download 3º ESO EXCEL 2003 MANUAL

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Transcript of 3º ESO EXCEL 2003 MANUAL

  • 7/31/2019 3 ESO EXCEL 2003 MANUAL


  • 7/31/2019 3 ESO EXCEL 2003 MANUAL


    EXCEL 2003


    Whats Excel 2003?

    The Basics

    Open Excel 2003

    Excel Interface

    Inside the worksheet

    Identifying a cell

    Activating a cell

    Activating a non-visible cell

    Entering Data

    Text and Numbers Dates and Times Formulas

    1. Working with cellsModify contentErase content

    Working with rows and columns

    Selecting, inserting and erasing a row or


    Changing the width of a column

    Changing the height of a row

    Showing and Hiding rows and columns

    Working with Ranges

    Whats a Range?

    Selecting, moving, copying, erasing and

    renaming ranges

    Transposing a range

    Entering data in a range

    Text, dates, values, personalized list

    Formatting the worksheet

    Applying a specific format

    Aligning data

    Change orientation

    Sharing text in lines

    Combining cells

    Enhancing a range

    Adding Borders and Shadow

    Copying a format

    Defining and applying a style

    Assigning a conditional format

    Easy Operations

    Auto sum


    Other operations

    2.Printing the dataPreview

    Printing a selected range

    Changing the Scale

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    Whats Excel 2003 ?

    Excel 2003 is the most extendable spreadsheet program nowadays. With such a program, we find the

    solution to manage our expenses and all kind of financial operations (loans, payments...). Now, we can have

    detailed information of our daily business and easy control our money. Excel 2003 can also be used by

    teachers to get the percentages of their students marks.

    The Basics


    Standard Bar

    Title Bar

    Menu Bar

    Formula Bar

    Status Bar

    Formatting Bar

    Names Box


    Cell in


    Worksheet Selection BarFast


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    Title Barcontains both the name of the application Microsoft Excel- and the name of the currentworkbook.

    If we click on the Excel logo once, the following menu will appear.

    However, if we double click on this icon, Excel will close inmediately. We also have

    three different buttons at the right upper corner of the window:

    Minimize/Maximize Restore - Close application

    In the last picture we can see six buttons: three on the Status Bar and other on the right of the

    Menu/Options bar. The six of them are equal to each other, but you must remember that these buttons

    refer to Excel, whilst the other three refer to the workbook. This is, if we click on

    we close the workbook in use (3rdESO 1stTERM.xls), not the program (Microsoft Excel).

    Menu/Options bar contains all the most important options that you can run with Excel. It isdivided into tabs. When you click on any of these tabs, a menu will appear then; at first, this menu is not

    completely open, you must wait a few seconds or just click on the arrow at the bottom of the menu to

    completely open it.

    Standard bar

    lets us run quickly the most common actionsconcerning the whole file

    New file, open a file, save, print. Preview, cut, copy, paste... are some of the actions we can apply by

    clicking on one of these icons.

    Formatting bar gives format to the type of letter (font) and the paragraph. We can give aparticular size, font and colour to the different fonts we use. In the same way, we can justify the

    paragraph or simply align it to the left or right, give different borders to an object, enumerate the lines

    using numbers and letters, etc.

    Name boxshows the name of the cell in use. It can also contain other objects, such as rangesformulas, functions, etc

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    Formula barshows the text, numbers or formulas within the cell in use Worksheet selection bar we use it to move along the different pages of our workbook. By right-

    clicking on a sheet, we can insert a new one into our worksheet, change the name of the sheets and

    so on.

    Status barreports different information when we are working in Excel2003, results, averages...

    Fast scrollwhen we have a large number of sheets, we use this command to move quickly (as in

    Word 2003).


    The different worksheets in Excel conform a Workbook. An Excel 2003 workbook can contain several

    worksheets that will be saved as an only file. By default, Excel opens with 3 worksheets in the

    Worksheet Selection Bar, but we could add up to 255 of them.


    Each of the worksheets that conform a book is formed by 255 columns and 65,536

    rows. The intersection of an arrow and a column is called CELL. We will name each cell

    as if playing a game of ships; write the column (vertical) and the row (horizontal) inside

    the Names Bar and the cell will have a highlighted border. So, we identify any cell by

    this highlighted border.


    To activate any cell, just left click on it.


