurship and social entrepreneurship - Describe a social entrepreneurship basic


(1) Chapter 1 (2) Chapter 1

Discussion : Explain stages in the social entrepreneurship process! Assignment : Find at least 5 articles in the internet about social venture growth and write a summary about that!

Best Practice : Success Story of Social Entrepreneurs - Identify areas of our economy/society where

social entrepreneurs work - Identify characteristics of successful social


(1) Chapter 1 Assignment : Find at least 5 social entrepreneur in Indonesia and identify the pros and cons of the venture!

2 Fieldwork : Find and Visit at Least 1 Social Entrepreneurship Venture in East Java - Identify venture business model - Able to analyze market opportunity based on

social business

Assignment : In group of 4 students, visit at least 1 social entrepreneurship venture in East Java. Each group must not visit the same venture.

Identify and Explain The Business Process About The Social Venture - Able to know value creation for a social


Presentation : Each group must do 10 minutes a pitch presentation and show the findings based on field work

3 Why Social Entrepreneurship? Pros and Cons - Understand the forces on social

entrepreneurship - Identify the pros and cons of social ventures

based on its business model

(1) Chapter 2 Discussion : In group, please identify why some people avoid to execute conventional venture and switching to social venture?

The Matrix Map: A Powerful Tool for Mission-Focused Nonprofits - Understanding summarise techniques for

identifying new social venture opportunities

(2) Chapter 2 Assignment : Analyze why the matrix map is a powerful tool for social venture?

4 Social Entrepreneurship Impact - Understand the hierarchy of needs, and

examples of social entrepreneurship potential Identify social entrepreneurship impact

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Week Topic Reading Discussion and Assignment

Generating Ideas and Opportunities in Social Entrepreneurship - Able to understand linking supply and demand

approaches - Able to create a social venture idea based on

value creation and innovation - Explaining social business idea

(1) Chapter 3 Presentation : Each group must generate at least 5 prospective social venture business idea based on real problem!

5 Social Value Proposition Design - Defining value proposition for social ventures - Understanding the importance of social value


(3) Chapter ALL Journal article

Discussion : In group, communicate different social value proposition with your stakeholders and brainstorm new ones!

- Pitch Presentation & Workshop VPD (3) Chapter ALL Presentation : Social VPD Canvas for proposed social venture

6 Social Business Model Canvas (SBMC) - Creating a solid business model around your

social venture. - Identify how social venture generating revenue

(1) Chapter 3 Journal article

Discussion : In group, communicate different business models with your stakeholders and brainstorm new ones!

Pitch Presentation & Workshop for SBMC Presentation : Social Business Model Canvas for proposed social venture

7 Social Venture Business Plans - Create a comprehensive new social venture

proposal with supporting documentation - Understanding how to write a good social

venture business plan - Understanding the purpose of a social venture

business plan - Social Return on Investment

(1) Chapter 4 Discussion : What is the difference between business plan for conventional venture vs social venture Assignment :

• Each group must write their own business plan for the project that they will run during course

• In group, try to measure the SROI based on your proposed social venture! Is it feasible or not? Identify what is your next step?

Final Report Guidelines - Able to create a comprehensive social venture

report, due to activities during the course. Exhibiton and Poster Preparation - Able to design a good exhibition concept Able to design a good poster for created social venture

(1) Chapter 4

8 Fieldwork : Start Your Social Venture (1) Fieldwork : - Creating product/service with social

business concept for selling purpose - Choosing location for social venture

business practice - Conduct selling product/service - Reporting social venture business

practice Documentation

Pitch Presentation & Workshop for Fieldwork Presentation : Each group must report about previous fieldwork activity in an attractive simple presentation!

9 Fieldwork : Start Your Social Venture (2) Fieldwork :

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Week Topic Reading Discussion and Assignment

- Creating product/service with social business concept for selling purpose

- Choosing location for social venture business practice

- Conduct selling product/service - Reporting social venture business

practice - Documentation

Pitch Presentation & Workshop for Fieldwork Presentation : Each group must report about previous fieldwork activity in an attractive simple presentation!

10 Fieldwork : Start Your Social Venture (3) Fieldwork : - Creating product/service with social

business concept for selling purpose - Choosing location for social venture

business practice - Conduct selling product/service - Reporting social venture business

practice Documentation

Pitch Presentation & Workshop for Fieldwork Presentation : Each group must report about previous fieldwork activity in an attractive simple presentation!

11 Fieldwork : Start Your Social Venture (4) Fieldwork : - Creating product/service with social

business concept for selling purpose - Choosing location for social venture

business practice - Conduct selling product/service - Reporting social venture business

practice - Documentation

Pitch Presentation & Workshop for Fieldwork Presentation : Each group must report about previous fieldwork activity in an attractive simple presentation!

12 Fieldwork : Start Your Social Venture (5) Fieldwork : - Creating product/service with social

business concept for selling purpose - Choosing location for social venture

business practice - Conduct selling product/service - Reporting social venture business

practice - Documentation

Pitch Presentation & Workshop for Fieldwork Presentation : Each group must report about previous fieldwork activity in an attractive simple presentation!

13 Social Entrepreneurship Exhibition

Social Entrepreneurship Exhibition

14 Guest lecture session : Earned Income Alternatives for Social Enterprise - Evaluate how social entrepreneur practitioners

are defining the income alternatives

(1) Chapter 7,8

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Week Topic Reading Discussion and Assignment

Understanding type of earned income alternatives

Final presentation progress report with ESME Lab Assistant

15-16 Final Presentation - Pitching social business project to potential

investors - Reporting a comprehensive social business

practice activities

Social Business Report Presentation

8. Assessment Final grades are based on lecturer perceptions of your performance for the six main requirements,

roughly according to the following weights:

No Activity Supporting Learning Outcome

Weight Note

1 Class participation and student activity 1-6 10% All time

2 Weekly Presentation and Assignment 1-6 30% 9x

3 Social Business Plan 1-6 15% 1x

4 Social Entrepreneurship Exhibition 1-6 15% 1x

5 Quiz 4-5 5% 1x

6 Final Presentation 1-6 25% 1x

Grade Final Score

A ≥86 – 100

AB 76 – 85

B 66 – 75

BC 61 – 65

C 51 – 60

D 41 – 50

E 0 – 40

9. Assignment

1. Social Business Idea and Social Business Model

1. Each group must decided one business to create (product/service)!

2. Conducting a situational analysis (SWOT)!

3. Design your proposed business model!

4. Create a business production flowchart!

5. Create a product/service prototype (ready to sell version)!

2. Start Your Social Venture

1. Each group must start selling their group-made product/service for several weeks

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2. Reporting business practice activity (date, time, location, selling report, documentation, video,


3. Social Business Reporting

1. Reporting

Business reporting is an essential part of any planning process in the workplace as it consists of

providing data and information to specific audiences. Document should be designed in a creative

format. Business report must consist of :

a. Cover

b. Preface

c. Table of Contents

d. Executive Summary

e. Business Description

f. Management And Organization

g. Marketing And Sales Strategy

h. Operation Plan

i. Financial Statement

j. Selling Report

k. Appendix

4. Presentation

• The presentation time will be no more than 10 minutes per group, and Q&A will be about 15

minutes per group.

• Each group must create 2 minutes mini-video for the summary of all activities in Social

Entrepreneurship project, and must be uploaded in Youtube ESME Lab. Please contact lab

assistant for more details.

• Each group must create a PowerPoint file no more than 25 slides, must submited in PPT

format, PDF file will not accepted. Please use 16:9 PPT format (Widescreen).

• Decide your “Own Presentation Concept”, it means the presentation could be like (1)

Talkshow; (2) TV Show; (3) Mini-Drama; (4) Theatrical Show; etc. Please avoid “old

fashioned” presentation style.

• Please wear unique dresscode for presentation.

10. General Class Rules 1. Students are expected to attend all class sessions, complete all assigned readings prior to class,

and to come prepared to participate. 2. Students are expected to arrive on time and to stay for the duration of the class. 3. Use of laptops, handphones, and tablets are not allowed during class. 4. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty can have some severe penalties and repercussions (50%

penalty). 5. Late submissions of assessment task per day is -50% from the original score.

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6. If you absent on the day for weekly presentation or quiz because of any reasons will make your score to 0 (zero), and no supplementary presentation or quiz.

7. If you will be absent on the day for final presentation because of a special case, please inform the course coordinator by 1 day before. Supplementary exam will be oral examination.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation

of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

“Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written

work offered for credit

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Course Outline




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1. Course Description The project management course is designed to give a comprehensive point of view related to project based on project management. As you will learn, the project management knowledge areas are project integration, scope, time, cost, quality, human resource, communications, risk, procurement, and stakeholder management. This course also provides broader lessons in project management for students and practitioners alike. By weaving together theory and practice, this course presents an understandable, integrated view of the many concepts, skills, tools, and techniques of information technology project management. The comprehensive design of the text provides a strong foundation for students and practitioners in project management.

2. Learning Objectives Upon completion of this course, the course will equip the students with adequate knowledge in managing project for business performance, especially in achieving goal of corporate strategies. Through this lecture, students are being expected to be able to: 1. Improve managerial skill in managing and delivering project success through

adequate knowledge of project management tools and techniques in whole project cycles.

2. Define and implement the project manager’s roles and responsibilities. 3. Develop project plan and schedule as well as its related endeavors in estimating and

reducing the project time and cost, in order to deliver project on time, on budget, and on customer satisfaction.

4. Identify, assess and develop response to project risks/uncertainties. 5. Measure, evaluate, monitor, and control the project.

