1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to...

Strategic Export Controls: Country Pivot Report 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 October 2020

Transcript of 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to...

Page 1: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Strategic Export Controls: CountryPivot Report

1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018

October 2020

Page 2: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Countries: All countries

Case Types: All case types

All Cases / Incorporation Cases Only: All cases

Ultimate Destinations: All countries

Licence Statuses: All licence statuses

Reasons for Refusal: All reasons for refusal

Case Summaries: All case summaries

Ratings: All control entries

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This report covers export licensing decisions made by Her Majesty's Government (HMG) between 1st April2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export ControlOrganisation (ECO), part of the Department for International Trade, through a purpose-built online licensingsystem called Spire. The ECO issues licences for controlling the export of strategic goods.

Whether or not an export licence is required is determined by four factors, the:

- nature of the goods due to be exported- destination concerned- ultimate end use of the goods- licensability of trade activities of the goods due to be exported

Broadly there are two types of licence, individual and general. Licences can be standard or open.

Each licence names the goods that can be exported and specifies the destinations to which they can beexported, along with other details and restrictions. General licences are pre-published and can be used by alleligible exporters whereas individual licences are issued following a successful application and allow only thosenamed on the application to export certain goods. Those exporting under general licences must adhere to theterms and conditions of the licence under which they wish to export. Exporters must register with the ECO to usea general licence and are subject to regular audits to ensure the licence terms and conditions are being adheredto. Those requiring an individual licence must submit an application to the ECO where they wish to make exportsnot covered by the terms and conditions of a general licence.

Generally, open licences can be used with fewer restrictions than standard licences. Standard licences tend toname a specific quantity of specific goods that can be exported to a specific destination whereas open licencesmay include a wider range of goods or destinations and generally do not limit the quantity of goods that can beexported.

A glossary of key terms follows this introduction which explains the various licence types and subtypes thatcan be used or applied for and how information relating to each licence type and subtype is available within thisreport.

This report and other sources of information

Each of these quarterly reports (from 2015Q1 published in July 2015) is supplemented by a set of data tables inspread sheet format (plus CSV format) and a statistical commentary document in addition to this report. The datatables provide the same information as presented in this report but in a different format and for periods back to1 January 2008. CSV spread sheets use a non-proprietary format that facilitates the manipulation of the data bya variety of software (not just Microsoft Excel) and provide the same information as available from the data tables.These outputs can be found alongside this report under the 'Quarterly reports' heading here:


The 'New Report' tool on the "Strategic Export Controls: Reports and Statistics" web page can also be used todownload data. The tool offers a variety of filters that can be applied to allow users to download data of specificinterest, such as licences which name a certain destination or licences for the shipment of goods with a certainrating. The tool is available here (registration required):


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Key terminology and data available in this report

Licences types exist for each combination of open/standard and general/individual , except for standard general. The following table summarises the licence types under each of these headings. Each of these licence type hassubtypes (more information available under 'Licence types and subtypes').

Open Standard

General OGELs Not applicable

Individual OIELs, OITCLs, SIELs, SITCLs

Key terms

Strategic goods include military goods and a wide range 'dual-use' goods; civilian goods with a military purpose.Goods are assessed against a consolidated list of goods that require export authorisation, available here:


It is possible for a licence to be for both military and dual-use goods.

Control Entries are the codes assigned to each good on the consolidated list of goods that require exportauthorisation (herein 'consolidated list'). For example, all control entries beginning 'ML' (such as ML1, ML8etc) are control entries for military goods. The process of assigning control entries to goods is called Rating.

In some cases goods can be made subject to control if they do not appear on the consolidated list. Goods thatthe exporter has been told, knows or suspects are, or may be, intended for "WMD Purposes" are given the rating"End-Use". Goods that the exporter has been told, knows or suspects are, or may be, intended for use ascomponents in, or production or test equipment for, military equipment in an embargoed destination; or may beintended for use as parts of military goods illegally obtained from the UK, irrespective of destination, are given therating "MEND". Both of these "end-use" ratings are also sometimes referred to as "catch all" ratings.

Case summaries are text descriptions used to classify goods on licences. They are standardised descriptions toexplain what the goods are without giving away commercially sensitive details about the goods (such as design orintellectual property). Using standardised descriptions also facilitates comparison and analysis. Often extra detailis communicated by using prefixes. For example, a replacement part for a sporting shotgun may be described as"components for sporting shotguns" rather than just "sporting shotgun".

One or more Control Entry can be used to rate more than one good on a licence. Also, one or more CaseSummaries can be used to describe a single Control Entry.

Goods are rated as Military (ie, they are assigned a Control Entry from the UK Military List within theconsolidated list ) or they are rated as being Non-military. Non-military goods:

- appear on other lists within the consolidated list , such as the UK Dual-Use List .- also include goods refused to destinations that are placed under sanctions, such as trade sanctionsor an arms embargo. Licences relating to the goods affected by the sanction do not get approved butalso do not get rated against the consolidated list. They are instead rated with a sanction code,such as 'RUS' for Russia and 'IRN' for Iran.

SIELs for goods covered by the torture regulation (see "Licence types and subtypes") concern trade incertain equipment and products which could be used for capital punishment torture or other cruel, inhuman ordegrading treatment or punishment. These are classed as non-military goods but appear separately to thestatistics on licences for non-military goods. SIELs for goods covered by the torture regulation are therefore not

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included in the count of non-military goods for other SIEL subtypes.

As noted, goods can also be rated even if they don't appear on the consolidated list.

Licence applications can be Refused (for standard individual licences) or Rejected (for open individuallicences). Licences are refused/rejected for one or more pre-specified reasons. All applications for licences areassessed on a case-by-case basis against the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteriaand a decision made on either approval or refusal. Depending on the nature of the goods, other policy aspectsmight also be considered. For example, if the exported goods are due to be incorporated into another system,equipment or plant, then the items are also assessed against the UK's incorporation factors policy.

Applications for licences can be refused if it is deemed to fail one or more of the Consolidated EU and NationalArms Export Licensing Criteria. These 8 criteria include, for example, Preservation of regional peace, security andstability (criterion 4) or Respect for the UK's international obligations and commitments, in particular sanctionsadopted by the UN Security Council or the European Union, agreements on non-proliferation and other subjects,as well as other international obligation (criterion 1). More information about the criteria is available here:


Licences can also be Revoked at any time after being Issued.

Case & goods footnotes are added to certain cases to provide explanation on the end use and/or end user.

Country footnotes are added to destinations with the aim to help the user understand why certain goods mayhave been approved, refused/rejected or revoked in the period.

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Licence types and subtypes

Export Licences

General Licences

Before data are presented per destination, a table summarises the use of Open General Export Licences(OGELs) on page 15. OGELs are pre-published licences allowing the export of certain goods to certaindestinations. If exporters are eligible to trade under an OGEL then they should register to use that OGEL. Onceregistered, there is no need for an exporter to submit further applications to trade under the licence they haveregistered to use.

Some Open General Transhipment licences exist for the transhipment of certain goods through the UKen-route from one country to another, providing in all cases that the relevant conditions are met.

There are no Open General licences for the incorporation of goods into another product or higher levelsystems.

Individual Licences

The vast majority of this report presents information (where available) per destination relating to standardindividual licences and open individual licences (SIELs, OIELs, SITLs, SITCLs and OITCLs). All destinations arepresented in this report, and if information regarding certain licence types is not presented for a destination thenthis is because no decisions have been made on such licences in this period.

Exporters should check to see whether they are eligible to use an open general licence before applying for eithera standard individual licence (eg SIEL, SITCL) or open individual licence (eg OIEL, OITCL), whichever is mostappropriate.

Open Individual Licences

Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs) are specific to an individual exporter and cover multiple shipments ofspecified items to specified destinations and/or, in some cases, specified consignees. Licences permittingpermanent export are generally valid for up to 5 years from the date of issue. However, OIELs covering the exportto EU Member States of goods entered on the Military List and Dealer to Dealer OIELs (an OIEL subtype) aregenerally valid for 3 years.

Other OIELs:

There are several subtypes of OIELS including Global Project Licences, as well as Dealer-to-dealer,Cryptographic, Media and Continental Shelf OIELs.

Dealer-to-dealer OIELs (or simply Dealer OIELs) authorise UK registered firearms dealers to export certaincategories of firearms and ammunition solely to other registered firearms dealers on the European Union only,provided that copies of valid documentation are forwarded to the Home Office at least 2 working days before eachshipment.

Cryptographic OIELs authorise the export of specified cryptography hardware or software and the transfer ofspecified cryptography technology. These licences do not cover hardware, software or technology which includescertain types of cryptanalytic functions.

Media OIELs authorise the export of military helmets, body armour, non-military 4WD civilian vehicles with

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ballistic protection and specially designed components for any of these items, mainly for the protection of aidagency workers and journalists in areas of conflict. The licence permits these goods to be exported to alldestinations on a temporary basis only, i.e. the goods must be returned to the United Kingdom when no longerrequired.

Continental Shelf OIELs authorise the export of controlled goods to the UK sector of the Continental Shelf forthe use only on, or in connection with, offshore installation and associated vessels.

Global Project Licences

Global Project Licences (GPL) are a form of export licence that were introduced by Framework Agreementpartners (UK, France, Italy, Sweden, Spain and Germany) to streamline the arrangements for licensing militarygoods and technologies between them, where these transfers relate to their participation in specific collaborativedefence projects. In relation to the collaborative project, each Partner state will, as appropriate, issue their ownGPLs to permit transfers of specified goods and technology where these are required for that programme. TheGPLs operate on a similar basis to UK Open Individual Export Licences. In the UK, applications for GPLs areassessed against the Consolidated Criteria.

Standard Individual Licences

Standard Individual Export Licences (SIELs) are specific to an individual exporter and generally allowshipments of specified items to a specified consignee up to the quantity specified by the licence.

There are 5 main subtypes; permanent, temporary, incorporation, transhipment and SIELs for Goods covered bythe torture regulation.

- Permanent SIELs are for items that are for permanent export to a destination. They are generallyvalid for 2 years from date of issue.- Temporary SIELs are for where the export is temporary, for example for the purposes ofdemonstration, trial or evaluation, and the licence is generally valid for one year only. The goods mustbe returned before the licence expires. Temporary SIELs can cover more than one destination and insuch cases the licence will be counted once per destination. Therefore users should express cautionwhen summing licence details together across countries.- Incorporation SIELs are for goods that are due to be incorporated ie, installing them into anotherproduct or higher level system. For incorporation cases there are two end user types. The 'end user' isthe person/organisation incorporating the goods. The 'ultimate end user' is defined as the entity thatuses the product or the higher level system into which the exported goods are installed or incorporated.- Transhipment SIELs are needed for the transhipment of certain goods through the UK en-routefrom one country to another, providing certain conditions are met. This subtype of SIEL is also called aStandard Individual Transhipment Licence (SITL). Most other transhipments (of certain goods throughthe UK en-route from one country to another) can be made under one of the Open GeneralTranshipment Licences, provided in all cases that the relevant conditions are met. There are no OpenIndividual licences for transhipments.- SIELs for Goods covered by the torture regulation concern trade in certain equipment andproducts which could be used for capital punishment, torture or other cruel, inhuman or degradingtreatment or punishment. These are classed as non-military goods but appear separately to thestatistics on licences for non-military goods. SIELs for Goods covered by the torture regulation aretherefore not included in the count of non-military goods for other SIEL subtypes.

It should be noted that the refusal of an application for an OIEL, amendment to exclude a particular destination(s)and/or item(s), or the revocation of an OIEL, does not prevent a company from applying for a SIEL covering someor all of the items concerned to specified consignees in the relevant destinations. Clearly, however, the factorsthat led to the original decision would be taken into account in the decision on any such application.

Other Individual Licences

Information on Other Individual licences is not included as part of this report, or as part of the Excel or CSVspread sheets released alongside this report. Please see separate documentation entitled 'Data for OtherLicences' published alongside this, or previous, reports.

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Trade Control Licences

Trade Control licences are required for those brokering the export of strategic goods. Brokering means buying orselling, or arranging or negotiating transactions for the purchase, sale, or supply, of goods located in one thirdcountry for transfer to another. There are Open and Standard Trade Control licences

An Open Individual Trade Control Licence (OITCL) is specific to a named trader and covers involvement intrading of a generally unlimited supply of specific goods between specific source and destination countries and/orspecified consignors, consignees and end-users. OITCLs are generally valid for 5 years.

A Standard Individual Trade Control Licence (SITCL) is specific to a named trader and covers involvement intrading of a set quantity of specific goods between a specific source and destination country with a specifiedconsignor, consignee and end-user. SITCLs will normally be valid for 2 years. Upon expiry either by time orbecause the activity has taken place, the licence ceases to be valid and must be returned to the Export ControlOrganisation. Once the licence expires, a new application must be applied for if further trades are required. LikeIndividual Export licences, exporters should check to see whether they are eligible to use an OITCL beforeapplying for a SITCL.

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Summary Tables

Before more detailed information is presented by destination on SIELs, OIELs, SITCLs and OITCLs, datasummarising the number of licences Issued, Refused/Rejected and Revoked for each licence type within theperiod are presented.

Following this is some detailed information on Dealer OIELs, Cryptographic OIELs, Media OIELs, ContinentalShelf OIELs and Global Project Licences - as generally there are not many of these per quarter so the informationis best summarised for all destinations together in one table. Processing statistics are reported, similar to thosepresented per destination (see below). A table showing registrations, suspensions and de-registrations for the useof OGELs immediately precedes detailed information per destination.

Information Per Destination

Information for each destination follows the same pattern. The minimum information provided for each destinationis processing statistics. Where no such licences decisions were made in the period, there is simply no informationpresented for such cases.

Processing statistics

The time calculated is the initial processing time, ie, the time elapsed from when the application is first receivedto when it is closed. All closed cases are counted, including those where the licence is issued or refused/rejected,or where the application is stopped or withdrawn, or where there was No Licence Required (NLR) decision madeon the licence. Revocations apply to existing licences only, so are not counted. Time spent by the ECO waiting fordocuments from applicants or any time where the ECO are waiting for the applicant to respond to a request forfurther information is excluded. Time taken to make any amendments post-decision is not counted. For moreinformation on how processing time in calculated, please consult the Quality and Methodology Report on theStrategic Export Controls licensing statistics web page:https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/strategic-export-controls-licensing-data.

Separately for SIELs, SITCLs, OIELs and OITCLs the following processing statistics are presented perdestination:

- Median processing time- % and number of licences completed in 20 and 60 working days. For SIELs there are governmenttargets to process 70% of applications within 20 working days and 99% within 60 working days. ForOIELs and OITCLs there are government targets to process 60% of applications within 60 workingdays.

Licencing statistics

The information within the report covers those licences Issued, Refused/Rejected or Revoked within the period. Itdoes not include information where applications were not fully processed, eg stopped or withdrawn, informationon goods where there was No Licence Required (NLR), or certain changes to an existing licence - such asre-opening an application to make changes such as extensions to licences, removing good/s (although this is notdone for OIELs), removing country/countries, or amending applicant errors.

If goods / countries are added to an application and subsequently end up on a licence they will be reported as anew issue for that period. The existing items will not be re-reported. The same applies for items removed from anapplication on an amendment, except in this case it will be reported as revoked.

In a small number of cases there may be a subsequent change of status during the same period. There are two

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main reasons for such changes: a licence issued during the period may have been issued then subsequentlyrevoked in the same period, for example because of the imposition of trade sanctions or an arms embargo; or adecision during the period to refuse a licence might be overturned because the applicant later appealedsuccessfully and the licence was issued in a later period. These cases are flagged in this report as Rv and Arespectively.

For each destination and for each of Issued, Refused and Revoked the following is data is presented in thisreport, where available, for each SIEL subtype (note: information on SITLs can be found under the heading'SIELs - Transhipment'):

- A count of the number of licences on which goods were Issued, Refused or Revoked categorised bythe type of goods; Military, Non-military or Both Military and Non-military (see 'Key Terms'). Examplesof when a licence may be for both military and non-military goods could be where the goods are militarybody armour and civilian body armour, or where bomb detection goods are being sold for use by themilitary and for civilian use such as at airports. However, the military and non-military goods will notnecessarily be of the same type.- A count of the number of licences on which goods were Issued, Refused or Revoked per ControlEntry. Control Entries are presented per category (Military, Non-military or Both Military andNon-military) based on the licence they relate to. The number given is the number of licences on whicha Control Entry was used. Please note that more than one Control Entry can apply to goods on anindividual licence and each Control Entry is counted only once per individual licence (regardless of thenumber of goods that have been rated with that Control Entry).- Data for Issued SIELs includes the value of the goods in each category. However, note that goodscovered by issued SITLs merely pass through the UK and it would therefore be misleading to comparethe 'value' for these licences in the report with the value of items originating in the UK.- Case summaries for each of Issued, Refused and Revoked broken down by category(Mil/Non-mil/Both), listed below the appropriate Control Entry table in which they feature. Casesummaries for small arms covered by SIELs issued in the period give the number of units inparentheses. If the number of licences using the case summary in the period is more than one then thisis also detailed in parentheses (eg "2 licences"). Items that were allowed for Temporary export areindicated by a "T" preceding the description. Items that were originally allowed for Temporary exportbut then converted to allow Permanent export are indicated by a "T(P)". Note that more than one CaseSummary can apply to a single Control Entry. Note that more than one Case Summary can apply to asingle Control Entry.- The ultimate destination/s for goods that are being incorporated.- For refusals, the number of times each of the 8 Consolidated EU and National Arms Export LicensingCriteria are used to refuse licence applications for the destination is provided.

The Control Entries supplied are less detailed than those listed in the consolidated list of goods that requireexport authorisation. For example, we report ML1 but there are more specific codes such as ML1a, ML1b,ML1c and ML1d. Here is an example to explain how we would count the number of licences containing goodsrated ML1:

Issued licences for a given destination Control Entries applied to goods on licence

Licence 1 ML1a, ML1a, ML1b, ML1c

Licence 2 ML1a, ML2a

Licence 3 ML1a

Licence 4 ML1c

Licence 5 ML2a

Total number of licences containing goods rated ML1 4

In the example the number of licences containing goods rated ML1 is 4 because the more detailed codes (egML1a, ML1b etc) are treated as though they are the broader code ML1. Also, each Control Entry is counted amaximum of once per licence, so licence 1, 2, 3 and 4 each have a count of 1 for ML1.

The data on refused SIEL applications does not include those refused during this period following an appealagainst an earlier refusal. The SIELs data also does not cover goods that were removed from an applicationbefore a licence was issued, applications that were withdrawn or stopped before a decision was reached, orapplications where it was determined that no licence was required or that the goods could be exported to the

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destination concerned under an Open General Export Licence (OGEL).

In the case of SIELs refused or revoked, only the rating of the goods is provided.

Values are shown to the nearest pound. It should be noted that the actual value of exports made under thelicences is likely to be less than shown because some of these licences will not be used to make all of the exportsauthorised and others will not be used at all. In addition, some items are exported only temporarily and are laterreturned to the UK.

In some cases SIELs may be issued identifying more than one destination. This normally arises where a licenceis issued for the temporary export of items for exhibition or demonstration in more than one destination. Details ofthese licences are included in the information for each relevant destination. This means that the total number ofSIELs issued is lower than the sum of all SIELs issued shown across all the destination pages.

For each destination and for each of Issued, Refused and Revoked the following data is presented in this report,where available, for each OIEL subtype:

- A case summary description of the goods covered by each OIEL, with the items that were allowed fortemporary export indicated by a "T" preceding the description, for Issued, Rejected and Revokedlicences.

Case summaries are provided for all licences issued in the period or where the coverage of an existing licencewas amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of this destination or by the addition of goods.Case summaries are provided for licences fully revoked, refused in full or whose coverage was amended duringthe period by the removal of items and/or destinations. The destination coverage of an OIEL may be amended fora variety of reasons, but mainly in the light of recommendations received from advisory government departments.Sometimes amendments follow the imposition of an arms embargo, but they may also reflect general concernsabout the destination or a relevant change in circumstances there. A decision to exclude a particular country fromthe coverage of an OIEL does not mean that country is permanently excluded. Where the concerns that led to theoriginal decision are no longer relevant, it might be decided to reinstate that destination.

The OIELs data does not cover applications from which specific goods or destinations were removed before anOIEL was issued, or applications withdrawn before a decision was reached, it was determined that no licence wasrequired or that the items could be exported to the destination concerned under an OGEL.

The information does not cover OIELs whose period of validity was extended temporarily during the periodpending a decision on an application for a new OIEL. Such cases amount to a temporary extension of an OIELgranted in an earlier period. The decision on the new application will be covered in this or a future report,depending on the timing of the decision. As OIELs cover multiple shipments of specified goods to specifieddestinations or specified consignees, exporters holding OIELs are not asked to provide details of the value ofgoods they propose to ship under an OIEL and it is therefore not possible to provide information on the total valueof OIELs issued.

As well as the data presented on SIELs and OIELS, data is presented on SITCLs and OITCLs:

- The number of SITCLs or OITCLs (presented separately) Issued, Refused (for SITCLs)/Rejected (forOITCLs) and Revoked in the period

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Overall Licensing Statistics

All licence applications Issued Refused/Rejected


SIELs 3194 3140 52 2

- Permanent Standard 2661 2616 43 2

- Temporary Standard 161 161 0 0

- Transhipment 7 7 0 0

- Incorporation 361 352 9 0

- For goods covered by the tortureregulation(Permanent or Temporary)

4 4 0 0

SITCLs 121 119 2 0

OIELs 96 84 10 2

- Standard 83 71 10 2

- Dealer-to-dealer 8 8 0 0

- Cryptographic 4 4 0 0

- Media 0 0 0 0

- Continental Shelf 1 1 0 0

Global Project Licences 0 0 0 0

OITCLs 11 11 0 0

Table notes for licensing statistics table:

SIEL and OIEL sub-types are mutually exclusive. SIEL Transhipments and Incorporations are permanent, but counted separately to Standard Permanent and Standard Temporarylicences. Counts of licence applications Issued, Refused/Rejected and Revoked count the decisions made during the period on the licence, whenever the case has been closed orre-opened then re-closed.

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Overall Processing Statistics

Processing statistics covering the period 1st April 2018 to 30th June 2018

Applications completed in 20working days

% applications completed in 20working days

Applications completed in 60working days

% applications completed in 60working days

Median processing time

SIELs 3406 83 3938 96 11 days- Permanent Standard 2937 83 3384 96 11 days- Temporary Standard 156 87 178 99 9 days- Transhipment 10 83 12 100 9 days- Incorporation 302 79 361 94 11 days- For goods covered by thetorture regulation(Permanent or Temporary)

1 33 3 100 27 days

SITCLs 95 58 134 81 17 daysOIELs 30 26 74 65 50 days- Standard 15 15 58 59 53 days- Dealer-to-dealer 9 100 9 100 4 days- Cryptographic 6 100 6 100 10 days- Media n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a- Continental Shelf 0 0 1 100 43 daysGlobal Project Licences n/a n/a n/a n/a n/aOITCLs 3 17 11 61 47 days

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Open General Export Licences (OGLs)

OGLs can be used to export certain goods to certain destinations providing the terms and conditions of the OGL are met. See further information on militarygoods OGLs (https://www.gov.uk/military-goods-ogels) and dual-use goods OGLs (https://www.gov.uk/dual-use-open-general-export-licences-explained).

