A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept...

A E P Fi Su OA Qualit Educatio Pilot Init nal Reporubmitted to t ctober 30, 2tative S on Stra tiative t the Massach 015 Study oategies husetts Depa f the Din Math artment of H evelophematiHigher Educa mental cs ation

Transcript of A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept...

Page 1: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research


Su Oc

A QualitEducatioPilot Init

nal Report

ubmitted to t

ctober 30, 20

tative Son Stratiativet

the Massach


Study ofategies

husetts Depa

f the Dein Math

artment of H


Higher Educa

mental cs


Page 2: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research

Developmental Mathematics Pilot Project Staff

Project Staff

Project Staff

Greta Shultz, Ed.D., Senior Research Manager

Hadley Moore, Ph.D., Research Manager

Steven Ellis, M.P.A., Director, Applied Research and Program Evaluation

The contents of this report were developed under a grant from the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education. However, these contents do not necessarily represent the views of the Massachusetts Department of Higher Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the government of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

The University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute is the public service, outreach, and economic development unit of the University of Massachusetts President’s Office. Established in 1971, the Institute strives to connect the Commonwealth with the resources of the University through services that combine theory and innovation with public and private sector applications. The Institute’s Applied Research and Program Evaluation group specializes in applied social science research, including program evaluation, survey research, policy research, and needs assessment. The Research and Evaluation group designs and implements numerous innovative research and evaluation projects for a variety of programs and clients in the areas of education, human services, economic development, and organizational development.

University of Massachusetts Donahue Institute

Applied Research and Program Evaluation Group

100 Venture Way, Suite 5

Hadley, MA 01035-9462

(413) 587-2400


For inquiries, please contact Greta Shultz:

[email protected]

Tel. 413-587-2406

Page 3: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research





The Univand organthis study In particucolleges awith the pchallengineducation The studyEducationthe incepttimely. ElStrategiescollaboratimplemen

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &


ersity of Masnizations fromy of the Massa

ular, the studyand universitiepilot initiativeng work of cr


y team would n who supporttion of the inilena Quiroz-Ls, and Jonathators, each offentation.


stitute Evaluation


sachusetts Dom across the Cachusetts Dev

team wishes es who gave s

e. They providrafting policie

also like to reted this studytiative and hi

Livanis, Specian Keller, Senfering critical

onahue InstituCommonwealtvelopmental M

to thank the so generouslyded a rich set es that foster s

ecognize the ly. The deep cos active engaial Assistant tnior Associateknowledge an

ute wishes to th of Massach

Math Pilot Ini

educational ay of their timeof thoughts,

student succe

leaders and stommitment ofgement in theto the Commie Commissionnd guidance i

acknowledgehusetts who pitiative.

administratorse and offered insights, and ss across the

taff of the Maf Commissione study ensureissioner/Direcner for Researin support of

e the contribuparticipated in

s and faculty deep reflectioquestions to Commonwea

assachusetts Dner Carlos Saed that the inqctor of Postse

arch and Plannthe study’s co


utions of the mn or otherwise

of the participons on their eguide the impalth’s instituti

Department oantiago was evquiry was releecondary Succning, were indonceptualizat



many people e supported

pating experience portant and ions of higher

of Higher vident from evant and cess dispensable tion and



Page 4: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research





FollowingUniversityconduct aThe studypreliminarquantitativ The Deveinnovationfall 2015.


The study

1. Mof

2. Imdiimsaan

3. Csuindith

4. Rwap

5. LF


This qualiemploying The studyassessmenConcurren

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

view of th

g a request fory of Massach

a study of the y supports prory impact on ve analysis of

elopmental Mn (SY14–15),

ch Questio

y addresses fiv

Motivation: Wf alternative mmplementatiid campuses’ mplementatioame or differend barriers to

Changes assocupport the newnstructional prifferences in shrough the ne

Reflections onweaknesses of pproaches com

Lessons learnor the Depart


itative study ag document r

y was launchent policy in thntly, the study


stitute Evaluation

he Study

r proposal prousetts DonahuDevelopment

ogram and polcampuses andf the initiative

ath Pilot Prog, and campuse


ve sets of rese

Why did campmathematics pon: How did actual implemn differed, hoent across camimplementat

ciated with tw model? Horactice (e.g., cstudent readinw model?

n the pilot exf their pilot apmpare to the ted and impli

tment? How c

addressed theeview, indivi

ed in May 201he Commonwy team met w

ocess, the Maue Institute (Utal Educationlicy planning d students. The being under

gram has comes were offer

earch question

puses participplacement cricampuses immentation adhow so and whmpuses, and wtion did camphe pilot: How

ow, if at all, dicurriculum, pness or in oth

perience: Hopproaches at thtraditional (Aications: Whcan implemen

e research quedual and sma

15 with an iniwealth and camwith the Comm

assachusetts DUMDI) Appli

n Strategies inby generatin

he study yieldrtaken by DH

mpleted one yeed the option


ate in the piloiteria?

mplement theirhere to or dep

hy? In what wwhat explanatpuses experienw, if at all, diid implement

pedagogy, assher student cha

ow do campushis juncture?