3. Supported Graduate Learning Outcome GRADUATE LEARNING OUTCOME LEARNING OBJECTIVE 1. Sikap dan tata nilai

a. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mampu menunjukkan sikap religius;

b. Menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan dalam menjalankan tugas berdasarkan agama, moral, dan etika;


c. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan Pancasila;

d. Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air, memiliki nasionalisme serta rasa tanggung jawab pada negara dan bangsa;

e. Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain;

f. Bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan;

g. Taat hukum dan disiplin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara;

h. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik; x i. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan di

bidang keahliannya secara mandiri; dan x

j. Menginternalisasi semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahaan.


2. Penguasaan pengetahuan

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a. Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen bisnis x b. Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen pemasaran,

operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan x

c. Memahami konsep dan teknik-teknik pemecahan masalah bisnis


d. Memahami konsep dan teori tanggung jawab bisnis terhadap sosial dan lingkungan


3. Ketrampilan khusus a. Mampu mengelola dan menjalankan bisnis baik bisnis

baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan


b. Mampu bekerja pada bidang pemasaran, operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan pada sektor swasta maupun pemerintahan


c. Mampu melakukan analisa dan pemecahan masalah bisnis menggunakan metode ilmiah dan prinsip-prinsip manajemen


d. Mampu memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bidang manajemen


e. Mampu mengidentifikasi peluang bisnis dan memformulasikan dalam rencana bisnis yang komprehensif


f. Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan dan tertulis, dengan menggunakan berbagai saluran komunikasi.


4. Ketrampilan umum a. Mampu melakukan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat

berdasarkan analisis dan informasi yang akurat x

b. Mampu melakukan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengendalian serta evaluasi pada level operasional suatu organisasi


c. Mampu merencanakan, mengelola, dan mengendalikan sumber daya bisnis


d. Bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasi


4. Textbook Main: • Santosa, Budi (1997). Manajemen Proyek, Guna Widya, Edisi 1 cetakan 2. • Gray & Larson (2004). Project Management, the Managerial Process, Mc Graw Hill,

Boston. • Kerzner, H. (2003). Project Management: A systems approach to planning,

scheduling, and controlling. Eight Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. • Schwalbe, K. (2013). Information Technology Project Management 7th edition.

Cengage Learning. Supporting: • International Journals on Project Management Topics

5. Prerequisite None

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6. Workload and Learning Approach The workload of this course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150 minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business project

7. Course Schedule

Week Learning Outcome Reading In Class Discussion and Homework*

1 Projects and Project Management (PM) Overview


2 Project Organization and Stakeholder Management


3 Project Selection PPT 3

4 Project Planning PPT 4 5 Project Scheduling PPT 5

6 Introduction to PMBOK

PPT 1 (schwabble)

7 Project Scope in PMBOK PPT 5 (schwabble)

8 Project Communication in PMBOK PPT 10 (schwabble)

9 Mid Term Exam

10 Ms Project Tutorial ( Project Scheduling) PPT 7

11 Project Risk Management PPT 8

12 Reducing Project Duration + Discussion of Case Study


13 Resource Allocation and Levelling + Discussion of Case Study


14 Ms Project Tutorial (Resource Allocation and Levelling)


15 Project Controling and EVA PPT 9

16 Final Exam

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8. Assessment Type of Assessment Learning

Objective Due Date Bobot

Mid-Term Exam All Week 9 30% Final Exam All Week 16 30% Case Studies and Quiz All Random 25%

Assignment + Class Activities All Random 15% Total 100% *If there is no quiz, the score will be placed to Mid-Term or Final Exam

9. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. “Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper. • Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted

individually. • Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the

test. • Collaborating with another student during a test without authority. • Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or

in part the contents of an un-administered test. • Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. • Purchasing a test and submitting it.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. “Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.

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Marketing of High-Tech Product


ODD SEMESTER 2018/2019

Arranged By :




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Marketing High-Techonlogy ODD SEMESTER 2018/2019

Lecturer : Satria Fadil Persada, S.Kom, MBA, PhD


Room : -

Email: : [email protected]; [email protected]

Consultation : By Appointment

Tutor :

Room :

Email: :

Consultation :

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P a g e | 1

1. Synopsis/ Brief Introduction Marketing for high-tech is needed due to the environment dynamic, in which they rapidly changed as well as the need of decision making with incomplete information. This course describes the understanding of interval innovation, the vital of research and development stages, and the life cycle of products and businesses. Not only covers the high-tech industries in specific, this course is designed to explore more on diversity on the existed high-tech products/services. However, because most of the high-techs are used by business consumers (this is in contrary with individual consumers/household), many priciples are discussed with b2b marketing approaches. Issues faced by small and big businesses will also be addressed. This course will provide the balance between theoretical (reading concept) and practical analysis (industrial analysis, case studies, and projects).

2. Learning Objectives The objectives of this course are:

1. Define the characteristics of high-tech industries 2. Understand the types of innovations and marketing impacts 3. Explain the needs and issues in adoption and consumer based orientation 4. Understand how to use the tools for marketing research/intelligence in hig-tech industries 5. Demonstrate the alliance strategy and partnership in marketing technology 6. Understand the policies and considerations of ethics in technological area 7. Memahami kebijakan dan pertimbangan etis dari area teknologi


1. Sikap dan tata nilai

a. Bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa dan mampu menunjukkan sikap religius;

b. Menjunjung tinggi nilai kemanusiaan dalam menjalankan tugas berdasarkan agama, moral, dan etika;

c. Berkontribusi dalam peningkatan mutu kehidupan bermasyarakat, berbangsa, bernegara, dan kemajuan peradaban berdasarkan Pancasila;

d. Berperan sebagai warga negara yang bangga dan cinta tanah air, memiliki nasionalisme serta rasa tanggung jawab pada negara dan bangsa;

e. Menghargai keanekaragaman budaya, pandangan, agama, dan kepercayaan, serta pendapat atau temuan orisinal orang lain;

f. Bekerja sama dan memiliki kepekaan sosial serta kepedulian terhadap masyarakat dan lingkungan;

g. Taat hukum dan disiplin dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat dan bernegara;

h. Menginternalisasi nilai, norma, dan etika akademik;

i. Menunjukkan sikap bertanggungjawab atas pekerjaan di bidang keahliannya secara mandiri; dan

j. Menginternalisasi semangat kemandirian, kejuangan, dan kewirausahaan.

2. Penguasaan pengetahuan

a. Memahami konsep dasar sistem informasi

b. Memahami komponen dari sistem sistem informasi

c. Memahami konsep sistem informasi dan pengaplikasian nya di area

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P a g e | 2



d. Memahami konsep manajemen perusahaan terhadap sistem informasi

3. Ketrampilan khusus

a. Mampu mengelola dan menjalankan bisnis baik bisnis baru (startup) maupun yang sudah berjalan dengan menerapkan prinsip-prinsip manajemen bisnis, tanggung jawab sosial dan keberlanjutan

b. Mampu bekerja pada bidang pemasaran, operasional, sumber daya manusia, dan keuangan pada sektor swasta maupun pemerintahan

c. Mampu melakukan analisa dan pemecahan masalah bisnis menggunakan metode ilmiah dan prinsip-prinsip manajemen

d. Mampu memanfaatkan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi dalam bidang manajemen

e. Mampu mengidentifikasi peluang bisnis dan memformulasikan dalam rencana bisnis yang komprehensif

f. Mampu berkomunikasi secara efektif, baik secara lisan dan tertulis, dengan menggunakan berbagai saluran komunikasi.

4. Ketrampilan umum

a. Mampu melakukan pengambilan keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan analisis dan informasi yang akurat

b. Mampu melakukan perencanaan, pengorganisasian, pengarahan, dan pengendalian serta evaluasi pada level operasional suatu organisasi

c. Mampu merencanakan, mengelola, dan mengendalikan sumber daya bisnis

d. Bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasi

4. Textbook • Jakki, J. M. (2010). Marketing of High-Technology Products and Innovations, 3rd Edition. Pearson

Internasional Edition

5. Pre-requisite Marketing management

6. Workload and Learning Approach The workload of this course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150 minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business project

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P a g e | 3

7. Course Schedule Week Learning Outcome Reading Assignment

1 Topic 1: Introduction to the World of High-Technology Marketing

• Provides more thorough overview of the role of marketing in the high-tech

company • Offers a broader presentation of the

types of innovation (e.g., disruptive versus sustaining innovations, architectural versus modular

innovations) • Introduces key topics such as

technology life cycles and industry standards (dominant designs) earlier

in the text • Previews new topics including

corporate social responsibility, base-of-the-pyramid markets, and the intersection of technology and solving global problems (energy technologies, health care, One Laptop

Per Child, etc.)

Chapter 1 Grouping

2 Topic 2: Strategic Market Planning in High-

Tech Firms

• Covers value propositions—the foundation for competitive strategy—more explicitly, including the pros and cons of three types of value propositions (the “All Benefits,” the “Favorable Points of Difference,” and the “Resonating

Focus” value propositions)

• Provides thorough coverage of four archetypal strategies: the Product Leader (Prospector), the Fast Follower (Analyzer), the Differentiated Defender (Customer Intimate), and the Low-Cost

Defender (Operationally Excellent)

• Discusses how to develop a marketing performance measurement system, including marketing dashboards, to provide specific feedback on what is working well and what needs to be


Chapter 2 -Group 1 Case Study Chapter 1 -Every group need to prepare 1 scientific article related to new hi-tech product. Every group will present their paper for 10 minutes in the 3rd week.

