5 Ways to Listen Better

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TEDGlobal 2011 FilmedJuly 20117:50

Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better



Filmed July 2011 at TEDGlobal 2011

Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better

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Translated byMadalina DinitaReviewed byLaszlo Kereszturi


Julian Treasure5 ways to listen better

2M viewsJul 2011

Inspiring, Informative

0:11Ne pierdem capacitatea de a asculta.Petrecem circa 60% din timpul nostru de comunicare ascultnd,dar nu o facem prea bine.Reinem doar 25% din ce auzim.Nu e vorba de voi, de aceast prezentare,dar este un lucru general valabil.S definim ascultareaca fiind procesul prin care extragem sens din sunete.Este un proces mental,unul de extracie.

0:34Folosim nite tehnici interesante pentru asta.Una dintre ele este recunoaterea tiparelor.(Zgomot de mulime) La o petrecere precum aceasta,dac spun: David, Sara, fii ateni!,unii dintre voi se vor ridica.Recunoatem tiparuripentru a deosebi zgomotele de semnalei mai ales numele noastre.Diferenierea este o alt tehnic folosit.Dac las acest zgomot roz mai mult de dou minute,pur i simplu nu l vei mai auzi.Ascultm diferenele iignorm sunetele care nu se schimb.

1:03i apoi exist o serie de filtre.Ele fac trecerea de la sunetul de ansamblula ceea ce ascultm cu atenie.Majoritatea oamenilor nu sunt contienic aceste filtre exist.Dar ele construiesc realitatea, ntr-un fel,pentru c ne spun pe ce ne concentrm atenia acum.S v dau un exemplu:intenia este foarte important n ascultare.Cnd m-am cstorit,i-am promis soiei c o voi asculta n fiecare zica i cum ar fi pentru prima dat.Pn acum, nu am reuit s mi in promisiunea.(Rsete)Dar este o intenie important ntr-o relaie.

1:40Dar asta nu este tot.Sunetele ne situeaz n timp i spaiu.Dac nchidei ochii, acum, n aceast camer,tii ct de mare este cameradatorit reverberaieipentru c sunetul se reflect pe toate suprafaele.i tii ci oameni sunt n jurul vostrudatorit micro-zgomotelor primite.Sunetul ne poziioneaz i n timppentru c sunetul conine ntotdeaunaideea de timp n el.Faptul c ascultm este principalul mijloc, a spune,prin care experimentm curgerea timpuluidin trecut spre viitor.Sunetul este timp i sens - e un citat minunat.

2:14La nceput am spus c nu mai tim s ascultm.De ce am spus asta?Exist o serie de motive.n primul rnd, am creat mijloace de nregistrare -prima dat scrisul, apoi nregistrarea audioi acum nregistrarea video.Beneficiul de a asculta corect i cu ateniea disprut pur i simplu.n al doilea rnd, lumea este att de zgomotoas acum,(Zgomot) cu toat cacofoniavizual i auditiv,este greu s asculi,devine obositor s asculi.Muli gsesc refugiu n cti,dar transform spaiile publice mari, ca acesta,unde sunetele sunt comune,n milioane de bule sonore personale.Aici nimeni nu mai ascult pe nimeni.

2:58Nu mai avem rbdare.Nu mai vrem oratorie,vrem buci de sunet.i arta conversaieieste nlocuit - i asta e periculos, cred eu -prin transmisii unilaterale.Nu tiu ct de mult se ascult ntr-o astfel de conversaie,care, din pcate, este foarte des ntlnitmai ales n Regatul Unit.Ne desensibilizm.Mass-media trebuie s urle la noi cu astfel de titluripentru a ne atrage atenia.Asta nseamn c ne e mai greu s fim atenila ceea ce este linitit, subtil,modest.

3:31Nu mai ascultm i asta este o problem grav.Nu este ceva banalpentru c ascultnd, nelegem.Ascultarea contient duce mereu la nelegere.Dac nu exist ascultare contient,apar astfel de lucruri -o lume n care nu ne mai ascultm deloc unii pe aliieste, ntr-adevr, un loc nspimnttor.A vrea s v mprtesc5 exerciii simple pe care le putei facepentru a v mbunti capacitatea de a asculta contient.V-ar plcea s facem asta?

4:03(Public: Da!) Bine.

4:05Primul exerciiu este linitea.Doar trei minute de linite pe zireprezint un exerciiu minunatpentru a v reseta, recalibra urechilepentru a putea auzi din nou linitea.Dac nu gsii un loc unde nu se aude nimic,mergei ntr-unul linitit, este n regul.

