Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work

Transcript of Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

Page 1: Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

Agora Connect. Learn. Grow.



Team Leader

Apaksh Gupta



Page 2: Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

The Problem &

A Radical Solution


India – 1.2 Billion People, 1/3 Global Population, Average Age of Country- 26

Unemployment Rate – 9.3% (2012 est.) , 75 Million Youth Worldwide Searching Jobs

Young people surviving on low paying activities such as hawking magazines & Clothes

How Does It Work

Local Manufacturers can Sell their products to needy communities via training people in those groups, who then are employed as community distributors. Also with manufacturers growth, more people get work.Educational Institutes or Governments can set up low cost online classes for millions of people to develop various skills from languages to managing. People attain necessary skills and new avenues open.

People can pool in their resources to produce meaningful products. These resources which in segregation go to vain are put to productive use. Therefore, empowerment through cooperation is promoted.


To connect the Needy & Angel – Like Demand meets Supply – A platform for both sides to effectively find each other

Programs to train youth to acquire high skilled levels with the changing demands and Hence, Increase Employment Rate

To develop skills required to become Job Creators rather than Job Seekers, promoting Entrepreneurship at Grass-Root Level


An online web based platform where both the needy and the Angel can connect, such as educationalists and students for web based classes

A platform for people to find individuals with different set of resources and then collaboratively putting them to utility

A platform for companies to create distribution channels for directly connecting with people who are in dire need of specific products

Page 3: Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

• Not many similar solutions have been used to fight the problem of youth unemployment.

• Only, The project Shakti implemented by HUL was based on similar grounds.

Similar Solutions

• With promotion of people as distributors in local communities, they develop important skills and get work, who otherwise have no work to do.

Tangible Targets

• The major goals are to educate people, equip them with skills, build networks and inculcate cooperative and collaborative growth methods. Also, as this benefits local manufacturers, there is a need of more workforce generated and hence higher employment.

Specific Goals

• Traditional Approach has a limitation to the number of people it can simultaneous affect. Also, there don’t leave trails of connections formed in the process of benefitting but online connections can interconnect millions simultaneous and have the ability to reuse established connections.

Key Differences

• I got a chance to speak to a senior VP at AIESEC who believes that this could be a very positive step towards building a self sustainable society.

• I also spoke to the founder of an NGO, Pebbles, who believes that by educating them, we will hand them tools to stand up in the highly competitive market.


Page 4: Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

Key Partners

NGO’s – They help to bring all the needy

people to the platform & answer their queries

Government Agencies – Provides Financial Support & Human Resources to train people in using

the platform

Educational Enterprises – They help create

simple to learn, low cost online classes for

millions of people on the platform.

Technological Solution Providers – To create

a simple to use system for these most

uneducated or less educated classes.

Banking Systems – To promote

entrepreneurship by lending micro loans to groups of individuals





Students – They develop high skillset which is highly needed with demand of high skilled workforce

Jobless – They get jobs in various means as distributors, self employed, teachers, Government HR

Banks – They form networks of individuals who are ready to work at high interest rates

Manufacturers – Who do not possess reach to far off markets can directly reach them and grow, hence creating more jobs

Page 5: Agora Connect. Learn. Grow. Team HOT BOARD Team Leader Apaksh Gupta Challenge Make.It.Work.

Key Investments

Technology Solutions – The team of people who actively run the web based platform

NGO’s – Funds for their HR Resources so that they can aware and educate communities about using the platform

Company Employees – Who study how communities are responding and help build their trust to use the platform

Development of a cheap device – such as Aakash Tablet – which can be provided at low EMI’s by which people connect to the platform

Educational Partners – who help develop easy learn online teaching solutions for undereducated classes and respond to their queries.

Feasibility Test – Stage 1

Before scaling up the project, run a test project at one village or community and see how people respond, what are the barriers, finances involved, etc

Feasibility Test Stage 2

Try to find real time solutions to the problems faced in step 1, curtail costs, minimize time and check if the project is feasible or not.


Finally if the project is feasible, then scale up the project to another community at a distance so that we can come to a concrete result.

Internet Connectivity in remote areas

Human Resources to

see the timely scaling of


Initial investments to

partner with key agencies and

build the online platform

Trust building in communities so as to believe in

the positive effects of using

the platform
