25 18 4 22 12 7 17 10 13 62 8 19 9 23 24 1614 20 3 15 11 5 21 1.

25 18 4 22 12 7 17 10 13 6 2 8 19 9 23 24 16 14 20 3 15 11 5 21 1

Transcript of 25 18 4 22 12 7 17 10 13 62 8 19 9 23 24 1614 20 3 15 11 5 21 1.
















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Wake up!Santa (no, not that Santa!) lives in Guatemala with her husband and five children. They are improving their lives through an infant nutrition programme run by CAFOD’s partner, the Jesuit-run parish of La Natividad (which means ‘nativity’). Here, baby Jansel is being weighed and declared free of malnutrition.

We’ll hear more about Santa’s family and community in the coming days.

“You know ‘the time’ has come; you must

wake up now.”Romans 13:11

Sunday 1 DecemberFirst Sunday of Advent

This year’s calendar is all about food – who has it, who doesn’t, whether that’s fair and what we can do about it.

During 2013, thousands of young people have taken action to make the global food system fairer. We’ll hear about that too.

Today, let’s reflect that there’s enough food in the world for everyone, if we share it fairly.

Lord, thank you for your gifts, given for us all to share. Keep me awake to the needs of my sisters and brothers. Amen.

Watch a video introducing Jansel and Santa. Share a meal with your family today.

“You know ‘the time’ has come; you must

wake up now.”Romans 13:11

Monday 2 December

Feasting with God

Were you one of more than twelve thousand young people in England and Wales who took campaign actions with CAFOD this year to help end hunger?

These students from Shrewsbury took part in our Hungry for change campaign. Here they are making a display to be used in a liturgy.

They were angry that one in eight people does not have enough food, and they were calling for the global food system to be made more fair.

“Many will come from east and west to take

their places… at the feast in the kingdom of

heaven.” Matthew 8:11

Impressed by the faith of a Roman centurion, Jesus said that people from all over the world, not just from Israel, would take part in the feast in the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus also said, “The kingdom of God is among you.”

Let’s work together to start the feasting here on earth and make sure everyone’s invited.

Lord, may we all come to your feast, bringing our sisters and brothers with us. Amen.

Watch our Hungry for change animation. Start making a display about food for all.

“Many will come from east and west to take

their places… at the feast in the kingdom of

heaven.” Matthew 8:11


Jansel was poorly nourished when his mother, Santa, registered him with a CAFOD supported mother-child feeding programme in the Santa Maria region of Guatemala.

Santa says:

Tuesday 3 December “I bless you, Father… for hiding these things from the

learned and the clever and revealing them to mere

children.” Luke 10:21

I cried because I could see that he might die. When I took my boy to the clinic, I felt hopeful because they detected his illness. The medicine they gave me was very effective and

didn’t cost much.

Jesus says that God reveals his wisdom to the little ones. Sometimes little children and simple souls can see very clearly how we should behave towards each other.

Father, I can make things so complicated – especially when I’m making excuses! Doing what you ask is very simple. Help me to act justly, love tenderly and walk humbly with you. Amen.

Watch G8 Summit, a short film showing what might happen if the G8 leaders were children. Find someone who hasn’t heard of Hungry for change and explain it to them.

“I bless you, Father… for hiding these things from the

learned and the clever and revealing them to mere

children.” Luke 10:21

Wednesday 4 December

Cool campaigner

Lots of teenagers try to look their best before going out with their mates. But on 8 June, Ciara Foley forgot about looking cool and concentrated on making an impact!

Ciara dressed up as a fish at a rally in London to influence G8 world leaders, meeting that week:

“...the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a

banquet of rich food…”

Isaiah 25:6

I am really passionate about ending global poverty... I

would like to tell the G8 that there is enough food for

everyone and poverty can end within our lifetime if people

make a change.

I am really passionate about ending global poverty... I

would like to tell the G8 that there is enough food for

everyone and poverty can end within our lifetime if people

make a change.

That day, the G8 leaders agreed to provide an extra £2.7 billion in aid to help the hungry. Great news!

But much more is needed.

How can I use my consumer choices to influence those who make decisions about the global food system?

Lord of hosts, you have already provided a banquet of rich food. Help world leaders to keep the promises they made in June, so that we begin to share that banquet more justly. Amen.