OGL Name Registrations in this period Suspensions in this period Deregistrations in this periodOpen General Export Licence (Export of Dual-Use items to EUMember States)

0 0 0

EU GEA 001 (EU001) 28 0 0EU GEA 002 (EU002) - exports of certain dual-use items to certaindestinations

3 0 0

EU GEA 003 (EU003) - export after repair/replacement 2 0 0EU GEA 004 (EU004) - temporary export for exhibition or fair 1 0 0EU GEA 005 (EU005) - telecommunications 0 0 0EU GEA 006 (EU006) - chemicals 0 0 0Chemicals (Rv) 0 0 0Cryptographic Development (Rv) 1 0 0Export After Exhibition: Dual-Use Items (Rv) 0 0 0Export After Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Dual-Use Items(Rv)

1 0 0

Export For Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Dual-Use Items(Rv)

2 0 0

Dual-Use Items: Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (Rv) 1 0 0Open General Export Licence (International Non-ProliferationRegime Decontrols: Dual-Use Items) (Rv)

0 0 0

Low Value Shipments (Rv) 0 0 0OIL and GAS Exploration: Dual-Use Items (Rv) 2 0 0Technology for Dual-Use Items (Rv) 4 0 0

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OGL Name Registrations in this period Suspensions in this period Deregistrations in this periodTurkey (Rv) 5 0 0X (Rv) 0 0 0Military and Dual Use Goods: UK Forces deployed in embargoeddestinations

1 0 0

Military and Dual-Use Goods: UK Forces deployed innon-embargoed destinations (Rv)

0 0 0

Exports of non-lethal military and Dual-Use Goods: To UKDiplomatic Missions or Consular Posts

0 0 0

Access Overseas to Software and Technology for Military Goods:Individual Use Only (Rv)

16 0 0

Export After Exhibition or Demonstration: Military Goods (Rv) 5 0 0Export After Repair/replacement Under Warranty: Military Goods(Rv)

7 0 0

Export For Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Military Goods(Rv)

10 0 0

Exports or transfers in Support of UK Government DefenceContracts (Rv)

4 0 0

OGEL (Certified Companies) 0 0 0OGEL (Exports under the US-UK Defence Trade Co-operationTreaty)

1 0 0

OGEL (International Non-proliferation Regime Decontrols: MilitaryItems) (Rv)

0 0 0

Historic Military Goods (Rv) 1 0 0Open General Export Licence (Historic Military Vehicles and ArtilleryPieces)

1 0 0

Military Components 3 0 0Military Goods, Software and Technology 15 0 1Military Goods: Collaborative Project Typhoon (Rv) 1 0 0Military Goods: For Demonstration (Rv) 4 0 0Military Goods: A400M Collaborative Programme (Rv) 4 0 0

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Page 16: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

OGL Name Registrations in this period Suspensions in this period Deregistrations in this periodMilitary Goods, Software and Technology: Government or NATOEnd-Use

4 0 0

Export For Exhibition: Military Goods (Rv) 9 0 0Military Surplus Vehicles (Rv) 1 0 0Objects of Cultural Interest 0 0 0Software and Source Code for Military Goods (Rv) 2 0 0Technology for Military Goods (Rv) 10 0 0Vintage Aircraft 0 0 0Accompanied Personal Effects: Sporting Firearms (Rv) 0 0 0Open General Licence: Government of Sierra Leone 0 0 0Open General Licence - Iraq 0 0 0Radioactive Sources 0 0 0Open General Transhipment Licence 1 0 0Open General Transhipment Licence (Sporting Guns) 0 0 0Open General Transhipment Licence (Postal Packets) 0 0 0Open General Transhipment Licence (Dual-use Goods: Hong KongSpecial Administrative Region) (Rv)

0 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Category C Goods) (Rv) 4 0 0Open General Trade Control Licence (Trade and Transportation:Small Arms and Light Weapons) (Rv)

1 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Insurance or Reinsurance) 0 0 0Open General Trade Control Licence (Maritime Anti-Piracy) 2 0 0Computers (Rv) 0 0 0Open General Export Licence (CRYPTOGRAPHY) (Rv) 0 0 0Open General Export Licence (Vintage Military Vehicles) (Rv) 0 0 0Open General Trade Control Licence (Rv) 0 0 0Open General Export Licence (exports in support of joint strikefighter: F-35 Lightning II)

5 0 0

Page 16

Page 17: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

OGL Name Registrations in this period Suspensions in this period Deregistrations in this periodOpen General Export Licence (PCBs and components for dual-useitems) (Rv)

2 0 0

Open General Export Licence (PCBs and Components for militarygoods) (Rv)

9 0 0

Open General Export Licence (Exports in Support of TurkishAerospace Industries (TAI) TF-X Programme)

2 0 0

Open General Export Licence (Information Security Items) (Rv) 10 0 0Exports or transfers in Support of UK Government DefenceContracts - from June 2019

0 0 0

Export After Repair/replacement Under Warranty: Military Goods -from June 2019

0 0 0

Technology for Military Goods - from June 2019 0 0 0Software and Source Code for Military Goods - from June 2019 0 0 0Open General Export Licence (PCBs and Components for militarygoods) - from June 2019

0 0 0

Military Goods: Collaborative Project Typhoon - from June 2019 0 0 0Export After Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Dual-Use Items -from June 2019

0 0 0

Technology for Dual-Use Items - from June 2019 0 0 0Open General Export Licence (PCBs and components for dual-useitems) - from June 2019

0 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Category C Goods) - fromDecember 2019

0 0 0

Open General Trade Control Licence (Trade and Transportation:Small Arms and Light Weapons) - from December 2019

0 0 0

Access Overseas to Software and Technology for Military Goods:Individual Use Only - from December 2019

0 0 0

Historic Military Goods - from December 2019 0 0 0Military Goods: For Demonstration - from December 2019 0 0 0Military Surplus Vehicles - from December 2019 0 0 0

Page 17

Page 18: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

OGL Name Registrations in this period Suspensions in this period Deregistrations in this periodExport For Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Military Goods -from December 2019

0 0 0

Export For Exhibition: Military Goods - from December 2019 0 0 0Cryptographic Development - from December 2019 0 0 0Chemicals - from December 2019 0 0 0Low Value Shipments - from December 2019 0 0 0OIL and GAS Exploration: Dual-Use Items - from December 2019 0 0 0Export For Repair/Replacement Under Warranty: Dual-Use Items -from December 2019

0 0 0

Military and Dual-Use Goods: UK Forces deployed innon-embargoed destinations - from December 2019

0 0 0

Open General Export Licence (Information Security Items) - fromDecember 2019

0 0 0

Military Goods: A400M Collaborative Programme - from February2020

0 0 0

Rv - OGL has been revoked in full.

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Page 19: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Dealer to Dealer (Dealer) Open Individual Export Licences(OIELs)

The following is a list of the items that have been authorised for export to the following destinationsonly:

Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France,Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland,Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden

No of LicencesIssued

Goods Summary

8 blank/inert ammunition, components for pistols, components for sporting guns,components for sporting shotguns, components for weapon sights, pistols, smallarms ammunition, smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, sporting guns, sportingshotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns, training blank/inert ammunition, trainingsmall arms ammunition, training smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, weapon sights

Cryptographic (Crypto) Open Individual Export Licences(OIELs)

No of LicencesIssued

The following is a list of the items that have been authorised for export to allcountries EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING:Afghanistan, Angola, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Bosniaand Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Burundi, Canada, China, Croatia, Cyprus, CzechRepublic, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Eritrea, Estonia, Ethiopia,Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iran, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan,Latvia, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Myanmar, Netherlands, NewZealand, Nigeria, North Korea, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia,Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Slovakia, Slovenia, Somalia, South Sudan, Spain, Sudan,Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tanzania, Uganda, United States of America,Venezuela, Zimbabwe

4 components for information security equipment, equipment for generatingspreading codes, impulse radio equipment, information security equipment,information security software, software for equipment for generating spreadingcodes, software for impulse radio equipment, software for information securitysoftware, technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor impulse radio equipment, technology for information security equipment,technology for information security software, technology for software forequipment for generating spreading codes, technology for software for impulseradio equipment, technology for software for information security equipment,technology for software for information security software

UK Continental Shelf Open Individual Export Licences (OIELs)

UK Continental Shelf OIELs authorises the export of controlled items for use exclusively in offshoreinstallations and associated vessels within the UK sector of the continental shelf.

No of LicencesIssued

The following is a list of the items that have been authorised for export to allcountries EXCEPT THE FOLLOWING:Continental Shelf: United Kingdom sector

Page 19

Page 20: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1 components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment, corrosionresistant chemical manufacturing equipment, direct view imaging equipment,imaging cameras, information security equipment, information security software,software for information security equipment

Page 20

Page 21: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 23 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 19 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 208 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £75,628Non-military 3 £6,060,937Total 6 £6,136,566

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £38,000ML4 1 £34,628ML10 1 £3,000

assault rifles (76) [See footnote 1].components for military support aircraft [See footnote 6].military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 5].


Page 21

Page 22: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £4273A101 1 £5,763,6005A001 1 £296,910

components for civil NBC protection equipment.counter-improvised explosive device equipment [See footnote 4].X-ray accelerators [See footnote 3].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedCanada 1 0 0


Page 22

Page 23: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

assault rifles (18).components for assault rifles.small arms ammunition.

Country Footnotes

1. Arms embargo sanctions in place for Afghanistan apply to those individuals, groups, undertakings and entitiesdesignated under the criteria stated in UN Security Council Resolution 2255 (2015), whose names are held onthe list established pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 1988 (2011). The EU implements thesemeasures through Council Decision 2011/486/CFSP, as amended; as well as Council Regulation (EU) No753/2011, as amended.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for diplomatic missions.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.3. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Government end use.4. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.6. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £200Total 1 £200

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


Page 23

Page 24: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

5D002 1 £200

software for information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 2]

3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 83% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Page 24

Page 25: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time OIELs 122 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 5 £148,020Both Military and Non-military 1 £12,940Total 6 £160,959

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C351 1 £63A231 1 £26,1765A002 2 £88,7786A002 1 £33,060

direct view imaging equipment.information security equipment (2 licences).neutron generators.viruses.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £3,490ML11 1 £9,450

information security equipment.military communications equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary

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Page 26: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersiblevehicles, syntactic foam

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 3]

4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

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Page 27: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (6)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 84 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 20% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £46,125Non-military 3 £20,487Total 4 £66,612

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £46,125

sporting guns (1).weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


Page 27

Page 28: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

5A002 3 £20,487

information security equipment (3 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 T towed hydrophone arrays4 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 2]

5 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Page 28

Page 29: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Antigua and Barbuda

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £13,309Total 1 £13,309

Page 29

Page 30: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £13,309

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 75% (12)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 94% (15)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 3 days

Page 30

Page 31: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £11,732Non-military 1 £110,000Total 2 £121,732

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £11,732

weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £110,000

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use of

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Page 32: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. No licences shall be granted for any military or dual-use goods and technology being supplied to militaryend-users in Argentina, except in exceptional circumstances. This decision will not affect licences for itemsintended for end-users other than the Argentine military.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 184 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,

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Page 33: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. The UK interprets the OSCE arms embargo for Armenia as prohibiting the export of any military goods ortechnology to any person, or to any destination, in Armenia. It has been UK practice occasionally to make anexemption in its interpretation of the embargo by approving exports of non-lethal military goods tohumanitarian, media or peacekeeping organisations, where it is clear that the embargo was not intended toprevent those exports and there is a strong humanitarian case for them.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 4 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft

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Page 34: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 90% (47)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 96% (50)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 62 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 28 £8,378,394Non-military 15 £579,668Both Military and Non-military 1 £17,795Total 44 £8,975,857

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 13 £4,862,797ML2 1 £200ML3 3 £92,399ML4 3 £2,444,796ML7 5 £106,866ML9 1 £7,200ML11 5 £134,403ML14 3 £624,783ML15 1 £101,060ML22 3 £50PL5001 1 £3,840

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Page 35: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

anti-riot/ballistic shields.assault rifles (6).components for anti-armour ammunition.components for assault rifles (2 licences).components for electronic warfare equipment.components for military communications equipment (2 licences).components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment (4 licences).components for small arms ammunition.components for sniper rifles (2 licences).components for sporting guns.components for submarines.decoying/countermeasure equipment.equipment for the use of NBC protective/defensive equipment (3 licences).military equipment for initiating explosives.

T military image intensifier equipment.military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.

T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.military training equipment (3 licences).NBC protective/defensive equipment (4 licences).pistols (2).small arms ammunition.sniper rifles (1300).sporting guns (1) (2 licences).sporting guns (3).sporting guns (11).technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment.technology for military training equipment.technology for sniper rifles.technology for weapon night sights.weapon night sights.

T weapon night sights.weapon sights (2 licences).

T weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0E001 1 £375,0001A004 1 £58,9951C351 1 £1292B350 1 £2,7802B351 1 £1,8035A002 1 £7,1915E002 1 £126A006 1 £13,7507A003 1 £47,0007A103 1 £24,500PL9010 6 £48,508

civil NBC protection clothing.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.inertial equipment (2 licences).information security equipment.magnetometers.sporting shotguns (1) (4 licences).sporting shotguns (2).sporting shotguns.technology for information security equipment.technology for nuclear reactors.toxic gas monitoring equipment.toxins.

Both Military and Non-military

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Page 36: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £100ML7 1 £11,595ML11 1 £1,000ML17 1 £5,100

T civil NBC protection clothing.T components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.T military communications equipment.T military diving apparatus.T military laser protection equipment.T NBC detection equipment.T NBC protective/defensive equipment.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £2,942Total 1 £2,942

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 1 £2,942

components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

United States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

Page 36

Page 37: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 4]

4 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

5 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment6 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights7 P technology for general naval vessel components [See footnote 3]8 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,

components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

9 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 2]

10 P components for equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, components forNBC detection equipment, equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, NBCdetection equipment, software for NBC detection equipment, technology forequipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, technology for NBC detectionequipment, technology for software for equipment for the use of NBC detectionequipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

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Page 38: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.3. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.4. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (17)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (17)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £3,007,349Non-military 4 £49,601Total 16 £3,056,950

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 6 £563,760ML3 1 £9,180ML4 2 £3,890ML5 1 £140,000ML6 1 £4,200ML10 1 £89,439ML11 4 £64,000ML13 1 £950,000ML15 4 £1,182,880

body armour.components for body armour.components for combat aircraft.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.

Page 38

Page 39: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

machine guns (1).T military guidance/navigation equipment (4 licences).

military helmets.T military image intensifier equipment (4 licences).T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (4 licences).

military support vehicles.signalling devices.sporting guns (1).

T targeting equipment.training small arms ammunition.

T weapon night sights (4 licences).T weapon sights (4 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0E001 2 £21C233 1 £45,600PL9010 1 £3,999

T devices containing enriched lithium.sporting shotguns (1).technology for nuclear reactors (2 licences).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £190Total 1 £190

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML11 1 £190

military electronic equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

United Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Page 39

Page 40: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

2 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment3 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 18 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 60% (3)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 20% (1)

Median processing time OIELs 124 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £11,878Total 2 £11,878

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 40

Page 41: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3A225 1 £1,3037A103 1 £10,575

frequency changers.inertial equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedAustria 1 0 0Croatia 0 1 0


pistols (100).


promoting the supply of sniper rifles (10).promoting the supply of weapon sights.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

Country Footnotes

1. The UK interprets the OSCE arms embargo for Azerbaijan as prohibiting the export of any military goods ortechnology to any person, or to any destination, in Azerbaijan. It has been UK practice occasionally to makean exemption in its interpretation of the embargo by approving exports of non-lethal military goods tohumanitarian, media or peacekeeping organisations, where it is clear that the embargo was not intended toprevent those exports and there is a strong humanitarian case for them.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


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Page 42: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

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Page 43: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 71% (12)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (17)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 115 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 17% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 17% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 85 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £18,512,090Non-military 2 £34,754Both Military and Non-military 1 £522,565Total 15 £19,069,409

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £21,000ML3 2 £7,826ML4 1 £1,546,224

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Page 44: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML5 4 £342,345ML8 1 £65,040ML10 5 £16,410,745ML14 1 £118,910

components for military aero-engines.components for military radars (3 licences) [See footnote 5].components for military training aircraft (2 licences).components for military training equipment.components for rifles [See footnote 7].demolition charges/devices.explosive charges/devices.explosives.general military aircraft components.gun silencers [See footnote 7].illuminators.military equipment for initiating explosives.military scenario simulation equipment.military support aircraft [See footnote 4].rifles (2) [See footnote 7].signalling devices.small arms ammunition [See footnote 6].training devices containing military pyrotechnic materials.training hand grenades.weapon night sights.weapon sights [See footnote 7].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £34,754

information security equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 9].

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £421,420ML1 1 £101,145

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 8].T weapon night sights [See footnote 8].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,

Page 44

Page 45: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 12]

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 10]

3 P aircraft military communications equipment, automatic piloting systems forparachuted loads, components for aircraft military communications equipment,components for military aero-engines, components for military aircraft head-up/downdisplays, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military parachutes, components formilitary parachutist equipment, components for military paragliders, components formilitary support aircraft, general military aircraft components, military aero-engines,military aircraft ground equipment, military aircraft head-up/down displays, militaryaircrew life support equipment, military aircrew safety equipment, military electronicequipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military parachutes, militaryparachutist equipment, military paragliders

4 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 11]

5 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 2]


Source Issued Refused RevokedBahrain, France, Germany,Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,United States of America

1 0 0

Bahrain, Kuwait, SaudiArabia

1 0 0

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia 1 0 0

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Page 46: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Saudi Arabia 1 0 0


aircraft military communications equipment.components for military aero-engines.components for military training aircraft (2 licences).electronic warfare equipment.general military aircraft components.military aero-engines.military communications equipment.military electronic equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.military training aircraft.promoting the supply of aircraft military communications equipment [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of combat aircraft [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of components for combat aircraft [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of components for military aero-engines [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of military aero-engines [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of military aircraft ground equipment [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of military training aircraft (2 licences).promoting the supply of military training equipment [See footnote 1].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for marketing and promotional use. Government end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.3. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. Civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for goods returned after repair in the UK. End use by the Air Force.5. Licence granted for goods returned after repair in the UK. End use by the Air Force.6. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.7. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.8. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Government end use.9. Licence granted for goods which will be returned to the UK. Government end use.10. Licence granted for armed forces end use.11. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.12. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 94% (17)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (18)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 34 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 77 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

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% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £193,660Non-military 1 £1,490Total 13 £195,150

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £2,210ML3 1 £300ML4 3 £112,564ML9 2 £37,931ML13 3 £24,948ML22 1 £10,402PL5001 3 £5,304

anti-riot/ballistic shields (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2, 3].bomb suits (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2, 3].components for military patrol/assault craft (2 licences).components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences).components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnotes 4, 5].components for training torpedoes.military helmets (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2, 3].pistols (1) (3 licences) [See footnotes 4, 5].small arms ammunition.technology for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £1,490

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

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No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 6]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedTurkey 1 0 0


promoting the supply of military shotguns (30000).

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.2. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.5. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology for

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military aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 100% (1)

SIELs - Transhipment


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £21,600Total 1 £21,600

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry')As theitems covered by issued SITLs merely pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' forthese licences with the value of items originating in the UK.:


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A001 1 £21,600

information security equipment [See footnote 1].

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OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated


Country Footnotes

1. On 20 June 2011 the EU adopted additional restrictions against Belarus, including prohibitions on the supplyof arms and related material, as well as on equipment which might be used for internal repression. Restrictivemeasures currently in force with respect to Belarus are set out in Council Decision 2012/642/CFSP, asamended; as well as Council Regulation (EC) No 765/2006, as amended. Through Council Decision2018/280, EU Member States may export certain types of small-calibre sporting rifles, small-calibre sportingpistols and small calibre ammunition, exclusively for use in sports events or sports training, or technicalassistance or brokering services, financing or financial assistance related. This will be a limited number andwithout prejudice to the applicable licensing provisions. Member States shall notify other Member States andthe Commission of its intention to grant an authorisation, at least 10 days prior to the authorisation.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Academic end users.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 88% (22)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 96% (24)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 67 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 18 £14,180,851Non-military 1 £15,000Total 19 £14,195,851

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 6 £65,119ML2 3 £92,725ML4 2 £138,482ML6 3 £2,268,366ML7 1 £90ML11 3 £13,278ML16 2 £11,602,770ML22 2 £20

anti-armour weapons.assault rifles (3).components for artillery.components for assault rifles (2 licences).components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for heavy machine guns.components for military communications equipment.components for mortars.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for sniper rifles (2 licences).decoying/countermeasure equipment.equipment for the use of mortars.equipment for the use of weapon control equipment.gun silencers.machine guns (2).military combat vehicles.military support vehicles (2 licences).technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences).turrets.unfinished products for combat aircraft.unfinished products for military support aircraft.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


PL9010 1 £15,000

sporting shotguns (2).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £20,715Total 1 £20,715

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £20,715

components for turrets.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

Saudi Arabia

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

3 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

4 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

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Page 53: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 4 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £6,184Non-military 3 £66,500Total 5 £72,684

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except where

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the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


PL5001 2 £6,184

anti-riot/ballistic shields.T anti-riot/ballistic shields.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A005 1 £5005A002 2 £66,000

civil body armour.information security equipment (2 licences).


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 27 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £76,000Total 1 £76,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £76,000

small arms ammunition.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Bonaire, Curacao, Saba, Sint Eustatius and Sint Maarten

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)

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Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 3 £1,094,575Total 3 £1,094,575

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 3 £811,0206D003 1 £283,554

high performance air traffic control software.information security equipment (3 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Bosnia and Herzegovina

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 28 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 154 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £2,802Total 1 £2,802

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £2,802

civil NBC protection equipment.components for civil NBC protection equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew life

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support equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 48 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £2,060,743Total 3 £2,060,743

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML5 1 £403,451ML6 1 £5,750ML10 1 £1,651,542

components for aircraft military communications equipment.military support vehicles.targeting equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]2 P information security equipment [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedIndia 1 0 0


artillery ammunition.training anti-armour ammunition.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 95% (62)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (65)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 72 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 13% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 38% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 36 £87,886,303Non-military 15 £1,262,729Total 51 £89,149,032

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £375,842ML2 1 £1,732ML4 2 £242,913ML5 2 £963,958ML9 4 £84,721,781ML10 16 £939,517ML11 5 £476,507ML13 1 £20,000ML17 1 £30ML21 1 £137,400ML22 3 £6,624

bomb suits.combat naval vessels.components for artillery.components for electronic countermeasure equipment.components for machine guns.

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components for military bridges/pontoons/ferries.components for military electronic equipment.components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for military helicopters (3 licences).components for military support aircraft (11 licences).components for military training aircraft.components for sniper rifles.components for submarines.components for surface-to-surface missiles (2 licences).equipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipment.equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment.general naval vessel components (2 licences).machine guns (45).military guidance/navigation equipment (4 licences).military support aircraft.sniper rifles (1).software for equipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipment.technology for equipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipment.technology for machine guns.technology for surface-to-surface missiles [See footnote 1].weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £15,0891B102 1 £53,8501C202 1 £1,0182B350 2 £28,2352B351 1 £5562E301 1 £05A001 1 £80,0005A002 1 £2,7006A003 3 £105,7307A003 1 £96,5747A103 1 £49,3508A002 2 £829,627

civil explosive detection/identification equipment.components for metal powder production equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences).imaging cameras (3 licences).inertial equipment (2 licences).

T information security equipment.metal alloy cylindrical forms.rebreathing swimming equipment.RF direction finding equipment.submersible equipment.technology for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.toxic gas monitoring equipment.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 7 £796,190Total 7 £796,190

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

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per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML2 1 £247,824ML10 5 £148,366ML11 1 £400,000

aircraft military communications equipment.components for aircraft military communications equipment.components for military support aircraft.components for military training aircraft.military aircrew life support equipment (2 licences).military guidance/navigation equipment.weapon sights.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

Czech RepublicIndonesiaMauritaniaPhilippinesPortugal

SIELs - Transhipment


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £18,621Total 3 £18,621

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry')As theitems covered by issued SITLs merely pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' forthese licences with the value of items originating in the UK.:


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £7,952ML3 1 £636ML4 1 £2,762ML13 1 £7,271

assault rifles (25).body armour.