Accuplacer) enat are the less

ntation of the

estions througall-group inter

itial review ofmpuses’ plansmissioner and

Department ofied Research

n Mathematicsng insight intods formative f

HE staff.

ear of a pilot n to continue o

ot initiative? W

r pilot programpart from thei

ways and to whtions may expnce? id campus admtation of the nsessment)? In aracteristics i

s administratoFrom their p

nrollment andsons learned fpilot initiativ

gh an integratrviews, and a

f key documes to implemen

d his staff to d

f Higher Eduand Programs (Developme

o the pilot’s imfeedback to c

phase of expeor revise their

What factors

ms? In what wir planned imphat extent didplain any diff

ministrative pnew model(s)

what ways, iin classes in w

ors and faculterspective, ho

d placement mfor other high

ve be improve

ed data colleca brief online

ents relative tont the fall 201

develop a fulle


cation (DHE)m Evaluation g

ental Math) Pmplementatiocomplement o

erimentation r pilot implem

led to campu

ways and to wplementation

d implementatferences? Wha

processes neeaffect classro

if any, do facuwhich student

ty view the stow did the pilmodel? her education ed?

ction and anasurvey.

o the evolutio14 pilot initiater understand

w of the Study


) engaged thegroup to Pilot Initiativeon and ongoing

and mentation in

uses’ selection

what extent ? If actual tion look the at supports

ed to adapt tooom ulty perceive ts were placed

trengths and lot


lysis strategy

on of tive.

ding of the






Page 5: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




developmthe Depar In June 20capture dewell as othcampusessectors, geremoved fcolleges, o Site visit pfive camphad been range of padmissiondevelopmavailabilit InterviewThe audiomembers software t Findings asample ansome find

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

mental math cortment’s salien

015, the reseaescriptions ofher relevant b that would beographic divfrom the grouone Universit

planning procpuses to conduinvolved in th

positions and ns, advising, e

mental math faty did not coin

s followed a so files were stof the researcto code the da

are reported ind the importadings with spe


stitute Evaluation

ontext in Masnt information

arch team devf their plannedbackground dbe invited to pversity, and a up of selectedty of Massach

ceeded througuct individualhe planning afunctions, inc

enrollment, inaculty. When ncide with th

semi-structurtored on UMDch team. Twoata by researc

n the aggregaance of specifecific campus

sssachusetts an needs.

veloped and add and actual i

documents, theparticipate in arange of appr

d sites and fivehusetts campu

gh the summel and small-gr

and/or implemcluding chief nstitutional renecessary, ine site visits.

ed protocol aDI’s secure seo researchers tch question.

ate and indivific campus coses.

nd to refine th

dministered amplementatioe study team a 1-day site vroaches to ime campuses pus, and two fo

er, and in Seproup interview

mentation of thacademic offsearch, studenterviews were

nd were audioerver and assitranscribed an

dual campuseonditions, how

he goals and

a brief online on of the pilocollaborated

visit. Site selemplementing thparticipated inour-year state

ptember and ews with admihe developmeficers, provosnt/academic se conducted b

o-recorded wigned a code nnd/or summar

es and speakewever, it is an

focus of the s

survey of camt. Using the rwith the Depction criteria he pilot. Ultim

n the site visite colleges.

arly October inistrators andental pilot. Insts, departmensupport, testinby telephone

with interviewnumber, withrized the audi

ers are not identicipated that


study in order

mpuses, desigresults of the spartment to id

included divemately one cat process: two

the research td faculty mem

nterviewees spnt chairs, reging, and collegwith individu

wees’ verbal peh access restriio files and us

entified. Givet readers may

w of the Study


r to best meet

gned to survey as entify six ersity across ampus was o community

team visited mbers who panned a istrars, ge-level and uals whose

ermission. cted to sed NVivo 10

en the small y associate




Page 6: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research





For clarityinevitablethan surve

Q1 M

I. Cam

While perthe Deparsites, respbelow, cawith the c II. To v


Each of thof the instwith alterncite a misalgebra te


Another f

Second, cfailure ondiagnose example, troublesomrespondenscores on

Additionafor collegtheir degr

Some facuand/or theinformantforging a Massachu

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &


y, the discusse overlap betwey data.