    We can select/activate a cell that is not on screen in two ways:

    1. By writing the name of the cell in the Names Box and press Enter 2. Following the route Options bar Edit Go to write V90 Accept

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    We can enter different kind of data in a cell: number, text, percentage, date, time,

    fraction... Depending on the data, Excel will align it to the left or to the right. For

    example, Excel aligns numbers to the right and text to the left. However, we can easily place this

    information to the centre, left or right by clicking

    While we are entering the new data in the active cell, we can notice it in the formula bar. Here there are

    two different buttons

    similar to press the Enter key; the data will be added into the active cell

    if you push this button, the data will not be added into the active cellThe data is inserted in the cell by clicking and writing the information down. An Excel cell can contain

    one of the three following data types:

    NUMBERS as we already know, the numbers are aligned to the right in the cell. Just click on a cell and

    enter your value. You should not type the thousand separator yourself.If we want to enter a number

    bigger than 999, we have to write without separator 25553. The program will do the rest. Also if you

    want your number to be treated as text itself, you must write the apostrophe in front of the number


    TEXT the text is aligned to the left. Any information which contains a non-numeric character, is

    considered to be text. For example:

    3 1-10 4/3.

    DATES aligned to the right. We can enter the date in different formats:

    4/3 4/3/2007 4-marzo

    4-marzo-2007 04-marzo-2007 marzo-2007

    TIMES aligned to the right. Different formats are accepted:

    14:55 14:55:45

    14:55 PM 14:55:45 PM

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    - Content we erase the content, not the format- Comments we erase any comment we have in that cell



    We can select a column or a row by clicking on its tab columns tab rows tab


    To insert a new column, first we must select a cell insert Column

    the column will be entered to the left of the active cell.

    To erase a column, we must click on its tabetiqueta

    Edit Eliminate


    To insert a new row, first we must select a cell insert Row .The new row will be

    entered above the active cell.

    To erase a row, we must click on its tab etiqueta Edit Eliminate


    To change the width of a column, we must place the cursor on the right side of the

    columns tab. When we see a double arrow drag the mouse to your desired width


    To change the heigth of a row, we must place the cursor on the upper or lower side of therows tab. When we see a double arrow drag the mouse to your desire width


    We must click on the tab of the row or column that we want to hide (must be hidden in order to show)

    Edit Row or Column Hide

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    To show the hidden row or column, we must select the 2 rows or columns next to

    the hidden one; thus, if we want to show column C, we must select B and D


    click on B tab and drag to D Format row or column show

    *We can also hide and show a column or a row by right-clicking on the selected tab. A new menu will

    appear giving us these 2 options.



    A range is a block of cells that form a rectangle. It

    iidentified by the cells which occupy the left upper corner

    and the right lower corner of the rectangle, separated by the colon sign : It is very important to

    operate with ranges, because the features of a range are applied to all the cells within the range. To

    select a range, we write down its value inside the Names bar and press Enter.

    Names Bar B1:D2 Enter


    Two different options:

    a. We activate the cell when it starts drag and drop to the ending cellb. Write the name of the range in the Names bar and press Enter


    Select the range to move Edit Cut select the cell from which the range will start Edit Paste


    Same operation but using the command Copy instead of Cut.

    NOTE : we can copy different ranges at the same time by pressing clic + ctrl. However, these

    ranges will not be copied as one element if they do not have the same size and shape.

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    Select the range and Supr

    Edit Erase


    It is very useful to give a name to a range, especially if we use it

    often. This way, whenever we want to refer to it, we can

    do it easily.

    Select the range and

    Insert Name Define write name Add Accept

    The name of our range will appear inside the Names Bar If we want to find it later, we will look for it

    in this bar.


    Transpose means to exchange rows by columns and viceversa

    Select the range and

    Edit Copy Click on the starting cell Edit Pegado especial Tick Transposing Box Accept

    *As we click on Pegado especial, a new menu will open. It shows us the different elements we can paste

    from our selected range:

    Todo Alldata and format, formulas...

    Possible to copy

    Impossible to copy

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    Formulas the formulas contained in the range

    Format only the format is pasted, not the content

    Todo excepto bordes refers to the cell format

    Column width only this value is pasted



    We can enter a determined value (text or number) in a range and use the command Autofill Autorrellenar

    so that Excel continues the series for us; I mean, we

    enter the first value and Excel will write the

    rest of the sequence/series automatically.


    First, write down the first value of our list: Lunes, Enero, Caja 1, etc.

    Secondly, select the range where the list will be filled in (including the starting cell).

    Thirdly, go to Edit Fill Series Tipo Autorrellenar

    *We can also use the mouse if we want to make it by hand:

    Take the cursor to the right lower corner, when it takes the shape of a cross drag until

    the end of the range. Excel will automatically fill in the range with the content.

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    Introduce the first date of the series in the format already explained select the range Edit Fill

    Series Tipo Cronolgica

    write the incremento increase (for ex.

    7) Accept


    Insert the first value in the cell select the range Edit Fill in Type

    Lineal each number is obtained by adding up sumando the increase incremento to the previous number

    Geometrica each number is obtained by multiplying multiplicando the increase by the previous number

    write the increase Accept