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components for assault rifles.components for body armour.components for pistols.military helmets.pistols (25).signalling devices.small arms ammunition.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P components for combat aircraft, components for military training aircraft, general

military aircraft components3 P technology for military support aircraft, unfinished products for military support

aircraft4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

5 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 4]

6 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 5]

7 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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British Virgin Islands

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £261,326Total 1 £261,326

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A001 1 £261,326

diver location sonars.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 22 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences Value

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Non-military 1 £9,700Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 2 £1,416,910

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


8A002 1 £9,700

submersible equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 1].T weapon night sights [See footnote 1].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (11)

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% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 68 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £135,896Non-military 2 £214,815Total 8 £350,711

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £26,713ML9 1 £84,223ML15 1 £24,960ML22 1 £0

components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for sniper rifles.

T components for sniper rifles.components for submarines.

T gun silencers.sniper rifles (1).

T sniper rifles (2).sporting guns (1) (2 licences).

T technology for sniper rifles.T weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A001 1 £38,0007A003 1 £176,000PL9010 1 £815

T inertial equipment.T sonar log equipment.

sporting shotguns (1).

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OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

Burkina Faso

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 24 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 121 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £50,700Non-military 3 £115,044Total 4 £165,744

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 1 £50,700

components for body armour.military helmets.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £29,1486A003 1 £25,8966A008 1 £60,000

imaging cameras.information security equipment (2 licences).radar equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedRussia 2 0 0Serbia 1 0 0Turkey 1 0 0

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promoting the supply of small arms ammunition (2 licences).small arms ammunition (2 licences).

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]2 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.

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3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 70 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £12,658Total 2 £12,658

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £12,4185E002 2 £240

information security equipment (2 licences).technology for information security equipment (2 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 105 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £7,000Non-military 2 £1,433,000Total 3 £1,440,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £7,000

military support vehicles.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3A101 1 £1,400,0005A002 1 £33,000

information security equipment.X-ray generators.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 93% (54)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (58)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 67 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 8% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 42% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 20 £2,922,146

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Non-military 20 £648,370Both Military and Non-military 2 £783,301Total 42 £4,353,817

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 7 £920,534ML3 3 £212,437ML5 1 £42,900ML6 3 £81,900ML11 3 £1,654,110ML13 1 £180ML17 1 £5,411ML21 2 £1,645ML22 2 £3,028

anti-armour ammunition.components for machine guns (2 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for sporting guns.components for targeting equipment.machine guns (70).military combat vehicles.military communications equipment.military electronic equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.military helmets.military trailers (2 licences).rifles (1).signature suppression fittings/coatings/treatments for military use.software for military communications equipment.Software for modelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems.sporting guns (1) (3 licences).sporting guns (10).sporting guns (12).technology for military communications equipment.technology for Software for modelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems.wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunition (2 licences).weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0A001 1 £208,0000D001 1 £1,0000E001 2 £11C202 2 £4,2391C351 6 £1,0701E001 1 £10,000

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1E201 1 £02B350 1 £128,9606A002 1 £110,0006A003 1 £7,5507A004 1 £1,200PL9010 4 £176,350

components for gyro-astro compasses.components for nuclear reactors.components for sporting shotguns.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.focal plane arrays.imaging cameras.metal alloy cylindrical forms (2 licences).software for nuclear reactors.sporting shotguns (1).sporting shotguns (2).sporting shotguns (4) (2 licences).technology for nuclear reactors (2 licences).technology for tritium handling equipment.toxins (5 licences).viruses.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £138,7506A003 1 £52,500ML1 2 £45,240ML5 1 £545,000PL9010 1 £1,811

T direct view imaging equipment.T imaging cameras.

sporting guns (28).sporting shotguns (29).

T targeting equipment.T weapon night sights.

weapon sights.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £5,427,144Total 12 £5,427,144

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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Page 76: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML5 4 £313,765ML6 3 £2,018,560ML10 2 £237,819ML11 2 £2,787,000ML21 1 £20,000ML22 2 £50,000

command communications control and intelligence software.components for military aero-engines (2 licences).components for military combat vehicles.components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for surface-to-surface missiles (2 licences).components for targeting equipment (4 licences).general military vehicle components (2 licences).technology for command communications control and intelligence software.technology for military guidance/navigation equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

ChileIndonesiaMexicoPhilippinesQatarSaudi ArabiaSingaporeTurkeyUnited States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P software for nuclear reactors, technology for materials controlled by entry 0C of the

Dual-Use Regulation, technology for nuclear grade graphite, technology for nuclearreactors

2 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small armsammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

3 T towed hydrophone arrays4 P technology for military support aircraft, unfinished products for military support

aircraft5 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

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6 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

7 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

8 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights9 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,

components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

10 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 2]

11 P components for equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, components forNBC detection equipment, equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, NBCdetection equipment, software for NBC detection equipment, technology forequipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, technology for NBC detectionequipment, technology for software for equipment for the use of NBC detectionequipment

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

Cape Verde

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

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Page 78: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Cayman Islands

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences Value

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Non-military 2 £111,600Total 2 £111,600

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £110,000PL9010 1 £1,600

information security equipment.sporting shotguns (1).

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Central African Republic

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £20,557Total 2 £20,557

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £20,557

information security equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 2127 (2013) established an arms embargo to restrict exports of arms, orrelated material, and of training, technical or financial assistance related to military activities; exemptions applyto some UN, humanitarian, peacekeeping and government entities. UNSCR 2399 (2018) extended the armsembargo until 31 January 2019. The EU implements these measures through Council Decision2013/798/CFSP, as amended; as well as Council Regulation (EU) No 224/2014, as amended.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. International Organisation end use.2. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


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Page 81: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Channel Islands

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 93% (25)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (27)

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% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 67% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 20 £82,598Non-military 4 £18,610Total 24 £101,208

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 14 £23,466ML2 1 £495ML3 5 £45,249ML6 2 £13,387

assault rifles (3).components for artillery.components for gun mountings.components for military combat vehicles.components for rifles.components for tanks.general military vehicle components.gun silencers.machine guns (1) (2 licences).pistols (1) (2 licences).pistols (2).rifles (5).small arms ammunition (4 licences).sporting guns (1) (4 licences).sporting shotgun ammunition.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


PL9010 4 £18,610

components for sporting shotguns.

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sporting shotguns (1) (3 licences).sporting shotguns.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £366Total 1 £366

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £366

general military vehicle components.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

United Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersiblevehicles, syntactic foam

3 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

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% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 91% (10)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 92 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 20% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 20% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 8 £5,079,059Non-military 1 £22,500Both Military and Non-military 1 £429,750Total 10 £5,531,309

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £166,376ML4 1 £4,455,485ML8 1 £200,000ML9 1 £2,700ML10 1 £139,866ML11 1 £9,008ML18 1 £105,625

components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.components for military communications equipment.components for military electronic equipment.components for military training aircraft.equipment for the production of launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.general naval vessel components.launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.pyrotechnics/fuels and related substances.weapon night sights.weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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6A003 1 £22,500

imaging cameras.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £148,7506A003 1 £70,750ML1 1 £41,250ML5 1 £169,000

T direct view imaging equipment.T imaging cameras.T targeting equipment.T weapon night sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

3 P depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnance detection/disposalequipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters, smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition,tear gas/riot control agents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades,training tear gas/irritant ammunition [See footnote 2]

4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 78% (308)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 94% (371)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 3% (13)

Median processing time SITCLs 23 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 94 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 17% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 22 £927,111Non-military 242 £147,080,608Both Military and Non-military 1 £440,000Total 265 £148,447,718

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 5 £191,134ML9 6 £504,152ML10 5 £220,657ML11 2 £11,152ML22 4 £16

components for combat naval vessels [See footnote 71].components for military auxiliary/support vessels (4 licences) [See footnotes 23, 24, 69, 70].

Page 86

Page 87: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

components for military communications equipment [See footnote 247].components for military electronic equipment [See footnote 127].

T components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment[See footnote 144].components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 172,20, 21].

T components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment [See footnote 143].general military aircraft components [See footnote 90].general naval vessel components [See footnote 67].military aircrew safety equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 201, 25, 26].military communications equipment [See footnote 247].

T military equipment for initiating explosives (2 licences) [See footnotes 143, 144].military helicopters [See footnote 27].

T military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment [See footnote144].munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment [See footnote 21].

T munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment [See footnote 143].technology for military sonars.technology for periscopes (2 licences) [See footnotes 119, 84].technology for targeting equipment [See footnote 226].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0A001 1 £15,0000C001 3 £1,9840C002 2 £6,3220E001 1 £21A004 2 £386,2981B101 1 £2,829,7501C001 1 £9231C002 1 £3001C006 1 £3741C012 1 £4,3901C202 4 £3,244,2941C231 1 £01C232 1 £17,5001C350 1 £130,5002B002 1 £400,0002B206 2 £16,7192B226 1 £70,1322B230 6 £9,9852B350 16 £677,8632B351 5 £56,5002B352 4 £422,7072D003 1 £02E301 1 £03A001 4 £301,9043A233 3 £757,1073B001 4 £2,821,5413C001 1 £750,0003D225 2 £5413E001 1 £1005A002 40 £96,544,9635D002 17 £7,216,5125E002 1 £1,0006A001 4 £58,4536A002 4 £17,910,0006A003 41 £2,032,3746A005 8 £5,940,1906A006 7 £42,4366A203 21 £876,2446E001 1 £10,0007A003 2 £208,279

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7A103 30 £1,080,4457B103 3 £36,3808A002 5 £316,7979B001 1 £1,000,0009D001 2 £30,0009E002 2 £20,0009E003 3 £40,000PL8001 1 £793,800

biotechnology equipment (4 licences) [See footnotes 178, 190, 192, 198].calibration equipment for guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 118, 246, 63].chemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare production [See footnote 4].civil explosive detection/identification equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 133, 184].components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes142, 205, 87].components for instrumentation cameras [See footnote 56].components for nuclear reactors [See footnote 72].components for semiconductor manufacturing equipment [See footnote 204].components for submersible vehicles [See footnote 210].controlled atmosphere furnaces [See footnote 99].corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (13 licences) [See footnotes 106, 123, 124,162, 181, 189, 203, 211, 216, 5].damping fluids [See footnote 83].dimensional inspection equipment [See footnote 165].dimensional measuring equipment [See footnote 174].electromagnetic wave absorbing materials [See footnote 194].

A equipment for the production of gas turbines [See footnote 74].explosives detection equipment.fibrous materials production equipment [See footnote 237].

Rv focal plane arrays (3 licences) [See footnotes 94, 95, 96].general purpose integrated circuits (2 licences) [See footnotes 193, 85].guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 108, 232].hafnium [See footnote 12].helium-3.imaging cameras (40 licences) [See footnotes 147, 15, 153, 157, 16, 17, 173, 18, 19, 22, 230, 231,236, 29, 31, 32, 38, 39, 40, 41, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 57, 58, 60, 61, 64, 65, 66, 8, 86, 9].inertial equipment (30 licences) [See footnotes 1, 109, 110, 116, 132, 135, 136, 151, 152, 154, 167,168, 169, 170, 171, 187, 191, 207, 213, 215, 217, 218, 219, 220, 233, 234, 244, 245, 248].information security equipment (39 licences) [See footnotes 100, 103, 104, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115,117, 120, 128, 141, 159, 161, 176, 179, 180, 185, 186, 200, 202, 209, 212, 214, 221, 222, 223, 228,229, 235, 238, 249, 250, 45, 46, 98].

T information security equipment [See footnote 145].information security software (4 licences) [See footnotes 126, 130, 182, 249].instrumentation cameras (18 licences) [See footnotes 10, 14, 236, 28, 30, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 42, 43,59, 62, 81, 82].lasers (8 licences) [See footnotes 122, 131, 134, 206, 239, 240, 76].magnetometers (7 licences) [See footnotes 125, 13, 175, 197, 53, 7, 91].marine position fixing equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 105, 2, 208].mass spectrometers (3 licences) [See footnotes 11, 164, 6].metal alloy cylindrical forms (4 licences) [See footnotes 121, 156, 75, 88].metal alloy materials.metal alloys in powder form.microwave components [See footnote 102].neptunium-237.

T optics finishing machines [See footnote 146].plutonium-239.pressure transducers (6 licences) [See footnotes 160, 183, 195, 199, 225, 243].products containing natural uranium (2 licences) [See footnotes 12, 163].products containing thorium (2 licences) [See footnotes 12, 77].radiation hardened TV cameras (3 licences) [See footnotes 140, 78, 92].rebreathing swimming equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 155, 68].rotary position encoders [See footnote 107].semiconductor device test equipment [See footnote 158].semiconductor manufacturing equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 227].semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers [See footnote 129].software for frequency changers (2 licences) [See footnotes 241, 97].software for information security equipment (12 licences) [See footnotes 103, 112, 117, 120, 141,159, 200, 202, 250, 45, 46].software for information security software [See footnote 89].

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Page 89: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

T software for optics finishing machines [See footnote 146].software for technology for FADEC (2 licences) [See footnotes 196, 93].sonar log equipment.space qualified focal plane arrays [See footnote 80].submersible equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 224].technology for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment [See footnote 142].technology for enriched uranium [See footnote 73].technology for equipment for the production of gas turbines (2 licences) [See footnotes 166, 79].technology for FADEC (2 licences) [See footnotes 196, 93].technology for gas turbine engines.technology for information security software [See footnote 126].technology for materials containing enriched uranium [See footnote 73].technology for materials containing plutonium-239 [See footnote 73].technology for materials containing uranium-233 [See footnote 73].technology for nuclear reactors [See footnote 73].technology for plutonium-239 [See footnote 73].technology for products containing enriched uranium [See footnote 73].technology for products containing plutonium-239 [See footnote 73].technology for products containing uranium-233 [See footnote 73].technology for semiconductor manufacturing equipment [See footnote 188].technology for space qualified focal plane arrays [See footnote 80].technology for uranium-233 [See footnote 73].toxic gas detectors (5 licences) [See footnotes 137, 138, 139, 177, 242].uranium-233 [See footnote 101].

A - Some or all of which were issued on appeal.Rv - Some or all of which have subsequently been revoked.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


9E002 1 £420,000ML22 1 £20,000

technology for equipment for the production of gas turbines.technology for military aero-engines.


CountMilitary 2Non-military 11Total 13

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML13 1ML22 1

body armour.

Page 89

Page 90: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

technology for artillery ammunition.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

1C101 23A001 16A001 16A003 26A006 39E003 1End Use 2

electromagnetic wave absorbing materials (2 licences).imaging cameras (2 licences).magnetometers (3 licences).millimetric wave components.non-ferrous alloys.sonar log equipment.technology for gas turbine engines.test equipment for global positioning satellite receivers.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 42 15 97 10


CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs revoked were no longer granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent exportexcept where the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Pleasenote that more than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' iscounted only once per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

6A003 1

instrumentation cameras.

SIELs - Incorporation

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Page 91: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 7 £2,344,938Total 7 £2,344,938

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 6 £2,340,8425A002 1 £4,096

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (6 licences).information security equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

AustraliaMexicoNetherlandsSouth KoreaUnited States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, software for information security equipment,

technology for information security equipment [See footnote 150]2 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment3 P components for military guidance/navigation equipment, components for military

radars, components for military support aircraft, equipment for the use of militaryguidance/navigation equipment, equipment for the use of military radars, generalmilitary aircraft components, software for military guidance/navigation equipment,software for military radars, technology for military radars [See footnote 148]

4 P lasers [See footnote 149]5 P information security software [See footnote 3]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated


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Country Footnotes

1. A declaration by the Madrid European Council on 27 June 1989 established an arms embargo on China. TheUK interpretation of this embargo applies to: lethal weapons such as machine guns, large calibre weapons,bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles; specially designed components of these items and ammunition;military aircraft and helicopters, vessels of war, armoured fighting vehicles and other such weapons platforms;any equipment which might be used for internal repression. All exports for this destination were approved inaccordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for academic end users.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for chemical manufacturing equipment. Civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.7. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.8. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.9. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.10. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.11. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.12. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.13. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.14. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.15. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.16. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.17. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.18. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.19. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.20. Licence granted for government end use.21. Licence granted for government end use.22. Licence granted for government end use.23. Licence granted for government end use.24. Licence granted for government end use.25. Licence granted for armed forces end use.26. Licence granted for end use by a law enforcement agency.27. Licence granted for personal end use.28. Licence granted for academic end users.29. Licence granted for academic end users.30. Licence granted for academic end users.31. Licence granted for academic end users.32. Licence granted for academic end users.33. Licence granted for academic end users.34. Licence granted for academic end users.35. Licence granted for academic end users.36. Licence granted for academic end users.37. Licence granted for academic end users.38. Licence granted for academic end users.39. Licence granted for academic end users.40. Licence granted for academic end users.41. Licence granted for academic end users.42. Licence granted for academic end users.43. Licence granted for academic end users.44. Licence granted for academic end users.45. Licence granted for academic end users.46. Licence granted for academic end users.47. Licence granted for academic end users.48. Licence granted for academic end users.49. Licence granted for academic end users.50. Licence granted for academic end users.51. Licence granted for academic end users.52. Licence granted for academic end users.53. Licence granted for academic end users.54. Licence granted for academic end users.55. Licence granted for academic end users.56. Licence granted for academic end users.57. Licence granted for academic end users.

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58. Licence granted for academic end users.59. Licence granted for academic end users.60. Licence granted for academic end users.61. Licence granted for academic end users.62. Licence granted for academic end users.63. Licence granted for academic end users.64. Licence granted for academic end users.65. Licence granted for academic end users.66. Licence granted for academic end users.67. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.68. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.69. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.70. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.71. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.72. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.73. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.74. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.75. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.76. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.77. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.78. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.79. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.80. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.81. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.82. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.83. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.84. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.85. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.86. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.87. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.88. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.89. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.90. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.91. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.92. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.93. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.94. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.95. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.96. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.97. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.98. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.99. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.100.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.101.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.102.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.103.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.104.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.105.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.106.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.107.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.108.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.109.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.110.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.111.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.112.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.113.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.114.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.115.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.116.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.117.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.118.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.119.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.120.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.121.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.122.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.123.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.124.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.125.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.126.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.127.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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128.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.129.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.130.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.131.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.132.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.133.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.134.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.135.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.136.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.137.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.138.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.139.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.140.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.141.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.142.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.143.Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers.144.Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.145.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.146.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.147.Licence granted for academic end users.148.Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.149.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.150.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.151.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.152.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.153.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.154.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.155.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.156.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.157.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.158.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.159.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.160.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.161.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.162.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.163.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.164.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.165.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.166.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.167.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.168.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.169.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.170.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.171.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.172.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.173.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.174.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.175.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.176.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.177.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.178.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.179.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.180.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.181.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.182.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.183.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.184.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.185.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.186.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.187.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.188.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.189.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.190.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.191.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.192.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.193.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.194.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.195.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.196.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.197.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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198.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.199.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.200.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.201.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.202.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.203.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.204.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.205.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.206.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.207.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.208.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.209.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.210.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.211.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.212.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.213.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.214.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.215.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.216.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.217.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.218.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.219.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.220.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.221.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.222.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.223.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.224.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.225.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.226.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.227.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.228.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.229.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.230.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.231.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.232.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.233.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.234.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.235.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.236.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.237.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.238.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.239.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.240.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.241.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.242.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.243.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.244.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.245.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.246.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.247.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.248.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.249.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.250.Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 86% (6)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 205 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

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% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £182,791Non-military 2 £23,290Total 3 £206,081

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML10 1 £182,791

general military aircraft components.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £19,6535A002 1 £3,637

civil explosive detection/identification equipment [See footnote 2].information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipment

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for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SITCLs 17 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedComoros 1 0 0


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assault rifles (10) [See footnote 1].body armour [See footnote 1].components for body armour [See footnote 1].military helmets [See footnote 1].small arms ammunition [See footnote 1].sporting guns (4) [See footnote 1].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Continental Shelf Belgian Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 53 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment

Continental Shelf Danish Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 42 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 83% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

Page 98

Page 99: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment3 T neutron generators, technology for neutron generators4 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Continental Shelf French Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 53 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment

Continental Shelf German Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 53 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Page 99

Page 100: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment

Continental Shelf Irish Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 47 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment3 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Continental Shelf Netherlands Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 38 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 40% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment3 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Continental Shelf Norwegian Sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 100

Page 101: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 5 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 34 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment3 P devices for initiating explosives, explosives, linear cutting explosive charges, linear

shaped cutting charges, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets4 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Continental Shelf: United Kingdom sector

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 5 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (15)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (15)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 42 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 9 £2,234,048Total 9 £2,234,048

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Page 101

Page 102: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 3 £121,6215A002 2 £7,0765D002 1 £45E002 1 £26A001 1 £375,3466A003 1 £50,0008A002 1 £1,680,000

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).T imaging cameras.

information security equipment (2 licences).information security software.

T rebreathing swimming equipment.technology for information security equipment.

T towed hydrophone arrays.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T guidance/navigation equipment, inertial equipment3 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Costa Rica

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)

Page 102

Page 103: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £2,880Total 1 £2,880

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 1 £2,880

military helmets.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 103

Page 104: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 58 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 67% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £622,800Non-military 1 £187Total 2 £622,987

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £622,800

weapon night sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C230 1 £187

beryllium compounds.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electronic

Page 104

Page 105: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

countermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £5,168Total 1 £5,168

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £5,168

information security equipment.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 71% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 38 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

Page 105

Page 106: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £15,692Non-military 1 £26,100Total 5 £41,792

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £15,314ML13 1 £378

components for body armour.components for sniper rifles.components for sporting guns.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £26,100

T direct view imaging equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Czech Republic

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (22)

Page 106

Page 107: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (22)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 53 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 16 £11,215,945Non-military 1 £3,336Both Military and Non-military 1 £5,754Total 18 £11,225,034

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £2,860,908ML3 1 £140ML4 3 £91,364ML7 2 £7,718,050ML10 5 £170,587ML11 2 £18,532ML16 1 £326,364ML21 1 £30,000

components for combat aircraft (2 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions (3 licences).components for military support aircraft.components for military training aircraft.components for NBC detection equipment.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.equipment for the use of artillery.general military aircraft components.military communications equipment.pistols (1).small arms ammunition.

T software enabling equipment to function as military guidance/navigation equipment.unfinished products for submarines.weapon night sights.


Page 107

Page 108: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C233 1 £3,336

devices containing enriched lithium.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £1,538PL9010 1 £4,216

sporting guns (2).sporting shotguns (2).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £20,614Total 2 £20,614

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML10 2 £20,614

components for military support aircraft (2 licences).

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P technology for nuclear reactors2 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure

Page 108

Page 109: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

equipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

4 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

Democratic Republic of Congo

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 26 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (12)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 91 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £119,685Non-military 7 £557,742Total 11 £677,427

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

Page 109

Page 110: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML10 3 £99,525ML13 1 £20,160

body armour [See footnote 1].components for body armour [See footnote 1].military aero-engines (3 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3, 4].military helmets [See footnote 1].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 6 £305,7425D002 1 £2,0007A103 1 £250,000

inertial equipment [See footnote 6].information security equipment (6 licences) [See footnotes 10, 11, 5, 7, 8, 9].software for information security equipment [See footnote 11].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam

Country Footnotes

1. Following the adoption of UNSCR 1807 (2008), the UN arms embargo with respect to the DRC only applies tonon-governmental entities and individuals. The embargo was most recently renewed through UNSCR 2360(2017) which extended the arms embargo until 1 July 2018, and currently prohibits the supply, sale or transferof arms and related materiel to all non-governmental entities and individuals operating in the DRC; someexports must be approved in advance by the Sanctions Committee. The EU implements these measuresthrough Council Decision 2010/788/CFSP, as amended; as well as Council Regulation (EU) No 1183/2005, asamended.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.3. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.4. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Page 110

Page 111: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.10. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (14)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 38 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 18% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 55% (6)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 9 £30,026,334Non-military 3 £15,810Total 12 £30,042,144

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £1,526ML3 1 £1,144ML4 3 £6,897ML7 2 £16,347ML10 1 £30,000,000ML18 1 £420

T components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences).components for NBC detection equipment.