mpus particip

rceptions varirtment expectpondents descmpuses under


varying degrecuplacer as a t

he institutionstitutions had, native strategalignment bet

est. One forme

ccuplacer is and most of thre not algebraigh school intTEM course.

faculty memb

campus represn the test was nspecific learnhave been come or offer thnts tended notthe test.

ally, some rese mathematic

ree of underst

ulty and admieir own experts embraced thchange. One

usetts in that n


stitute Evaluation

ion that followween question

ation in the p

ied from indived campuses ribed the initirstood that ths of their stud

ees, the pilot rtool to predic

s brought to thfor years, bee

gies. Broadly, tween the tester faculty mem

a test of algebe gateway coa-based. You to calculus ba

er simply com

sentatives repnot predictive

ning needs. Tyonfounded by he student an t to challenge

pondents chacs. They citedanding of its

inistrators casrience that usihe “entreprenadministrator

national conte

ws is organizns. Unless oth

ilot reflected

vidual to indivto pilot alterniative as “alm

hey were grandent populatio

represented toct student succ

he pilot experen questionindissatisfactio

t and the antimber justified

bra skills but urses (quantineed a little

ased on GPA;

mmented, “Th

orted concerne of failure inypically, respfractions, butopportunity t

e Accuplacer i

allenged the ud factors such purpose, and

st the pilot in ing a GPA anneurial” aspecr reflected onext: “If Massa

zed by researcherwise noted

a motivation

vidual, campunative mathem

most a mandatted the auton

on, curriculum

o campuses acess in colleg

rience its partng the efficacyon with Accupcipated coursd the shift to a

it’s used to pitative reasonalgebra but n; it’s a baselin

he test isn’t sp

ns that the tesn a math classondents notedt the test did nto advance bein terms of pr

use of a singleas possible testudents’ disp

a particularlynd other criterct of the initia

the widespreachusetts brea

ch question, a, these findin

n to comply w

us representatmatics placemte.” As descriomy to modif

m, and other c

an opportunityge-level mathe

ticular historyy of Accuplacplacer reflect

sework, somea GPA pilot l

place studentsning course, linot a lot. We’rne, entry-leve

pecifically ge

st produced fa. Frustrationsd that becausenot reveal wh

eyond fractionredicting the s

e data source sest anxiety, stposition on th

y favorable ligria would ultimative and/or vead use of Acaks away from

although the rengs are ground

with the policy

tives expressement criteria inibed in the Imfy the specific


y to address cematics.

y regarding thcer, and someted three themetimes describlargely becaus

s in courses thiberal arts mare not saying el college-leve

ared to what

alse negativess with the teste the test is ad

hich aspect(s)ns. It is notablsuccess of stu

such as Accutudents’ attituhe particular t

ght, having bmately be benalued the Depcuplacer acrom Accuplacer

eader will notded in the inte

y directive.

ed the overalln fall 2014. A

mplementationc criteria in a

concerns abou

he use of Accue had already mes. First, facubing Accuplacse of this mis

hat are not algajor course, I

g everybody shel course, not

we’re teachin

s, citing suspit included its daptive, stude of fractions ple, however, tudents who re

uplacer to asseude toward thtesting day.

een persuadeneficial for stupartment’s leaoss the countrr, other states



te some erviews rather

l belief that Across the n section accordance

ut the

uplacer. Mostreplaced it ulty tended tocer as an salignment:

lgebra-based.Intro to Stats)hould go fromt a high-level


cions that inability to ents may, for proved that eceived high

ess readiness he test and/or

d by researchudents. Theseadership in ry and situateds can look to





) m

h e


Page 7: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




us. This pplacing st III. Cam

The five smathematpilot builtmaking pr

Two institAccuplace



Three inst




ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

ilot gives Matudents. This i

mpuses’ selec

site-visit camptics and servint on those pasrocesses.

tutions relieder in addition

One communitmodalities (comormat). This c

Another commevel mathemaommunicatinghey were “we


titutions opted

The UMass caheir specific meen working tsed the prograresented. Its otudents, and thnstitution did

One state univnstitution had hose years hadn college-leveears. Leaders n their ongoinniversity admhresholds.