Check out CAFOD’s Facebook page for young people.For a treat today, buy some Fairtrade chocolate!

“...the Lord of hosts will prepare for all peoples a

banquet of rich food…”

Isaiah 25:6

Thursday 5 December


Baby Jansel lives in Santa Maria, one of the poorest regions of Guatemala. Most of the population in these highlands are Mayan people who keep a few animals and grow food – mostly corn and beans - to eat and to sell.

Many people have never been to a health centre. Two of the most common illnesses are malnutrition and gastro-enteritis.

CAFOD partners in this region are helping people to set up vegetable gardens as well as giving training in hygiene to help reduce disease.

“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built

his house on rock.”Matthew 7:24

In today’s reading, Jesus tells us that acting on his words makes sense; it’s a rock-like foundation for our lives.

And good nourishment is a vital foundation for a healthy body. Most of the time I take this for granted, yet millions in our world are denied nutritious food.

I may say that I think this is unjust. But what am I doing about it?

Lord, may my actions always match my words. Help me to be a person of integrity. Amen.

Watch Drive Aid, an IF campaign film about food versus fuel.Be careful to waste no food today, as a sign that you mean what you say.

“Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built

his house on rock.”Matthew 7:24

Friday 6 December


In March, these sixth formers from Oaklands Catholic School in Portsmouth took part in the ‘Enough food for everyone IF’ campaign by writing to local MPs before the Chancellor’s budget.

The students joined others in lobbying – or calling – for the government to confirm that from 2013 onwards, 0.7% of national income would go towards life-saving aid to support those in our world who are affected by our unjust global food system.

“Do you believe I can do this?”

Matthew 9:28

In today’s reading, Jesus asks two blind men whether they believe that he can heal them.

It can be hard to believe that small actions can make a big difference... but they can!

After years of campaigns, the UK government has now agreed to give 0.7% of our annual budget to aid developing countries.

Lord of all hopefulness, give hope to those who feel abandoned by the world. Help us to be hope to others. Amen.Find out about taking campaign actions with CAFOD.Make a random act of kindness towards someone else today – it could make a big difference to them!

“Do you believe I can do this?”

Matthew 9:28

Saturday 7 December


When we asked Jansel’s mother, Santa, if she had a message for CAFOD supporters, she said:

“You received without charge, give without

charge.” Matthew 10:8

Thank you for the help you’ve given; your support is making a real difference to our lives. We have learned to grow our own vegetables. So when we don’t have enough food at home, we have food in the orchard and we eat that.

Thank you for your generosity.

St Ambrose said: “It is not from your own possessions that you give alms to the poor, you are just restoring to them what is theirs by right”.

Do I regard the world’s riches as my right? Do I always expect a return for my generosity?

Father, you did not count the cost when you sent your Son for us. When I give, help me not to count the cost. Amen.

Find out how we are using the £1.8m that CAFOD supporters have given to help Syrians.Be generous to others today.

“You received without charge, give without

charge.” Matthew 10:8


The CAFOD group from Loreto High School in Chorlton took part in our Hungry for change campaign this year.

Recalling the story of Jesus multiplying the loaves and fish they asked staff and students to sign campaign cards and write messages of solidarity on cut-outs of fish and loaves.

In June, Loreto students joined others handing in some of the 30,000 campaign actions taken by UK schools to the Prime Minister at 10 Downing Street.

Sunday 8 DecemberSecond Sunday of Advent

“A voice cries in the wilderness: prepare a

way for the Lord.” Matthew 3:3

The Loreto group put in a lot of preparation for their event. They thought it was worth the effort.

John the Baptist dedicated his life to preparing the way for Jesus. Mary also prepared for his birth.

How am I preparing to celebrate Jesus’ birth at Christmas?

Giver of all good things, help me to prepare to make this Christmas a time of giving, more than of receiving. Amen.

Ask someone to buy you a World Gift – the Christmas present that gives twice!Prepare a Christmas treat for a friend or relative.

“A voice cries in the wilderness: prepare a

way for the Lord.” Matthew 3:3

Monday 9 DecemberFeast of the Immaculate Conception

WomenIn Santa Maria, Guatemala, our parish partner works with 21 rural communities.