T equipment for the production of decoying/countermeasure equipment.gun silencers.military helicopters.military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.NBC detection equipment.

Page 111

Page 112: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

NBC protective/defensive equipment.small arms ammunition.sporting guns (1).training tear gas/irritant ammunition.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


PL9010 3 £15,810

sporting shotguns (1) (3 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P components for military combat vehicles, components for military support vehicles,

general military vehicle components3 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

5 T neutron generators, technology for neutron generators6 P constructions for ballistic protection of military systems, general military vehicle

components7 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,

components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

8 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights9 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Case & goods Footnotes

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Page 113: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

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OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Dominican Republic

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 17 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £91,666Total 1 £91,666

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that more

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than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £2,0976D003 1 £89,569

high performance air traffic control software.information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

East Timor

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 299 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 20 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueBoth Military and Non-military 1 £503,400Total 1 £503,400

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

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Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £98,8006A003 1 £54,600ML1 1 £30,000ML5 1 £320,000

T direct view imaging equipment.T imaging cameras.T targeting equipment.T weapon night sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 84% (26)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 97% (30)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

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Median processing time SITCLs 21 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 122 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 17% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £427,146Non-military 16 £33,447,797Total 20 £33,874,943

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £80,559ML9 1 £591ML10 1 £332,650ML11 1 £13,346

components for military aero-engines [See footnote 6].components for military combat vehicles.components for military electronic equipment.general naval vessel components.military electronic equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £164,3101C350 1 £2,3121C353 1 £42B350 1 £13,2163A101 5 £29,710,0003A228 1 £7,0003E101 5 £250,0005A002 3 £200,9557A103 3 £3,100,000

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chemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare production.civil explosive detection/identification equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.inertial equipment (3 licences).information security equipment (3 licences).pathogenic genetic elements.technology for X-ray accelerators (3 licences) [See footnotes 2, 5].technology for X-ray generators (4 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3, 4].triggered spark gaps.X-ray accelerators (5 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3, 4, 5].X-ray generators (2 licences) [See footnote 2].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 9]

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 7]

5 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 8]

6 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,

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technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedCzech Republic 1 0 0


explosive charges/devices.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.5. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.6. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.7. Licence granted for armed forces end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.

El Salvador

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for general

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military aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Equatorial Guinea

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 84 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OITCLs 33 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (7)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

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% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 62 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £160,860Total 6 £160,860

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £2,682ML6 2 £136,983ML11 1 £6,665ML13 1 £14,530

components for assault rifles.components for pistols.general military vehicle components (2 licences).military guidance/navigation equipment.military helmets.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

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2 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment3 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]2 P information security equipment [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 18 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

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% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 302 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £6,646Non-military 1 £23Total 2 £6,669

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML18 1 £6,646

equipment for the production of military support aircraft.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5D002 1 £23

information security software.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation

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equipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.

Falkland Islands

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 84 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £12,071Total 2 £12,071

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £9,076ML5 1 £2,995

components for sporting guns.weapon control equipment.

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weapon sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Faroe Islands

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 27 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 126

Page 127: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £151,120Total 1 £151,120

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 1 £151,120

hand grenades [See footnote 1].illuminators [See footnote 1].training hand grenades [See footnote 1].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Fijian Armed Forces operating in Egypt under UN Mission


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 80% (8)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 90% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 52 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 9 £162,843Non-military 1 £323Total 10 £163,166

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Page 127

Page 128: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £49,020ML3 2 £51,736ML6 1 £5,000ML7 3 £50,987ML11 1 £1,000ML17 1 £5,100

components for assault rifles.components for military combat vehicles.

T components for NBC detection equipment.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.

T components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for sporting shotgun ammunition.

T gun mountings.T military communications equipment.T military diving apparatus.T military laser protection equipment.T NBC detection equipment (2 licences).T NBC protective/defensive equipment.

sniper rifles (1).sporting guns (2).training small arms ammunition.weapon night sights.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C001 1 £323

electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

Page 128

Page 129: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

2 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

3 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 84% (118)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 97% (137)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 1% (2)

Median processing time SITCLs 1 day

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 50 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 17% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 58% (7)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 123 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 65 £7,926,336Non-military 9 £907,833Both Military and Non-military 2 £3,810Total 76 £8,837,978

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that more

Page 129

Page 130: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 12 £79,046ML2 3 £1,744,563ML3 4 £2,300ML4 9 £197,531ML5 2 £43,140ML6 1 £100ML7 1 £22,550ML10 13 £261,844ML11 11 £3,194,091ML15 1 £130,635ML16 2 £183,991ML17 1 £1,210,000ML18 7 £546,545ML22 4 £310,000

T artillery.T blank/inert ammunition.

components for air-to-air missiles (3 licences).components for artillery.

T components for artillery.components for artillery ammunition.

T components for assault rifles.components for combat helicopters.components for equipment for the production of decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for equipment for the production of military aero-engines (2 licences).components for fire location equipment.components for hand grenades.components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.components for military aero-engines (2 licences).components for military aircraft head-up/down displays (2 licences) [See footnotes 5, 6].

T components for military combat vehicles.components for military communications equipment (3 licences).components for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).components for military helicopters (3 licences).components for military sonars.components for military spacecraft.components for military support aircraft (4 licences).components for military training aircraft.components for multi-role missiles (2 licences).

T components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for small arms ammunition.components for sniper rifles.

T components for sniper rifles (2 licences).components for sporting guns.crowd control ammunition.CS hand grenades.environmental test facilities for heavy machine guns.equipment for the production of military aero-engines (3 licences).gun silencers (2 licences).

T gun silencers (2 licences).hand grenades.heavy machine guns.military communications equipment.

Page 130

Page 131: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

military electronic equipment (3 licences).military guidance/navigation equipment.

T military image intensifier equipment.T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.

rifles (1).signalling devices.smoke canisters.sniper rifles (1) (2 licences).

T sniper rifles (1) (2 licences).tear gas/irritant ammunition.technology for air-to-surface missiles.technology for military communications equipment.technology for military spacecraft.technology for production installations for air-to-surface missiles.

T technology for sniper rifles.test models for combat naval vessels.training CS hand grenades.

T(P) training decoying/countermeasure equipment.training hand grenades.unfinished products for military aero-engines.

T unfinished products for weapon mountings.T weapon night sights.T weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0D001 1 £50,0000E001 4 £800,0031C233 1 £4,4603A231 1 £36A001 1 £13,813PL9010 2 £39,553

components for neutron generators.hydrophones.products containing enriched lithium.software for nuclear reactors.sporting shotguns (2).sporting shotguns (4).technology for materials controlled by entry 0C of the Dual-Use Regulation.technology for nuclear reactors (4 licences).technology for software for nuclear reactors.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A003 1 £600ML1 1 £310ML6 1 £310ML11 1 £200PL9010 1 £2,390

T general military vehicle components.T ground vehicle military communications equipment.T imaging cameras.T military electronic equipment.

sporting guns (5).sporting shotguns (85).

SIELs - Incorporation

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Page 132: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 48 £27,700,573Total 48 £27,700,573

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 2 £3,092,982ML5 12 £13,065,677ML6 3 £11,600ML9 1 £40,746ML10 25 £7,714,321ML11 3 £335,940ML16 2 £3,416,135ML17 1 £23,160ML21 1 £7ML22 2 £5

aircraft missile protection systems.components for air-to-air missiles.components for aircraft military communications equipment.components for combat aircraft (4 licences).components for electronic countermeasure equipment.components for military aero-engines (9 licences).components for military aircraft head-up/down displays (2 licences).components for military combat vehicles (3 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for military helicopters (4 licences).components for military radars (4 licences).components for military sonars (2 licences).components for military support aircraft (4 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3].components for targeting equipment (5 licences).electronic countermeasure equipment.general military aircraft components.goods treated for signature suppression for military use.military electronic equipment.naval electrical/electronic equipment.software for military sonars.technology for military sonars.technology for unfinished products for military aero-engines.unfinished products for air-to-air missiles [See footnote 4].unfinished products for military aero-engines.unfinished products for multi-role missiles [See footnote 4].

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


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Page 133: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

BelgiumBotswanaBrazilBulgariaCanadaChadChileColombiaCroatiaCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkEgyptEstoniaFinlandGermanyGreeceHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIrelandIsraelItalyJapanKuwaitLuxembourgMalaysiaMaltaMexicoNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwayOmanPeruPolandPortugalQatarRomaniaRussiaSaudi ArabiaSingaporeSlovakiaSloveniaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandTaiwanThailandTurkeyUnited Arab Emirates

Page 133

Page 134: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

United KingdomUnited States of America


CountMilitary 1Non-military 1Total 2

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML9 1

components for submarines.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

6A001 1


Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

4 15 1

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


SIELs - Transhipment


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £14,828Total 1 £14,828

Page 134

Page 135: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry')As theitems covered by issued SITLs merely pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' forthese licences with the value of items originating in the UK.:


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £14,828

small arms ammunition.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military support aircraft2 P components for combat aircraft3 P components for combat aircraft, components for military training aircraft, general

military aircraft components4 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

5 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 7]

6 P components for military helicopters, general military aircraft components7 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 8]

Page 135

Page 136: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

8 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

9 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Source Issued Refused RevokedGermany 1 0 0


components for military aero-engines [See footnote 2].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Components for incorporation into a civilian aircraft. The re-export of the civil aircraft will be consistent withthe Criteria, including embargo restrictions

2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.3. Components for incorporation into a civilian aircraft. The re-export of the civil aircraft will be consistent with

the Criteria, including embargo restrictions4. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.5. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.6. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.7. Licence granted for armed forces end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

French Overseas Territory

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 10 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences Value

Page 136

Page 137: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Military 1 £2,038Non-military 1 £38,040Total 2 £40,078

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £2,038

weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £38,040

civil explosive detection/identification equipment.

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 100 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

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Page 138: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 21 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £7,439Total 1 £7,439

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 138

Page 139: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 1 £7,439

deuterium compounds.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 16 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 98 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

Page 139

Page 140: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £162,500Both Military and Non-military 1 £663,419Total 3 £825,919

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £100,000ML6 1 £62,500

military support vehicles.small arms ammunition.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £127,339PL9010 1 £536,080

sporting guns (1).sporting shotguns (4).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]2 P information security equipment [See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Page 140

Page 141: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 86% (84)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 96% (94)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 5% (5)

Median processing time OIELs 60 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 10% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 2 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 45 £16,832,531Non-military 7 £36,855Both Military and Non-military 2 £9,382Total 54 £16,878,769

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 11 £581,718ML3 1 £42,300ML4 8 £11,137,922ML5 2 £142,600ML6 3 £26,312ML7 1 £117,313ML9 7 £159,610ML10 4 £251,428ML11 8 £2,609,118ML13 3 £90,300ML15 5 £1,290,406ML16 1 £3,434

Page 141

Page 142: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML18 1 £380,000ML22 1 £70

armoured plate.components for assault rifles.components for body armour (2 licences).components for combat aircraft.components for equipment for the production of decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (6 licences).components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for military radars.components for military support aircraft (2 licences).components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.equipment for the use of military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.general military aircraft components.general military vehicle components.general naval vessel components (7 licences).gun silencers (2 licences).military communications equipment.military equipment for initiating explosives.military guidance/navigation equipment.

T military guidance/navigation equipment (4 licences).military helmets (2 licences).

T military image intensifier equipment (4 licences).military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.

T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (4 licences).military support vehicles (2 licences).rifles (1).software for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.

T targeting equipment.unfinished products for combat aircraft.wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunition.

T weapon night sights (4 licences).weapon sights (3 licences).

T weapon sights (4 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C001 1 £4650C002 2 £10E001 1 £01C233 1 £3,3546A001 2 £26,285PL9010 1 £6,750

enriched uranium.hydrophones.marine position fixing equipment.materials containing enriched uranium.materials containing plutonium-239.products containing enriched lithium.sporting shotguns (1).technology for nuclear reactors.thorium.

Both Military and Non-military

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £2,395PL9010 2 £6,987

gun silencers.pistols (2).sporting guns (2).sporting shotguns (3).sporting shotguns (9).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 25 £3,160,341Non-military 1 £354Total 26 £3,160,694

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £19,407ML4 4 £1,514,058ML5 3 £140,591ML6 2 £3,520ML9 4 £62,496ML10 7 £239,119ML11 1 £42,399ML15 1 £1,135,200ML21 2 £3,550

components for air-to-surface missiles.components for artillery ammunition.components for combat aircraft (5 licences).components for combat helicopters.components for combat naval vessels.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment (3 licences).components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for military helicopters.components for military patrol/assault craft (2 licences).components for military radars.components for periscopes.components for turrets.components for weapon control equipment.general military aircraft components.general military vehicle components.general naval vessel components.military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.

Page 143

Page 144: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

software enabling equipment to function as military improvised explosive devicedecoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.software enabling equipment to function as munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment [Seefootnote 1].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3D225 1 £354

software for frequency changers.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

AlgeriaAustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilChinaColombiaDenmarkEgyptFinlandFranceGreeceIndiaIraqItalyKuwaitMaliNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwayOmanPakistanPortugalQatarSaudi ArabiaSerbiaSingaporeSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSwedenThailandTurkeyUkraineUnited KingdomVietnam


Page 144

Page 145: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

CountMilitary 5Total 5

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML5 1ML9 3ML11 1

components for naval electrical/electronic equipment.components for periscopes.equipment for the use of periscopes.general naval vessel components (2 licences).

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

4 5

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P technology for nuclear reactors2 P accessories for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, components for

military auxiliary/support vessels, components for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, equipment for the use of munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment,software for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment

3 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components forelectronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electronic

Page 145

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countermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

5 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

6 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment7 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights8 P components for airframe structures, components for civil aircraft [See footnote 2]9 P components for equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, components for

NBC detection equipment, equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, NBCdetection equipment, software for NBC detection equipment, technology forequipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, technology for NBC detectionequipment, technology for software for equipment for the use of NBC detectionequipment

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 100 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences Value

Page 146

Page 147: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Military 1 £1,500Non-military 2 £6,568Total 3 £8,068

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £1,500

components for military support vehicles.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C350 1 £2,568PL9010 1 £4,000

chemicals used for industrial/commercial processes.sporting shotguns (2).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for military

Page 147

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guidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 64 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £157,874Total 2 £157,874

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £152,8225D002 1 £5,051

information security equipment (2 licences).software for information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

Page 148

Page 149: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 68 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £39,725Total 4 £39,725

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML2 1 £25,775ML6 1 £56ML7 1 £0

Page 149

Page 150: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML11 1 £725ML21 1 £13,168ML22 1 £0

components for ground vehicle military communications equipment.components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for naval guns.components for NBC detection equipment.software for NBC detection equipment.technology for NBC detection equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

3 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

Page 150

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% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 100 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £5,500Total 2 £5,500

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 2 £5,500

small arms ammunition.sporting shotgun ammunition.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

Page 151

Page 152: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 22 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £7,150Total 1 £7,150

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The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 1 £7,150

body armour.components for body armour.military helmets.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

Page 153

Page 154: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 16 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 154

Page 155: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £12,158Total 1 £12,158

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £12,158

components for sporting guns.sporting guns (3).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

Page 155

Page 156: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 89% (32)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (36)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 109 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

Median processing time OITCLs 48 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

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Page 157: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £1,473Non-military 18 £7,590,041Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 22 £8,998,724

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £1,075ML7 1 £80PL5001 1 £318

anti-riot/ballistic shields [See footnote 5].assault rifles (2) [See footnote 3].NBC protective/defensive equipment [See footnote 1].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 2 £44,1801C351 1 £3001E001 1 £1,0001E002 1 £01E101 1 £01E201 1 £02E001 1 £02E002 1 £02E003 1 £05A002 12 £1,520,4995D001 1 £1006A003 1 £22,9629A001 1 £6,000,0009E003 1 £1,000

bacteria [See footnote 8].civil explosive detection/identification equipment [See footnote 19].

T civil explosive detection/identification equipment [See footnote 13].imaging cameras [See footnote 2].information security equipment (12 licences) [See footnotes 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 4, 6, 7, 9].

T non-certified aero-engines [See footnote 12].software for information security equipment [See footnote 20].technology for ceramic base materials.technology for civil aero-engines.

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Page 158: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

technology for FADEC.technology for fibrous materials production equipment.technology for fluoroelastomer compounds.technology for gas turbine engines.technology for metal-working manufacturing processes.technology for non-composite ceramic materials.technology for numerical control unit interactive graphics.technology for polybenzothiazoles.technology for polybenzoxazoles.technology for propeller blades.technology for stretch-forming equipment.technology for the application of surface coatings.technology for wind tunnel models.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 11].T weapon night sights [See footnote 11].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 14]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnance

detection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for academic end users.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.10. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.12. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.13. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Civilian / commercial end use.14. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.15. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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16. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.17. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.18. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.19. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.20. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.21. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.22. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £227,300Non-military 1 £35,316Total 5 £262,616

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £204,400ML2 1 £7,000ML4 3 £15,890ML22 1 £10

T assault rifles (31).components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for explosive charges/devices.

T grenade launchers.T machine guns (27).T pistols (52).

signalling devices.T sniper rifles (1).T tactical shotguns (18).

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Page 160: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 1 £35,316

deuterium compounds.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (9)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 97 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £343,786Non-military 5 £723,414Total 9 £1,067,200

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The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £4,806ML6 2 £333,320PL5001 1 £5,660

anti-riot/ballistic shields.military support vehicles (2 licences).rifles (6).sporting guns (14).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A005 1 £50,0002B352 1 £654,5005A002 1 £10,7545D002 1 £1,000PL9010 1 £7,160

biotechnology equipment.civil body armour.information security equipment.software for information security equipment.sporting shotguns (1).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 85% (229)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 94% (254)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (1)

Median processing time SITCLs 20 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 65 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 31% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 6% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 127 £22,568,267Non-military 74 £8,344,026Both Military and Non-military 1 £262,231Total 202 £31,174,524

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £1,200ML3 2 £662,992ML4 2 £60,774ML5 18 £707,435ML6 6 £339,431ML7 1 £1,021ML9 10 £880,937ML10 67 £17,132,160

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ML11 13 £441,742ML15 1 £7,779ML16 1 £168,410ML18 4 £122,875ML21 2 £12,500ML22 5 £2,027,882PL5001 1 £1,129

aircraft military communications equipment.anti-riot/ballistic shields.components for aircraft carriers.components for aircraft military communications equipment.components for combat aircraft (22 licences).components for combat helicopters.components for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.components for military aero-engines (7 licences).components for military auxiliary/support vessels.components for military combat vehicles.components for military electronic equipment (2 licences).components for military guidance/navigation equipment (6 licences).components for military helicopters (15 licences).components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for military patrol/assault craft (4 licences).components for military radars (16 licences).components for military support aircraft (4 licences).components for military support vehicles.components for military training aircraft (10 licences).components for naval electrical/electronic equipment (2 licences).components for NBC detection equipment.components for submarines.components for tanks (3 licences).components for targeting equipment.components for unmanned air vehicles.equipment for the production of aerial target equipment.equipment for the production of air-to-air missiles.equipment for the production of artillery.equipment for the production of military helicopters.equipment for the use of fire location equipment.equipment for the use of unmanned air vehicles.general military aircraft components (2 licences).general military vehicle components.general naval vessel components.launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.military aircraft ground equipment.military aircraft head-up/down displays.military aircrew safety equipment.military electronic equipment (2 licences).military parachutes and equipment.small arms ammunition (2 licences).software for naval engines (2 licences).sporting guns (1) [See footnote 2].technology for military helicopters.technology for military patrol/assault craft.technology for naval engines (3 licences).unfinished products for torpedoes.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 1 £10,1011A004 5 £155,1851B102 1 £1,735

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1C006 1 £400,0001C111 1 £2751C202 9 £270,8181C231 3 £4951C240 3 £995,0001C350 1 £58,8002B001 1 £45,0002B226 3 £2,152,1792B350 3 £173,2522B351 1 £1402E001 1 £10,0002E002 1 £2,0002E301 1 £2233A201 2 £80,8003A225 4 £6,2125A002 13 £2,870,3745D002 6 £41,9266A003 5 £137,9156A203 6 £805,3467A103 3 £90,0009E003 2 £10,250PL8001 1 £26,000

chemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare production.civil explosive detection/identification equipment (4 licences).

T civil NBC protection equipment.components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.components for metal powder production equipment.components for radiation hardened TV cameras.constituents of propellants.controlled atmosphere furnaces (3 licences).corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences).deuterium compounds.electronics cooling fluids.

T explosives detection equipment.frequency changers (4 licences).hafnium (2 licences).hafnium compounds.high energy capacitors (2 licences).imaging cameras (4 licences).

T imaging cameras.inertial equipment (3 licences).information security equipment (13 licences).information security software (2 licences).instrumentation cameras (5 licences).machine tools.metal alloy cylindrical forms (9 licences).nickel powders (3 licences).radiation hardened TV cameras.software for information security equipment (4 licences).technology for biotechnology equipment.technology for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences).technology for gas turbine engines (2 licences).toxic gas detectors.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A001 1 £247,282ML21 1 £14,949

diver location sonars.software enabling equipment to function as military sonars.


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CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

End Use 1

semiconductor manufacturing equipment.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 17 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £41,691Total 6 £41,691

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML9 1 £22,624ML10 5 £19,067

components for combat aircraft.components for combat helicopters (2 licences).components for military helicopters (2 licences).components for military patrol/assault craft.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

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Sri LankaUnited KingdomUnited States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for combat aircraft, components for military helicopters2 P components for combat aircraft, components for combat helicopters, components for

military aero-engines, components for military helicopters, components for militarysupport aircraft, components for military training aircraft, equipment for the use ofcombat aircraft, equipment for the use of combat helicopters, equipment for the useof military aero-engines, equipment for the use of military helicopters, equipment forthe use of military support aircraft, equipment for the use of military training aircraft

3 P components for military auxiliary/support vessels, components for military electronicequipment, components for military underwater remotely operated vehicles,components for naval communications equipment, components for navalelectrical/electronic equipment, military auxiliary/support vessels, military electronicequipment, military underwater remotely operated vehicles, naval communicationsequipment, naval electrical/electronic equipment, technology for militaryauxiliary/support vessels, technology for military electronic equipment, technologyfor military underwater remotely operated vehicles, technology for navalcommunications equipment, technology for naval electrical/electronic equipment

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 4]

5 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 5]

6 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 6]

7 P airborne refuelling equipment, components for combat aircraft, components formilitary helicopters, components for military support aircraft, components for militarytraining aircraft, general military aircraft components, technology for combat aircraft,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryhelicopters, technology for military support aircraft, technology for military trainingaircraft

8 P technology for anti-friction bearings, technology for ceramic materials, technology forceramic precursor chemicals, technology for ceramic-ceramic composite materials,technology for composite laminates, technology for composite structures, technologyfor engine flow path systems, technology for FADEC, technology for gas turbineengines, technology for magnetic bearing systems, technology for metal alloymaterials, technology for metal alloys in particulate form, technology for metal alloysin powder form, technology for metal-working manufacturing processes, technologyfor surface coating equipment, technology for surface modification equipment,technology for the application of surface coatings, technology for turbofan engines,technology for turbojet engines

9 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use of

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military radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

10 P information security software [See footnote 3]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P technology for semiconductor manufacturing equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedCanada 1 0 0France 1 0 0


components for naval electrical/electronic equipment.promoting the supply of air-to-air missiles.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for personal end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for armed forces end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 88% (53)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (60)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

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Page 168: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SITCLs 46 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 46 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 40 £5,802,304Non-military 9 £71,753Both Military and Non-military 3 £1,428,696Total 52 £7,302,752

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £74,611ML3 1 £100,137ML4 1 £2,001ML5 6 £1,409,608ML6 2 £26,481ML7 2 £102,598ML9 1 £3,980ML10 23 £3,219,678ML11 3 £261,595ML14 1 £601,615

T aerial target equipment.T components for aerial target equipment.

components for assault rifles.components for combat aircraft (2 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.