4:20Al doilea exerciiu este mixerul.(Zgomot) Chiar dac v aflai ntr-un mediu zgomotos, precum acesta -i petrecem cu toii mult timp n astfel de locuri -cnd suntei ntr-o cafenea ascultaicte canale de sunete putei auzi.Cte canale individuale ascult n acel amestec?Putei face asta i ntr-un loc linitit, pe un lac.Cte psri aud?Unde sunt ele? De unde se aud acele valuri?Este un exerciiu minunatpentru mbuntirea capacitii de ascultare.

4:48Al treilea exerciiu minunatpresupune s savurai sunetele.Presupune s v bucurai de sunetele obinuite.Iat maina mea de splat uscnd rufele.(Maina) Este un vals.Un, doi, trei. Un, doi, trei. Un, doi, trei.Minunat.Sau ncercai ceva mai mic.(Rnia de cafea)Uau!Sunetele obinuite sunt interesante dac asculi atent.Corul ascuns, aa l numesc.Este n jurul nostru tot timpul.

5:23Urmtorul exerciiueste probabil cel mai important dintre toate,dac ignorai cte un sunet pe rnd.Este vorba despre unghiurile de ascultare -ideea este c i poi schimba unghiurile de ascultarepentru a se potrivi cu ce asculi tu.nseamn s ne jucm cu acele filtre.Dac v amintii, v-am spus la nceput care sunt.nseamn s ne jucm cu ele ca nite prghii,s devenim contieni de ele i s ne mutm n locuri diferite.Acestea sunt doar cteva dintre unghiurile de ascultare,sau game, pe care le putei folosi.Sunt multe.Amuzai-v cu ele. Este foarte interesant.

5:54i, n sfrit, un acronim.l putei folosi n ascultare, n comunicare.Dac v aflai n oricare din aceste roluri -aa cum cred c v aflai toi, cei care ascultai aceast prezentare -acronimul este RASA,care este un cuvnt din sanscriti nseamn miez sau esen.Acronimul vine de la Primete (Receive),adic fii atent la ce spune persoana respectiv:Apreciaz, rosteti lucruriprecum hmm, oh, ok;Recapituleaz (Summarize), deci este foarte important cnd comunicai;i ntreab (Ask), pune ntrebri dup aceea.

6:26Sunetele reprezint pasiunea mea, viaa mea.Am scris o carte despre ele. Deci, eu triesc pentru a asculta.Pentru majoritatea oamenilor, ar fi prea mult s le cer asta.ns cred c fiecare fiin umantrebuie s asculte contientpentru a tri din plin -pentru a fi legat n timp i spaiude lumea fizic din jurul nostru,pentru a-i nelege semenii,pentru a se dezvolta spiritualpentru c n centrul tuturor drumurilor spiritualepe care le cunosc, se aflascultarea i meditaia.

6:53De aceea,trebuie ca n coli s se predeatehnici de ascultare.De ce nu se face asta? E o nebunie.Dac i-am nva pe copii n coli cum s asculte,putem mpiedica pierderea capacitii de ascultare,care duce la acea lume nfricotoare despre care v-am vorbiti astfel toat lumea ar asculta contient tot timpul -sau, cel puin, ar putea fi capabil s fac asta.

7:15Nu tiu cum am putea face asta,dar suntem la TEDi cred c aceast comunitate TED poate face orice.V invit s luai legtura cu mine, ntre voi,s rspndii aceast misiune i s facem ca tehnicile de ascultare s fie predate n colii s transformm lumea pentru ca urmtoarea generaie s poat asculta contient -s existe o lume conectat,o lume a nelegerii i a pcii.

7:36V mulumesc c m-ai ascultat azi.



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TEDGlobal 2011 FilmedJuly 20117:50

Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better

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Julian Treasure:

5 ways to listen better

TEDGlobal 20117:50FilmedJul 2011Subtitles available in 45 languagesView interactive transcript



Filmed July 2011 at TEDGlobal 2011

Julian Treasure: 5 ways to listen better

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0:11We are losing our listening.We spend roughly 60 percent of our communication time listening,but we're not very good at it.We retain just 25 percent of what we hear.Now not you, not this talk,but that is generally true.Let's define listeningas making meaning from sound.It's a mental process,and it's a process of extraction.

0:34We use some pretty cool techniques to do this.One of them is pattern recognition.(Crowd Noise) So in a cocktail party like this,if I say, "David, Sara, pay attention,"some of you just sat up.We recognize patternsto distinguish noise from signal,and especially our name.Differencing is another technique we use.If I left this pink noise on for more than a couple of minutes,you would literally cease to hear it.We listen to differences,we discount sounds that remain the same.

