A Case Study: Mobile Engagement

RCS1010614 rehrigpacific.com 800.421.6244

Transcript of A Case Study: Mobile Engagement

Page 1: A Case Study: Mobile Engagement



RCS-­‐101-­‐0614                    rehrigpacific.com                  800.421.6244          

Page 2: A Case Study: Mobile Engagement

Case  Study  -­‐  Pepsi  Frozen  Faceoff  2014  Promotion          


Pepsi  Frozen  Faceoff  2014  Promotion  A  Case  Study    

Overview  In  late  2013,  the  local  branch  of  Pepsi  Bottling  in  Burnsville,  Minnesota,  agreed  to  be  the  pilot  market  and  test  bed  for  Rehrig  Pacific’s  new  Mobile  Engagement  enabled  reusable  material  handling  assets.  Pepsi  Bottling’s  entire  float  of  2-­‐liter  beverage  display  crates  was  converted  to  Rehrig  Pacific’s  new  5th  generation,  engagement  enabled  shells  during  the  early  months  of  2014.    

For  this  first  in-­‐market  test  utilizing  the  mobile  engagement  platform  Pepsi  selected  a  regional  discount  offer  for  the  2014  National  Collegiate  Hockey  Conference  (NCHC)  Frozen  Faceoff  tournament.  This  was  accomplished  through  the  combined  efforts  of  Rehrig  Pacific,  Pepsi,  the  Target  Center,  NCAA  and  NCHC.  

The  Challenge  To  promote  and  implement  a  mobile  marketing  solution  that  delivers  targeted  content  in  the  form  of  an  interactive  display  within  reach  of  the  consumer  using  reusable  transportation  items  already  ubiquitous  in  the  retail  distribution  chain  and  store  environment.    Rehrig  Pacific  set  out  to  do  more  with  the  assets  Pepsi  already  owns  and  uses  every  day  to  increase  the  opportunity  for  consumer  interaction,  at  the  point  of  sale,  without  increased  merchandizing  or  delivery  costs.    The  promotion  was  a  coupon  for  $5  off  a  day  game  ticket  to  the  NCHC  2014  Frozen  Faceoff  tournament.  


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Case  Study  -­‐  Pepsi  Frozen  Faceoff  2014  Promotion          

Who  Was  Involved  





Our  Solution  Rehrig  Pacific  developed  mobile  landing  pages,  managed  customer  data  and  delivered  targeted  content  within  retail  environments  through  the  utilization  of  the  Rehrig  Mobile  Engagement  enabled  Pepsi  shells  present  within  the  greater  Minneapolis  region.  Rehrig  also  coordinated  implementation  with  our  strategic  stakeholders  by  producing  instructional  materials  for  Pepsi  Sales  and  Delivery  personnel.  

Platform  Details  The  Rehrig  Mobile  Engagement  Platform  bridges  the  gap  between  mobile  marketing  and  the  real-­‐world  environment  through  interactive  technologies  embedded  in  branded  reusable  material  handling  assets.    

Rehrig’s  solution  combined  2D/QR  bar  code  and  near  field  communication  (NFC)  enabled  Rehrig  Pacific  made  5th  generation,  2-­‐liter,  Pepsi  branded  shells.  The  platform  enabled  a  geo-­‐targeted,  mobile  interaction  platform  for  the  distribution  of  the  promotional  offer  within  the  retail  environment.    This  was  accomplished  in  an  organic,  seamless  fashion  already  familiar  to  consumers,  retailers  and    Pepsi  personnel.  


Platform  Deployed  Technologies  


Near  Field  Communication  (NFC)  


2D/QR  Barcodes  


Web  Based,   Intel l igent  Mobile  Marketing  Platform   "  Reusable  Asset  Embedded  

Hardware  and  Systems  

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Case  Study  -­‐  Pepsi  Frozen  Faceoff  2014  Promotion          

Rehrig  Pacific  Services  Provided    

Multi-­‐party  strategy    and  requirements  coordination.    

Campaign  marketing  research  and  planning.    

Analytics’  and    metrics  development    and  collection.  

Custom  graphic,  print  and  web  design  services.   #  

Data  collection  management  and    secure  storage.    

Cloud  service    and  platform    integration  services.  


Automated  content  distribution    and  planning.  


Intelligent  geo-­‐targeting  and  platform    based  routing.  

 Confirmation  and  delivery  of  promotional  content.  


User  target  custom  coding  and    web  development.  


User  target  platform  optimization  for  speed  and  conversion.  


Modern  HTML5,  CSS3    and  jQuery  design  for  speed  and  improved    user  experience.  

 Created  for  Pepsi  Frozen  Faceoff  2014  Promotion  






Web  development  and  design  for  mobile  platform  interaction.  

Campaign  specific  info-­‐graphic  with  instructional  content  for  users.  

User  data  capture  and  targeted  campaign  content  distribution.  

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Case  Study  -­‐  Pepsi  Frozen  Faceoff  2014  Promotion          



       Source:  Direct  Marketing  Association  Response  Rate  2012  Report  

The  program  was  executed  in  a  short  time  frame  with  a  tight  window  for  which  the  offer  was  valid.    Additional  geographic  constraints,  limited  customer  education,  and  minimal  in-­‐store  direction  were  an  immediate  obstacle  that  was  faced  as  well.  Despite  these  challenges,  Rehrig  Pacific  was  able  to  generate  a  2.8%  engagement  rate  for  the  promotional  awareness  period.    

The  platform  also  generated  a  1.34%  response  rate  for  customer  action,  which  is  higher  than  direct  mail,  email,  paid  search  and  internet  display  marketing  targeting  new  customers.  The  click-­‐through  conversion  rate  was  also  successful  at  48%.  

Future  success  can  be  positively  affected  by  increased  familiarity  among  merchandisers  and  delivery  personnel  to  the  potential  at  their  fingertips.  Additionally,  increased  display  awareness  and  accessibility,  along  with  increased  education  of  the  customer  about  the  reward  for  interaction  will  accelerate  and  expand  adoption.  More  tailored  and  in-­‐depth  promotions  can  be  developed  to  expand  the  potential  for  this  category  of  consumer  interaction.  Most  importantly,  this  study  has  opened  the  door  for  the  savvy  team  at  Pepsi  to  take  advantage  of  the  unlimited  potential  of  cost  effective  form  of  marketing.