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Page 169: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

components for machine guns.components for military aero-engines.components for military combat vehicles (2 licences).components for military electronic equipment.components for military helicopters.components for military patrol/assault craft.components for military radars (5 licences).components for military support aircraft (3 licences).components for military training aircraft (18 licences).components for pistols.components for weapon control equipment.military communications equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences).

T sniper rifles (5).training small arms ammunition.weapon sights.

T weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 2 £4,7921A004 1 £18,3661C202 1 £8422B350 3 £16,1775A002 1 £3176A203 1 £31,259

civil explosive detection/identification equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).deuterium compounds (2 licences).imaging cameras.information security equipment.metal alloy cylindrical forms.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 2 £14,5546A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870ML7 2 £6,932

civil NBC protection equipment (2 licences).T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 1].

NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences).T weapon night sights [See footnote 1].

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £762Total 1 £762

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except where

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the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML10 1 £762

components for military support aircraft.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedSingapore 1 0 0


oil and gas industry equipment/materials.


Source Issued Refused RevokedAustralia 1 0 0United States of America 1 0 0


components for fire location equipment.components for military cameras/photographic equipment.components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.

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components for weapon control equipment.fire location equipment.military cameras/photographic equipment.military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.weapon control equipment.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 82% (115)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 99% (139)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 1% (1)

Median processing time SITCLs 8 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 96% (24)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (25)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 160 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 15 £1,944,645Total 15 £1,944,645

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 2 £145,6969B001 1 £11,400IRN 11 £1,194,049

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PL9009 1 £593,500

components for civil aircraft [See footnote 14].components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment [See footnote 4].components for pumps [See footnote 11].corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 7].corrosion resistant piping [See footnote 4].equipment for the production of gas turbines [See footnote 2].ferrous alloys [See footnote 10].gaskets (3 licences) [See footnotes 16, 17, 6].platinized catalysts [See footnote 5].pumps [See footnote 9].seals (6 licences) [See footnotes 12, 13, 16, 17, 6, 8].


CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

End Use 1

components for industrial generators.components for pumps.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P airframe structures, civil aero-engines, components for airframe structures,

components for civil aero-engines, components for civil aircraft, technology forairframe structures, technology for civil aero-engines, technology for components forcivil aircraft [See footnote 15]

2 P components for airframe structures, components for civil aircraft [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

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1. Following the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the flow of certain goods andservices to Iran that were previously prohibited are now permitted. The restrictions currently in force withrespect to Iran (counter proliferation) are set out in Council Decision 2010/413/CFSP, as amended, and EUCouncil Regulation (EU) No 267/2012, as amended. Measures include an arms embargo, which has oneexemption for the export of non-combat vehicles with ballistic protection intended solely for protective use ofEU and Member States personnel.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.2. On 12 April 2011, the EU adopted additional sanctions on Iran in response to the deterioration of the human

rights situation. Council Decision 2011/235/CFSP, as amended, and Council Regulation (EU) No 359/2011, asamended, includes restrictions on the supply of equipment which might be used for internal repression, as wellas of monitoring and interception equipment.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. Civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.10. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.12. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.13. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.14. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.15. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.16. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.17. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 92% (22)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (24)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 9 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (18)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (18)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 208 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 173

Page 174: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £119,462Non-military 8 £10,700,286Total 14 £10,819,747

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 3 £71,906ML13 3 £47,556

body armour (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 5].bomb suits [See footnote 4].components for aircraft missile protection systems.components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 5].components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences).military helmets (3 licences) [See footnotes 3, 4, 5].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B201 1 £25,0003A101 1 £1,746,2005A002 4 £8,274,5015D002 1 £22,3607A103 2 £632,225

inertial equipment (2 licences).Rv information security equipment (4 licences).

machine tools [See footnote 2].Rv software for information security equipment.

X-ray accelerators.

Rv - Some or all of which have subsequently been revoked.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew life

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support equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedBelgium 1 0 0Croatia 1 0 0Denmark 2 0 0France 4 0 0Poland 1 0 0Spain 1 0 0United States of America 5 0 0


hand grenades.information security equipment.military combat vehicles (2 licences).promoting the supply of anti-armour ammunition (2 licences).promoting the supply of anti-armour weapons.promoting the supply of assault rifles (10).promoting the supply of assault rifles (20).promoting the supply of assault rifles (105).promoting the supply of assault rifles (113).promoting the supply of assault rifles.promoting the supply of body armour (3 licences).promoting the supply of bomb suits.promoting the supply of components for artillery ammunition.promoting the supply of components for body armour (4 licences).promoting the supply of components for bomb suits.promoting the supply of components for combat helicopters.promoting the supply of components for command/control equipment for unmanned air vehicles (2licences).promoting the supply of components for launching/ground support equipment for unmanned airvehicles (2 licences).promoting the supply of components for military aero-engines (2 licences).promoting the supply of components for military combat vehicles (4 licences).

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promoting the supply of components for military helicopters.promoting the supply of components for unmanned air vehicles (2 licences).promoting the supply of decoying/countermeasure equipment.promoting the supply of demolition charges/devices.promoting the supply of devices containing military pyrotechnic materials.promoting the supply of explosive charges/devices.promoting the supply of general military vehicle components.promoting the supply of grenade launchers (3 licences).promoting the supply of gun silencers.promoting the supply of hand grenades.promoting the supply of illuminators.promoting the supply of machine guns (37).promoting the supply of machine guns (38).promoting the supply of machine guns.promoting the supply of military combat vehicles (7 licences).promoting the supply of military communications equipment (5 licences).promoting the supply of military electronic equipment (2 licences).promoting the supply of military equipment for initiating explosives (2 licences).promoting the supply of military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).promoting the supply of military helmets (6 licences).promoting the supply of military image intensifier equipment (3 licences).promoting the supply of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences).promoting the supply of military shotguns (2).promoting the supply of military support vehicles.promoting the supply of mortar bombs.promoting the supply of mortars (2 licences).promoting the supply of munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.promoting the supply of NBC decontamination chemical mixtures (3 licences).promoting the supply of NBC protective/defensive equipment (5 licences).promoting the supply of pistols (10).promoting the supply of pistols (20).promoting the supply of pistols (109).promoting the supply of pistols (254).promoting the supply of pistols.promoting the supply of rangefinding equipment.promoting the supply of small arms ammunition (4 licences).promoting the supply of smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition.promoting the supply of sniper rifles (6).promoting the supply of sniper rifles (21).promoting the supply of sniper rifles.promoting the supply of sporting shotguns (14).promoting the supply of surface launched rockets.promoting the supply of targeting equipment.promoting the supply of weapon night sights (2 licences).promoting the supply of weapon sights (4 licences).

Country Footnotes

1. General trade sanctions against Iraq, except prohibitions related to the sale or supply of arms and relatedmateriel, were revoked by the UN Security Council resolution 1483 (22 May 2003), implemented in UKlegislation on 14 June 2003 by the Iraq (United Nations Sanctions) Order 2003 [S.I. 2003/1519]. UNSCR 1546(2004) continues the embargo on arms and related materiel against Iraq, but provides exemptions forequipment required by the Government of Iraq to serve the purposes of UNSCR 1546 (2004). This isimplemented in the EU with Common Position 2003/495/CFSP, as amended, Council Regulation (EC) No1210/2003, as amended, and Council Regulation (EEC) No 3541/92.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.4. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.5. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (14)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 50 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 22% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 67% (6)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £161,820Non-military 1 £16,750Total 13 £178,570

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £11,562ML6 4 £31,875ML8 2 £356ML11 1 £114,608ML15 1 £3,419

components for military support vehicles.components for military trailers.energetic materials additives (2 licences).equipment for the use of military image intensifier equipment.gun silencers (2 licences).military image intensifier equipment.military support vehicles (2 licences).military trailers.weapon night sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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PL9010 1 £16,750

sporting shotguns (2).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 T neutron generators, technology for neutron generators3 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,

components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

4 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment5 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights6 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Isle Of Man

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 34 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 76% (64)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 99% (83)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Page 178

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Median processing time OIELs 62 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 43% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 14% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 17 £2,466,389Non-military 36 £25,928,279Total 53 £28,394,667

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 2 £45,997ML7 1 £27,189ML10 4 £167,873ML11 4 £51,000ML13 1 £3,000ML14 2 £1,323,619ML17 1 £11,000ML18 1 £36,560ML19 1 £800,000ML22 4 £150

T aerial target equipment.T aircraft military communications equipment.

armoured plate [See footnote 5].T components for aerial target equipment.

components for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences).components for military aircraft head-up/down displays.components for military communications equipment.components for military training aircraft (2 licences).components for multi-role missiles.components for NBC detection equipment.components for surface-to-air missiles.equipment for the production of body armour.

T high power RF weapon systems.military guidance/navigation equipment.

T military training equipment.NBC detection equipment.technology for air-to-surface missiles [See footnote 2].technology for military communications equipment.technology for military guidance/navigation equipment.technology for multi-role missiles.test models for air-to-surface missiles [See footnote 2].

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 3 £87,7001C006 1 £315,3661C233 1 £2,7511C350 1 £294,2861C354 1 £3752B230 5 £17,503,7622B350 5 £4,324,3703A001 1 £39,0003A002 7 £1,114,2243A228 1 £62,0003C001 1 £800,0005A002 5 £895,3026A003 2 £32,1257A005 1 £1,6007B001 1 £455,418

chemicals used for industrial/commercial processes.civil explosive detection/identification equipment (3 licences).components for global positioning satellite receivers.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (5 licences).electronics cooling fluids.imaging cameras.

T imaging cameras.information security equipment (4 licences).

T information security equipment.T millimetric wave components.T network analysers.

plant pathogens.pressure transducers (5 licences).products containing enriched lithium.

T real-time oscilloscopes.semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers.

T signal analysers (2 licences).T signal generators (3 licences).

test equipment for global positioning satellite receivers.triggered spark gaps.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 14 £1,266,253Non-military 1 £2,140Total 15 £1,268,393

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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ML5 6 £205,917ML6 1 £175,000ML10 3 £50,875ML11 3 £814,261ML15 1 £20,200

components for aircraft military communications equipment.components for electronic warfare equipment.components for military aircraft head-up/down displays (2 licences).components for military combat vehicles.components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for military radars (4 licences).components for targeting equipment (2 licences).electronic warfare equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 1].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £2,140

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

AustraliaBrazilColombiaIndiaRomaniaSingaporeSouth KoreaThailandUnited States of AmericaZambia

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 6]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 8]

4 P imaging cameras [See footnote 7]

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5 P information security software [See footnote 3]6 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 4]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 8]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.5. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.6. Licence granted for armed forces end use.7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 86% (108)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 94% (118)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 67 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 8% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 42% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 182

Page 183: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 32 £36,089,446Non-military 5 £723,120Both Military and Non-military 1 £25,933Total 38 £36,838,498

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 6 £57,640ML3 2 £280,000ML4 3 £165,335ML5 1 £4,500ML9 1 £2,572ML10 17 £35,560,198ML11 2 £19,200ML22 2 £0

assault rifles (1).components for assault rifles.components for combat helicopters.components for military aero-engines.components for military auxiliary/support vessels.components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment(2 licences).components for military radars.components for military support aircraft (2 licences).components for military training aircraft (6 licences).

T components for sniper rifles (2 licences).components for sporting shotgun ammunition.components for training torpedoes.components for unmanned air vehicles.general military aircraft components (3 licences).

T gun silencers.military aero-engines.military aircraft head-up/down displays.military communications equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.

T military helicopters.military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.small arms ammunition.

T sniper rifles (1) (2 licences).sporting guns (1) (2 licences).

T technology for sniper rifles (2 licences).T weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


Page 183

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0C002 1 £1,1851C233 1 £3,1923A231 1 £717,970PL9010 2 £773

components for sporting shotguns.devices containing enriched lithium.

T neutron generators.plutonium-239.sporting shotguns (1).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £3,080PL9010 1 £22,853

pistols (3).sporting shotguns (2).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 65 £21,060,328Total 65 £21,060,328

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 4 £1,078,070ML5 16 £1,121,342ML6 2 £173,681ML9 2 £15,434ML10 30 £17,924,837ML11 7 £646,775ML16 5 £90,356ML21 1 £8,853ML22 2 £980

aircraft military communications equipment.components for attack alerting/warning equipment.components for combat aircraft.components for combat helicopters (14 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (2 licences).components for military aero-engines (2 licences).components for military auxiliary/support vessels (2 licences).

Page 184

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components for military combat vehicles (2 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for military electronic equipment.components for military equipment for initiating explosives.components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for military helicopters (5 licences).components for military radars (9 licences).components for military training aircraft (6 licences).components for recognition/identification equipment (2 licences).components for surface-to-air missiles (2 licences).components for targeting equipment.components for weapon control equipment (3 licences).equipment for the use of electronic warfare equipment.general military aircraft components (2 licences).military electronic equipment (3 licences).military guidance/navigation equipment.software for equipment for the use of electronic warfare equipment.technology for general military aircraft components.technology for torpedoes.unfinished products for general military aircraft components.unfinished products for military aero-engines.unfinished products for military training aircraft (2 licences).unfinished products for torpedoes.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

AlgeriaAustraliaAzerbaijanBahrainBelgiumBotswanaBrazilBruneiBulgariaChinaCroatiaDenmarkEgyptFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceIndiaIrelandIsraelJapanJordanKuwaitMalaysiaMexicoMoroccoNetherlandsNew ZealandNorwayOmanPakistanPhilippinesPoland

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PortugalQatarSaudi ArabiaSingaporeSloveniaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandTaiwanThailandTurkeyUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomUnited States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P technology for nuclear reactors2 P components for military support aircraft, general military aircraft components3 T towed hydrophone arrays4 P components for combat aircraft, components for military training aircraft, general

military aircraft components5 P components for military support aircraft, equipment for the production of military

support aircraft6 P unfinished products for military support aircraft7 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

8 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

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9 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

10 P components for military helicopters, components for military training aircraft11 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

Ivory Coast

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 77 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £3,536,284Total 2 £3,536,284

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A001 1 £2,612,8227A003 1 £868,5847D003 1 £51,000PL8001 1 £3,878

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T acoustic seabed survey equipment.components for devices for initiating explosives.

T inertial equipment.T marine position fixing equipment.T software for inertial equipment.T sonar log equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]4 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £193,804Non-military 2 £300,076Total 6 £493,880

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that more

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than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 4 £193,804

military helmets (4 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A001 1 £242,2135A002 1 £36,5545D001 1 £21,310

information security equipment.software for telecommunications interception equipment [See footnote 1].telecommunications interception equipment [See footnote 1].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a law enforcement agency.2. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 81% (26)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 97% (31)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 78 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £1,438,843Non-military 14 £150,455Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 27 £2,996,508

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML2 1 £4,400ML4 2 £904,211ML10 1 £75,441ML11 5 £399,670ML13 2 £2,290ML15 1 £52,830

accessories for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.armoured plate.body armour.components for body armour.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences).

T components for electronic warfare equipment.components for military electronic equipment (2 licences).components for military support aircraft.military communications equipment.military electronic equipment.military helmets.mortars.


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C001 1 £2,6000E001 2 £1,0001A004 1 £20,0001C001 1 £1,7501C202 1 £74,6001C233 2 £3,9442B351 1 £3313A225 1 £2,2475A002 1 £16,2826A001 1 £5,3016A003 2 £22,400

civil explosive detection/identification equipment.electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.frequency changers.imaging cameras (2 licences).information security equipment.metal alloy cylindrical forms.products containing enriched lithium (2 licences).technology for nuclear reactors (2 licences).thorium.towed hydrophone arrays.toxic gas monitoring equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 1].T weapon night sights [See footnote 1].

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £1,000Total 1 £1,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0D001 1 £1,0000E001 1 £0

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software for nuclear reactors.technology for nuclear reactors.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

GermanyUnited States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

2 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 84% (26)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (31)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 3% (1)

Median processing time SITCLs 306 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

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% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 9 £376,685Non-military 11 £323,351Both Military and Non-military 1 £863,110Total 21 £1,563,146

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £15,006ML3 1 £9,935ML4 3 £235,811ML6 1 £59,400ML10 1 £7,446ML18 1 £12,423ML21 1 £0ML22 1 £36,664

ballistic test equipment.components for assault rifles.components for military helicopters.components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences).components for pistols.general military vehicle components.military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.small arms ammunition.software for ballistic test equipment.sporting guns (1).technology for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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1A004 1 £193,0001C229 1 £282B350 1 £3095A002 4 £42,814End Use 1 £1,200PL9010 3 £86,000

accessories for materials analysis equipment.bismuth.civil explosive detection/identification equipment.components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.components for sporting shotguns.information security equipment (3 licences).

T information security equipment.sporting shotguns (10).sporting shotguns (25) (2 licences).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £730,320ML1 1 £132,790

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 3].T weapon night sights [See footnote 3].


CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

End Use 1


Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

SIELs - Incorporation


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Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £86,754Total 1 £86,754

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £86,754

components for all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection [See footnote 2].

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 5]

2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 4]

3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military support

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aircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedCzech Republic 1 0 0Italy 3 0 0Switzerland 3 0 0


components for machine guns (3 licences).components for weapon sights (2 licences).machine guns (6).machine guns (50) (2 licences).pistols (14).promoting the supply of components for machine guns (3 licences).promoting the supply of equipment for the use of machine guns.promoting the supply of machine guns (6) (2 licences).promoting the supply of machine guns (50).promoting the supply of weapon cleaning equipment.promoting the supply of weapon sights (2 licences).weapon cleaning equipment (2 licences).weapon sights (2 licences).

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for diplomatic missions.3. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 17 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 73% (8)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 179 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)

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Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £853,094Non-military 5 £272,430Total 8 £1,125,524

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £253,094ML3 1 £600,000

components for sniper rifles (2 licences).gun silencers.small arms ammunition.sniper rifles (45).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 3 £193,3895A002 2 £78,9415D002 1 £100

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).information security equipment (2 licences).information security software.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (7)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

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% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 20% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 20% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 7 £330,321Total 7 £330,321

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £3,648ML2 1 £33,323ML3 1 £60,000ML4 1 £8,400ML6 1 £37,000ML10 1 £187,950

components for artillery.components for machine guns (2 licences).components for military support aircraft.military support vehicles.training exploding grenade ammunition.training hand grenades.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]3 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use of

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general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 19 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 68 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £450Both Military and Non-military 1 £47,275

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Total 2 £47,725

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


PL8001 1 £450

devices for initiating explosives.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £6,675ML7 1 £40,500ML22 1 £100

components for civil NBC protection equipment.NBC protective/defensive equipment.technology for NBC protective/defensive equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 89% (16)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (18)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 97 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 13% (1)

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% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 38% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 85 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 10 £130,581Non-military 7 £398,329Total 17 £528,910

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £43,220ML3 2 £4,150ML4 1 £45,440ML6 1 £3,200ML7 1 £0ML10 5 £30,061ML21 2 £4,510ML22 1 £0

T components for ground vehicle military communications equipment.components for military helicopters (2 licences).components for NBC detection equipment.

T components for sniper rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].T ground vehicle military communications equipment.T gun silencers (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].T military aircraft ground equipment (3 licences).T small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].T sniper rifles (2) [See footnote 3].T sniper rifles (4) [See footnote 2].T Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios.

software for NBC detection equipment.technology for NBC detection equipment.training hand grenades.

T weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C234 1 £7502B350 3 £7,7093A231 1 £145,0006A002 1 £244,020PL9010 1 £850

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 4].

neutron generators.sporting shotguns (1).zirconium compounds.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 7]

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 5]

4 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 6]

5 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment6 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,

components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military

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aero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]


Source Issued Refused RevokedBahrain, France, Germany,Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,United States of America

1 0 0

Bahrain, Kuwait, SaudiArabia

1 0 0

Kuwait, Saudi Arabia 1 0 0Oman, Saudi Arabia 1 0 0


aircraft military communications equipment.components for military aero-engines.components for military training aircraft (2 licences).electronic warfare equipment.general military aircraft components.military aero-engines.military aircraft ground equipment.military communications equipment.military electronic equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.military training aircraft.promoting the supply of aircraft military communications equipment.promoting the supply of components for military aero-engines.promoting the supply of components for military training aircraft.promoting the supply of components for military training equipment.promoting the supply of general military aircraft components.promoting the supply of military aero-engines.promoting the supply of military aircraft ground equipment.promoting the supply of military aircraft head-up/down displays.promoting the supply of military guidance/navigation equipment.promoting the supply of military training aircraft.promoting the supply of military training equipment.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Government end use.3. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Government end use.4. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Government end use.5. Licence granted for armed forces end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

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Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £13,113Total 1 £13,113

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £13,113

information security equipment.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 4 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 83% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 57 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

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SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £1,055,571Total 4 £1,055,571

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £979,353ML4 1 £71,507ML7 1 £31ML13 1 £4,680

components for air-to-surface missiles.components for body armour.components for machine guns.machine guns (91).NBC protective/defensive equipment.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £49,000Total 1 £49,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 1 £49,000

components for air-to-surface missiles.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

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OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military combat vehicles2 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

3 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 17 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (10)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 87% (13)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 24 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 119 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £210,147Non-military 5 £130,042Total 11 £340,189

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except where

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the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 1 £120,863ML11 1 £60,000ML13 3 £29,284ML22 1 £0

body armour (3 licences).components for body armour (2 licences).components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.military helmets (2 licences).military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.technology for body armour.technology for military helmets.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 3 £85,4126A003 2 £44,630

civil explosive detection/identification equipment (3 licences).imaging cameras (2 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 2]

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2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 1701 (2006) established an embargo on the supply of arms and relatedmaterial to Lebanon, with the exemption of arms and related materiel authorised by the Government ofLebanon or by UNFIL. This is implemented in the EU by Common Position 2006/625/CFSP, as amended,and Council Regulation (EC) No 1412/2006, as amended; as well as Common Position 2005/888/CFSP, asamended, and Council Regulation (EC) No 305/2006, as amended.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]2 P information security equipment [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 48 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £45,000Non-military 1 £38,381Total 2 £83,381

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £45,000

military support vehicles [See footnote 1].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £9,1125D002 1 £29,269

information security equipment.information security software.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 83% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 7 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £806,096Total 2 £806,096

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £6,0967A103 1 £800,000

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.inertial equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary

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1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 1970 of 26 February 2011 established an embargo on the supply of arms andrelated material to Libya. The embargo was amended by Resolutions 2009 (2011) 2095 (2013) and 2362(2017). Exemptions exist, with approval from the UN Sanctions Committee, for supplies of non-lethal militaryequipment and protective clothing for use by United Nations personnel, representatives of the media andhumanitarian and development workers. Arms and related material intended solely for security ordisarmament assistance to the Libyan government are also subject to exemption criteria.

UNSCR 2017/2362 states that the authorisation to inspect designated high seas vessels found in UNSCR2146 (2014) shall apply with respect to vessels loading, transporting, or discharging petroleum, includingcrude oil and refined petroleum products, illicitly exported or attempted to be exported from Libya.

EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2011/137, as amended, and Council Regulation (EU) 2016/446, as amended,restricts the provision of arms and related material; as well as of equipment that might be used for internalrepression. Exemptions are in place for internal repression equipment intended solely for humanitarian orprotective use, and for temporary export of protective clothing for use by United Nations and EU personnel,representatives of the media and humanitarian and development workers.