Too often, it is women who are most disadvantaged. Of the world’s poorest billion people, 70 per cent are women and girls. Yet mothers are best placed to improve their children’s prospects.Santa says:

“The Lord is with you.”

Luke 1:28

With my first children, I wasn’t able to feed them good food. With the

programme, I have learned about healthy eating... it’s important to feed them well

so that they do well and achieve their goals at school.

Today is a feast day of Our Lady.

Mary grew up in a poor community and would understand some of the struggles that many women in developing countries have to endure.

She lived an extraordinary call in a very ordinary way. She accepted the challenge to be the mother of the Son of God and remained faithful to her word.

Holy Mary, mother of God, keep under your protection all women who make extraordinary efforts to ensure that their children can live ordinary lives. Amen.

Find out about CAFOD’s work with women.Do a job for your mother or whoever cares for you.

“The Lord is with you.”

Luke 1:28

Tuesday 10 December “Console my people, console them, says

your God.” Isaiah 40:1


In June, students from Notre Dame, Southwark helped to make 250,000 windmill ‘flowers’ as part of a huge art installation in Hyde Park.

Thousands took part in similar projects at the same time in different countries around the world.

Each flower petal represented one of the children who die each year due to lack of nutritious food. The final image was of a tub of grain held in two hands.

Our partners sometimes tell us that, more than the financial help they receive, they are grateful for the solidarity they experience from CAFOD supporters.

They are moved when we tell them that ordinary people like themselves want to stand alongside them in their struggle for justice.

Lord, this Christmas, help me to value being with those I love more than receiving presents from them. Amen

Watch the time-lapse film of the artwork developing. Look out for anyone feeling down today, and say a kind word.

“Console my people, console them, says

your God.” Isaiah 40:1

Wednesday 11 December


Jansel’s mother, Santa, asked us to tell CAFOD supporters:

The medicine, food rations and nutritional advice that the parish has given Santa are making a real difference to her family. She wanted to give thanks.

“My soul, give thanks to the Lord and never forget

all his blessings.” Psalm 102:2

Thank you for your

donations and the medicine

you have sent.

Thank you for your

donations and the medicine

you have sent.

I have so much, but am I as thankful as Santa, who has so little?

Thank you, Lord, for the many gifts you’ve given me and the many people who help me every day. Amen.

Buy a World Gift or suggest that your class or group of friends club together to buy one.Ask your teacher to order a World Gifts wall chart.

“My soul, give thanks to the Lord and never forget

all his blessings.” Psalm 102:2

Thursday 12 December

Listen to truthSophie attends Aquinas College, Stockport and travelled to Parliament with CAFOD in February to meet her MP.

“If anyone has ears to hear, let him

listen!”Matthew 11:15

I really enjoyed speaking individually with my MP, Andrew Bingham, as he was able to give me his full attention and seemed

to listen to what I was telling him about the injustices of the

global food system.

It was great to see so many MPs listen to the voices of young

people... we are the future and what happens in the future

regarding world hunger is in our hands.

See what happened on Sophie’s visit to Parliament. Find out whether your school has a policy on sourcing food justly. If the answer is ‘no’, ask questions!

Often, those living in poverty are not able to make their voices heard nationally or internationally to change unfair systems in our world. It’s vital that our leaders hear their views and the message that justice is not optional.

We all have a part to play in listening to those who are silenced and making that message heard.

Christ Jesus, present in my heart, make me always ready to listen to what other people have to say and to respond. Amen.

“If anyone has ears to hear, let him

listen!”Matthew 11:15

Friday 13 December “I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is good

for you, I lead you in the way that you must go.”

Isaiah 48:17

GuidanceMiguel Ricardo Pú López is the coordinator of the community health team and helps Santa and her neighbours in Guatemala learn about good nutrition.

Ricardo recalls the story of one malnourished two-year-old girl who is now healthy and happy:

We gave the girl some vitamins and the mother took our

advice – that’s what I think made the


We’re trying to break this vicious cycle of

malnutrition. And we’re showing mums how to

educate their children…

Sometimes I resist advice. I don’t like being led. I like to choose my own way. But maybe I don’t always know best.

Where is God leading me in my life choices?

Good Teacher, make me open to be led by you. Help me to make wise choices so that, through my life, the world will be a better place. Amen.

Climate change affects food production in LEDCs. Use Planet Pulse to measure your lifestyle’s contribution.

