9A Presentation on The Lady of Shalott and Mariana


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Students from 9A IGCSE Literature group create a Power Point comparing the Lady of Shalott and Mariana as characters - from the Tennyson poems of the same name.

Transcript of 9A Presentation on The Lady of Shalott and Mariana

Page 1: 9A Presentation on The Lady of Shalott and Mariana

By Ainnierew and Andmana | 9A

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Similarities Both Mariana and the Lady of Shalott are isolated

from the rest of the world and forced to observe as an outsider.

Both are confined to one space – the Lady of Shalott cannot leave her tower, and Mariana stays inside her moated grange.

There is repetition in both their routines. The Lady weaves endlessly, and Mariana walks around talking to herself.

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Differences The Lady of Shalott spent

her time weaving. She interpreted the world as she saw it. Mariana, however, did not do anything of the sort.

The Lady chose to break out of her confinement in the end, even though it would mean her death. Mariana remained in her moated grange.

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Common Themes Both “Mariana” and “The

Lady of Shalott” feature themes of isolation, which are emphasised by the setting. Mariana’s moated grange is surrounded by water that isolates her, and the Lady lives in a tower on an island.

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Common Themes Both poems have a sense of

repetition and hopelessness.

Both use colour to represent the feelings of their characters. In “The Lady of Shalott”, the outside world is painted as being bright and colourful to emphasise how dull the Lady’s surroundings are. “Mariana” features muted colours that represent its titular character’s gloomy mental state.

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Stay seductive~