3 Topic 3: Culture and Climate Considerations Chapter 3 -Group 2 Case Study

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P a g e | 4

for High-Tech Companies and New Product

• In recognition of the importance of the topic, devotes the entire chapter to culture and the organization’s shared

values of innovativeness

• Gives greater consideration to the characteristics of a culture of innovation, and the facilitators and obstacles to maintaining a culture of innovativeness

Chapter 2 Every group present their paper

4 Topic 4: Market Orientation and Cross-

Functional (Marketing–R&D) Interaction

• Provides the latest evidence of how being market oriented leads to superior


• Differentiates between responsive (market-driven) and proactive (market-

driving) dimensions of market


• Includes questions for companies to assess their performance on each

dimension of market orientation

• Integrates the section on new product development teams (which appeared in a

later chapter in the second edition) into the section on cross-functional


• Provides more comprehensive discussion of the benefits of, facilitating conditions

for, and challenges to the effectiveness

of cross-functional development teams

• Continues the focus on the marketing–R&D interaction as crucial in high-tech


Chapter 4 -Group 3 Case Study Chapter 3

5 Topic 5: Partnerships, Alliances, and

Customer Relationships

• Includes a broader presentation of the types of alliances, including, for example, alliances for new product development, industry clusters, and networks used for

an open innovation model

• Provides extended coverage of the issues in managing outsourcing in high-tech


• Modifies the section on managing customer relationships to reflect best-

Chapter 5 -Group 4 Case Study Chapter 4

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practices policies in this area, including managing customers as investments to

maximize customer equity

6 Topic 6: Marketing Research in High-Tech Markets

• Provides benchmarking data on market research spending by a variety of industries

and companies

• Provides tables with supporting “how-to” detail for each marketing research


• Provides thorough coverage of two new

topics: o Customer-driven innovation and

customer co-creation o Biomimicry (i.e., innovation inspired

by nature)

• Adds coverage of an important quantitative forecasting model, the Bass

diffusion model

Chapter 6 -Group 5 Case Study Chapter 5

7 Topic 7: Understanding High-Tech Customers

• Highlights the important role of product design on consumers’ product evaluation


• Adds new information on product end-of-life (cradle-to-grave) decisions such as

disposal and recycling

• In light of the latest research on topics such as feature fatigue, provides an extended discussion of complexity as a

factor affecting adoption of innovation

• Offers improved structure to the section titled “Crossing the Chasm,” with better discussion on identifying a beachhead, developing a whole product for adjacent markets, and other important chasm considerations (such as developing an industry standard to reduce customer risk, positioning against competition, simplifying the product by reducing features, and beefing up customer


• Adds a new discussion of vertical and horizontal market segments as

segmentation alternatives

• Describes new tools for positioning:

Chapter 7 -Group 6 Case Study Chapter 6

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multiattribute models and perceptual


• Covers a new factor that affects customer migration decisions: the positioning and

pricing of upgrades

• Concludes with the paradoxical relationship consumers have with

technology and implications for high-tech marketing (covered in a later

chapter in the second edition)

8 Mid Term Exam

9 Topic 8: Technology and Product


• Contains new material on the opportunities and challenges for companies presented by digital

convergence trends

• Provides more thorough coverage of the pros and cons of choosing a whole product strategy (complete end-to-end solution) with a company’s own proprietary platform, versus offering a more component-based/modular approach with an open platform for

third-party providers to leverage

• Includes a new section on “The Role of Product Management in the High-Tech


• Offers a major rewrite of the section titled “Intellectual Property


Chapter 8 -Group 1 Case Study Chapter 7 -Project Proposal (Group 1-3)

10 Topic 9: Distribution Channels and Supply

Chain Management in High-Tech Markets

• Offers more extensive coverage of company-owned direct distribution

channels, including:• The company’s sales force (including an overview of the interactions between Marketing and

Sales) • Company-owned retail outlets• Sales over the company’s own website, and issues related to cannibalization and

channel conflict

• Provides a new section on multichannel


Chapter 9 -Group 2 Case Study Chapter 8 -Project Proposal (Group 4-6)

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• In a new section titled “Emerging Considerations in Distribution Channels,”

covers new topics such as the distribution for digital goods and considerations related to “the long tail,” as well as the unique distribution needs

for base-of-the-pyramid markets

• Considers four types of supply chains that are matched to the different levels and combinations of demand and supply uncertainties: efficient supply chains, risk-hedging supply chains, responsive supply

chains, and agile supply chains

• Explores a variety of technologies used to support best-practices supply chain management, including online platforms such as electronic marketplaces (hubs or exchanges) and e-procurement, reverse auctions, the available software for supply chain management including sales and operations planning (S&OP) software and service-oriented architectures, and

RFID technologies

• Discusses the emerging trend in supply chain management called green supply chains, which consider environmental impacts of all decisions from sourcing to transportation to consumption and end-of-life disposal

11 Chapter 10: Pricing Considerations in High-Tech Markets

• Presents the concept of experience curves and how they affect pricing of

high-tech durables

• Discusses cross-price elasticity of demand and how competition from other

technologies affects pricing decisions

• Provides explicit examples of life-cycle costing (total cost of ownership) for a variety of types of products, including CRM software and environmentally

friendly consumer durables

• Updates the section on the technology pricing paradox, in which companies must find new models for profitability given the inexorable downward pressure on

Chapter 10 -Group 3 Case Study Chapter 9

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price—which at the extreme means technology is free; also weaves in cutting-edge material from the popular business


• Includes other new topics such as reference price, smart (or dynamic)

pricing, and price promotions

12 Topic 11: Marketing Communication Tools

for High-Tech Markets

• Discusses all the traditional advertising and promotion tools with a “new media”


• Offers a new section titled “Internet Advertising and Promotion,” grounded in permission-based marketing, that includes new media techniques for behavioral targeting, search engine optimization, Web 2.0 tools for marketing purposes (e.g., social networking, tagging, blogs, podcasting, video and virtual worlds, the role of widgets and gadgets), and mobile advertising (including

location-based services)

• Covers the ways that the traditional media are dealing with the disruption

posed by new media

• Covers the material on website design (previously in the e-commerce chapter in

the prior edition), with an eye to the role of a company’s website in its

advertising and promotion mix

• Offers expanded coverage of Web analytics and ways to measure the

effectiveness of a website

Chapter 11 -Group 5 Case Study Chapter 10

13 Topic 12: Strategic Considerations in

Marketing Communications

• Offers expanded coverage of two strategic issues in marketing communications: strategic brand management and new product pre-


• Adds a new section on the benefits and risks of branding to companies and


Chapter 12 -Group 6 Case Study Chapter 11

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• Covers new brand-building strategies—including harnessing Web 2.0

technologies and new media, thinking strategically about corporate social responsibility, and utilizing effective

internal branding

• Continues the coverage on ingredient

brand strategies

• Updates the section on product pre-announcements with the latest academic

research and plenty of new and

interesting business examples

14 Topic 13: Strategic Considerations for the

Triple Bottom Line in High-Tech Companies

• This new chapter incorporates the latest writings on corporate social responsibility, including the triple bottom

line (profits, people, planet)

• Addresses the research findings regarding the relationship between corporate social performance and company financial


• Includes sections on:• The intersection of company strategy and environmental considerations • Social entrepreneurship

and base-of-the-pyramid strategies

• Updates the material on the digital divide

with a global focus

Chapter 13 -Final Project Presentation (Group 1-3)

15 Practices and discussions -Final Project Presentation (Group 4-6)

16 Final exam

8. Assessment Type of Assessment Learning Objective Due Date Bobot

Group Presentation 10%

Scientific Paper 5%

Team Project Proposal 10%

Team Project Report 1-6 Week 14-15 20%

Mid-Term Exam t.b.d 20%

Final Exam t.b.d 35%


*Discussion including quiz if any

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9. Assignment detail Team Project

This team Plan Project will help students to develop skills that will be very helpful during the initial

stages of marketing high-tech. The students in group will be asked to create a marketing plan as well as

business report related to high-tech product that they visit. In order to conduct the detail, the groups

need to perform field observation to the high-tech organization and propose the marketing high-tech

approach. The allowed categories are described at below:

No Hi-tech categories suggested

1 Startup tech (fintech, data science, big data, VR, software, gaming)

2 Health Products (Medical Health)

3 Electric Cars / Motorcycle (Gesits, Molina)

4 Proposed idea that is approved by the lecturer

The project report will be explained in the class.

10. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty. “Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion. “Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper.

• Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually.

• Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test.

• Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.

• Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an unadministered test.

• Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

• Purchasing a test and submitting it. “Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that work in one’s own written work offered for credit. “Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered for credit.

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Dr.oec.HSG. Syarifa Hanoum, S.T., M.T., CSEP


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1. Course Description

Companies measure business performance for many different reasons. There is a saying in the field

“You cannot manage a system unless you measure it”. Performance measurement provides

goals/objectives and strategic direction of organizations to focus its attention on what is to be done.

It encourages organizations to focus time, resources, and energy on the achievement of strategic

objectives. Performance measurement provides feedback on programs and their costs, and the

progress of the programs toward objectives. It provides information about the actual performance

of organizations time to time, in order to support the decision-making process.

This course discusses performance measurement of a company or a firm-based strategy and efficiency

approach. A strategy-based performance measurement flows from the organizational vision, mission

and the strategic planning process, to determine company’s strategic goals/objectives that will be

achieved through program accomplishments, particularly progress towards pre-established

objectives”. An efficiency-based performance measurement focuses on how good the system of an

organization converting inputs to outputs. Because performance measurement covers wide-ranging

methods in the literature, this course limit itself to the Balanced scorecard (BSC) as a strategy-focused

performance measurement, and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as an efficiency-focused

performance measurement.

2. Learning Objectives By the end of the Performance Management (PM) course, students will be able to:

a. Understand the PM basic concepts and capable to follow procedures in implementing

PM in an organization.

b. Understand the strategy-focused PM and its implementation procedure.

c. Implement the Balanced scorecard (BSC) approach in an organization.

d. Cascade Corporate BSC to business units or division.

e. Familiar with the adoption of BSC method is some particular business sectors.

f. Understand the efficiency-based PM.

g. Understand the concept of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).

h. Calculate efficiency index for simple cases.

i. Familiar with some applied research using DEA method in several business cases.