Choose one way to change your lifestyle.

“I, the Lord, your God, teach you what is good

for you, I lead you in the way that you must go.”

Isaiah 48:17

Saturday 14 December “We shall never forsake you again;

give us life that we may call upon your

name.” Psalm 79:18

Choosing life – for all

In June, nearly 150 secondary students from all over Yorkshire gathered in Leeds for a conference to learn about world hunger and what they can do to fight it.

The sheer number of people without food isn’t something

that you can just forget. If I do my part and inspire other

people then hopefully everybody will join in and then we will have enough food for


Aaron (15), St Mary’s School, Menston

Advent is a good time to review how my life affects the world.

I may not be conscious of it, but I am part of a global economic system that ensures the world’s resources are not fairly shared. Those with a fridge, a bed, a choice of clothes and a house are in the richest 25 per cent of the world.

Lord, renew my commitment to stand alongside those who don’t have a fair share. Give me a heart that strives for justice. Amen.

Find out what the Church would look like if it were 100 people and how resources are unfairly shared.Find out the date of your school or parish Advent reconciliation service and put it in your diary.

“We shall never forsake you again;

give us life that we may call upon your

name.” Psalm 79:18

Sunday 15 DecemberThird Sunday of Advent

Rejoice (and be patient!)The parish of La Natividad is helping people to set up vegetable gardens in Santa Maria, which is described as a ‘dry corridor’ by the Food and Agriculture Organisation.

People’s patience is rewarded when they can harvest fresh vegetables to feed their families:

“You too have to be patient; do not lose heart, because the

Lord’s coming will be soon.”

James 5:8

I’ve participated in training about healthy eating and now I’ve been giving my children fruit and veg. I’ve seen an improvement in my children’s health… Now they don’t get so sick.

Gloria Esperanza Uz Jax

Today is Gaudete, or ‘rejoice’, Sunday. The Church is looking ahead to Christmas, even though it feels like Christmas will never come! And it’s not helpful when someone says ‘have a bit of patience’!

How must Mary have felt as she waited nine months for Jesus’ birth? But her waiting bore fruit, as the child grew within her. Will my waiting this Advent bear fruit in faith and love?

Mary, some things are worth waiting for. Pray that I will patiently await good things to come, but never stop working now to help good things become reality. Amen.

Read Oscar Romero’s reflection on seeds.Be patient with someone today.

“You too have to be patient; do not lose heart, because the

Lord’s coming will be soon.”

James 5:8

Monday 16 December “A hero arises from their stock,

he reigns over countless peoples.”

Numbers 24:7

HeroismMartin Brown, a CAFOD staff member visiting partners in Peru says:

Niall (15) and his father were part of Team CAFOD for the Leeds 10k in July:

Many of the people we’ve met here are heroes who work in

incredibly difficult situations so that God’s loved ones can have a fuller life… I want to thank those who give and campaign on behalf of CAFOD. Their donations help

other people to be heroes.

I am running to support CAFOD’s work in other countries. Everyone should have enough food to eat. We all need to share the food in the world.

In today’s reading, the prophet Balaam points towards Jesus’ birth. Born in a borrowed room, in a poor town and an oppressed nation. Strange birth for a hero! But he changed the world.

Who are the real heroes in today’s world? Aren’t they people like Niall and our Peruvian partners who give their time and effort to help others?

Saviour of the Universe, unlike fictional superheroes, you make a real difference to people. Help me to be a hero like you. Amen.

Read one of the info sheets at the end of our World hero resource.Start to get fit, ready to do a run for CAFOD next year!

“A hero arises from their stock,

he reigns over countless peoples.”

Numbers 24:7

Tuesday 17 December “May he defend the poor of the people”

Psalm 71:4

God of the poor

God has a special care for those most in need. We are called to act in the same way. Catholic social teaching calls this ‘the option for the poor’.

CAFOD’s work is all about putting Catholic social teaching into action. This means that communities and families like Santa’s family come first.

We try to reach out to the poorest communities; the ones that have been unjustly denied their basic human needs. We don’t just send money; we (and therefore you) travel with them as they work their way out of poverty.

The Church teaches that first place should be given to the poor and vulnerable: the ‘option for the poor’. Do I give first place to the ‘poor’ or unpopular people around me?