The other stateuidelines for uring the seninsure that stuhe university according to thriteria. This inommunity co


stitute Evaluation

ssachusetts this a big step.”

ction of altern

puses represeng students wst experiences

solely on hign to review of

ty college offmputer-assistcollege follow

munity collegeatics students,g with high scll-positioned”

d for GPA pla

mpus used himathematics sto integrate tham’s online ponline capabilhe availabilitynot administe

ersity used bobeen closely

d adopted sevel mathematic

at this institung work to betministered Acc

e university hathe fall 2014 ior year of higdents possessadministered heir Accuplacnstitution offellege.

he opportunity”

native placeme

ent a range of who by various. The followi

gh school GPAf high school G

fers a fairly roted self-pacedwed the DHE

e had, for yea by revising ichools about ” to respond t

acement crite

igh school GPsupport progrhe web-basedplacement testlity was impoy of a free sixer Accuplacer

oth high schoexamining A

veral innovatics. The instituution considertter understancuplacer only

ad not yet expsemester, whgh school. Lesed the math cAccuplacer t

cer score and ers students d

ty to be a lead

ent criteria re

approaches tous measures ining summary

A: the two coGPA.

obust developd instruction wguidelines.

ars, been workits modular, ccurriculum an

to the pilot, no

eria in additio

PA as well as am (a web-ba

d program intot prior to the p

ortant in orderx-month learnr in fall 2014.

ol math GPAAccuplacer su

ve strategies ution had notared the opportnd the needs ay to those stud

perimented while also usingeaders reportecontent knowto all studentsstudents majo


der nationally

eflected their i

o assessing stndicated a lacencapsulates

ommunity col

pmental mathwith instructo

king to modifcomputer-assind pedagogy.oting a philos

n to other crit

the results ofased learning o their overallpilot. They emr to be accessning module f.

A and math SAuccess for the

designed to sably reduced drtunity to use and capabilitidents who fail

with alternativg an SAT matedly instituted

wledge neededs; students moring in otheral math instruc

y if they come

individual his

tudent readinck of prepared campus repr

lleges. They b

program on-sor support, and

fy its instructiisted, self-pac. Leaders of tsophical cong


f a placementsystem). Stafl mathematicmbraced the osible to out-offor students w

AT scores forpast five year

support studendevelopmentamath GPA anes of their stuled to meet m

ve criteria andth cut score and these additiod for college-l

majoring in ther fields were pction through

e up with a be

stories and tra

ess for collegdness. Accordesentatives’ d

both administ

site, comprised traditional l

ional programced program athis institutiongruence with t

t test that is buff at this instits instruction bopportunity thf-state and intwas also attrac

r placement ders, and in the nt enrollmental math offerind math SAT udents. In fall

math GPA and

d so followed nd a math couonal criteria inlevel courses.e STEM fieldplaced using th a contract w



etter way of


ge-level dingly, this decision-

ered the

ed of two lecture

m for lower-and by n found that their prior

undled into tution had but had not hat the pilot ternational ctive. This

ecisions. Thiscourse of

t and success ings over the the next step

l 2014, the d SAT

the DHE urse taken n an effort to . In fall 2014 s were placedthe alternativeith a




d e

Page 8: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




Q2 Im

Like the dreflecting survey anlargely in Site visitsschool traenrolling visits revefollowing

The follow IV. Imp


At some cAdvising/campusesefforts reqinstances specific co V. Inst


The Boardand campadministralittle timeand orientdeterminea formida

Administrof collegehiring demcommunitapplying aprocesses

By far theacquiring transcriptstranscriptsquickly asstudents t

Some instacross schhandled dstudents f

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &


decisions regaspecific cond

nd the site visiterms of the

s suggest that anscripts) as din college-levealed a greateg discussion d

wing discussi

plementation mmunication a

campuses the /Academic Af, an interdisc

quired by the faculty membomponents of

titutions encoiative and the

d of Higher Euses were askators and facu to prepare fotation plans wed but the newable challenge

rators noted ae-level coursemands, some ty college repas late as Augwithin an alr

e greatest chaltranscripts an

s prior to thiss, despite reps possible, givo deliver thei

titutions assumhools such as differently; sofrom the pilot


stitute Evaluation


arding placemditions (e.g., cits suggest thanumber of stulogistical con

does student cvel or developer level of detaraws solely o

ion presents s

differed acrosacross variou

initiative wasffairs, and a siplinary teaminitiative. Cobers were unaf the pilot on

untered a nume start-up of n

Education appked to begin pulty reported or implementawere already uw criteria offee, especially if

a range of issues much later treportedly fil

presentatives dgust for fall enready short tim

llenge to impnd managing pilot, encouneated requestven students’ r own transcr

med an additithe use of difme campuses. Most of the

ment criteria, icurriculum, hat actual impludents particinstraints accochoice, to the pmental mathail than the su

on site visit da

ome common

ss sites in terms constituenci

s associated wspecific admin

m was already ommunicationaware that thetheir campus

mber of barrienew administr

proved revisioplanning for tthat the sprination and to munderway, andered them difff work schedu

ues related to than they usulling positionsdescribed patnrollment. In meline.