Common Position 2004/698/CFSP, as amended, and Council Regulation (EC) No 3275/1993, as amended,are also in place.

All exports for this destination must be in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 10 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (7)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)

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Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £63,259Non-military 1 £2,168Total 7 £65,427

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £10,869ML3 1 £1,588ML5 1 £18,270ML7 1 £26,000ML9 1 £6,532ML22 1 £0

components for combat naval vessels.components for military radars.components for NBC detection equipment.components for sniper rifles.technology for NBC detection equipment.training small arms ammunition.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £2,168

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,

Page 212

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technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 39 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £634Total 1 £634

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML5 1 £634

components for military radars.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use of

Page 213

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electronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 33 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, information security software [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. A declaration by the Madrid European Council on 27 June 1989 established an arms embargo on China. Thisembargo also extends to arms exports to Macao. The UK interpretation of the embargo applies to: lethalweapons such as machine guns, large calibre weapons, bombs, torpedoes, rockets and missiles; speciallydesigned components of these items and ammunition; military aircraft and helicopters, vessels of war,armoured fighting vehicles and other such weapons platforms; any equipment which might be used for internalrepression. All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]2 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipment

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for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 93% (40)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 98% (42)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 80 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 81 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 250 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 21 £5,530,409

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Non-military 14 £262,856Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 36 £7,200,475

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £20,294ML2 1 £5,942ML4 4 £4,306,542ML5 1 £560,000ML9 7 £456,449ML10 3 £51,491ML11 1 £20,000ML13 1 £4,613ML15 1 £5,078ML21 3 £100,000ML22 1 £0

aircraft military communications equipment.body armour.components for artillery.components for assault rifles.components for body armour.components for combat helicopters.components for combat naval vessels (5 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.components for machine guns (2 licences) [See footnote 2].components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.components for military radars.components for military training aircraft.equipment for the use of launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.general naval vessel components (2 licences).launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.military helmets.

T military image intensifier equipment [See footnote 4].military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.software for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.software for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.

T Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios.T technology for Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios.

training torpedoes.T weapon night sights [See footnote 4].T weapon sights [See footnote 4].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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1C350 1 £351C351 1 £1032B201 1 £50,0002B350 6 £39,7355D002 2 £170,3235E002 2 £6606A003 1 £2,000

chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research.components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (5 licences).imaging cameras.information security software (2 licences).machine tools.technology for information security equipment (2 licences).toxins.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 3].T weapon night sights [See footnote 3].

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £4,391Total 2 £4,391

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3A001 2 £4,391

extended temperature range integrated circuits (2 licences).

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, information security software [See footnote 9]2 P components for demolition charges/devices, components for devices containing

military pyrotechnic materials, components for training demolition charges/devices,components for training devices containing military pyrotechnic materials, demolitioncharges/devices, devices containing military pyrotechnic materials, trainingdemolition charges/devices, training devices containing military pyrotechnicmaterials

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 6]

4 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 7]

5 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 8]

6 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 5]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedMalaysia 1 0 0


assault rifles (4) [See footnote 1].body armour [See footnote 1].components for assault rifles [See footnote 1].components for body armour [See footnote 1].military helmets [See footnote 1].small arms ammunition [See footnote 1].


Source Issued Refused RevokedSaudi Arabia 1 0 0


equipment for the production of combat aircraft.equipment for the production of military aero-engines.equipment for the use of combat aircraft.equipment for the use of military aero-engines.production facilities for combat aircraft.promoting the supply of combat aircraft.promoting the supply of components for combat aircraft.promoting the supply of equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areas.

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promoting the supply of military aero-engines.promoting the supply of military aircraft ground equipment.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes.3. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.4. Licence granted for temporary / exhibition purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.6. Licence granted for armed forces end use.7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 30 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 40% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 16 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £177,178Non-military 3 £99,720Total 5 £276,897

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 1 £22,178ML11 1 £155,000

components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 3 £99,6955D002 1 £25

information security equipment (3 licences) [See footnote 1].information security software.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Country Footnotes

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1. United Nations Security Council Resolution 2374 (2017) was adopted in September 2017 establishing asanctions regime on Mali which imposes travel bans and assets freezes on individuals and entities engaged inactivities that threaten the peace, security or stability of the country.

The EU implements this sanctions regime via Council Decision (CFSP) 2017/1775 and Council Regulation(EU) 2017/1770.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for humanitarian end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 82% (9)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 42 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 11 £246,603Total 11 £246,603

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £77,452ML2 3 £36,500ML3 1 £37,386ML6 1 £37,500ML10 3 £57,765

anti-aircraft guns (2 licences).

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artillery.components for assault rifles.components for machine guns.components for military aero-engines (3 licences).components for military support vehicles.sporting guns (1).training small arms ammunition.weapon night sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

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1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 41 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £1,664Non-military 3 £341,000Total 4 £342,664

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 1 £1,664

body armour.


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 3 £341,000

information security equipment (3 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, information security software2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 3]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedLuxembourg 1 0 0Mauritius 1 0 0


assault rifles (2) [See footnote 1].assault rifles (500).body armour [See footnote 1].components for body armour [See footnote 1].military helmets [See footnote 1].pistols (4) [See footnote 1].small arms ammunition [See footnote 1].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.

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2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Mayotte (Grand Terre and Pamanzi)

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 94% (17)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (18)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 104 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 20% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £570,000Non-military 15 £1,612,035Total 16 £2,182,035

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

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per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML15 1 £570,000

military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 8 £208,5362B006 1 £134,1202B201 1 £1,150,1102B352 1 £33,0135A002 2 £20,7565D002 1 £5007A103 1 £25,0009E003 1 £40,000

biotechnology equipment.civil explosive detection/identification equipment (8 licences).dimensional inspection equipment.inertial equipment.information security equipment (2 licences).information security software.machine tools.technology for gas turbine engines.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £1,155Total 1 £1,155

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML10 1 £1,155

components for military aero-engines.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

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United Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P technology for unfinished products for military aero-engines, unfinished products for

military aero-engines2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]3 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 3]

4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

5 P information security software, technology for information security software

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 51 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersiblevehicles, syntactic foam


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 16 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £16,399Total 2 £16,399

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C001 1 £1,5941C228 1 £2056A003 1 £14,600

imaging cameras [See footnote 1].magnesium [See footnote 2].natural uranium [See footnote 2].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 229

Page 230: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 63 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £6Non-military 1 £38,000Total 2 £38,006

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML21 1 £6ML22 1 £0

command communications control and intelligence software.technology for command communications control and intelligence software.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £38,000

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary

Page 230

Page 231: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersiblevehicles, syntactic foam

2 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components forelectronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 80% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (5)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 20% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 4 £692,439Total 4 £692,439

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C216 1 £556,663

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1C351 1 £1,4001E201 1 £05A002 1 £33,0005E002 1 £101,376

information security equipment.maraging steels.technology for information security equipment.technology for maraging steels.viruses.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

4 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 3]

5 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 232

Page 233: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 4 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 105 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £3,900Total 1 £3,900

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £3,900

military support vehicles.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]3 P information security equipment [See footnote 3]4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,

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Page 234: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 43 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 50% (1)

Median processing time OIELs 70 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 100% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £155,550Total 1 £155,550

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


7A003 1 £155,550

Rv inertial equipment [See footnote 1].

Page 234

Page 235: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Rv - Some or all of which have subsequently been revoked.


CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

7A003 1

inertial equipment.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1


CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs revoked were no longer granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent exportexcept where the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Pleasenote that more than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' iscounted only once per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

7A003 1

inertial equipment [See footnote 1].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Page 235

Page 236: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems


Licences revoked or whose coverage was amended during the period by the removal of items and/ordestinations.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for information security equipment, information security equipment,

information security software, software for information security equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware

2 P accelerometers, components for accelerometers, components forguidance/navigation equipment, components for gyroscopes, guidance/navigationequipment, gyroscopes

Country Footnotes

1. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Myanmar are set out in Council Decision 2013/184/CFSP; these include an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, as well as of equipment that might be used for internal repression as specified in Annex I to Council Regulation (EU) No 401/2013. All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

2. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Myanmar are set out in Council Decision 2013/184/CFSP, as amended; these include an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, on the export of dual-use goods for military and Border Guard Police end users, as well as of equipment that might be used for internal repression, including the export of equipment for monitoring communications as specified in Annex I to Council Regulation (EU) No 401/2013, as amended. Also the technical assistance, and financing or financial assistance related to military activities are also prohibited, and there are restrictions on military training and cooperation.All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 83% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 105 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 236

Page 237: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £30,695Non-military 2 £66,000Both Military and Non-military 1 £51,100Total 6 £147,795

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £17,695ML6 1 £13,000

military trailers.weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £66,000

information security equipment (2 licences).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A003 1 £23,300ML1 1 £27,800

imaging cameras.weapon night sights.weapon sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components for

Page 237

Page 238: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

military aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 5 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 17 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £10,650Total 1 £10,650

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 238

Page 239: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £10,650

civil NBC detection systems.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 97% (60)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (62)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 14 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 57 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 20% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (5)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 25 £1,513,093Non-military 4 £43,139Both Military and Non-military 2 £7,050Total 31 £1,563,282

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £73,774ML2 1 £40,000ML3 3 £119,213ML4 3 £1,085,056

Page 239

Page 240: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML5 1 £11,000ML6 1 £43,500ML7 2 £25,215ML9 3 £13,897ML11 2 £82,700ML14 1 £9,000ML15 4 £2,998ML17 1 £6,721ML22 1 £20

anti-armour ammunition.components for assault rifles.components for combat naval vessels.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for military combat vehicles.components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (4 licences).components for military radars.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for pistols.components for sniper rifles.components for sporting guns.decoying/countermeasure equipment.

T electronic warfare equipment.general naval vessel components (2 licences).goods treated for signature suppression for military use.military guidance/navigation equipment.military training equipment.

T NBC protective/defensive equipment.T projectile launchers.

small arms ammunition.sniper rifles (1).sporting guns (1).technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment.training small arms ammunition.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0D001 1 £40,8811C001 1 £9322B350 1 £1,3065D002 1 £20

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.information security equipment.software for nuclear reactors.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5D002 1 £3,000ML1 1 £500ML21 1 £0PL9010 1 £3,550

Page 240

Page 241: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

components for sporting guns.T information security software.T software enabling equipment to function as military communications equipment.

sporting guns (1).sporting shotguns (5).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 27 £768,469Non-military 1 £5,529Total 28 £773,997

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML5 1 £35,661ML6 3 £25,637ML7 1 £769ML9 2 £26,951ML10 18 £448,513ML11 1 £4,777ML16 1 £226,161

components for combat naval vessels.components for military combat vehicles (3 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for military helicopters (18 licences).components for military radars.general naval vessel components.NBC protective/defensive equipment.unfinished products for military aero-engines.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £5,529

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


Page 241

Page 242: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

FinlandFranceGermanyGreeceItalyJapanMexicoMoroccoNew ZealandNorwayOmanQatarSpainSwedenUnited Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

4 P pistols, smooth-bore weapons, sporting shotguns5 P components for military helicopters6 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,

components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

7 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights8 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Page 242

Page 243: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedIraq 1 0 0


military combat vehicles.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

New Zealand

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 96% (26)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (27)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 70 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 38% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 19 £912,876Non-military 5 £18,908Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,600Total 25 £933,384

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 8 £31,439ML2 3 £29,106

Page 243

Page 244: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML3 1 £4,600ML4 2 £5,279ML6 2 £814,492ML17 1 £27,010PL5001 2 £951

all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection.anti-riot/ballistic shields (2 licences).components for artillery (2 licences).components for gun mountings.components for machine guns (3 licences).components for military combat vehicles.components for sniper rifles.components for weapon mountings.decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences).machine guns (1).machine guns (2).machine guns (3).military field engineer equipment.sniper rifles (1).sporting guns (2).tear gas/irritant ammunition.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A003 1 £6,400PL9010 4 £12,508

imaging cameras.sporting shotguns (1) (3 licences).sporting shotguns (2).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £600PL9010 1 £1,000

sporting guns (1).sporting shotguns (2).

SIELs for goods covered by the torture regulation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueGoods covered by the torture regulation 1 £6,275Goods covered by the torture regulation and Military 0 £0Goods covered by the torture regulation and Non-military 0 £0Goods covered by the torture regulation and Both Military andNon-military

0 £0

Total 1 £6,275

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except where

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the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Goods covered by the torture regulation

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


HR AIII 1 £6,275


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

4 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

5 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment6 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights7 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,

components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft ground

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equipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

8 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 2]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £19,518Total 1 £19,518

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £19,518

civil explosive detection/identification equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 19 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


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Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £101,400Non-military 1 £33,000Total 2 £134,400

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 1 £101,400

components for body armour.military helmets.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A005 1 £33,000

civil body armour.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft

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[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 86% (12)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 101 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 25% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £19,000Non-military 8 £732,161Total 9 £751,161

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 1 £19,000

bomb suits.military helmets.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £3,7935A002 5 £502,489

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5D002 1 £2,0006A003 1 £7,0007A008 1 £216,880

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.imaging cameras.information security equipment (4 licences).

T information security equipment.software for information security equipment.

T underwater sonar navigation systems.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.

Non Specific Country

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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OITCLs 91 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

North Macedonia

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (21)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (21)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 50 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 14% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 64% (9)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 11 £18,278,764Non-military 6 £823,059Both Military and Non-military 1 £91,941Total 18 £19,193,764

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 6 £643,731ML3 1 £600ML6 1 £17,629,811ML7 2 £622ML13 1 £4,000

armoured plate.components for artillery ammunition.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for rifles.components for sniper rifles (4 licences).components for sporting guns.military combat vehicles.NBC protective/defensive equipment.sniper rifles (1).sniper rifles (13).sporting guns (1) (2 licences).


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C351 2 £3062B350 3 £201,7533A228 1 £620,0003E201 1 £1,000

bacteria.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).technology for triggered spark gaps.triggered spark gaps.viruses.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £45,678PL9010 1 £46,263

components for sporting guns.sporting guns (200).sporting shotguns (100).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersiblevehicles, syntactic foam

3 T towed hydrophone arrays4 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

5 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

6 P devices for initiating explosives, explosives, linear cutting explosive charges, linearshaped cutting charges, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

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7 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

8 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment9 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights10 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnance

detection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 1]

11 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 83% (40)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (48)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 16 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 112 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 11% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 24 £789,219Non-military 7 £828,076Both Military and Non-military 3 £748,003Total 34 £2,365,298

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except where

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the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £191,449ML2 1 £2,040ML4 1 £3,409ML5 2 £50,523ML6 10 £134,839ML9 1 £4,058ML10 2 £9,007ML11 3 £99,501ML13 2 £280,394ML15 1 £14,000

body armour (2 licences).components for artillery.components for body armour (2 licences).components for machine guns (2 licences).components for military combat vehicles (6 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for military radars.components for military support aircraft (2 licences).components for naval communications equipment.components for tanks (3 licences).components for training hand grenades.components for turrets.equipment for the use of air-to-air missiles.hand grenades.military communications equipment.military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.periscopes.training hand grenades.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C350 1 £9712B351 1 £3953A225 1 £7905A002 2 £80,5895D002 1 £744,3316A003 1 £1,000

chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research.frequency changers.imaging cameras.information security equipment (2 licences).information security software.toxic gas monitoring equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £421,4206A008 1 £45,4386D002 1 £09A012 1 £80,000ML1 1 £101,145ML11 1 £100,000ML21 1 £0

T civil unmanned air vehicles.T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 2].T electronic warfare equipment.

radar equipment.software for military radars.software for radar equipment.

T weapon night sights [See footnote 2].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 5]

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

5 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 4]

6 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for military

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guidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedUnited States of America 1 0 0


assault rifles (350).components for assault rifles.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. Law enforcement agency end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 74% (111)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 97% (144)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 7% (10)

Median processing time SITCLs 223 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 16% (4)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 32% (8)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 4% (1)

Median processing time OIELs 115 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

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SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 46 £1,837,900Non-military 9 £189,373Total 55 £2,027,274

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 12 £339,754ML3 1 £20,500ML4 2 £37,330ML9 9 £217,945ML10 15 £368,494ML11 3 £25,406ML13 2 £698,500ML14 1 £129,972ML22 1 £0

assault rifles (1) [See footnote 15].components for aerial target equipment [See footnote 48].components for bomb suits (2 licences) [See footnotes 12, 8].components for combat aircraft [See footnote 36].components for combat helicopters (3 licences) [See footnotes 47, 51, 52].components for combat naval vessels (4 licences) [See footnotes 38, 42, 43, 44].components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions [See footnote 35].components for military aircraft head-up/down displays (2 licences) [See footnotes 34, 37].components for military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 53].components for military helicopters (4 licences) [See footnotes 25, 28, 39, 54].components for military patrol/assault craft [See footnote 46].components for military support aircraft (3 licences) [See footnotes 30, 31].components for naval engines [See footnote 50].components for sniper rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 14, 21].components for sporting guns [See footnote 13].general military aircraft components (2 licences) [See footnotes 32, 62].general naval vessel components (3 licences) [See footnotes 40, 41, 45].global navigation satellite systems jamming equipment [See footnote 26].military electronic equipment [See footnote 58].military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment [See footnote29].small arms ammunition [See footnote 9].sniper rifles (1) (2 licences) [See footnotes 14, 21].sporting guns (1) (4 licences) [See footnotes 17, 18, 19, 22].sporting shotguns (1) [See footnote 20].technology for combat naval vessels [See footnote 55].weapon night sights (3 licences) [See footnotes 16, 24, 33].weapon sights [See footnote 21].


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £19,5321C350 1 £932B350 1 £1,7016A003 1 £5,0006A008 1 £144,206End Use 4 £18,841

chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research [See footnote 23].civil explosive detection/identification equipment [See footnote 11].components for general industrial production equipment [See footnote 60].controlled atmosphere furnaces [See footnote 59].corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment [See footnote 10].

T imaging cameras.materials testing equipment [See footnote 56].power supplies [See footnote 61].radar equipment [See footnote 49].


CountMilitary 5Non-military 5Total 10

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML9 1ML11 3ML21 3ML22 2

components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for submarines.military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences).software for military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences).technology for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

End Use 5

accessories for materials testing equipment.components for materials testing equipment.components for surface coating equipment.

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electric motors.general laboratory equipment.industrial generators.materials testing equipment.software for materials testing equipment.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 54 57 1

SIELs - Transhipment


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £174,900Total 1 £174,900

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry')As theitems covered by issued SITLs merely pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' forthese licences with the value of items originating in the UK.:


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £174,900

artillery ammunition [See footnote 27].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,

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technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 63]

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 57]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedBelgium 9 1 0Brazil 1 0 0Greece 3 0 0Italy 3 0 0South Korea 1 0 0Spain 5 0 0


anti-armour ammunition [See footnote 6].artillery ammunition.assault rifles (80).components for aircraft machine guns.components for artillery ammunition.components for assault rifles.fuze setting devices.illuminators.military image intensifier equipment.pistols (100).promoting the supply of anti-armour ammunition [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of assault rifles (10) [See footnote 4].promoting the supply of assault rifles (450) [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of components for assault rifles [See footnote 4].promoting the supply of components for machine guns (4 licences) [See footnotes 3, 7].promoting the supply of components for pistols [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of CS hand grenades [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of demolition charges/devices.promoting the supply of grenade launchers [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of gun silencers [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of machine guns (16).promoting the supply of machine guns (30) [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of machine guns.promoting the supply of military electronic equipment (2 licences).promoting the supply of military image intensifier equipment [See footnote 2].promoting the supply of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.promoting the supply of pistols (300) (3 licences) [See footnote 7].promoting the supply of small arms ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 4].promoting the supply of smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition.promoting the supply of tear gas/irritant ammunition [See footnote 1].promoting the supply of weapon night sights (2 licences) [See footnote 2].promoting the supply of weapon sights [See footnote 7].small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 6].smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition.sporting shotguns (2) [See footnote 5].training artillery ammunition.weapon sights.

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assault rifles (100000).components for assault rifles.grenade launchers.gun mountings.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

2 17 1

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for government end use.5. Licence granted for armed forces end use.6. Licence granted for armed forces end use.7. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.8. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Law enforcement agency end use.9. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.10. Licence granted for chemical manufacturing equipment. Civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.12. Licence granted for explosive detection / disposal purposes. Armed forces end use.13. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.14. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.15. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.16. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.17. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.18. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.19. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.20. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.21. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.22. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes. Personal end use.23. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.24. Licence granted for armed forces end use.25. Licence granted for armed forces end use.26. Licence granted for armed forces end use.27. Licence granted for armed forces end use.28. Licence granted for armed forces end use.29. Licence granted for diplomatic missions.30. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.31. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.32. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.33. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.34. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.35. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.36. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.37. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.38. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.39. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.40. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.41. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.42. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.43. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.44. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.45. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.46. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.47. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.48. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.

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49. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.50. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.51. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.52. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.53. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.54. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.55. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.56. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.57. Licence granted for armed forces end use.58. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.59. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.60. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.61. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.62. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.63. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £59,383Total 2 £59,383

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £59,3645E002 1 £20

information security equipment (2 licences).technology for information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

Papua New Guinea

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 70 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £12,500Non-military 2 £35,871Total 3 £48,371

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

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per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML2 1 £12,500

projectile launchers.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £35,871

information security equipment (2 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 24 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

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% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueBoth Military and Non-military 2 £1,365,000Total 2 £1,365,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 2 £277,5006A003 2 £105,000ML1 2 £82,500ML5 2 £900,000

T direct view imaging equipment (2 licences).T imaging cameras (2 licences).T targeting equipment (2 licences).T weapon night sights (2 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

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Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 183 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £531,720Non-military 2 £5,417,568Total 3 £5,949,288

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML11 1 £531,720

electronic warfare equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £5,192,0005D002 2 £225,568

information security equipment (2 licences).software for information security equipment (2 licences).

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OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 85% (11)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (13)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 43 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 94 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

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% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £3,034,933Non-military 4 £489,114Total 8 £3,524,047

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £170,160ML9 1 £0ML10 1 £164,773ML21 1 £2,700,000ML22 1 £0

components for combat naval vessels [See footnote 4].components for military support aircraft [See footnote 2].gun mountings [See footnote 3].software for combat naval vessels [See footnote 4].technology for combat naval vessels [See footnote 4].weapon sights [See footnote 1].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £126,1322B201 1 £340,0002B350 1 £15,2325A002 1 £7,750

civil explosive detection/identification equipment [See footnote 12].corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment [See footnote 11].information security equipment [See footnote 6].machine tools [See footnote 5].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

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No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, information security software [See footnote 10]2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 7]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 8]

4 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 9]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for personal end use.2. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.3. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.4. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for armed forces end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.9. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.10. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.12. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 97% (28)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (29)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 57 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 57% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 23 £1,207,219Non-military 1 £60,000Total 24 £1,267,219

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

Page 270

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per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 5 £292,286ML2 3 £39,041ML3 2 £55,405ML4 2 £6,982ML5 1 £12,000ML6 4 £155,263ML10 1 £10,000ML11 3 £88,000ML13 1 £6,000ML15 1 £421,920ML16 1 £65,499ML17 1 £16,853ML18 2 £37,970

T assault rifles (1).ballistic test equipment.components for artillery (3 licences).components for assault rifles.components for ballistic test equipment.components for body armour.components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences).components for pistols.

T components for sniper rifles.equipment for the production of bombs.equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment.general military vehicle components (2 licences).military aircraft ground equipment.military electronic equipment.military equipment for initiating explosives.