Friend of the poor, help me to seek out the people who are ignored and to remember that you chose to spend your time with them. Amen

Find out more about Catholic Social Teaching.Spot the person who feels left out (in the lunch hall, the bus, the youth club) and invite them in.

“May he defend the poor of the people”

Psalm 71:4

Wednesday 18 December “Joseph… do not be afraid to take Mary

home as your wife...”Matthew 1:20A warm welcome

Nick from Liverpool travelled with us to Brazil for World Youth Day. He was moved by CAFOD’s support for homeless families in São Paulo who are living in abandoned buildings and shared their food and their family life with the UK visitors:

With kids running around, women doing arts and crafts

and even a film room, they had created a place of warmth and


These were people fighting daily for their right to live in

something better than a favela and the fact that they took the time to provide us with such a warm welcome humbled me


Today’s reading reminds us that Joseph had second thoughts about welcoming Mary – now pregnant – into his home. Yet he chose to follow what some would have regarded as the risky strategy of believing a dream.

Joseph created a home for Mary and Jesus, and the Holy Family became an enduring symbol of welcome for all.

St Joseph, when I struggle to welcome others, remind me of the hospitality so often offered by those who have very little. Amen.

Read more of Nick’s blog.Think of ways to make your classroom, home or youth club space more welcoming.

“Joseph… do not be afraid to take Mary

home as your wife...”Matthew 1:20

Thursday 19 December “Be a rock where I can take refuge…

On you I have leaned from my birth.”

Ps. 70:3-6 Rock of refugeSanta has just been to a church meeting:

It is today that they deliver food rations

and they give us guidance about food

for the children. Before, with my first

children, I wasn’t able to feed them good

food. With the programme I have

learned about healthy eating and that’s why

I was there. I was learning how to feed

my children well.

Santa gains strength from our partner, the parish of La Natividad, whose health team run the clinic and infant nutrition programme in outlying villages. They have helped her to keep her children alive and healthy.

On whom do I lean? Where is my ‘rock of refuge’?

Lord, you are more steady than a rock. Help me to lean on you. Amen.

Send someone a CAFOD e-card for Christmas.Add to your Christmas card list an elderly neighbour, or anyone you think might feel unloved this Christmas.

“Be a rock where I can take refuge…

On you I have leaned from my birth.”

Ps. 70:3-6

Friday 20 December “The Lord’s is the earth and its

fullness, the world and all its peoples.”

Psalm 23:1 Global family

Amelia, aged 10, is the youngest beekeeper in the kitchen garden at St Patrick's Catholic Church, Wapping.

The garden was dug from waste ground where the parish primary school's prefabs had been. Last year the parish produced their first honey.

Parishioners have also learned about growing vegetables. Now, by selling honey and vegetables from their garden, the parish raises more than £1000 a year to help CAFOD’s work.

Amelia’s parish know that they are part of God’s family, stretching from one end of the earth to the other.

Do I recognise people of all nations as my sisters and brothers? What difference does that make to how I live my life?

Father of all the nations, teach me to welcome each person as my sister or brother. Amen.

Find out how honey is making a difference to the life of Mayling in Nicaragua.Send a smiley icon to someone’s phone or smile at someone today.

“The Lord’s is the earth and its

fullness, the world and all its peoples.”

Psalm 23:1

Saturday 21 December

Going the extra mileMiguel Ricardo Pú López, the coordinator of the community health programme, is measuring the height of Jansel’s sister, Catarina Wendy. Ricardo and his team visit communities as far away as 18km from the parish centre.

“Mary went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. She

went into Zechariah’s house and greeted Elizabeth.”

Luke 1:39

18km is an hour to an hour and fifteen minutes, depending on who’s driving. Roads can be quite difficult to traverse.

Last year we worked with 650 children…

I truly believe there is a future where acute and chronic

malnutrition can be removed. It will take time, but it will happen.

Like Ricardo, Mary travelled a long way over difficult terrain. She spent three months with Elizabeth, helping her as Elizabeth prepared for and welcomed her baby.

How far am I prepared to go to help other people?

Jesus, make me willing to ‘go the extra mile’ for others. Help me today to eat a bit less, or forgo a treat, so that others in the world may experience greater justice. Amen.

If you don’t have one, request a CAFOD collection box today by emailing [email protected] To help others, save money by forgoing a treat.

