BANCO PRODUCTS (INDIA) LIMITED...2 days ago  · For Banco Products (India) Limited GOVERNMENT...

BANCO PRODUCTS (INDIA) LIMITED © ISO/TS 16949 : 2009 Cert. No.: 20000295 TS09 CIN: Post Box No. 2562, Vadodara - 390005, Gujarat, India. L51100GJ1961PLC001039 Phone: (0265) 2680220/21/22/23, Fax: 91 - 265 - 2680433 / 2338430 E-mail:, Website: 07.08.2020 To, BSE Limited Corporate Relationship Department, I" Floor, New Trading Ri ng, Rotun da Building, P. J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort , Mumbai -400 001 Stock Code (BSE) - 500039 To, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Listing Department, "Exchange Plaza", C/1, Block G, Bandra Kurl a Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051 Trading Symbol (NSE) - BAN COINDIA Dear Sirs, Sub: Submission of Notice in respect of transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority during the year 2020. Please find enclosed a copy of Notice published on 05.08.2020 in the following- newspapers for the a ttention of Equity Shar eholders of the Company in respect transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to I nvestor- Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority during the year 2020 . 1. Loksatt a Jansatt a - Gu jara ti 2. Business Standard - English Thanking you, zs- . Company Secretary For Banco Products (India) Limited GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED EXPORT HOUSE Regd. Offi ce & Factory: Bil, Near Bhaili Railway Station, Padra Road, Dist. Vadodara - 391410, Gujarat, India

Transcript of BANCO PRODUCTS (INDIA) LIMITED...2 days ago  · For Banco Products (India) Limited GOVERNMENT...

Page 1: BANCO PRODUCTS (INDIA) LIMITED...2 days ago  · For Banco Products (India) Limited GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED EXPORT HOUSE Regd. Office & Factory: Bil, Near Bhaili Railway Station, Padra


Cert. No.: 20000295 TS09 CIN: Post Box No. 2562, Vadodara - 390005, Gujarat, India.

L51100GJ1961PLC001039 Phone: (0265) 2680220/21/22/23, Fax: 91 - 265 - 2680433 / 2338430 E-mail: [email protected], Website:


To, BSE Limited Corporate Relationship Department, I" Floor, New Trading Ring, Rotunda Building, P. J. Towers, Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai -400 001

Stock Code (BSE) - 500039

To, National Stock Exchange of India Ltd. Listing Department, "Exchange Plaza", C/1, Block G, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400 051

Trading Symbol (NSE) - BANCOINDIA

Dear Sirs,

Sub: Submission of Notice in respect of transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to Investor Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority during the year 2020.

Please find enclosed a copy of Notice published on 05.08.2020 in the following- newspapers for the attention of Equity Shareholders of the Company in respect transfer of Equity Shares of the Company to Investor- Education and Protection Fund (IEPF) Authority during the year 2020 .

1. Loksatta Jansatta - Gujarati 2. Business Standard - English

Thanking you,

zs-. Company Secretary

For Banco Products (India) Limited

GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED EXPORT HOUSE Regd. Office & Factory: Bil, Near Bhaili Railway Station, Padra Road, Dist. Vadodara - 391410, Gujarat, India

Page 2: BANCO PRODUCTS (INDIA) LIMITED...2 days ago  · For Banco Products (India) Limited GOVERNMENT RECOGNISED EXPORT HOUSE Regd. Office & Factory: Bil, Near Bhaili Railway Station, Padra

Business Standard -~HM<EDABAD' ·I WEDNESDAY, 5 AUGUST 2020

, . ,. Banco Prdducts (India) Limited ~ii, Near Bhaili'Railway Station, Padra Road, Dist. Baroda • 391 410

· ,,.. . : PfiOne No. (0265) 2318226, Fax No. (0265)2680433 E-Mail: [email protected] • Wei/site:

, CIN: L511.00GJ1961PLC001039 ' .. NOTICE. .

(f1>r Transfer of Equity Shares of t~ Company to Inv~ ~d~catlon & . Protection Fund (IEPF) .

This · notice.· is p.ubl~hej! pursuant td the provi_sions of Investor Education and· Priiie,ctiQn Fu"nd Authori!Y (Aq;ounting, Auqit; Transfer_~ R_efund):Rules; 2016 ('the

. Rules") as amended froin time to time .. The.said Rules mter aha p~ f<!!: the, trans/er· , of ·a11 such.share \in respect of which divide~d has not been paid·or cl.!!lfied by the t shareh<ilde ra· for. seven· consecutive years or more , ·to the Oemat Ac~mt of· the' i i9v_esi?i ~dl!C8tion ~ Pro,tectipn Fund (IEPF)('.IEPF. Demat ~unfl·: . , .. \. : : AF.· per. vlMi9us requirements set out in .• th. e Rules: the m(lividual mtimat10ns 1s tJ:8ing '.