T military guidance/navigation equipment.T military image intensifier equipment.T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.

military support vehicles (2 licences).T rangefinding equipment.

signature suppression fittings/coatings/treatments for military use.small arms ammunition.

T sniper rifles (3).training small arms ammunition.unfinished products for military helicopters.

T weapon night sights.weapon sights.

T weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


PL9010 1 £60,000

T components for sporting shotguns.

SIELs - Incorporation

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Page 272: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £8,875Non-military 1 £137,133Total 3 £146,008

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML5 1 £351ML16 1 £8,525ML22 1 £0

components for recognition/identification equipment.technology for unfinished products for military aero-engines.unfinished products for military aero-engines.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £89,3585D002 1 £47,775

information security equipment.information security software.software for information security software.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

CanadaGreeceIraqIsraelMexicoMoroccoNew ZealandUnited KingdomUnited States of AmericaVietnam

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

3 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

4 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights5 P general naval vessel components, technology for general naval vessel components

[See footnote 1]6 P components for equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, components for

NBC detection equipment, equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, NBCdetection equipment, software for NBC detection equipment, technology forequipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, technology for NBC detectionequipment, technology for software for equipment for the use of NBC detectionequipment

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (9)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (9)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 67 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 17% (1)

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% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £15,169Total 6 £15,169

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £400ML3 1 £443ML10 1 £3,976ML11 2 £5,200ML13 1 £5,150

components for body armour.components for military communications equipment (2 licences).military aircrew safety equipment.military helmets.sporting guns (1).tear gas/irritant ammunition.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

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3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

4 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

5 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

Puerto Rico

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 43 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £59,251Total 1 £59,251

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B352 1 £59,251

biotechnology equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 80% (16)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (20)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 29% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £736,389Non-military 11 £1,374,078Both Military and Non-military 1 £715,910Total 16 £2,826,377

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £46,889ML2 1 £0ML3 1 £10,500ML6 1 £109,000ML22 1 £570,000

artillery.components for artillery.components for sniper rifles.gun silencers.military support vehicles.small arms ammunition.sniper rifles (3).sporting guns (3).technology for artillery.weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £44,7271A007 1 £3,5005A001 3 £202,2035A002 4 £148,6485D001 2 £3,0006A001 2 £622,0006A003 1 £250,0006D003 1 £100,000

T civil explosive detection/identification equipment.T components for telecommunications interception equipment [See footnote 2].T counter-improvised explosive device equipment [See footnote 5].

diver location sonars.T diver location sonars.T imaging cameras.

information security equipment (4 licences).T non-military firing sets [See footnote 5].

software for diver location sonars.T software for telecommunications interception equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4].T telecommunications interception equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4].

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £493,130ML1 1 £222,780

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 3].T weapon night sights [See footnote 3].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 8]

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 6]

5 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 7]

6 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Government end use.

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3. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Armed forces end use.5. Licence granted for temporary / exhibition purposes. Armed forces end use.6. Licence granted for armed forces end use.7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.

Republic of Congo

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 77 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £26,566Total 2 £26,566

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 2 £26,566

information security equipment (2 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T towed hydrophone arrays

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3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 1]

4 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Republic of Guinea

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 17 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £6,348Total 1 £6,348

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £6,348

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Guinea (Conakry) are set out in Council Decision2010/638/CFSP, as amended; these include an embargo on the provision of arms and related material, aswell as of equipment that might be used for internal repression as specified in Annex I to Council Regulation(EU) No 1284/2009, as amended, with exemptions for certain humanitarian, protective and UN or EU enduses. Amendments to Council Decision 2010/638/CFSP in 2011 and 2012 introduces further exemptions forthe supply of non-lethal equipment to be used for maintaining public order by the police and gendarmerie inGuinea, for the return of non-combat helicopters to Guinea, and for the provision of explosives and relatedequipment intended solely for civilian use in mining and infrastructure investments. In April 2014, CouncilDecision 2014/213/CFSP, as amended, lifted the arms embargo though measures against individuals remainin place.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Republic of Moldova

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 3 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,

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equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 91% (10)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 91% (10)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 52 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 25% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 8 £686,273Total 8 £686,273

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


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ML1 1 £770ML3 2 £9,676ML10 4 £572,211ML13 1 £52,500ML15 1 £51,116

anti-armour ammunition.components for body armour.components for machine guns.components for military helicopters.components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for military parachutes.components for military support aircraft.military aero-engines.military aircrew safety equipment.training small arms ammunition.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £250,000Total 1 £250,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML10 1 £250,000

components for military parachutes.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military training

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aircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

3 P components for military aircrew safety equipment, components for militaryparachutes, components for military support aircraft, military aircrew safetyequipment, military parachutes, technology for military aircrew safety equipment,technology for military parachutes, technology for military support aircraft, unfinishedproducts for military aircrew safety equipment, unfinished products for militaryparachutes, unfinished products for military support aircraft

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 17 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 63% (97)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 96% (148)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 7% (11)

Median processing time SITCLs 24 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 29% (2)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (7)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 67% (2)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 69 £15,398,941Total 69 £15,398,941

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 3 £79,0221C233 1 £213,5001C351 1 £61C450 1 £320,0002B352 3 £25,3523A001 1 £53,9153C001 1 £44,4925A002 4 £108,7125D002 1 £66A002 1 £3,600,0006A003 2 £51,0966A203 1 £25,0006E001 1 £1,0006E002 1 £07A103 3 £2,271,500RUS 46 £8,605,340

chemicals used for pharmaceutical/healthcare production [See footnote 2].civil explosive detection/identification equipment [See footnote 66].

T civil explosive detection/identification equipment (2 licences).components for biotechnology equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 4, 5, 6].devices containing enriched lithium compounds [See footnote 21].imaging cameras [See footnote 7].

T imaging cameras.inertial equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 10, 37, 53].information security equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 23, 40, 64].

T information security equipment.information security software [See footnote 49].microwave components [See footnote 11].oil and gas industry equipment/materials (44 licences) [See footnotes 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55,56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65].

T oil and gas industry equipment/materials (2 licences).radiation hardened TV camera lenses [See footnote 25].semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers [See footnote 3].space qualified focal plane arrays [See footnote 8].technology for space qualified focal plane arrays [See footnote 8].viruses [See footnote 1].


CountMilitary 1Non-military 10Total 11

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 285

Page 286: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML11 1

military communications equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

3A001 16A003 1End Use 2MEND 6

accessories for electron microscopes (2 licences).anti-friction bearings.electronic components.ferrous metals (2 licences).imaging cameras.non-ferrous metals.semiconductor manufacturing equipment.technology for anti-friction bearings.test equipment for global positioning satellite receivers.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 105 17 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £89,850Total 2 £89,850

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


9A004 1 £44,550

Page 286

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9D005 1 £33,300End Use 1 £12,000

components for spectrometers [See footnote 32].software for spacecraft payload data handling systems [See footnote 31].spacecraft payload data handling systems [See footnote 31].

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


SIELs - Transhipment


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £1,416,940Total 1 £1,416,940

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry')As theitems covered by issued SITLs merely pass through the UK, it would be misleading to compare the 'value' forthese licences with the value of items originating in the UK.:


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3A001 1 £1,416,940

extended temperature range integrated circuits [See footnote 9].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment [See footnote 33]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated


Page 287

Page 288: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedJapan 1 0 0Japan, Malaysia,Singapore

1 0 0

Singapore 4 0 0


oil and gas industry equipment/materials (6 licences).

Country Footnotes

1. Council Decision 2014/512/CFSP, as amended and Council Regulation (EU) No 833/2014, as amended,imposes a number of sectoral sanctions against Russian entities. These include restrictions on the supply ofarms and military equipment, on dual use items for military use, ban on the supply of equipment and servicesto Russian deep water, Arctic and shale oil exploration and production projects, and a ban on Russian accessto certain EU financial instruments and services.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Government end use.2. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for chemical manufacturing equipment. Civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for medical research purposes. Academic end users.8. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.9. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.10. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.11. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.12. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.13. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.14. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.15. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.16. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.17. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.18. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.19. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.20. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.21. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.22. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.23. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.24. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.25. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.26. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.27. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.28. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.29. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Page 288

Page 289: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

30. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.31. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Civilian / commercial end use.32. Licence granted for academic research purposes. Academic end users.33. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.34. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.35. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.36. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.37. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.38. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.39. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.40. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.41. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.42. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.43. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.44. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.45. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.46. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.47. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.48. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.49. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.50. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.51. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.52. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.53. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.54. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.55. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.56. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.57. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.58. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.59. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.60. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.61. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.62. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.63. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.64. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.65. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.66. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 176 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 33 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 289

Page 290: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £33,000Total 1 £33,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £33,000

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.

Sao Tome and Principe

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

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Median processing time OIELs 93 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £81,000Total 1 £81,000

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £81,000

military support vehicles.

Saudi Arabia

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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 86% (54)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 97% (61)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 12 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 115 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 85 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 18 £5,385,560Non-military 31 £55,349,631Both Military and Non-military 1 £745,140Total 50 £61,480,331

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £45,677ML4 2 £5,158,645ML5 1 £10,880ML6 1 £5,000ML8 2 £486ML9 2 £19,084

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ML11 4 £108,633ML13 5 £36,990ML17 1 £166

body armour (5 licences) [See footnote 4].components for body armour (3 licences).components for combat naval vessels (2 licences).components for military containers.components for military electronic equipment.components for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.components for turrets.energetic materials additives.equipment for the use of attack alerting/warning equipment.equipment for the use of military communications equipment.military equipment for initiating explosives.military helmets (4 licences).military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment (2 licences).precursors for energetic materials.weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 5 £6461A004 1 £228,0001A006 1 £298,5001C006 1 £1,1501C227 1 £1,1161C228 1 £01C350 1 £6082B350 7 £1,453,8872B352 1 £22,2803A225 1 £3,3895A002 7 £6,634,5975D002 2 £22,4285E002 1 £306A003 1 £89,0007A103 1 £20,0009A004 1 £43,600,0009E001 1 £2,974,0009E002 1 £09E102 1 £0

biotechnology equipment.calcium.chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research.civil explosive detection/identification equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (7 licences).deuterium compounds (5 licences).electronics cooling fluids.frequency changers.improvised explosive device disposal remotely operated vehicles.improvised explosive device disruptors.inertial equipment.information security equipment (7 licences).instrumentation cameras.magnesium.software for information security equipment (2 licences).spacecraft.technology for information security equipment.technology for spacecraft (2 licences).technology for spacecraft payloads.

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Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £582,120ML1 1 £163,020

T direct view imaging equipment.T weapon night sights.

SIELs for goods covered by the torture regulation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueGoods covered by the torture regulation 2 £6,275Goods covered by the torture regulation and Military 0 £0Goods covered by the torture regulation and Non-military 1 £2,451Goods covered by the torture regulation and Both Military andNon-military

0 £0

Total 3 £8,725

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Goods covered by the torture regulation

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


HR AIII 2 £6,275

barbiturate anaesthetic agents for injection (2 licences).

Goods covered by the torture regulation and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 1 £2,451HR AIII 1 £0

barbiturate anaesthetic agents for injection.deuterium compounds.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary

Page 294

Page 295: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersiblevehicles, syntactic foam

2 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information securityequipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 5]

3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

4 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 3]

5 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment6 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedAustralia 1 0 0


military scenario simulation equipment.software for military scenario simulation equipment.

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Source Issued Refused RevokedBahrain, France, Germany,Italy, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia,United States of America

1 0 0

Bahrain, Kuwait, SaudiArabia

1 0 0

Bahrain, Saudi Arabia 1 0 0Kuwait, Saudi Arabia 1 0 0


aircraft military communications equipment.components for military aero-engines.components for military training aircraft (2 licences).electronic warfare equipment.general military aircraft components.military aero-engines.military communications equipment.military electronic equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.military training aircraft.promoting the supply of aircraft military communications equipment.promoting the supply of components for military aero-engines.promoting the supply of components for military training aircraft.promoting the supply of components for military training equipment.promoting the supply of general military aircraft components.promoting the supply of military aero-engines.promoting the supply of military aircraft ground equipment.promoting the supply of military aircraft head-up/down displays.promoting the supply of military guidance/navigation equipment.promoting the supply of military training aircraft (2 licences).promoting the supply of military training equipment.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (6)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (6)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)

Page 296

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Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £15,530Non-military 5 £129,321Total 6 £144,851

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML11 1 £2,800ML13 1 £12,730

bomb suits.components for military helmets.military communications equipment.military helmets.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 1 £6,0605A001 1 £101,0005A002 3 £22,261

counter-improvised explosive device equipment.deuterium compounds.information security equipment (3 licences).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,

Page 297

Page 298: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 15 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 79% (19)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 88% (21)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 8% (2)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 12 £83,964,817Non-military 6 £235,001Total 18 £84,199,819

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £4,660ML3 3 £759,000ML4 1 £33,557,480ML10 4 £49,309,140

Page 298

Page 299: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML11 2 £23,608ML18 2 £310,000ML21 1 £10ML22 6 £920

components for military aircraft ground equipment (2 licences).components for military communications equipment.equipment for the production of military aircraft ground equipment (2 licences).launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.military aircraft ground equipment (2 licences).military communications equipment.small arms ammunition (3 licences).software for military communications equipment.technology for equipment for the production of military aircraft ground equipment (2 licences).technology for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.technology for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.technology for military aircraft ground equipment (4 licences).weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C351 1 £63A225 1 £2,6205A001 1 £68,0005A002 1 £33,0006A003 2 £131,375

frequency changers.imaging cameras (2 licences).information security equipment.

T telecommunications interception equipment.viruses.


CountNon-military 2Total 2

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

5A001 15D002 1

software for information security equipment.telecommunications interception equipment.

Page 299

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Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

5 2

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Page 300

Page 301: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £70,000Non-military 1 £1,191Total 2 £71,191

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £70,000

components for assault rifles.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £1,191

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Sierra Leone

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 301

Page 302: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam

Country Footnotes

1. The United Nations imposed embargo on Sierra Leone was lifted on 29 September 2010 with the adoption ofUN Security Council resolution 1940. The European Union also lifted EU-imposed sanctions in November2010. The national implementing legislation on Sierra Leone is however still in force.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 93% (68)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (73)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 70 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 9% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 36% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 16 £170,707Non-military 43 £38,592,908Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 60 £40,170,825

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Page 302

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £1,900ML3 1 £316ML4 2 £80,783ML6 2 £18,799ML7 4 £3,048ML9 1 £1,867ML10 2 £15,635ML13 2 £3,777ML16 1 £1,322ML21 2 £42,923ML22 3 £10PL5001 1 £329

anti-riot/ballistic shields.body armour.components for body armour (2 licences).components for military combat vehicles (2 licences).components for military training aircraft.components for NBC detection equipment (3 licences).components for weapon night sights.decoying/countermeasure equipment.general military aircraft components.general naval vessel components.military equipment for initiating explosives.

T NBC protective/defensive equipment.software for NBC detection equipment (2 licences).tear gas/irritant ammunition.technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment.technology for NBC detection equipment (2 licences).training wall/door breaching projectiles/ammunition.unfinished products for general military aircraft components.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 2 £4361A004 3 £57,2871C202 1 £7,0941C233 1 £20,3451C351 1 £3422B206 2 £2,636,9072B350 3 £24,5272B352 1 £11,4723A002 1 £9,3003C001 1 £35,000,0005A002 8 £88,2875D002 3 £28,3006A001 1 £60,0006A002 1 £25,0006A003 4 £75,3077A003 1 £12,0007A103 2 £72,5928A001 2 £320,0008A002 8 £143,712

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analogue-to-digital equipment.biotechnology equipment.civil explosive detection/identification equipment (3 licences).components for submersible equipment (5 licences).corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).deuterium compounds (2 licences).devices containing enriched lithium.dimensional inspection equipment (2 licences).dimensional measuring equipment.

T focal plane arrays.guidance/navigation equipment.imaging cameras (3 licences).

T imaging cameras.inertial equipment (2 licences).

T inertial equipment.information security equipment (8 licences).information security software (3 licences).

T marine position fixing equipment.metal alloy cylindrical forms.semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers.submersible equipment (3 licences).submersible vehicle control systems.submersible vehicles (2 licences).viruses.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 2].T weapon night sights [See footnote 2].

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £14,300Total 1 £14,300

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £14,300

information security equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

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OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 4]

4 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 5]

5 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 6]

6 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment7 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnance

detection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 3]

8 P components for equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, components forNBC detection equipment, equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, NBCdetection equipment, software for NBC detection equipment, technology forequipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, technology for NBC detectionequipment, technology for software for equipment for the use of NBC detectionequipment

9 P information security software, technology for information security software10 P information security software [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.3. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.4. Licence granted for armed forces end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Page 305

Page 306: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £6,367Total 2 £6,367

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £3,097ML4 1 £3,270

components for training hand grenades.sporting guns (1).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

2 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 306

Page 307: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 6 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £14,500Total 2 £14,500

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £4,200ML13 1 £10,300

components for body armour.military helmets.weapon night sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

Page 307

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2 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 16 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 63% (5)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (8)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 44 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 40 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 100% (1)

Median processing time OITCLs 33 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £169,865Non-military 4 £637,592Both Military and Non-military 1 £66,338Total 8 £873,795

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML13 3 £169,865

body armour (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3, 7].

Page 308

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components for body armour (3 licences) [See footnotes 1, 3, 7].military helmets (2 licences) [See footnotes 3, 7].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 3 £436,7135D002 2 £200,8795E002 1 £0

information security equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 4, 5].information security software (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 5].software for information security equipment [See footnote 2].technology for information security equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A005 1 £5,200ML13 1 £61,138

body armour [See footnote 6].civil body armour [See footnote 6].components for body armour [See footnote 6].military helmets [See footnote 6].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedRomania 1 0 0South Africa 1 0 0


body armour.components for body armour.military helmets.promoting the supply of accessories for machine guns.promoting the supply of components for machine guns.promoting the supply of machine guns (12).

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 2142 (2014) continues the embargo on the supply of arms and relatedmaterial. The embargo no longer applies to military equipment intended solely for the development of the

Page 309

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Security Forces of the Federal Government of Somalia, providing the UN Sanctions Committee is notified inadvance.

The arms embargo on Somalia shall not apply to deliveries of weapons, ammunition or military equipment orthe provision of advice, assistance or training, intended solely for the development of the Somali NationalSecurity Forces.

The entry into Somali ports for temporary visits of vessels carrying arms and related materiel for defensivepurposes does not amount to a delivery of such items in violation of the arms embargo on Somalia, providedthat such items remain at all times aboard such vessels

Exemptions to the embargo authorise supplies of non-lethal military equipment intended solely forhumanitarian or protective use, weapons and military equipment for the support or use by UN personnel orstrategic partners of AMISOM, supplies for use by UN member states to combat piracy and supplies intendedfor the development of Somali security sector institutions.

The EU implements this UN sanction regime via Council Decision 2010/231/CFSP, as amended, CouncilRegulation (EU) No 356/2010, as amended and Council Regulation (EC) No 147/2003, as amended

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.3. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.4. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.5. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.6. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.7. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

South Africa

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 95% (69)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (73)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 16 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 94 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 24 £3,093,464Non-military 24 £1,014,631

Page 310

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Both Military and Non-military 3 £136,195Total 51 £4,244,290

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 6 £333,650ML2 1 £1,000ML3 7 £246,749ML4 1 £12,500ML5 1 £12,000ML10 7 £1,865,923ML11 5 £59,287ML15 2 £562,355

anti-armour ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 3].components for combat helicopters.components for electronic warfare equipment (3 licences).components for military aero-engines.components for military helicopters.components for military support aircraft (2 licences).components for military training aircraft.components for sporting guns.components for unmanned air vehicles.crowd control ammunition [See footnote 2].CS hand grenades [See footnote 2].grenade launchers.hand grenades [See footnote 2].illuminators [See footnote 2].military aero-engines.military electronic equipment.

T military guidance/navigation equipment.T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences).T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences).T rangefinding equipment.

signalling devices [See footnote 2].small arms ammunition (3 licences) [See footnote 3].

T small arms ammunition.T sporting guns (2) (2 licences).

sporting guns (3).sporting shotgun ammunition (2 licences).training hand grenades [See footnote 2].

T weapon night sights (2 licences).weapon sights.

T weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C003 1 £1,7191C111 1 £270

Page 311

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1C202 2 £7051C351 3 £3072B350 4 £9,3735A002 7 £235,8585D002 1 £3,0006A001 1 £18,0976A203 1 £29,0007A103 1 £500,0008A002 1 £4,165PL9010 2 £212,137

bacteria.constituents of propellants.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (4 licences).deuterium compounds.inertial equipment.information security equipment (7 licences).information security software.instrumentation cameras.marine position fixing equipment.metal alloy cylindrical forms (2 licences).rebreathing swimming equipment.sporting shotguns (2) (2 licences).viruses (2 licences).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £1006A003 1 £50,000ML1 2 £23,400ML7 1 £11,595ML11 1 £1,000ML17 1 £5,100PL9010 1 £45,000

T civil NBC protection clothing.T components for sporting guns.

imaging cameras.T military communications equipment.T military diving apparatus.T military laser protection equipment.T NBC detection equipment.T NBC protective/defensive equipment.T sporting shotguns (3).

weapon night sights.weapon sights.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 7 £262,264Non-military 2 £27,975Total 9 £290,239

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Page 312

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 1 £213,500ML6 1 £1,000ML10 3 £44,054ML11 2 £3,710

components for aircraft military communications equipment.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences).

Rv components for military combat vehicles.components for military helicopters.components for military training aircraft.

Rv - Some or all of which have subsequently been revoked.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £18,7325D002 1 £6,4726A003 1 £2,771

imaging cameras.information security equipment.information security software.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

BotswanaBrazilFranceIndiaKenyaSwitzerlandUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam

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2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 5]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 6]

4 P information security equipment [See footnote 8]5 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 7]

6 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 4]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedNew Zealand 1 0 0South Africa 1 0 0


assault rifles (31) [See footnote 1].body armour [See footnote 1].components for body armour [See footnote 1].gun silencers.military helmets [See footnote 1].small arms ammunition [See footnote 1].sporting guns (12) [See footnote 1].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.2. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes.3. Licence granted for government end use.4. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.5. Licence granted for armed forces end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

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7. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

South Korea

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 95% (143)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 99% (150)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 1% (1)

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 76 £16,820,651Non-military 51 £29,681,581Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 128 £47,909,442

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 7 £19,932ML5 7 £4,893,464ML6 7 £233,564ML7 2 £4,219ML9 17 £5,934,573ML10 19 £501,148ML11 15 £4,827,191ML15 1 £15ML16 2 £45,815ML17 1 £360,453ML21 1 £270ML22 5 £5

aircraft military communications equipment (3 licences).components for air-to-surface missiles.

Page 315

Page 316: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

T components for air-to-surface missiles.components for aircraft military communications equipment (5 licences).components for attack alerting/warning equipment (2 licences).components for combat aircraft.

T components for combat aircraft.components for combat naval vessels (3 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions (2 licences).components for military aircraft head-up/down displays.components for military combat vehicles (4 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for military electronic equipment (2 licences).components for military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences).

T components for military guidance/navigation equipment.components for military helicopters (8 licences).

T components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for military patrol/assault craft (2 licences).components for military radars (3 licences).

T components for military radars.T components for military spacecraft.

components for military support vehicles (2 licences).components for military training aircraft.components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences).components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for submarines (6 licences).components for tanks.

T components for targeting equipment.components for unmanned air vehicles (2 licences).components for weapon control equipment.general naval vessel components (4 licences).military communications equipment (4 licences).