“Mary went as quickly as she could to a town in the hill country of Judah. She

went into Zechariah’s house and greeted

Elizabeth.” Luke 1:39

Sunday 22 DecemberFourth Sunday of Advent

God-is-with-usPete from Newcastle travelled to Sierra Leone in March with CAFOD’s gap year programme. He learned how CAFOD partners supplied Gbaneh Fullah village with potato vines and cashew seeds.

“The virgin will conceive and give birth

to a son and they will call him Emmanuel…

which means ‘God-is-with-us’.” Matthew 1:23

The entire adult community is involved in the planting,

cultivating and harvesting... The income is largely used to send their youth to school,

three miles away. This project also empowers them to control

their own future; very important in maintaining

sustainability and dignity. We were all very impressed with the project and sensed great

solidarity and hope in the future.

Today the Gospel looks ahead to Christmas and reminds us that God chose to become a human being! This amazing fact is what makes Christianity unique. Now and always, God is living among us.

Pete recognised something of God-with-us in the people he met in Sierra Leone.

Where can I see you today?

Emmanuel, be with me and with everyone who feels as if you are far away. Amen.

Read about Pete’s visit to Gbaneh Fullah village.Once today, imagine Jesus sitting next to you. What positive thing will he say to you?

“The virgin will conceive and give birth

to a son and they will call him Emmanuel…

which means ‘God-is-with-us’.” Matthew 1:23

Monday 23 December “His name is John.”

Luke 1:62God has givenSanta has two daughters, Catarina Wendy (4) and Maria (6).

Like her little brother Jansel, Catarina Wendy has also been underweight. Their mother brings them both to the clinic run by our CAFOD partners.Santa says:

Incaparina is a special food supplement to help children become better nourished.

The clinic helps me when the children get

sick, they give me medicine to help the

kids get better and as well as that, I receive food and incaparina to improve their weight.

In today’s reading, Zechariah – struck dumb when he doubted the angel’s word – has his voice restored. He declares that Jesus’ cousin will be called John, which means ‘God has given’.

God gave John the Baptist to the world to announce the coming of the greatest gift of all - Jesus.

God gives me so much every day; from the food that I eat to the air that I breathe. Do I take time to notice?

Generous God, thank you for .............!

Visit our interactive map and find out where CAFOD works.Eat a meal with your family and take time to enjoy it.

“His name is John.”

Luke 1:62

Tuesday 24 December “And you, little child, you shall be called Prophet of

the Most High...”Luke 1:76Prophets

Adele (12) from Nantwich ran a fundraising event for CAFOD in April. She had jumble sale stalls, raffles, sold cards and cakes and promoted her event with a flyer.

I organised an event for family and friends and I am

very pleased to say we raised £324, which I feel very happy to donate to

CAFOD for people who have much less than we do and who are struggling with


In today’s Gospel, Zechariah is speaking to his unborn son, John the Baptist. But his words are true for every child or young person who chooses to proclaim the Truth by their words or by their actions.

God of love, help me to be a prophet, showing the power of your presence in my words and actions. Amen.

Speak out! Tell CAFOD what sets you on fire for justice.Say hello today to someone you don’t normally speak to.

“And you, little child, you shall be called Prophet of

the Most High...”Luke 1:76

Wednesday 25 December


Santa’s children were also born into poverty. Yet, like Mary, she too rejoices:

“I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by

the whole people.” Luke 2:10

Hearing from the doctor today that

my son is the right weight and not underweight any more, makes me so happy that

he is growing well!

‘Glory to God on high!’ the angels sang, rejoicing at the birth of Jesus.

God’s Son is born – tiny, vulnerable and needy.

Let’s rejoice that we have the chance to reach out in love to the infant Jesus present in all, especially those living in poverty.

May the whole world rejoice!

Thanks for the Christmas presents, Lord. And thanks for the greatest present of all, your Son. Amen.

As you sing a carol (okay, hum if it’s less embarrassing!) praise God for sending Jesus to be our joy.

“I bring you news of great joy, a joy to be shared by

the whole people.” Luke 2:10

Picture creditsNikola Ivanovski; Lance Smith; Mike Pierce, St Mary’s, Menston; CAFODDesignClaire BogueMapd-maps.com