3. Prerequisite

4. Workload and Learning Approach

The workload of the PM course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150

minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies

the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and

make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before

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showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework

including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business


5. Textbook Some references for the performance management (PM) course are :

1. Robert S. Kaplan, & David P. Norton. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into

Action. Harvard Business School Press.

2. Robert S. Kaplan, & David P. Norton. (2001). The Strategy Focused Organisation : How Balanced

Scorecard Companies Thrive in The New Bussiness Environment. Harvard Business School Press.

3. Paul R. Niven. (2006). Balanced Scorecard : Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results

(2ed). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

4. Mohan Nair. (2004). Essentials of Balanced Scorecard. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

5. Marr, B. (2006). Strategic Performance Management: Leveraging and Measuring your Intangible

Value Drivers 1st Edition. Elsevier, Ltd.

6. Coelli, T.J., Rao, D.S.P., O’Donnell, C.J., & Battese, G. E. (2005). An introduction to productivity and

efficiency analysis (2nd Ed.). Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

7. Ramanathan, R. (2003). An introduction to data envelopment analysis: A tool for performance

measurement. Sage Publications Inc.

6. Course Schedule

Week Topic Reading Learning method

1 Aug 29

Introduction to performance management Strategy focused-organisation

[1] Chapter 1-2 [2] Chapter 1-2 [3] Chapter 1-2 [4] Chapter 1-3

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation Explanation of assignments

2 Sep 5

Corporate Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

[1] Chapter 3-6 [2] Chapter 3-4 [3] Chapter 3-5 [4] Chapter 4

Group presentation Class discussion Assignment: Resume of four perspectives in BSC

3 Sep 12

BSC Applications Assignment: Resume of any thesis applying BSC

Group presentation Class discussion

4 Sep 19

BSC Applications Assignment: Summary of research articles in BSC

Group presentation Class discussion

5 Sept 26

BSC Applications Determine company to be picked as a case study of the final project

Group presentation Class discussion Tutorial

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7. Assessment Type of Assessment Learning

Objective Due Date Weight

Research articles in BSC All 10%

Research articles in DEA All 10%

Final Project All 25 %

Mid-exam All 25 %

Final-exam All 30 %

Total 100%

6 Oct 3

Cascading corporate BSC to business units and divisions

[1] Chapter 1 [2] Chapter 2 [3] Chapter 7 [4] Chapter 11

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

7 Oct 10

Cascading corporate BSC to business units and divisions

Assignment: Resume of any thesis applying BSC in company level and cascading it to business units or divisions

Group presentation Class discussion

8 Oct 17

Mid-term Exam

9 Oct 24

Efficiency-based performance measurement: Basic concepts and methods

[6] Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5 [7] Chapter 1

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

10 Oct 31

Data Envelopment Analysis: Basic concepts and methods

[6] Chapter 6 [7] Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

11 Nov 7

Data Envelopment Analysis: Basic concepts and methods

[6] Chapter 6 [7] Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

12 Nov 14

Research in Data Envelopment Analysis

Assignment: Summary of research articles in DEA applications

Group presentation Class discussion

13 Nov 21

Research in Data Envelopment Analysis

Assignment: Summary of research articles in DEA applications

Group presentation Class discussion

14 Nov 28

Presentation of the BSC case studies

15 Dec 5

Presentation of the BSC case studies

16 Dec 12

Final Exam

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8. Assignment Details This course requires students to actively participate, inside and outside the classroom. Attendance and

active participation is critical to success in this class, both for lectures and for group projects. Students

should be prepared for class and are expected to participate in solving in-class problems.

In addition to active participation during the lecturing, students must involve in group discussion about

case studies given in every chapters, that will be followed by presenting the result of the discussion to

the rest of the class. In addition to mid- and final-exam that should be done in individual basis, there will

be some assignments that should be carried out in groups:

9. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course

requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials

against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.

“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

“Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper.

• Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually.

• Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test.

• Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.

• Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered test.

• Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

• Purchasing a test and submitting it.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that

work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

“Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered

for credit.

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SEMESTER 1, 2019/2020

Imam Baihaqi, ST., MSc., Ph.D

Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, ST., MT.



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SEMESTER 1, 2019/2020

Lecturer : Dr. Imam Baihaqi

Email: : [email protected]

Lecturer : Dewie Saktia Ardiantono, MT

Email: : [email protected]

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1. Course Description Logistics and Supply Chain Management deals with the integrated approach for designing and

managing the flows of materials, information, and funds not only within an internal company, but

across organizations within a supply chain. Through this course students are expected to learn various

concepts, methods, and tools to design / manage the flows of the above three elements to achieve

competitive advantage.


1. Attitude and Governance Value

a. Belief to the almighty God and able to show the religious


b. Honor the humanity value in implementing the work based

on religion, morale, and ethics

c. Contributes in development of social life quality, nation,

state, and the advancement of civilization based on



d. Play a role as the citizen who proud and love on the

homeland, have the nationalism and responsible to the

nation and state.

e. Appreciate the culture diversity, vision, religion, and beliefs,

as well as the opinion and original findings of others

f. Cooperate and having a social sensitivity and carness to the

society and environment.


g. Obey the law and discipline in society and nation

h. Internalize the value, norm, and academic ethic

i. Show the responsible behavior on the work based on their

expertise independently; and


j. Internalize the independent spirit, struggle, and


2. Knowledge Advancement

a. Understand on the theory and concept in business



b. Understand the concept and theory of marketing

management, operational management, human resource

management, and financial management


c. Understand the concept and techniques in business

problem solving


d. Understand the concept and theory of social and

environment responsibility in business.

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3. Special Skills

a. Able to manage and run the business, either the startup or

the existing by implementing the principles of business

management, social responsibility and sustainability

b. Able to work on marketing, operation, human resource, and

finance management fields in the private and government



c. Able to analyze and solve the business problem by using the

scientific method and management principles.


d. Able to utilize the science and technology in management



e. Able to identify the business opportunity and formulate the

business plan comprehensively

f. Able to communicate effectively, either verbally and written

by using the communication channels.


4. General Skills

a. Able to do the decision making correctly based on the

accurate analysis and information

b. Able to do a plan, organize, leading, and controlling as well

as evaluating on the operational level of organization


c. Able to plan, manage, and control the resource of business 4

d. Responsible on own work and can be given the

responsibility on the achievement of organizational



3. Course Work Load The workload of this course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150

minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study.

4. Prerequisite Introduction to Business Management; Quantitative Methods for Business, Operations Management

5. Teaching Approach This course adopts problem-based learning that requires students to actively participate in class

discussion, case studies as well as problems exercises provided in the textbooks. There will be

tutorials provided to enhance the learning process.

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6. References a) Chopra, S., and Meindl, P. (2016). Supply chain management: Strategy, planning, and operations,

6th Edition. Pearson.

b) Pujawan, I N. and Mahendrawathi Er (2017). Supply Chain Management, 3rd Ed.

c) Simchi-Levi, D., Kaminski, P., and Simchi-Levi, E. (2008). Designing and managing the supply

chain: Concept, strategies, and case studies. 3rd Edition, Irwin McGraw-Hill.

d) Coyle, J. J, Bardi, E., Langley, C. J. (2003), The Management of Business Logistics, 7th Ed, South-


7. Course Schedule Week Learning Outcome Reading Class Discussion

1 Introduction to Logistics and Supply Chain Management: Background, Scope, Players, Processes.

Chopra [1] Pujawan [1]


2 Supply Chain Strategy

Chopra [2] Pujawan [2]


3 Designing the Supply Chain Network

Chopra [4 & 5] Levi [3]

4 Sales and Operations Planning

Chopra [8]

5 Inventory Management In Supply Chain: Concept, Models, And Integration Issues (VMI, Joint Economic Lot Sizing, Considering Uncertainty, Etc.)

Chopra [11-13] Pujawan [6]

6 Inventory Management in Supply Chain: The Inventory Vs Service Level Connections

Pujawan [6] Chopra [11-13]

7 Case Study Presentation

8 Comprehensive Evaluation I (Written Exams)

9 Sourcing Decision in Supply Chain Chopra [15]

10 Transportation in Supply Chain Chopra [14]

11 Warehousing Management Coyle [8]

12 Supply Chain Risk Management Levi [10]

13 IT For LSCM Pujawan [9], Chopra [Part VII]

14 Pricing and Revenue Management Chopra [16]

15 Project Presentation

16 Comprehensive Evaluation II (Witten And Oral Examinations, All Materials From The Beginning)

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8. Assessment No Assessment Type Learning

Objectives Weight Deadline

1 Class Activity All 10% Weekly 2 Case presentation 1, 2 15% Week 7

3 Project Presentation 2,3, 4 15% Week 15 6 Comprehensive Evaluation I 3, 4, 5 30% Week 9 7 Comprehensive Evaluation I 3, 4, 5 30% Week 16

9. Assignment Details


Form a group of 4 – 5 members. Case study will be provided by the instructor. Each group should

read the case study carefully, discuss the important issues, and then prepare power point

presentation with a duration of about 20 minutes. Marks will be given based on understanding of the

overal context of the case study, ability to answer questions, quality of recommendations,

presentation quality and teamwork.


Form a group of 4 – 5 members and select a company. Do some interview and data collection. Prepare

presentation (about 20 minutes each) to show the problem and propose the solutions.

10. Academic Honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course

requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials

against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.