lementation—GPA data. Co

ntered a numbts, and if they deadlines for


ional burden bfferent scales.s opted to calccampuses rep

implementatiohistory of develementation dipating in the unt in part foextent that so

h opted for theurvey about eata.

nalities and di

ms of the orgaies.

with a particunistrator was in existence o

n about the pie initiative wa.

ers to implemrative process

ons to the 199the fall 2014 pngtime announmanage the chd in others, stferent placemules and child

the fast turnaually would, as much later itterns of late athese instanc

—exacerbatedommunity cober of difficuldid, campus

r registering f

by opting to r. Students whculate a GPA ported that th

on of the piloelopmental m

differed somewpilot (somew

or this differenome students e latter. It is imeach institutio


anizational en

ular organizaticharged withor was constilot varied acras underway o

mentation, largses.

98 Common Apilot at the bencement of thhanges that thtudents’ sched

ments. For somd care schedu

around: registand departmenin the summeapplications, wces, campus st

d by the rapid olleges, in parlties. Some histaff were pr

for certain cou

recalculate stuhose high scho

A for them ande transcript re

ot varied frommath offerings

what from plawhat lower actnce (e.g., diffwho were offmportant to n

on’s implemen

ntities that led

ional unit, such organizing thituted to plan ross campusesor they were u

gely related to

Assessment Peginning of sphe pilot was phe pilot inducedules may ha

me students, cules had alread

trars were reqnt chairs cont

er than they tywith a notabltaff were cha

timeline—rerticular, whichigh schools re

ressed to revieurses. Some c

udents’ GPA,ools did not cd some campueview process

m campus to cs). Data from anned implemtual participat

ficulties obtainfered the choinote, howeverntation, and s

d the effort an

ch as Admisshe work. At oand coordinas, such that inunfamiliar wi

o the timing o

olicy in Decepring 2014. Cproblematic, ged. In some c

ave already bechanging the sdy been set.

quired to add ntended with uypically wouldle percentage allenged to ins

elated to the ph had not requefused to provew the transcrcampuses per

, correcting focalculate GPAuses removeds is done man



ampus, both the

mentation, tion rates). ning high ice of r, that site so the


ions or other ate the variousn some ith the

of the

ember 2013 Consistently, giving them ases, testing

een schedule was

new sections unforeseen d. Overall, of students

stitute new

practices of uested vide ripts as rmitted

or vagaries A were d these nually,



Page 9: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




emphasizithrough loinfrastructbuilding tand forth

At all the number oThese neeinformatioreported, advisors c

In additiowere typicneed for aemphasizebetween dstudent sucommentecoordinatiburden onmessage tanticipateFund resomath effo

Q3 Ch

VI. Whtracplac

Clearly, thprepared tand/or didanalyses wadministrainsufficienfield suggcollege-le VII. Wit

a re

Overall, fand that thcampus exstudents, athey were

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

ing the time nots of transcrture constrainthan Admissiofrom one bui

campuses, stf new informeds included ton infrastructfor example,

could appropr

n to specific acally challenga unified messed that the scdepartments support serviceed, “The entirion of multipl

n campus stafto students aned that campuources. While rts.

hanges as

hile campuses cked course coced by the pil

he tentative athese data anad not know wwere conducteators themselnt basis for br

gest that overaevel coursewo

th very few exesult of the pil

faculty reportehey perceive xpressed a soalthough they

e reluctant to e


stitute Evaluation

needed to accipts was a chants; for exampons and that, lding to anoth

aff reported thation needs, athe creation oture so that stuthat students

riately guide s

administrativged with devesage across thope of the ini

such as admises, and multipre college comle tasks withi

ff. The degreend families aps effort wouldfunds were r

sociated w

were not expompletion andlot criteria per

nd incompletalyses, while hich of their sed by institutives were quicroad conclusiall, the studenork on par wit

xceptions, faclot.

ed that their inno notable dimewhat diffe

y themselves rexplain it thro

omplish thoseallenge. This ple, one admisince digital iher.

