Audience profile


Transcript of Audience profile

Page 1: Audience profile


Page 2: Audience profile

AGE The age group I have chosen who I think would be interested in a horror short film would be those of the age group 15-25I have chosen this age group because the younger generation are more interested in the idea of a horror film as they love the rush of being scared which is something that the older generation do not enjoy that much apart form a few exceptions. This conclusion was drawn based on my own knowledge and also form my audience research and statistics that I had gathered from surveys that I carried out.

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GENDERThe target gender for this film is and equal mix between male and female but leaning more towards males because they love scary stuff more than females.

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SEXUALITY the targeted sexuality would be heterosexual based on the factor that generally couple are heterosexual in films. However that is no the case in the 21st century which opens the targeted sexuality to homosexuals, bi sexual and transgender as horror is a genre which is not relatable on that basis of a persons sexuality.

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INCOME/SOCIAL CLASSAs the target age range is of the younger generations who are full or part time students. They would be of that social class E based of the, ABC1 scale, as they have no income of their own but are able to still see the film by having money given to them.

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POSSIBLE INTERESTS?The possible interest that my target audience may have are:- An interest in films - An interest in horror/scary things - Interested in a thrill