“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

“Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper. • Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually. • Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test. • Collaborating with another student during a test without authority. • Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the

contents of an un-administered test. • Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered. • Purchasing a test and submitting it.

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P a g e | 7

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of

that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

“Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work

offered for credit.

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ODD SEMESTER 2018/2019


BERTO MULIA WIBAWA, SPi, MM (Course Coordinator)



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Lecturer : Berto Mulia Wibawa, SPi, MM

Varah Nuzulfah, SM, MBA

Classroom : MB-102

Email : [email protected]/[email protected]

Consultation time : By appointment

Assistant : -

Classroom : Lab. ESME

Email : -

Consultation time : By appointment

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1. Synopsis This course deals with brands—why they are important, what they represent to consumers, and what

firms should do to manage them properly. As many business executives correctly recognize, perhaps one of the most valuable assets a firm has are the brands it has invested in and developed over time. Although competitors can often duplicate manufacturing processes and factory designs, it’s not so easy to reproduce strongly held beliefs and attitudes established in the minds of consumers. The difficulty and expense of introducing new products, however, puts more pressure than ever on firms to skillfully launch their new products as well as manage their existing brands.

Although brands may represent invaluable intangible assets, creating and nurturing a strong brand poses considerable challenges. Fortunately, the concept of brand equity—the main focus of this book—can provide marketers with valuable perspective and a common denominator to interpret the potential effects and trade-offs of various strategies and tactics for their brands. Think of brand equity as the marketing effects uniquely attributable to the brand. In a practical sense, brand equity is the added value a product accrues as a result of past investments in the marketing activity for the brand. It’s the bridge between what happened to the brand in the past and what should happen to it in the future (Keller, 2015).

2. Course objectives According to Keller (2015), some of a firm’s most valuable assets are the brands that it has invested

in and developed over time. Although manufacturing processes can often be duplicated, strongly held beliefs and attitudes established in consumers’ minds cannot. This course provides students with insights into how profitable brand strategies can be created. This course objectives are: (1) Students able and understand to create brand attributes (2) Students understand how to build brand equity (3) Students able to measure brand equity (4) Students able to capitalize on brand equity to expand their proposed business (5) Students able to understand how to create a good branding for place and itself. (6) Students able to use appropriate theoretical frameworks and models to evaluate situations and

develop options and recommendations, and deliver an outstanding presentation when launching a new brand.

Its basic objectives are to provide an understanding of: (1) Important issues in planning and evaluating brand strategies; (2) Appropriate concepts and techniques to improve the long-term profitability of brand strategies. Also the course content has relevance to students pursuing a variety of different career goals (marketing, consulting, entrepreneurship, etc.) in virtually any type of organization (public or private, large or small, etc.).

3. Credit This is 3 SKS course, 150 minutes, and once a week.

4. Pre-requisite Courses You need to make sure you meet the pre-requisites before registering for a class. This will ensure that

you are prepared to succeed in the classes you chose. The following courses must be passed and completed by all students before joining Brand Management course :

- Marketing Management

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5. Overview of Learning Activities The course consists of lectures, exercises, case discussions, and a brand launching project. Lectures, tutorials or classes to deliver core underpinning knowledge and to discuss the application of theoretical models to real world problems and situations. Prescribed readings from textbooks and other sources including journals, newspapers, articles, texts, trade magazines, and websites. Participate in team work in group assignments and tutorial activities. Apply time and self-management skills to assessable work

6. Reference Keybook : Keller, K.L. (2013). Strategic Brand Mangement 4E. Pearson, Prentice Hall. Supporting book : Keller, K.L. & Sichol, L.B. (2015). Best Practice Cases in Branding, Strategic Brand Management, 4/E. Pearson, Pretince Hall.

7. Topics and Schedules

Class Schedule Week Topic Reference

1 Brands and Brand Management Ch 1

2 Customer Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning Ch 2

3 Brand Resonance and Value Chain Ch 3

4 Choosing Brand Elements To Build Brand Equity Ch 4

5 Designing Marketing Programs To Build Brand Equity Ch 5

6 IMC To Build Brand Equity Ch 6

7 Group Presentation : Journal Analysis Ch 1-6

8 Midterm Examination Ch 1-6

9 Brand Evolution Ch 7-8

10 Create a New Brand Mixed reference

11 Team Branding Project : Branding for SMEs Ch 1-8

12 Guest Lecture Session Contemporary issues in brand management

13 Personal Branding Mixed reference

14 Place Branding Mixed reference

15 Group Presentation : Launching a New Brand (1) Ch 1-8

16 Group Presentation : Launching a New Brand (2) Ch 1-8

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8. Grading Final grades are based on my perceptions of your performance for several main requirements, roughly

according to the following weights:

No Activity Supporting Learning Outcome

Weight Deadline

1 Class participation and student activity 6 5% (VN) + 5% (BMW) During the course

2 Weekly Assignment 1,2,3,4,5 15% (VN) + 15% (BMW

During the course

3 Quiz 1,2,3,4 10% Random

4 Journal Analysis Presentation 1,2,3,4 10% Week 6

5 Midterm Exam 1,2 25% Week 8

6 Final Presentation 1,2,3,4,5 30% Week 14

9. General class rules 1. Students are expected to attend all class sessions, complete all assigned readings prior to class,

and to come prepared to participate. If their absence exceeds more than three times, they will have NO GRADE for this class.

2. Students are expected to arrive on time and to stay for the duration of the class 3. Use of laptops, handphones, and tablets are not allowed during class. 4. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty can have some severe penalties and repercussions (50%

penalty) 5. Late submissions of assessment task per day is -50% from the original score 6. If you will be absent on the day a midterm/final exam because a special case, please inform the

lecturer by 1 day before exam. Supplementary exam will be oral examination.

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TB 141306






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1. Course Description To survive and thrive in a competitive business environment, organisations require more than just

business strategic plans. They need the right talented human resources to put those strategic objectives

into place and effectively implement the business plans.

Human resource management (HRM) is defined as the effective use of human capital in an organisation

through the management of people-related activities. The general purpose of HRM course is to familiarise

students with the basic principles and techniques of HRM with the technical aspects of implementing the

HR function in the ‘real business world.’ The course involves strategic HR, employment planning, recruiting

and selecting employees, training and compensating them, and evaluating their performance.

2. Learning Objectives Upon completion of the HRM course, students will be able to, as follows:

Identify HR strategies and planning tools.

Explain equal treatment, employee rights and responsibilities, and equal opportunity


Describe workforce management and job analysis techniques.

Conduct a job or competency analysis outline job description and specification (competency matrix).

Design training and development programmes based on training need analysis.

Understand the importance of and tools for recruiting and retaining high quality talent, including

compensation, rewards, and employee benefits.

Describe employee assessment and development strategies and tactics.

Recognize emerging trends, opportunities and challenges in performance appraisal.

Design performance appraisal questionnaire.

Discuss the roles of union and management’s labour relations responsibilities

3. Prerequisite

TB141301 – Introduction to Business Management

4. Workload and Learning Approach

The workload of the HRM course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150

minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies

the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and

make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before

showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework

including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business


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5. Textbook The main reference for the HRM course will be :

Dessler, G. (2013). Human Resource Management (13th edition), Pearson.

Other references can be picked from the following list:

Meija, L., Balkin, D., Cardy, R (2012). Managing Human Resources (7th Edition), Pearson. [MBC]

6. Course Schedule

Week Topic Reading Learning method Lecturer in Charge

1 Aug 27

Introduction to the course.

Introduction to HRM.

Strategic HRM

RP the course of HRM

Chapter 1 of the book

Chapter 3 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation Explanation of assignments

General Lecture (SH)

2 Sep 3

Introduction to HRM.

Strategic HRM

Case study of chapter 1

Case study of chapter 3

Group presentation Class discussion


3 Sep 10

Job Analysis

Chapter 4 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

General Lecture (SH)

4 Sep 17

Human resource planning and Talent Management

Chapter 4 of the book

Chapter 5 of the book

Guest lecture SFP (SH will be away)

5 Sep 24

Employee testing and selection

Chapter 6 of the book

Chapter 7 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

General Lecture SFP

(SH will be away)

6 Oct 1

Equal Opportunity and the Law in Recruitment and Placement

Chapter 2 of the book

Chapter 6 of the book

Chapter 7 of the book

Guest lecture SFP (SH will be away)

7 Oct 8

Training and Developing Employees

Chapter 8 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

General Lecture (SH)

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Week Topic Reading Learning method Lecturer in Charge

8 Oct 15

Selected articles in Strategic HRM

Selected articles Group presentation Class discussion


9 Oct 22

Mid-term Exam

10 Oct 29

Employee Performance Management

Chapter 9 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

General Lecture (SH)

11 Nov 5

Career Management Chapter 10 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation


12 Nov 12

Compensation Management

Chapter 11, 12, 13 of the book

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

General Lecture (SFP)

13 Nov 26

Employee relations, health and safety

Chapter 14, 15, 16 of the book

Guest lecture SFP

14 Des 3

Presentation of HRM class final project


15 Des 10

Presentation of HRM class final project


16 Des 17

Final Exam

7. Assessment Type of Assessment Learning

Objective Due Date Weight

Chapters’ case studies All Each week, before class 10%

Research articles in Strategic HRM All Week 8 15%

HRM class final project (tutorial) All Week 14 25 %

Mid-exam All Week 9 25 %

Final-exam Week 16 25 %

Total 100%

8. Assignment Details This course requires students to actively participate, inside and outside the classroom. Attendance and

active participation is critical to success in this class, both for lectures and for group projects. Students

should be prepared for class and are expected to participate in solving in-class problems.