hat they encoand meeting tf new codes audent data co’ GPA had tostudents towa

e processes, seloping new che campus comitiative was brsions, advisin

ple colleges. Rmmunity needn a short time

e to which campears to haved be associatereceived, thes

with the ini

pected to haved performancrformed on pa

te nature of thon other camstudents had bional researchck to acknowions or predicnts who wouldth their peers

culty reported

nstruction hafferences in t

erent perspectreadily acknoough referenc

e tasks. One awas in additinistrator explimaging is no

ountered a numthose needs reand fields (e.guld be easily appear on th

ard course enr

such as analycommunicatiommunity wasroader than anng, the registrReflecting on ds to be educae period, and mpuses achieve varied from ed with the ine resources w


e conducted fce for the fall ar with studen

hese analyses mpuses faculty

been placed bh staff, admisledge that the

ctions. Given d likely have who were pla

d that they hav

s not changedthe levels of ptive, citing a powledged thatce to the pilot

administrator ion to regularlained that tra

ot available, a

mber of IT-reequired close g., pilot particaccessed by a

he correct “pagrollment.

sis of transcrion and coordis cited by a wnticipated. Thrar, testing serthe scope of

ated on this.”without additved their goalcampus to ca

nitiative and rwere insufficie

formal analys2014 semestents placed by

cannot be ovy were unawaby these criterssions staff, ore very limitedthese caveatsbeen placed iaced using Ac

ve not modifi

d, nor their levpreparedness possible recent they had notor any other

commented, r work.” Otheanscripts are ha staff membe

elated challencollaboration

cipation) and a range of indge” of the stu

ipts and IT mination proces

wide range of hey pointed torvices, the mathe initiative,

” Administratotional resourcl of communiampus. It is noequested Perfent to allocate

es of student er. Overall, th Accuplacer.

verstated; on sare that new crria. On still or perhaps oth

d timeframe (os, however, pain developmeccuplacer.

ied their cour

vel of rigor, sof their student and broadet confirmed thpossible caus

for example,ers noted addihoused in a dier spent time g

nges. The pilon with the IT the modifica

dividuals. Onudent database

modifications, sses and mechadministratoro the need forathematics de, one adminisors found thaces, placed a nicating a consotable that thformance Impe toward deve

data, some cahey observed

some campusriteria had bether campuse

hers. And facuone semester)atterns describental math hav

se content or

since the pilotents. Faculty oer trend of undhis trend, andse.



, “Going itional ifferent going back

t posed a department.

ation of e campus e so that

campuses hanisms. Thers, and many r coordinationepartment, ITstrator at notable sistent e Departmentprovement elopmental

ampuses havethat students

es faculty een used es, the ulty and ) offered an bed in the ve completed

pedagogy as

t inception on one derprepared

d moreover,


n ,




Page 10: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




VIII. Foudev

As noted one excepcases. Sommessaging“math forcollege reby, for extime, and


Some instcourses thaligned stexample, directed toand adminintended minstitutiontheir offeraligned wdepartmenwork, so t

Q4 Re

IX. Ovefearresu

To varyinhigh schoperhaps odetractorsrather thanpart by thinstitution2.4–2.69 s

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

ur of the five cvelopmental m

above, these ption) have come campuses g to students r liberal arts” eported havingxample, restru

have instead

We are [makinmath courses. way to charge,much better foDevelopmenta

titutions havehat align with tudent performstudents whooward a collenistrators a demajor) and a fns are in the prings to chang

with particular nts want to brthey care abo


erall, adminisrs that some pults appear to

ng degrees witol GPA and only slight mo

s when the inin a math GPAeir own exper

ns, faculty andscore, and som


stitute Evaluation

campuses repmath courses a

shifts may haonsistently be

have noted ooverall. One ccourses becaug modified th

ucturing their allocated reso

ng these shifts. . . [Our inst, which you dr the studentsl coursework

e used the altetheir individu

mance—as mose scores hovege-level coureeper view offuller discuss

process of devging student nprograms an

roaden the rout their stude

on the pilo

strators and fapilot participa

be positive.

thin and acrosother criteria. odifications. Ititiative was fiA. Faculty whrience and thed administratome institution

ported shifts inand more cred

ave already been enrolling m

other trends ascommunity cuse students a

heir support sefunding targeources to sup

s] without comtitution] has tdon’t have whs and it’s muc

k is not what w

ernative placeual goals andeasured by th

ver at the cut prse with accomf the student’sion of how be

veloping and rneeds (e.g., qud majors). On

ole of math. . .ents being goo

ot experien

aculty affirm tants brought to

ss campuses, Campuses ap

t is notable thirst introducedho were interve limited studors do expresns eliminated

n course offerdit-bearing co

een underwaymore studentss well, reflectollege has obare choosing services in an eets. They haveplemental ins

mpromising so “hustle” foen you are pr

ch better for twe should be d

ment criteria d interests. Adheir various crpoint on one mpanying sups specific matest to supportrevising theiruantitative reane administra. . [S]ocial scod at math.”


