5 quick and easy ways to generate high quality leads for your business


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5 Quick and easy ways to Generate High quality

Leads for your Business


Hephzibah Asaolu


Page 2: 5 quick and easy ways to generate high quality leads for your business

Lead generation is the live wire of online businesses. A lot of people do not

purchase products and services as soon as they see it. They want to read about it,

find out about its efficiency, read testimonials of people who have used it, read

the reviews and most of all, read educative, informative contents about it directly

from the producer. In my article on "Content Strategy Checklist". I discussed

about the buying stages a visitor will go through before finally purchasing your

product/service (as seen in the image above).

The first stage is suspects - This is the stage where visitors read your contents and

interact with it. The second stage is the prospects - This is when visitors decide to

sign up to your email list. The third stage is the lead stage - where prospects

showed some interest in your business.

One great strategy of acquiring leads is Content Marketing. It will take your

prospects from the first level of the buying process to the stage where they

become highly interested in your product/service (leads). Demand Metrics opined

that content marketing generates 3 times as many leads as traditional outbound

marketing, but costs 62% less. This shows that it generates more leads and is


Content marketing institute carried out a survey recently on B2b marketers. In

this survey, it was revealed that 83% of B2B content marketers surveyed are using

content marketing for lead generation.

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Now you know that using content marketing to generate leads is an effective and

money-saving strategy, what type of content do you need for this purpose?

Below are 5 ways you can generate high quality leads for your business.

1. Webinar

A lot of people perceived webinars to be of high value presented by

knowledgeable resource persons. Webinar is interactive, thus, enabling

participants to ask questions and learn from the presentation. Brands have the

opportunity to answer questions and recommend their websites to participants.

Content marketing Institute and MarketingProfs report that 62% of marketers use

this strategy and 63% find it very effective.

Below are what you need for a successful webinar

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Here, you need a topic that resonates with your target audience. It can be a topic

that specifically targets your audience problems or challenges and provides

solutions to it. The title should be catchy, so it can attract your audience. A good

example of this is from the "eLearning Guild webinar". The title was "The Secrets

to Rapid eLearning Success" The webinar dealt with keeping up with the latest

technological demands and producing effective e-learning.


This is a very important aspect of a successful webinar. Participants wants to

interact with subject experts, niche authority personnel who knows the rudiment

of the topic under consideration. Presenting someone less than this will amount

to failure. This is the scenario where you see attendees multi- tasking during the

session because the speaker is not good at the topic or it is boring.


During and at the end of the webinar, introduce participant surveys . A portion of

the survey can be for participant contact details. The second Part of the survey

can be questions on what they like about the webinar, the speaker, the content

etc. When the webinar is over, you can contact all the participants through their

contact information provided on the survey forms. You can also use their answers

to prepare for other Webinars in the future.

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You need to record the webinar using video recording software or other

programs. You can place it on your website so that people who are not opportune

to attend can still participate in it. This way, you get more leads for your business.

2. Whitepapers and Free Guides

Whitepapers and free guides are the most established content marketing tactics.

They create interests in potential clients who will be willing to exchange their

email address for a free download. Just like the webinar, whitepapers and free

guides need to target a specific audience in order to generate tangible results.

This is why it is very important to know your audience.

3. Linkedin Groups

Linkedin groups are discussion forums you can use without stress or expertise.

You don't have to worry about privacy or hosting. It doesn't require time to set it

up, all you need is the group detail and a logo. When you are setting up the

group, make sure you choose whether to make it an open group or a closed one.

Now, to use this to generate leads, you need to brand it very well to reflect your

business. Then, start by joining discussions, posting valuable content (videos,

white papers, etc.), encourage users to share content to build the group. As the

administrator of the group, you have an opportunity to send out an

announcement to your group members. Make use of this opportunity to send

promotions and campaigns to your group members to attract leads.

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4. In-person events

According to Content marketing institute and MarketingProfs, in-person events

have been rated the most effective content marketing strategy for b2b marketers

with 76% of marketers using it. It is a great strategy because you are able to

connect with your prospects and shake their hands. They see you and are able to

relate with you. This is very important in creating a relationship that will help you

to nurture your leads.

During the event, you can share content on social media, blogs and video

platforms, thereby giving you an opportunity to generate leads and increase your

brand awareness.

5. Slideshare presentation

This is a great way to attract leads to your business. It is a great marketing tool

unknown by many business owners. Slideshare has more than 60 million unique

visitors per month and 215 million page views. It is among the top 120 most

visited websites in the world. Wow! What an amazing content marketing


All you need to start is to create a topic that is relevant to your target market and

create a presentation which shares valuable information. You will need a catchy

title with relevant search keywords because slideshare ranks well on search

engines. Upload the presentation on slideshare and on your blog. Include a strong

call to action with a link to a lead form at the end of the presentation.

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The above platforms will not work if you don't follow the rules of content creation


Rules of content creation:

Know your audience:

The first thing that will help you to attract quality leads is to first define your

audience. Know who your customers are? Are they children? Adults? Sport

lovers? Business owners? If you know who your target audience is, you are in a

better position to create content that will be valuable to them and nurture them

through the sales funnel until they become your lead and then customers.

Experiment with different types of contents:

Don't limit yourself to producing only one content type for your lead generation.

Experiment with many of them, you can create Linkedin group, convert your

valuable contents on your blogs to presentation and upload on Slideshare,

convert your content to video presentation and upload to Youtube, create a

whitepaper and design a landing page to captures leads etc. The more the


Avoid promotional contents

Don't use your sales page as a content to attract leads, it will not work. Don't

sound salesy in your content. Your content should provide valuable information

that will be useful for your audience. This way, people can relate to your

information, get to trust you enough to do business with you.

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Problem solving contents

A lot of people browse the internet looking for solutions to their problems. Use

your content to address these problems and provide solutions to them (by using

your product/service as solutions) and you will get a lot of high quality leads. To

do this effectively, you need a strategic content marketing plan to meet these


Well-written content

Gone are the days when you can throw 500 word article on your website and get

visitors from search engines and all other places. Nowadays, search engines and

readers are looking for authority contents that can address their problem and tell

them how to solve it. You need to take your time to write high quality, thoroughly

researched, well written content to attract leads to your business.

There are lots of methods you can use to get more leads for your business, above

are some of them. Others include, case studies, videos, blogs, eNewsletters, etc.

The important thing here is to make use of what you have now and use it to your


You can contact us for your content marketing needs.

I invite you to check out my blog www.hephzysocial.com and read interesting

posts that will help you to skyrocket your business to the next level.

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Then you are in the right place.

Here's the deal:

If you need contents to:

* Generate leads to follow up by sales and marketing teams

* Help your sales team close sales more quickly

* Generate interest in your products

* Build and repair public opinion about your brand and products

* Develop friends and fans who interact with your brand socially

* Help customers get the most from your products

Then you are in the right place.


I'm a big believer that every online marketer must master the art of content

marketing and promotion. But with the increasing amounts of information out

there, how can you find practical techniques that will help you to achieve the

goals highlighted above?

That's where Hephzysocial comes in.

Hephzysocial has grown into one of the most popular content marketing sites on

the web for one simple reason:

Everything I publish is super actionable and designed to help you get more leads,

customers and sales.

You can get in touch with me through my contact page or send a mail to

[email protected].