• giv~n;~.thol.~- Sbareholders, .whose sllar8$ are hable: to be transferred to the~P~ ; Denial Account under the· said Rules, for taking appropnate action(s). ? , The. CompanY. has uploaded de!llils of such SHareholders viz: N_ames an~ f'ol~ 1 Number/DP. ID Client ID at !He, followi_ng_ welrlirik,,1 Shareholders are requested to verify ,ihe. details and claim s,uch unclaimed d~nd. . exped itiously. ' ' . • · . . t The ·concerned snareholders, holding shares in ()llysical'form an~ whose shares all\ liable to be transferred to IEPF·Dmat Account, may note that the Company woul!l ~, : issuing duplicate share certifica te(s) in lieu of origin_al sh!\(e ~rtificate(s) ~Id by lhE!ni for the purpose of transfer of shares to IEPF Deinat A~unt 8:l per the said Rules and upon such issue, the Original Share Certificate(s), registered m their name shall stand automatical ly cancelled and be deemed non•newtiable. The shareholde rs may ,tu.rther , note that !lie details uploaded by the-Company on· its we!)stte shou~ be ~a~ shall be deemed adequate notice in respect of issue of the duplicate sha~ certifica te(s) by the Company for. the purpose of transfer of shares to IEPF ~ir,ia.t · Acx:oimt pursuant to 5!1id Rules. ·. . . , . · . , In case the.~ t;lqes not receive any corrmunication from the COOO!ITl8d i,tlareholdels' , , by 2n;I·~. ~Jir Slfl' "'t',81' ~ f!.'Hl)ay b!) exlllndoo, the~ shal transler- 1

. 1heir shares -to' IEPF Detna1 Acoount by'the iluEI date a5,per the proceru re ~ in the~ · Rlies, witl;iut any furtliec ~ or iability on the part of the ~. · Shareholders may note that. both,the unclaimed _dividend and ·their shar~ transferred to IEPF including·an benefits accruing on-such shares, tt any can be clam~ed back by the ·conce rned shareholde~ from IEPF Authority by m,aking an appllC/ltion m e·fo as prescri~ IEP~,5 io the R4)es. , . , . · . . . •

. fn case .Ifie shareh.olders have any'queries on the subJect matter and the Rules may contact to the Company (E-~il: investor@bancoindia.~ )or to the Com ~egistrar arid Share T.ransfer Agents, Mis Link lntirne India Pvt.Ltd.,Untt· Products.(lndia) Limtted, G-102 & 103 Shangnla Complex, First Floor, Opp: ,HDFC, Bani\, Near. Radhakrishna Char Rasla, Akota, Vadodara • 390 020 Tel: No.:+91-0265-' 2356573 I 2356794, FaxNo.:+9Hl26S,2356791; E-Mail: [email protected]~ : Place : BU . , . . For Banco Produ~ (l~dla) Un;ilted, , Date : 04.()$.2020 . Company Secre'8:ry . This Notice is also avajlable at. investor section of !he. Companys website, : · and Corporate .Announcemen\ $ecl1on of. Stock. Exchanges· website and www.nseindia:com

.1.-----=· ~------------, \ G11oS) 1')s5e~ (Ef(af.11) R-dii!s , c.flc-1, <>tl~c.fl~c.q-~j.,ofl \11?\, 'IIUI ~s. A'c<il: <1slu1 • 3<ciTio.' '1 ~., oi.: ( O~\I) '1.3,t'!'!.S, la~ oi.: ( o•U'I) '!.UOT33

1:f-~c-1: [email protected] ~ <lc.t~tfft: www.bancoindiacom

'· CIN: L51100GJ1961PLC001039 ~~· e\lc!llot 1 lfsq'liJ ~)~ ecr<IKi! ~ll111o1 ~ .11Uet1o1 os.11 I <~,s~~> \Ilia oi!<dlmei ·

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J ~""!ia""' ~as l41!8"GI ~s (~1v£J\ll~!j):011 ls~t lltldllli ("i,111JWI~, fUt ~!116at ") O<"C1icma1 !l?<11oll ..i"1<111f!l. ~(~iii i'.£1fil<1 s?q111i ~l<ic./1 (qlq(I =1,11qti118<11:i.t1 )litlel, qjficRd ila,'lid !'.'!ail as<11 'Jlloll ii~~ ~1!M0~4 !Ut ~s16=d R<11<11l<1 s~lol \fl'll'e; aitol ;q'),04 \1>1(1i c)lq1111! "11l2151il 'b!l\lq1iti<fl ?di i), !hio/l,a;i ~l<il '1llll~!.!l otlll :i.tol ~)c.fl;q") ol61? / sNl ~I~ ,Ciilf,,t ~ ~ill l<l?f<il

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