1:03And then there is a whole range of filters.These filters take us from all sounddown to what we pay attention to.Most people are entirely unconsciousof these filters.But they actually create our reality in a way,because they tell us what we're paying attention to right now.Give you one example of that:Intention is very important in sound, in listening.When I married my wife,I promised her that I would listen to her every dayas if for the first time.Now that's something I fall short of on a daily basis.(Laughter)But it's a great intention to have in a relationship.

1:40But that's not all.Sound places us in space and in time.If you close your eyes right now in this room,you're aware of the size of the roomfrom the reverberationand the bouncing of the sound off the surfaces.And you're aware of how many people are around youbecause of the micro-noises you're receiving.And sound places us in time as well,because sound always hastime embedded in it.In fact, I would suggest that our listening is the main waythat we experience the flow of timefrom past to future.So, "Sonority is time and meaning" -- a great quote.

2:14I said at the beginning, we're losing our listening.Why did I say that?Well there are a lot of reasons for this.First of all, we invented ways of recording --first writing, then audio recordingand now video recording as well.The premium on accurate and careful listeninghas simply disappeared.Secondly, the world is now so noisy,(Noise) with this cacophony going onvisually and auditorily,it's just hard to listen;it's tiring to listen.Many people take refuge in headphones,but they turn big, public spaces like this,shared soundscapes,into millions of tiny, little personal sound bubbles.In this scenario, nobody's listening to anybody.

2:58We're becoming impatient.We don't want oratory anymore,we want sound bites.And the art of conversationis being replaced -- dangerously, I think --by personal broadcasting.I don't know how much listening there is in this conversation,which is sadly very common,especially in the U.K.We're becoming desensitized.Our media have to scream at us with these kinds of headlinesin order to get our attention.And that means it's harder for us to pay attentionto the quiet, the subtle,the understated.

3:31This is a serious problem that we're losing our listening.This is not trivial.Because listening is our access to understanding.Conscious listening always creates understanding.And only without conscious listeningcan these things happen --a world where we don't listen to each other at all,is a very scary place indeed.So I'd like to share with youfive simple exercises, tools you can take away with you,to improve your own conscious listening.Would you like that?

4:03(Audience: Yes.) Good.

4:05The first one is silence.Just three minutes a day of silenceis a wonderful exerciseto reset your ears and to recalibrateso that you can hear the quiet again.If you can't get absolute silence,go for quiet, that's absolutely fine.

4:20Second, I call this the mixer.(Noise) So even if you're in a noisy environment like this --and we all spend a lot of time in places like this --listen in the coffee barto how many channels of sound can I hear?How many individual channels in that mix am I listening to?You can do it in a beautiful place as well, like in a lake.How many birds am I hearing?Where are they? Where are those ripples?It's a great exercisefor improving the quality of your listening.

4:48Third, this exercise I call savoring,and this is a beautiful exercise.It's about enjoying mundane sounds.This, for example, is my tumble dryer.(Dryer) It's a waltz.One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three.I love it.Or just try this one on for size.(Coffee grinder)Wow!So mundane sounds can be really interesting if you pay attention.I call that the hidden choir.It's around us all the time.

5:23The next exerciseis probably the most important of all of these,if you just take one thing away.This is listening positions --the idea that you can move your listening positionto what's appropriate to what you're listening to.This is playing with those filters.Do you remember, I gave you those filters at the beginning.It's starting to play with them as levers,to get conscious about them and to move to different places.These are just some of the listening positions,or scales of listening positions, that you can use.There are many.Have fun with that. It's very exciting.

5:54And finally, an acronym.You can use this in listening, in communication.If you're in any one of those roles --and I think that probably is everybody who's listening to this talk --the acronym is RASA,which is the Sanskrit wordfor juice or essence.And RASA stands for Receive,which means pay attention to the person;Appreciate, making little noiseslike "hmm," "oh," "okay";Summarize, the word "so" is very important in communication;and Ask, ask questions afterward.

6:26Now sound is my passion, it's my life.I wrote a whole book about it. So I live to listen.That's too much to ask from most people.But I believe that every human beingneeds to listen consciouslyin order to live fully --connected in space and in timeto the physical world around us,connected in understanding to each other,not to mention spiritually connected,because every spiritual path I know ofhas listening and contemplationat its heart.

6:53That's whywe need to teach listening in our schoolsas a skill.Why is it not taught? It's crazy.And if we can teach listening in our schools,we can take our listening off that slippery slopeto that dangerous, scary world that I talked aboutand move it to a place where everybody is consciously listening all the time --or at least capable of doing it.

7:15Now I don't know how to do that,but this is TED,and I think the TED community is capable of anything.So I invite you to connect with me, connect with each other,take this mission out and let's get listening taught in schools,and transform the world in one generation to a conscious listening world --a world of connection,a world of understanding and a world of peace.

7:36Thank you for listening to me today.



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