4th Grade Indian Project Diego

Diego Sanchez Hupa


Hupa Indians

Transcript of 4th Grade Indian Project Diego

  • 1. Diego Sanchez

2. The Hupa live by the cost. In the Hupa the climant is rainy. Ther ciment are mosed and some times cold. The Coastal Region 3. The housings were shaped like a house but a small bit is under the ground. It was made out of wood and stray. Housing 4. The food they ate was shaman. What They got there food from the river Food 5. The natual resources were using spers and bascits for the berries and the food. They used these resources by trading thinges that they need for what the other tribe needed. Natural Resources 6. http://www.firstpeople.us/american-indian/photographs/hupa-house.html WWW.first people.US p.3 http://carbsyndrome.com/tribal-clinic-uses-native-foods-to-fight-diseases/ p.4 http://www.edwardcurtis.com/tribal-regions/ p.5 Works Cited