that the use oo the initiativ

administratorppear to have hat math faculd, and that a cviewed did nodent data theys markedly mthat lower cri

rings as a resuourses.

y when the pils in credit-beating curriculubserved, for exstatistics coureffort to ensue employed festruction. An

tudents’ abilior resources. Eroviding suppthe larger goadoing.

as a tool to gdministrators riteria—with criterion but pports. The pith requirement student progr mathematicsasoning cours

ator at a commcience faculty

of alternative pve have not be

rs and faculty continued thlty were typiccommon concot suggest thay may have semore confideniterion in fall

ult of the pilo

lot was launcaring courses

um revisions txample, declirses instead. A

ure that studenfewer developadministrator

ity to do well Enrolling peo

plemental instal of persisten

guide studentsand faculty ospecific courwho meet anoilot criteria rents (taking intgress in light os curricula in ses, pathwaysmunity colleg

are more int

placement crieen realized a

y are comfortaheir pilot apprcally identifiecern was the uat they still heeen at their ownce in the 2.7 l 2015.

ot, showing fe

hed, but camps, through 201to some extenining enrollmAdministratornts succeed inpmental instrur commented

in their [colleople in creditstruction or tutnce and gradu

s toward mathn some camp

rses and coursother criterioneportedly alloto account facof those specian effort to c

s courses, ande commented

terested in qua

iteria holds prand some prel

able with the roaches in falled as the stronuse of a genereld that beliefwn institutionGPA as oppo




puses (with 15 in some nt, and

ment in their rs at this n their coursesuctors over :

ege-level] s gives you a toring. It’s uation.

hematics puses have se tracks. For n may be

ow advisors ctors such as ifics. A few ontextualize

d courses d, “Lots of antitative

romise; the liminary

use of the l 2015, with ngest ral GPA

f, persuaded in. Across

osed to the




Page 11: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




X. Whcertdepdep

As suggesrelationshcolleaguea weekly in questio

Similarly,already beintegrate thad a “stagraduate iSeveral dewas viewegetting stuthe expect

Some camimplemen




Some admplanning wbest interefaculty in pilot. Theinvolveme

RepresentThey are abut more a unified m Some camanticipateand coursworking rgoal of in

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

hile all camputain factors ap

partments, conpartment.

sted above, thhips and estabs on campuse“Developmen

on had a histor

, campus repreen articulatinthe new place

art on track, stin four years aepartments oned as a logicaudents to gradtation that the

mpus staff identation. Buy-i

he public endoheir participat

he involvemenDevelopmentahe research th

nd the involve

ministrators cowork becauseests of the stuongoing curr

e college had bent from the f

tatives of smaarguably bettimportantly, tmessage to st

mpus represene continuing toe placement.

relationships wcreasing align


stitute Evaluation

ses cast their ppear to be asnsistent messa

he reach of theblished procedes with less inntal Math Trary of collabor

resentatives cong to studentsement criteriatay on track” and that one sn campus hadal next step. Aduate in four ey will gradua

ntified broadn was reporte

orsement of thtion in the act

nt of trusted cal Math Educahat justified th

ement of mat

ommented thae they trusted udents. One adriculum revisibeen workingfaculty, and s

aller institutioer equipped tthey may mortudents and th

ntatives identio explore howAdditionallywith high schnment betwee

pilot year as ssociated withaging, and bu

e pilot was exdures to the exntegration acransition Teamrating on prio

onsistently ems messages coa into their advcampaign unstep toward th

d already beenAn administra

years. And plate in four ye

-based suppoedly enhanced

he work by setual planning

campus represation and/or inhe shift to inno

th faculty in th

at math facultthat the colle

dministrator nions may havg on accelerato this initiativ

ons typically co administer re easily coor

heir families.

ified the analyw best to use t, some campu

hools has beenen PK-12 and

a learning exh successful imuy-in from cam

xtensive, and xperience maoss departme

m” meeting wior campus-wid

mphasized theonsistent withvising and en

nderway, intenhat goal was en participatingtor explainedlacing fewer s


rt for the initid by a few fac

enior-level caand impleme

sentatives in tn other state-lovative place

he Task Force

ty were reassueagues would noted addition

ve contributedting and moduve was percei

cited their sizlogistical taskrdinate and co

ytic potential the informatiouses reported n beneficial. Td higher educa

xperience and mplementatiompus-wide st

administratoray have been sents. One camith relatively de efforts.