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In addition to active participation during the lecturing, students must involve in group discussion about

case studies given in every chapters, that will be followed by presenting the result of the discussion to

the rest of the class. In addition to mid- and final-exam that should be done in individual basis, there will

be two primary assignments that should be carried out in groups:

Selected articles Strategic HRM Students is required to pick a published research article in Strategic HRM. The chosen article

requires an approval from the lecturers due to their relevant to the topic. The article should be read,

understood, and summarized, before being presented in Week 8.

HCP final project (tutorial) Students is required to find a company in which they can get a certain access to study about the

implementation of HRM. In the beginning, student should do everything they could to obtain a profile

of HR function in the company, by doing: interview, observation, study the company’s document.

Students should consult the HRM tutorial module to find out the tasks need to be done, and the

format of the final project report to be prepared.

9. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course

requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials

against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.

“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

“Cheating” on test includes:

Copying from another student’s test paper.

Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually.

Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test.

Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.

Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered test.

Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

Purchasing a test and submitting it.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that

work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

“Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered

for credit.

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1. Synopsis/Description This course introduces students to the basic concepts of international business and basic

skills to understand the internationalization of the country, industry and company. Topics include understanding about global business environment, internationalization strategy and management of international business operations, that include international human resources management, international operational management, international marketing and R&D. This course also offers basic research, analytical and communication skills, that are necessary for international business graduates.

2. Learning Outcome By the end of course, students are expected to obtain the following knowledge and skills:

1. Ability to understand country differences, different type of international business

institutions, the regional trade agreements, and its implications for business.

2. Ability to conduct research about country specific, the balance of trade, opportunities

and challenges of Indonesia businesses in entering and doing international business

3. Ability to use several management tools to make internationalisation decision and

maintain the business

3. Learning Methods The course consists of lectures, exercises, case discussions, and an applicable

international business project. Lectures, tutorials or classes to deliver core underpinning knowledge and to discuss the application of theoretical models to real world problems and situations. Prescribed readings from textbooks and other sources including journals, newspapers, articles, texts, trade magazines, and websites. Participate in team work in group assignments and tutorial activities. Apply time and self-management skills to assessable work.

4. Credit This is 3 SKS course, 150 minutes, and once a week.

5. Pre-requisite Courses No prerequisite to attend this course

6. Reference Books Keybook : Hill, C.W.L. (2017). International Business: Competing in the global market place. 9th edition. New York: McGraw-Hill/Irwin. Supporting books : Mendenhal, M., Punnet, B.J., and Ricks, D. (1995). Global Management. Cambridge: Blackwell Publishers. Baron, D.P. (2013). Business and Its Environment. 7th edition. Boston: Pearson Education Inc. Raghunath, S., & Rose, E.L. (2017). International business: Perspectives on Implementation

in Emerging Markets. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

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7. Grading/Marking Scheme Final grades are based on lecturer perceptions of your performance for the five main

requirements, roughly according to the following weights:

No Activity Weight

1 GROUP WORK: Data collection, presentation, discussion participation


2 Guest lecture summary 2x10% 20%

3 Individual participation in the class 15%

4 Mid term exam: case study 20%

5 End of semester exam 25%

TOTAL 100%

Grade Final Score

A ≥86 - 100

AB 76 – 85

B 66 – 75

BC 61 – 65

C 56 – 60

D 41 – 55

E 0 – 40

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8. Topic and Course Schedule

Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

1 Topic 1: Introduction- Globalization - Understand what is meant by the term globalization. - Recognize the main drivers of globalization. - Describe the changing nature of the global economy. - Explain the main arguments in the debate over the impact

of globalization. - Explain how the process of globalization is creating opportunities

and challenges for business managers.

Chap 1 Hill (2017).

- Homework 1: Explore the case of international business and prepare for political economy

2 Self study – Case analysis and summary of Political Economy -

3 Topic 2: Political Economy - Understand how the political systems of countries differ. - Understand how the economic systems of countries differ. - Understand how the legal systems of countries differ. - Able to list difference of selected countries in terms of political,

economics and legal system. - Explain the implications for management practice of

national differences in political economy.

Chap 2-3 Hill (2017)

Discussion - Discuss Bab 2 Question 2 - Discuss Bab 3 Question 1 Homework 2: - Case Study: Indonesia Stumbling giant

Questions: - Is the case still valid today? Is Indonesia still in the same

situation? If yes, answer the questions in the case. - If not, how does Indonesia change?

4 Topic 3: Culture, Ethics and Social Responsibility - Explain what is meant by the culture of a society. - Identify the forces that lead to differences in social culture. - Identify the business and economic implications of

differences in culture. - Recognize how differences in social culture influence

values in the workplace. - Demonstrate an appreciation for the economic and

Chap 4-5 Hill (2017)

Discussion - What are different business practices between Islamic countries

to Anglo Saxon (Liberal – Christian) countries? - How can companies benefit from adopting a written code of

ethics? - What are some examples of what companies do to act in a

socially responsible way toward customers? Toward employees?

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Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

business implications of cultural change - Understand the ethical issues faces by international

businesses. - Recognize an ethical dilemma. - Identify the causes of unethical behavior by managers. - Describe the different philosophical approaches to ethics. - Explain how managers can incorporate ethical consideration in

decision making

- What are some ways in which organizations act in a socially responsible way toward the environment?

5 Topic 4: International Trade Theory & Political Economy of International Trade

- Understand why nations trade with each other. - Summarize the different theories explaining trade flows

between nations. - Recognize why many economists believe that unrestricted free

trade between nations will raise the economic welfare of countries that participate in a free trade system.

- Explain the arguments of those who maintain that government can play a proactive role in promoting national competitive advantage in certain industries.

- Understand the important implications that international trade theory holds for business practice.

- Identify the policy instruments used by governments to influence international trade flows.

- Understand why governments sometimes intervene in international trade.

- Summarize and explain the arguments against strategic trade policy.

- Describe the development of the world trading system and the current trade issue.

- Explain the implications for managers of developments in the world trading system.

Chap 6-7 Hill (2017)

Discussion - Bab 6: Question 8

Assignment 1: Indonesia and xxx (name of country partner): potential and challenges of international business – to be handed by week 9:

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Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

6 Topic 5: Foreign direct investment - Recognize current trends regarding foreign direct investment (FDI) in the world economy. - Explain the different theories of FDI. - Understand how political ideology shapes a government's attitudes toward FDI. - Describe the benefits and costs of FDI to home and host countries. - Explain the range of policy instruments that governments use to influence FDI. - Identify the implications for managers of the theory and government policies associated with FDI.

Chap 8 Hill (2017)

Discussion : - Some countries focus on inward looking FDI while other on outward

looking FDI. Which approach is better? Please explain and give example. - Case presentation

7 Topic 6: Regional Economic Integration - Describe the different levels of regional economic

integration. - Understand the economic and political arguments for

regional economic integration. - Understand the economic and political arguments against

regional economic integration. - Explain the history, current scope, and future prospects of

the world's most important regional economic agreements. - Understand the implications for business that are inherent

in regional economic integration agreements.

Chap. 9 Hill (2017)

Discussion ASEAN member countries differ in terms of economic, social and political characters and performance.

- What do we learn from Brexit and what should ASEAN maintain and avoid?

- What role should Indonesia do in ASEAN to maintain the competitiveness of the country and region? Discuss the challenges.

8 Topic 7: Global Economic System - Describe the functions of the foreign exchange market. - Understand what is meant by spot exchange rates. - Recognize the role that forward exchange rates play in

insuring against foreign exchange risk. - Describe the historical development of the modern global

monetary system. - Explain the role played by the World Bank and the IMF in

the international monetary system.

Chap 10-12 Hill (2017)

Chapter 10, Do exercise 1 and 2 – discuss Chapter 11, Do exercise 1 and 2 – discuss Chapter 12, do exercise 1 and 2 - discuss

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Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

- Compare and contrast the differences between a fixed and a floating exchange rate system.

- Identify exchange rate regimes used in the world today and why countries adopt different exchange rate regimes.

- Understand the debate surrounding the role of the IMF in the management of financial crises.

- Explain the implications of the global monetary system for currency management and business strategy.

- Describe the benefits of the global capital market. - Understand how foreign exchange risks impacts upon the

cost of capital..

9 Topic 8: GUEST LECTURE –Indonesia development in the Global Monetary System

Chap 10-12 Hill (2017)

Discussion Assignment 2

10 MID-TERM EXAM Chapter 1-12, Assignment 1 & 2 due

11 Topic 9: Strategy and Structure of International Business - Explain the concept of strategy. - Recognize how firms can profit by expanding globally. - Understand how pressures for cost reductions and

pressures for local responsiveness influence strategic choice. - Identify the different strategies for competing globally and

their pros and cons. - Explain how a supply chain strategy differs from traditional

strategies for coordinating operations among firms. - Explain what is meant by organization architecture. - Describe the different organizational choices that can be

made in an international business. - Explain how organization can be matched to strategy to

improve the performance of an international business.

Chap 13-14 Hill (2017)

Discussion - Chapter 13, Question 1

Assignment 3: Study an international company in the country focus, explore its organizational strategy & structure.

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Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

- Discuss what is required for an international business to change its organization so that it better matches its strategy.

12 Topic 10: Entry Strategy and Strategic Alliances - Explain the three basic decisions that firms contemplating

foreign expansion must make: which markets to enter, when to enter those markets, and on what scale.

- Compare and contrast the different modes that firms use to enter foreign markets.

- Identify the factors that influence a firm's choice of entry mode.

- Recognize the pros and cons of acquisitions versus greenfield ventures as an entry strategy.