e need for a uh the goals of nrollment strunded to set thenrollment ing in this infor

d, “We’re tryistudents in [a

iative (“buy-ictors:

ampus adminientation of the

the statewidelevel plannin

ement criteria

e and/or other

ured by the innot support r

nally that the d as well to thularizing its dived as a logic

ze as a key facks, such as anommunicate a

that the high on provided ithat having e

These efforts ation.

identified areon: integrationtakeholders, in

rs and facultysomewhat bet

mpus, for examlittle difficult

unified messathe initiative

uctures. One se expectation

n a math classrmational caming to get evera] developme

in”) as critica

istrators (e.g.e work;

e Task Force og conversatio;

r state-level m

nvolvement orecommendatcollege’s his

he faculty’s podevelopmentacal extension

ctor in their sunalyzing studeacross departm

school transcin a transcriptestablished cocorrespond w

eas for impron and coordinncluding the m

y who broughtter prepared

mple, was ablety because the

age. Campusewere well-po

state college, fn that studentss in the freshmmpaign, and soryone normedntal path help

al to their succ

, provosts) co

on Transformons, and their


of their colleations that wertory of involvositive orientaal math coursen of that work

uccessful impent transcriptsments and the

cript represent with respectommunicationwell to the Co



ovement, nation across mathematics

ht working than their e to establish e individuals

s that had ositioned to for example, s would man year. o the pilot d around ps promote


oupled with

ming discussion of

gues in the re not in the ving math ation to the es with full .

plementation.s manually, ereby deliver

nts. They t to advising ns and ommissioner’s




Page 12: A Qualitative Study off the Developmental Education ......education The study Education the incept timely. El Strategies collaborat implemen ntal Math Pilo ss Donahue Ins lied Research




Q5 Le

XI. Whexpthe

As noted together. Wnature of work has initiative. in the besAt the samcampusesbecome acnow expeconversatchanging mentors, tplacementguidance as well as XII. Ove


Overall, aalthough cchallengesome camin the form

ental Math Pilo

ass Donahue Inslied Research &

essons lea

hile administraperience with

pilot and the

above, the reaWhile severalthose early mnot been fullyLikely for mt interest of st

me time, the i. One intervieccustomed toriencing suchions across capurpose of antutors, and otht practices. Thcounselors an an invitation

erall, study paults mirror the

administratorscampuses ares noted above

mpus represenm of an electr


stitute Evaluation

arned and i

ators and facuthe pilot, the important qu

ach of the initl individuals

mechanisms (ey communica

multiple reasontudents appeanitiative appeewee suggeste

o waves of refh a wave. Thisampuses, cenn introductoryher supplemehese informannd others aboun to “rich and

articipants woe preliminary

s and faculty me eager to come, intervieweetatives expresronic database


ulty largely exstudy reveale

uestions it has

tiative was brfamiliar with

e.g., Task Forated to the mans, some admar not to haveears to have ped that, while

form that toucs intervieweetered on topicy or non-majoental instructonts call for anut the rationabroad dialogu

ould support c trends eviden

members expmpare their pees noted the ossed curiositye could enhan


xpressed cauted a call for an raised.

road, bringingthe planning

rce), it appearany stakehold

ministrators ane been exposeprovoked deepe professionalch all aspects

and others sucs such as theor mathematicors; and the ann informationale for the poliue” among pr

continuation ont in the field

pressed hope terformance to ongoing need y about other nce campuses

tiously optimian expanded p

g multiple segg phases of thers that the conders currently nd faculty whoed to the natiop thinking andls in elementaof teaching a

uggested that e evolution/fucs course; evonticipated imp

nal campaign, icy changes (rofessionals.

of the policy d.

that the state w overall statewfor resourcesinstitutions’ p

s’ abilities to l

istic perceptiopublic dialogu

gments of thee initiative vantent and spiriresponsible fo sincerely qu

onal research d raised impoary and seconand learning, h

these changeuture of develolving strategpact of PARCdesigned to e

(“why this cou

initiative, ass

would followwide trends. Cs to support thpilot experienlearn from on

ons of their fiue about the r

e campus comalued the partiit of that founfor implementuestion whichor the Task F

ortant questionndary educatiohigher educates are now proopmental mat

gies to “grow”CC testing on educate parenuld be good f

suming that st

w the same poCiting the imphe work. Addnces and notedne another.



irst-year rationale for

mmunity icipatory ndational ting the h approach is Force report. ns across on may have tion is only ovoking new th; the ” and deploy college

nts and for students”)


licy directionplementation

ditionally, d that support