- Evaluate the pros

Chab 15 Hill (2017)

Discussion Chapter 15. Question 2 & 3

Homework3 : IKEA business model

13 Topic 11: Exporting, Importing, Countertrade and Global Production system

- Explain the promises and risks associated with exporting. - Identify the steps managers can take to improve their

firm's export performance. - Identify information sources and government programs

that exist to help exporters. - Recognize the basic steps involved in export financing. - Describe how countertrade can be used to facilitate

exporting. - Explain why production and logistics decisions are of

central importance to many multinational businesses. - Explain how country differences, production technology,

and product features all affect the choice of where to locate production activities.

- Recognize how the role of foreign subsidiaries in production can be enhanced over time as they accumulate knowledge.

- Identify the factors that influence a firm's decision of

Chap 16-17 Hill (2017)

Discussion Chapter 16. Question 3 To add on assignment 3: - Data exploration – Export import countries focus.

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Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

whether to source supplies from within the company or from foreign suppliers.

- Describe what is required to efficiently coordinate a globally dispersed production system.

14 Topic 12: Global marketing and R&D - Explain why it might make sense to vary the attributes of a

product from country to country. - Recognize why and how a firm's distribution strategy might

vary among countries. - Identify why and how advertising and promotional

strategies might vary among countries. - Explain why and how a firm's pricing strategy might vary

among countries. - Describe how the globalization of the world economy is affecting


Chap 18 Hill (2017)

Discussion Companies can either develop standard product or product adaptation to meet certain markets. Which one is better? Discuss To add on assignment 3:

- Companies are using multichannel marketing. Please explain about this channel and why it is useful?

15 Topic 13: Global Human Resource Management - Summarize the strategic role of human resource

management in the international business. - Identify the pros and cons of different approaches to

staffing policy in the international business. - Explain why managers may fail to thrive in foreign postings. - Recognize how management development and training

programs can increase the value of human capital in the international business firm.

- Explain how and why performance appraisal systems might vary across nations.

- Understand how and why compensation systems might vary across nations.

- Understand how organized labor can influence strategic choices in international business firms.

Chap 19 Hill (2017)

Discussion Chapter 19, Question 3 Homework4: Read chapter 18, Raghunath & Rose (2017): Leadership Excellence in Organizations in the Mekong Region: A Comparative Study of Thailand, Cambodia, Lao, and Vietnam Answer the following questions: Do the findings applicable to Indonesia context, as these countries are ASEAN countries and also emerging economies? Discuss.

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Week Course topic and coverage Reference Remarks

16 Topic 14: Accounting and Finance in International Business - Discuss the national differences in accounting standards. - Explain the implications of the rise of international

accounting standards. - Explain how accounting systems affect control systems

within the multinational enterprise. - Discuss how operating in different nations impacts

investment decisions within the multinational enterprise. - Discuss the different financing options available to the

foreign subsidiary of a multinational enterprise. - Understand how money management in the international

business can be used to minimize cash balances, transaction costs, and taxation.

- Understand the basic techniques for global money management

Chap 20 Hill (2017)

16 FINAL EXAM Assignment 3 due

*) Homework:

- Homework is group work, and can be consulted with the tutor.

*) Class discussion:

- Students need to read the materials prior to lecture and join the class discussion.

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Dr.oec.HSG. Syarifa Hanoum, S.T., M.T., CSEP


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1. Course Description

Companies measure business performance for many different reasons. There is a saying in the field

“You cannot manage a system unless you measure it”. Performance measurement provides

goals/objectives and strategic direction of organizations to focus its attention on what is to be done.

It encourages organizations to focus time, resources, and energy on the achievement of strategic

objectives. Performance measurement provides feedback on programs and their costs, and the

progress of the programs toward objectives. It provides information about the actual performance

of organizations time to time, in order to support the decision-making process.

This course discusses performance measurement of a company or a firm-based strategy and efficiency

approach. A strategy-based performance measurement flows from the organizational vision, mission

and the strategic planning process, to determine company’s strategic goals/objectives that will be

achieved through program accomplishments, particularly progress towards pre-established

objectives”. An efficiency-based performance measurement focuses on how good the system of an

organization converting inputs to outputs. Because performance measurement covers wide-ranging

methods in the literature, this course limit itself to the Balanced scorecard (BSC) as a strategy-focused

performance measurement, and Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as an efficiency-focused

performance measurement.

2. Learning Objectives By the end of the Performance Management (PM) course, students will be able to:

a. Understand the PM basic concepts and capable to follow procedures in implementing

PM in an organization.

b. Understand the strategy-focused PM and its implementation procedure.

c. Implement the Balanced scorecard (BSC) approach in an organization.

d. Cascade Corporate BSC to business units or division.

e. Familiar with the adoption of BSC method is some particular business sectors.

f. Understand the efficiency-based PM.

g. Understand the concept of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA).

h. Calculate efficiency index for simple cases.

i. Familiar with some applied research using DEA method in several business cases.

3. Prerequisite

4. Workload and Learning Approach

The workload of the PM course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study, 150

minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course applies

the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the class and

make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare before

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showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and homework

including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and business


5. Textbook Some references for the performance management (PM) course are :

1. Robert S. Kaplan, & David P. Norton. (1996). The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy Into

Action. Harvard Business School Press.

2. Robert S. Kaplan, & David P. Norton. (2001). The Strategy Focused Organisation : How Balanced

Scorecard Companies Thrive in The New Bussiness Environment. Harvard Business School Press.

3. Paul R. Niven. (2006). Balanced Scorecard : Maximizing Performance and Maintaining Results

(2ed). John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

4. Mohan Nair. (2004). Essentials of Balanced Scorecard. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

5. Marr, B. (2006). Strategic Performance Management: Leveraging and Measuring your Intangible

Value Drivers 1st Edition. Elsevier, Ltd.

6. Coelli, T.J., Rao, D.S.P., O’Donnell, C.J., & Battese, G. E. (2005). An introduction to productivity and

efficiency analysis (2nd Ed.). Springer Science + Business Media, Inc.

7. Ramanathan, R. (2003). An introduction to data envelopment analysis: A tool for performance

measurement. Sage Publications Inc.

6. Course Schedule

Week Topic Reading Learning method

1 Aug 29

Introduction to performance management Strategy focused-organisation

[1] Chapter 1-2 [2] Chapter 1-2 [3] Chapter 1-2 [4] Chapter 1-3

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation Explanation of assignments

2 Sep 5

Corporate Balanced Scorecard (BSC)

[1] Chapter 3-6 [2] Chapter 3-4 [3] Chapter 3-5 [4] Chapter 4

Group presentation Class discussion Assignment: Resume of four perspectives in BSC

3 Sep 12

BSC Applications Assignment: Resume of any thesis applying BSC

Group presentation Class discussion

4 Sep 19

BSC Applications Assignment: Summary of research articles in BSC

Group presentation Class discussion

5 Sept 26

BSC Applications Determine company to be picked as a case study of the final project

Group presentation Class discussion Tutorial

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7. Assessment Type of Assessment Learning

Objective Due Date Weight

Research articles in BSC All 10%

Research articles in DEA All 10%

Final Project All 25 %

Mid-exam All 25 %

Final-exam All 30 %

Total 100%

6 Oct 3

Cascading corporate BSC to business units and divisions

[1] Chapter 1 [2] Chapter 2 [3] Chapter 7 [4] Chapter 11

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

7 Oct 10

Cascading corporate BSC to business units and divisions

Assignment: Resume of any thesis applying BSC in company level and cascading it to business units or divisions

Group presentation Class discussion

8 Oct 17

Mid-term Exam

9 Oct 24

Efficiency-based performance measurement: Basic concepts and methods

[6] Chapter 1, 3, 4, 5 [7] Chapter 1

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

10 Oct 31

Data Envelopment Analysis: Basic concepts and methods

[6] Chapter 6 [7] Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

11 Nov 7

Data Envelopment Analysis: Basic concepts and methods

[6] Chapter 6 [7] Chapter 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Lecturing Class discussion Group discussion Group presentation

12 Nov 14

Research in Data Envelopment Analysis

Assignment: Summary of research articles in DEA applications

Group presentation Class discussion

13 Nov 21

Research in Data Envelopment Analysis

Assignment: Summary of research articles in DEA applications

Group presentation Class discussion

14 Nov 28

Presentation of the BSC case studies

15 Dec 5

Presentation of the BSC case studies

16 Dec 12

Final Exam

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8. Assignment Details This course requires students to actively participate, inside and outside the classroom. Attendance and

active participation is critical to success in this class, both for lectures and for group projects. Students

should be prepared for class and are expected to participate in solving in-class problems.

In addition to active participation during the lecturing, students must involve in group discussion about

case studies given in every chapters, that will be followed by presenting the result of the discussion to

the rest of the class. In addition to mid- and final-exam that should be done in individual basis, there will

be some assignments that should be carried out in groups:

9. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course

requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials

against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.

“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

“Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper.

• Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually.

• Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test.

• Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.

• Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered test.

• Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

• Purchasing a test and submitting it.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of that

work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

“Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work offered

for credit.

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1. Synopsis/Description We are all consumers. We buy groceries, computers, and cars. However, we also know that consumers

differ from each other. We buy different clothes, drive different cars, and eat different foods. Even the same consumer can make different decisions depending on the situation. So how are we to construct coherent marketing strategies?

Consumer behavior is an exciting area. Every day, we are exposed to hundreds or thousands of marketing stimuli, which are designed to inform, persuade, and influence our purchase decisions. These stimuli are designed and constructed based upon the implicit theories that marketers have about how consumers behave. This course examines social science and consumer behavior research for concepts and principles that marketers can use to better understand customers and meet their needs. In this class we will try to learn why consumers behave the way that they do. We will explore our intuitions about our own behavior, learn about theories developed in marketing, psychology, and sociology, and learn to use these theories to predict how consumers will respond to marketing actions.

2. Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students acquire knowledge of:

1. A framework for analyzing consumer behavior problems 2. Predict how consumers will react to different marketing strategies 3. Consumers’ mental and physical processes of acquiring, consuming, and experiencing products 4. The mechanisms of influence that are most likely to lead consumers to change their attitudes, their

beliefs, and, most importantly their actions 5. Apply concepts, theories, models, and tools in developing consumer behavior driven marketing

strategies. 6. The use of appropriate theoretical frameworks and models in consumer behavior science to

evaluate situations and develop options and recommendations, and deliver an outstanding presentation.

3. Learning Methods The course consists of lectures, exercises, case discussions, and an applicable consumer behavior

project. Lectures, tutorials or classes to deliver core underpinning knowledge and to discuss the application of theoretical models to real world problems and situations. Prescribed readings from textbooks and other sources including journals, newspapers, articles, texts, trade magazines, and websites. Participate in team work in group assignments and tutorial activities. Apply time and self-management skills to assessable work.

4. Credits This is 3 SKS course, 150 minutes, and once a week.

5. Pre-requisite Courses You need to make sure you meet the pre-requisites before registering for a class. This will ensure that

you are prepared to succeed in the classes you chose. The following courses must be passed and completed by all students before joining Consumer Behavior course :

- Marketing Management

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6. References Keybook : 1. Solomon, M. R. (2017). Consumer Behavior: Buying, Having, and Being, 12th Edition. Toronto:

Pearson Prentice Hall.

Supporting Books :

2. Schiffman, L.G. & Wisenblit, J. (2015). Consumer Behavior, 11th Edition. Pearson Pretince Hall.

3. Sumarwan, U. (2011). Perilaku Konsumen. Ghalia Indonesia.

(1) (2) (3)

7. Topics and Schedules Class Schedule

Week Topic Source

1 Introduction to Consumer Behavior

Syllabus (1) Ch. 1 (2) Ch. 1 (3) Ch. 1

2 Consumer and Social Well-Being (1) Ch. 2 (3) Ch. 4

3 Understanding Purchasing Behavior Mixed-ref

4 Perception, Learning, and Memory (1) Ch. 3,4 (2) Ch. 4,5 (3) Ch. 5,6

5 Motivation and Affect (1) Ch. 5 (2) Ch. 3 (3) Ch. 2

6 The Self Mind, Gender, Body, Personality, Lifestyles, and Values (1) Ch. 6-7 (2) Ch. 3 (3) Ch. 4

7 Group Presentation : Case Study

8 Midterm Examination WEEK 1-7

9 Attitudes & Persuasive Communications (1) Ch. 8 (2) Ch. 6 (3) Ch. 8

10 Decision Making (1) Ch. 9

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Week Topic Source

(2) Ch. 14 (3) Ch. 16-17

11 Buying, Using, and Disposing (1) Ch. 10

12 Guest Lecture Session *Speaker will be announced later


13 Income, Social Class, Culture, and Subculture (1) Ch. 12,13,14 (2) Ch. 10,11,12 (3) Ch. 10,11,12

14 Group Presentation : Journal Analysis

15 Group Presentation : Journal Analysis

16 Final Examination WEEK 9-15

8. Grading/Marking Schemes Final grades are based on lecturer perceptions of your performance for the seven main requirements,

roughly according to the following weights:

No Activity Supporting Learning Outcome

Weight Deadline

1 Purchasing behavior (Individual) 1,2,3,4,5 5% Week 3

2 Case study (Group) 1,2,3,4,5 15% Week 6

3 Journal Analysis (Group) 1,2,3,4,5 20% Week 13

4 Quiz (Individual) 1,2,3,4,5 10% Random

5 Midterm Exam (Individual) 1,2,5 20% Week 8

6 Final Exam (Individual) 3,4,5 30% Week 16

Grade Final Score

A ≥86 – 100

AB 76 – 85

B 66 – 75

BC 61 – 65

C 51 – 60

D 41 – 50

E 0 – 40

9. General class rules 1. Students are expected to attend all class sessions, complete all assigned readings prior to class,

and to come prepared to participate. If their absence exceeds more than three times, they will have NO GRADE for this class.

2. Students are expected to arrive on time and to stay for the duration of the class 3. Use of laptops, handphones, and tablets are not allowed during class. 4. Plagiarism and academic dishonesty can have some severe penalties and repercussions (50%

penalty) 5. Late submissions of assessment task per day is -50% from the original score 6. If you will be absent on the day a midterm/final exam because a special case, please inform the

lecturer by 1 day before exam. Supplementary exam will be oral examination.

Disclaimer: Please note that this syllabus is tentative and may be subject to change if

circumstances beyond my control require it.

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Dr.oec.HSG. Syarifa Hanoum, S.T., M.T., CSEP


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1. Course Description

This course contains strategy management theories including formulating, implementing, and

evaluating business strategies. These theories are also combined with cases that occur in practice,

so that they have a long-term competitive advantage.

2. Learning Objectives

After attending this lecture, students are expected to be able to implement strategy management

theory and its application in the decision-making process in the company both as a professional

candidate and as an entrepreneur.

3. Prerequisite

4. Workload and Learning Approach

The workload of the PM course is 3 credit semester comprises 150 minutes per week of self-study,

150 minutes per week of lecture, and 150 minutes per week of structured study (tutorial). This course

applies the concept of Students Centered Learning in which students are required to be active in the

class and make use of all resources provided during the course. Students are expected to well prepare

before showing up in the class. Students are also required to complete various assignment and

homework including case studies, business application exercises, business skills building exercise and

business project.

5. Textbook

Some references for the performance management (PM) course are :

1. Grant, Robet.M. Contemporary Strategic Analysis: Text and Cases, 9th ed. Wiley, 2016. (#1)

2. David, Fred R. Strategic Management: Concepts & Cases 13th ed. Pearson Education Inc., 2011.

3. Hitt, Ireland, Hoskisson. Strategic Management: Competitiveness & Globalization, 11eth ed.

Cengage, 2015. (#2)

4. Relevant articles in strategic management

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6. Course Schedule

Week Material & Class Activities Reference

1 The Nature of Strategic Management #1 Ch 1 #2 Ch 1 #3 Ch 1

2 Vision, Mission, Objectives #1 Ch 2 #2 Ch 2 #3 Ch 1

3 External Assessment #1 Ch 3, 4 #2 Ch 3 #3 Ch 2, 5

4 Internal Assessment #1 Ch 5, 6 #2 Ch 4 #3 Ch 3

5 External and Internal Assessment: Case studies #1 Ch 3, 4, 5, 6 #2 Ch 3, 4 #3 Ch 2, 3, 5

6 Long term Objectives and Strategy formulation #2 Ch 5, 6 #3 Ch 4

7 Long term Objectives and Strategy formulation: Case studies #2 Ch 5, 6 #3 Ch 4

8 Mid-term Exam (UTS)

9 Strategy Implementation #2 Ch 7, 8 #3 Ch 11

10 Strategy Review, Evaluation, and Control #2 Ch 9

11 Corporate Strategy: Managing the Multi-business Firm #1 Ch 17 #3 Ch 6

12 Selected articles in strategic management Relevant articles

13 Selected articles in strategic management Relevant articles

14 Presentasi Tugas Akhir Kelas

15 Presentasi Tugas Akhir Kelas

16 Final Exam (UAS)

7. Assessment Mid term Exam = 25% Final Exam = 25% Group project = 20% Case studies = 20% Class participation = 10%


1. Situation Analysis: In this stage we will analyze the case situation. Generally, we can use some

question, such as: what aspects most appeal in the case? What situation do you see in the case?

2. Defining problems: Determine what problems are facing. The main problem in the case is

always placed in the opening and closing paragraph. USE BUSSINESS MODEL APPROACH AND OTHER TOOLS (INCREASING RETURN, BOS, etc)

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3. Proposed alternative solutions/recommendations: in the real business situation,

there are always alternative solutions of the problems. When analyzing, we are going to find some solutions that could be used.

4. Developing Implementation: each of the selected alternative solution should be combined

with the implementation of detailed series activities so that it can apply in a concrete situation. YOU CAN REDEFINE BUSSINESS MODEL AND OTHER TOOLS TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM (INCREASING RETURN, BOS, etc).

9. Assignment Details

This course requires students to actively participate, inside and outside the classroom. Attendance

and active participation are critical to success in this class, both for lectures and for group projects.

Students should be prepared for class and are expected to participate in solving in-class problems.

Students must read prepare themselves before the class by reading all relevant materials. In addition

to active participation during the lecturing, students must involve in group discussion about case

studies given in every chapters, that will be followed by presenting the result of the discussion to the

rest of the class. In this course there will be MINIMUM 4 (four) assessments: Mid-Semester

Examination (UTS), one Final Examination (UAS), Final project, and several Group/Individual

Assignments. Class activities are considered embedded in individual assessment.

10. Academic honesty Students are responsible for conducting themselves with honor and integrity in fulfilling course

requirements. Penalties and/or disciplinary proceedings may be initiated by College System officials

against a student accused of scholastic dishonesty.

“Scholastic dishonesty” includes, but is not limited to, cheating on a test, plagiarism, and collusion.

“Cheating” on test includes:

• Copying from another student’s test paper.

• Working collaboratively in tests, which are supposed to be submitted individually.

• Using materials during a test that are not authorized by the person giving the test.

• Collaborating with another student during a test without authority.

• Knowingly using, buying, selling, stealing, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the contents of an un-administered test.

• Bribing another person to obtain a test that is to be administered.

• Purchasing a test and submitting it.

“Plagiarism” means the appropriation of another’s work and the unacknowledged incorporation of

that work in one’s own written work offered for credit.

“Collusion” means the unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work

offered for credit.