T military communications equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences).naval communications equipment.naval electrical/electronic equipment.NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences).software for military communications equipment.technology for combat aircraft (2 licences).technology for military communications equipment.technology for submarines (2 licences).test models for combat aircraft.unfinished products for submarines (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £15,7681C002 1 £104,9201C202 1 £1,3661C228 1 £181C240 2 £23,050,0001C351 1 £11,9321E001 1 £11E201 1 £12B001 1 £458,0002B206 3 £375,7012B350 3 £16,5132B351 1 £3312B352 1 £2,1703A001 1 £100,0003A225 2 £2,5303B001 1 £1,066,9245A002 4 £160,5875B001 1 £65,0005D002 3 £77,500

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5E002 1 £4686A003 15 £1,638,4036A005 1 £740,0006A203 2 £34,4937A003 2 £1,336,0007A101 1 £2,9567A103 3 £420,000

accelerometers.advanced telecommunications development equipment.bacteria.biotechnology equipment.civil explosive detection/identification equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).dimensional measuring equipment (3 licences).frequency changers (2 licences).imaging cameras (13 licences).

T imaging cameras (2 licences).inertial equipment (5 licences).information security equipment (4 licences).information security software (2 licences).instrumentation cameras.lasers.machine tools.magnesium.metal alloy cylindrical forms.metal alloys in powder form.nickel powders (2 licences).radiation hardened integrated circuits.radiation hardened TV camera lenses.semiconductor manufacturing equipment.software for information security equipment.technology for composite laminates.technology for composite structures.technology for fibre preforms.technology for fibre prepregs.technology for fibrous/filamentary materials.technology for information security equipment.toxic gas monitoring equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 2].T weapon night sights [See footnote 2].


CountMilitary 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML4 1

components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 9 £4,282,564Non-military 1 £536,488Total 10 £4,819,052

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML9 3 £207,512ML10 6 £421,958ML21 1 £3,653,094ML22 1 £0

components for combat naval vessels (3 licences).components for military helicopters (2 licences).components for military training aircraft (4 licences).software for combat naval vessels.technology for combat naval vessels.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £536,488

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

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Page 319: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

KazakhstanNew ZealandPhilippinesSenegalThailandUnited States of America

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military aero-engines, components for naval engines, equipment for

the production of naval engines, naval engines, software for naval engines,technology for naval engines

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 4]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 5]

4 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 6]

5 P technology for general naval vessel components [See footnote 3]6 P information security software [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.3. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.4. Licence granted for armed forces end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

South Sudan

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 47 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

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Median processing time OITCLs 33 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

China 1 0 0


all-wheel drive vehicles with ballistic protection.anti-riot/ballistic shields.body armour.handcuffs.military helmets.military image intensifier equipment.military support vehicles.rangefinding equipment.

Country Footnotes

1. EU Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/740, as amended and Council Regulation (EU) 2015/735, as amended,transpose UNSCR 2206 (2015). This provide for restrictive measures in the form of travel restrictions andasset freezes that may be applied in relation to persons and entities designated by the Security CouncilCommittee.

The measures embargo the provision of arms and related materiel to South Sudan, as well as assistance andservices related to those items or to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of those items.Exemptions exist for equipment intended for humanitarian, human rights monitoring or protective use,non-lethal equipment and protective clothing for use by UN, AU, EU or IGAD personnel in crisis managementand institution building programmes, non-combat vehicles intended for protective use by EU, UN, AU or IGADpersonnel, and demining equipment.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 94% (49)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (52)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 66 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 43% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 320

Page 321: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 30 £5,792,130Non-military 4 £25,568Total 34 £5,817,698

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 7 £1,337,794ML2 4 £101,435ML3 1 £1,730ML4 2 £3,485,326ML5 2 £159,245ML6 1 £33,600ML10 11 £257,426ML11 4 £35,545ML15 2 £380,020ML22 2 £10

anti-armour ammunition.T assault rifles (29).

components for airborne refuelling equipment [See footnote 1].components for artillery (2 licences).components for attack alerting/warning equipment.components for combat aircraft (2 licences).components for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences).components for machine guns.components for military communications equipment.components for military equipment for initiating explosives.components for military support aircraft (3 licences).components for military training aircraft (2 licences).

T components for sniper rifles.components for unmanned air vehicles.decoying/countermeasure equipment.

T equipment for the use of weapon night sights.general military aircraft components (2 licences).

T grenade launchers.T gun silencers.T machine guns (14).T military guidance/navigation equipment.T military image intensifier equipment (2 licences).T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences).

military support vehicles.T pistols (40).T projectile launchers.T rangefinding equipment.

small arms ammunition.T sniper rifles (1) (2 licences).

sporting guns (1).sporting guns.

T tactical shotguns (13).T targeting equipment.

technology for decoying/countermeasure equipment.

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T technology for sniper rifles.weapon night sights.

T weapon night sights.T weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £13,9501C233 1 £6685A002 1 £950PL9010 1 £10,000

civil explosive detection/identification equipment.devices containing enriched lithium compounds.information security equipment.sporting shotguns (1).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 11 £69,836Non-military 2 £39,560Total 13 £109,396

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML9 2 £3,537ML10 6 £29,967ML11 3 £36,222ML22 1 £109

components for airborne refuelling equipment (2 licences).components for combat aircraft.components for military auxiliary/support vessels (2 licences).components for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).components for military support aircraft (2 licences).components for military training aircraft.military communications equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment.technology for military guidance/navigation equipment.


Page 322

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A007 2 £39,560

non-military detonators (2 licences).

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

AustraliaAustriaBelgiumBrazilChileGermanyItalyJordanKenyaKuwaitLuxembourgNetherlandsNorwayOmanQatarSaudi ArabiaSouth KoreaUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P technology for nuclear reactors3 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

Page 323

Page 324: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

4 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 2]

5 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

6 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

Sri Lanka

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 35 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 118 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 3 £18,360Total 3 £18,360

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

Page 324

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per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £4,880ML13 1 £4,280PL5001 1 £9,200

anti-riot/ballistic shields [See footnote 5].body armour [See footnote 3].components for body armour [See footnote 3].military helmets [See footnote 3].small arms ammunition [See footnote 1].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 6]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedSri Lanka 2 0 0


assault rifles (12) [See footnote 2].assault rifles (20) [See footnote 4].body armour (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4].components for body armour [See footnote 4].military helmets (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4].small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 4].sporting guns (14) [See footnote 4].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.4. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.5. Licence granted for end use by a law enforcement agency.6. Licence granted for armed forces end use.

St Kitts And Nevis

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Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

St Lucia

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.

Page 326

Page 327: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.

St Vincent (including the Grenadines)

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £9,145Total 1 £9,145

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 327

Page 328: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML14 1 £9,145

components for small arms training equipment.small arms training equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £1,598Total 1 £1,598

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The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C350 1 £1,598

chemicals used for industrial/commercial processes [See footnote 1].

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council resolution 1556 (2004) established an embargo on the supply of arms and relatedmaterial to non-governmental entities in the Darfur region of Sudan; this was extended to include allindividuals and entities in Darfur through Resolution 1591 (2005).

EU Council Decision 2011/423/CFSP, as amended, embargoed the provision of arms and related material toSudan and South Sudan. EU Council Decision 2014/450/CFSP repealed Decision 2011/423/CFSP andseparated the restrictive measures imposed on Sudan into a distinct legal instrument. The enforcement of thearms embargo was further strengthened by resolution 1945 (2010) of 14 October 2010. This is implementedby Council Regulation (EC) No 747/2014, as amended.

The measures embargo the provision of arms and related materiel to Sudan, as well as assistance andservices related to those items or to the provision, manufacture, maintenance and use of those items.Exemptions exist for equipment intended for humanitarian, human rights monitoring or protective use,non-lethal equipment and protective clothing for use by UN, AU or EU personnel in crisis management andinstitution building programmes, non-combat vehicles intended for protective use by EU, UN, or AU, anddemining equipment.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 20 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 292 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Page 329

Page 330: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £1,867Total 1 £1,867

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £1,867

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 9 days

Page 330

Page 331: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 96% (47)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 98% (48)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 2% (1)

Median processing time OIELs 38 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 40% (2)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 60% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 22 £1,052,061Non-military 4 £854Total 26 £1,052,915

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 6 £787,375ML2 3 £185,290ML3 1 £440ML4 6 £12,434ML5 1 £412ML6 2 £12,378ML7 1 £206ML10 1 £14,413ML11 1 £420ML16 1 £24,693ML21 1 £12,000ML22 2 £2,000

components for aircraft missile protection systems.components for anti-armour weapons (2 licences).components for combat aircraft.

T components for decoying/countermeasure equipment.components for fuze setting devices.components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (2 licences).components for military combat vehicles.components for military radars.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for sniper rifles (2 licences).decoying/countermeasure equipment.

T equipment for the development of decoying/countermeasure equipment.gun silencers (3 licences).

Page 331

Page 332: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.military trailers.sniper rifles (1) (2 licences).Software for modelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems.sporting guns (1).sporting guns (2).technology for sniper rifles.technology for Software for modelling/simulating/evaluating weapon systems.unfinished products for anti-armour weapons.weapon night sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C002 1 £20E001 2 £2PL9010 1 £850

enriched uranium.sporting shotguns (1).technology for nuclear reactors (2 licences).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 15 £1,427,225Total 15 £1,427,225

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML2 1 £10,500ML5 5 £163,662ML10 7 £458,200ML11 2 £794,863

components for combat aircraft (6 licences).components for electronic warfare equipment.components for grenade launchers.components for military radars (5 licences).components for military support aircraft.electronic warfare equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


Page 332

Page 333: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

SwitzerlandThailandTurkeyUnited Kingdom


CountMilitary 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML4 1

components for launching/handling/control equipment for man portable air defence system missiles.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

Page 333

Page 334: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

2 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

3 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 94% (51)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (54)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 38 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 20% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 60% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 34 £2,730,534Non-military 8 £166,309Total 42 £2,896,842

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 9 £584,041ML3 2 £1,896ML5 1 £140,000ML6 7 £189,592

Page 334

Page 335: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML10 10 £315,682ML11 6 £88,000ML13 1 £3,392ML15 4 £1,182,880ML18 3 £58,060ML21 1 £166,992ML22 2 £0

anti-armour ammunition.body armour.components for body armour.components for combat aircraft.components for military training aircraft (3 licences).components for small arms ammunition.equipment for the production of military aero-engines (2 licences).equipment for the production of military aircrew safety equipment.equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment (2 licences).general military vehicle components (6 licences).gun silencers.military aircraft ground equipment.military aircrew life support equipment (3 licences).military aircrew safety equipment (3 licences).

T military guidance/navigation equipment (4 licences).military helmets.

T military image intensifier equipment (4 licences).T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (4 licences).

military support vehicles.sniper rifles (1).Software for modelling/simulating military operation scenarios.sporting guns (1) (3 licences).

T targeting equipment.technology for military aero-engines (2 licences).

T weapon night sights (4 licences).T weapon sights (4 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C001 1 £7001C231 1 £2451C234 1 £2,2061C235 1 £01C351 1 £62B230 1 £2,4495A001 1 £96,203PL8001 1 £3,500PL9003 1 £1,000PL9010 1 £60,000

anthrax vaccines.T counter-improvised explosive device equipment.T devices for initiating explosives.

hafnium.pressure transducers.products containing depleted uranium.sporting shotguns (2).tritium.viruses.zirconium compounds.

SIELs - Incorporation


Page 335

Page 336: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 4 £152,230Total 4 £152,230

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML3 1 £930ML6 1 £300ML10 1 £1,000ML21 1 £150,000ML22 1 £0

components for military training aircraft.components for small arms ammunition.general military vehicle components.software for military training aircraft.software for military training equipment.technology for military training aircraft.technology for military training equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 1]

2 P constructions for ballistic protection of military systems, general military vehiclecomponents

Page 336

Page 337: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

3 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

4 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights

Country Footnotes

1. All applications for exports to this destination were assessed against the Consolidated Criteria. During thisperiod there were no developments in this destination which required a change in our assessments from theprevious quarter.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 25% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


CountNon-military 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

End Use 1

general laboratory equipment.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Page 337

Page 338: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

1 1

Country Footnotes

1. On 31 May 2013, the EU adopted Council Decision 2013/255/CFSP, as amended, and Council Regulation(EU) No 36/2012, as amended, which lifted the embargoes on arms and related material, as well as onequipment which might be used for internal repression.

This Decision also renewed the remaining measures set out in repealed Decision 2012/739/CFSP, whichinclude embargoes on further equipment that might be used for internal repression (chemical warfareprecursors and related equipment), monitoring and interception equipment, key equipment and technology forcertain sectors of the oil and natural gas industry in Syria, luxury goods, and Syrian denominated banknotesand coinage.

Common Position 2005/888/CFSP, as amended, and Council Regulation (EC) No 305/2006, as amended, arealso in place.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 87% (59)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 97% (66)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 0 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 59 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 14% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 57% (4)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 25 £36,281,771Non-military 37 £13,890,702Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 63 £51,579,683

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):

Page 338

Page 339: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £7,453ML4 2 £110,851ML5 1 £156,000ML6 1 £26,500ML7 2 £21,279ML9 4 £69,868ML10 2 £156,534ML11 4 £82,835ML14 2 £4,673,670ML16 1 £25,148ML18 1 £923,629ML21 2 £30,018,000ML22 2 £10,004

components for air-to-air missiles [See footnote 10].components for combat aircraft [See footnote 14].components for combat naval vessels (3 licences) [See footnotes 21, 22, 24].components for military aero-engines [See footnote 3].components for military combat vehicles.components for military communications equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 13, 6].components for military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 7].components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment[See footnote 9].components for military radars [See footnote 23].components for military training equipment [See footnote 15].components for NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 29, 5].components for submarines [See footnote 16].equipment for the production of military aircraft head-up/down displays [See footnote 12].military communications equipment [See footnote 13].military electronic equipment [See footnote 59].military equipment for initiating explosives [See footnote 9].military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote 7].military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment [See footnote9].military training equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 15, 2].

T software enabling equipment to function as military guidance/navigation equipment [See footnote39].software for military aircraft head-up/down displays [See footnote 25].technology for military aircraft head-up/down displays [See footnote 11].technology for naval electrical/electronic equipment [See footnote 20].unfinished products for military helicopters [See footnote 8].weapon sights [See footnote 62].


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £1,1671C202 1 £3171C227 1 £261C351 2 £1,0702B001 1 £260,9062B206 3 £366,7882B230 2 £9,494

Page 339

Page 340: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

2B350 5 £49,4222B351 1 £3312B352 1 £50,0002E301 2 £03A225 4 £36,4663B001 1 £850,0203C001 3 £1,500,0005A002 1 £1,200,0005D002 2 £7905E002 2 £150,1006A003 6 £413,8059E001 1 £9,000,0009E002 1 £0

biotechnology equipment [See footnote 44].calcium [See footnote 17].civil NBC protection equipment [See footnote 46].components for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment [See footnote 26].corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (4 licences) [See footnotes 49, 60, 61].dimensional inspection equipment [See footnote 52].dimensional measuring equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 18, 58].frequency changers (4 licences) [See footnotes 28, 35, 53].imaging cameras (6 licences) [See footnotes 19, 32, 33, 47, 50, 51].information security equipment [See footnote 31].information security software [See footnote 27].machine tools [See footnote 55].metal alloy cylindrical forms [See footnote 45].pressure transducers (2 licences) [See footnote 48].semiconductor manufacturing equipment.semiconductor wafers with epitaxial layers (3 licences) [See footnotes 36, 37, 54].software for information security equipment [See footnote 31].technology for corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 49,61].technology for information security equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 34, 63].technology for software for spacecraft [See footnote 4].technology for software for spacecraft attitude and orbit control systems [See footnote 4].technology for software for spacecraft command and telemetry data handling systems [See footnote4].technology for software for spacecraft payload data handling systems [See footnote 4].technology for spacecraft [See footnote 4].technology for spacecraft attitude and orbit control systems [See footnote 4].technology for spacecraft command and telemetry data handling systems [See footnote 4].technology for spacecraft payload data handling systems [See footnote 4].toxic gas detectors [See footnote 56].toxins (2 licences) [See footnotes 30, 57].

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 38].T weapon night sights [See footnote 38].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary

Page 340

Page 341: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1 P information security equipment, information security software [See footnote 43]2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 42]4 P components for combat aircraft, components for equipment for the use of combat

aircraft, components for equipment for the use of military training aircraft,components for military training aircraft, equipment for the use of combat aircraft,equipment for the use of military training aircraft, military aircraft ground equipment,software for combat aircraft, software for equipment for the use of combat aircraft,software for equipment for the use of military training aircraft, software for militaryaircraft ground equipment, software for military training aircraft, technology forcombat aircraft, technology for equipment for the use of combat aircraft, technologyfor equipment for the use of military training aircraft, technology for military aircraftground equipment, technology for military training aircraft [See footnote 40]

5 P general naval vessel components, technology for general naval vessel components[See footnote 41]

6 P information security software [See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for training purposes. Armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for government end use.4. Licence granted for government end use.5. Licence granted for government end use.6. Licence granted for government end use.7. Licence granted for government end use.8. Licence granted for armed forces end use.9. Licence granted for armed forces end use.10. Licence granted for armed forces end use.11. Licence granted for armed forces end use.12. Licence granted for armed forces end use.13. Licence granted for armed forces end use.14. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.15. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.16. Licence granted for end use by the Air Force.17. Licence granted for academic end users.18. Licence granted for academic end users.19. Licence granted for academic end users.20. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.21. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.22. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.23. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.24. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.25. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.26. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.27. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.28. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.29. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.30. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.31. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.32. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.33. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.34. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.35. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.36. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.37. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.38. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.39. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. End use by the Air Force.40. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.41. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.42. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.43. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.44. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.45. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.46. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Page 341

Page 342: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

47. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.48. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.49. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.50. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.51. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.52. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.53. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.54. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.55. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.56. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.57. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.58. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.59. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.60. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.61. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.62. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.63. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 91% (10)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (11)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 84 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £112,000Non-military 8 £1,044,152Both Military and Non-military 1 £12,940Total 11 £1,169,092

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 2 £112,000

military support vehicles (2 licences).

Page 342

Page 343: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 7 £287,1326A003 1 £11,2006D003 2 £745,820

high performance air traffic control software (2 licences).imaging cameras.information security equipment (7 licences).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £3,490ML11 1 £9,450

information security equipment.military communications equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.


Page 343

Page 344: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 11 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 78% (32)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 98% (40)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 9 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 94 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 21 £2,421,713Non-military 15 £6,261,712Both Military and Non-military 2 £1,756,710Total 38 £10,440,135

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £55,854ML2 1 £33,497ML3 2 £62,000ML4 6 £1,080,237ML7 3 £100,688ML9 2 £115,749ML10 4 £920,688ML13 1 £53,000

assault rifles (10).body armour.components for aircraft cannons.components for aircraft military communications equipment.

Page 344

Page 345: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

components for combat aircraft.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences).components for military auxiliary/support vessels.components for military helicopters.components for military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jammingequipment.components for military patrol/assault craft.components for military training aircraft.components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (3 licences).components for NBC detection equipment (2 licences).decoying/countermeasure equipment (2 licences).military aircraft ground equipment.military helmets.military improvised explosive device decoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment.munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment (2 licences).NBC detection equipment (2 licences).small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnote 1].sniper rifles (4) [See footnote 1].sporting guns (1) [See footnote 1].weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 3 £107,4581C210 1 £911C351 3 £9002B350 2 £7,1763A225 1 £3533D225 1 £2115D002 1 £27,0006A001 1 £114,4936A003 1 £4,0309A001 1 £6,000,000

bacteria (3 licences).civil explosive detection/identification equipment (3 licences).corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences).fibrous/filamentary materials.frequency changers.imaging cameras.information security software.marine position fixing equipment.

T non-certified aero-engines.software for frequency changers.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 2 £1,402,8406A003 1 £75,750ML1 2 £193,120ML5 1 £85,000

T direct view imaging equipment (2 licences) [See footnote 2].T imaging cameras.T targeting equipment.T weapon night sights (2 licences) [See footnote 2].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

Page 345

Page 346: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, information security software [See footnote 6]2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 4]

4 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 5]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedSingapore 1 0 0


components for NBC detection equipment.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for sporting / hunting purposes.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SITCLs 58 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 214 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

Page 346

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]2 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedSouth Africa 1 0 0


promoting the supply of military combat vehicles.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Trinidad and Tobago

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 23 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 74 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

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% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £5,725Total 1 £5,725

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


2B350 1 £5,725

corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertial

equipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 2]

3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

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Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a international organisation.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 10 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 122 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 25% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £208,375Total 1 £208,375

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A001 1 £208,3705D001 1 £5

T software for telecommunications interception equipment [See footnote 2].T telecommunications interception equipment [See footnote 2].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam

Page 349

Page 350: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

3 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integratedcircuits [See footnote 4]

4 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Government end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 19 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 53% (121)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 76% (174)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (1)

Median processing time SITCLs 71 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 69 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 11% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 22% (2)

Page 350

Page 351: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 141 £25,704,508Non-military 30 £6,088,877Both Military and Non-military 2 £1,152,565Total 173 £32,945,950

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £672,064ML3 1 £1,076,502ML4 11 £588,104ML5 19 £3,346,897ML6 15 £4,230,624ML7 1 £33,000ML9 1 £5,610ML10 52 £11,051,145ML11 26 £3,415,471ML15 7 £824,950ML17 1 £9,557ML18 6 £324,576ML21 2 £1,055ML22 5 £124,952

aircraft military communications equipment (3 licences).attack alerting/warning equipment.ballistic test equipment.components for air-to-surface missiles (3 licences).components for aircraft military communications equipment (9 licences).components for ballistic test equipment (2 licences).components for combat aircraft (2 licences).components for combat helicopters (18 licences).components for electronic warfare equipment (3 licences).components for ground vehicle military communications equipment.components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (4 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.components for military aero-engines.components for military aircraft head-up/down displays.components for military combat vehicles (4 licences).components for military communications equipment (11 licences).components for military helicopters (7 licences).components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (6 licences).components for military radars (3 licences).components for military support aircraft (2 licences).components for military support vehicles (7 licences).components for military training aircraft (4 licences).

T components for military training aircraft.

Page 351

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components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.components for naval electrical/electronic equipment.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for sniper rifles.components for targeting equipment (3 licences).components for unmanned air vehicles (2 licences).components for weapon control equipment (8 licences).developmental missile components.electronic warfare equipment.equipment for the operation of military aircraft in confined areas.equipment for the production of military guidance/navigation equipment.equipment for the production of military helicopters.equipment for the production of surface-to-air missiles (2 licences).general military aircraft components (5 licences).general military vehicle components (2 licences).gun silencers.

T military aircraft ground equipment.military aircraft head-up/down displays (2 licences).

T military combat vehicles [See footnote 1].military communications equipment (4 licences).military containers.military electronic equipment (2 licences).military guidance/navigation equipment (6 licences).

T A military infrared/thermal imaging equipment [See footnote 3].military sonars.munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.periscopes (2 licences).small arms ammunition.sniper rifles (102).software for ballistic test equipment.software for military guidance/navigation equipment.technology for combat aircraft.technology for equipment for the production of military helicopters.technology for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.technology for military aircraft head-up/down displays.technology for military guidance/navigation equipment.technology for military helicopters.weapon control equipment.weapon sights (2 licences).

A - Some or all of which were issued on appeal.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 2 £121,5191A007 1 £31,9891C351 1 £3002B201 5 £1,089,9202B230 1 £1,3402B350 2 £2,6892D202 1 £02E201 2 £03A001 2 £32,3883A101 1 £2,725,0003A225 2 £10,3353A231 1 £1,320,0003E101 1 £95,0005A002 5 £55,6996A002 1 £38,8316A003 2 £349,4326A006 1 £1,7407A003 1 £155,5507A103 1 £33,000End Use 1 £4,146

Page 352

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PL8001 1 £20,000

bacteria.civil explosive detection/identification equipment (2 licences).components for gas purification equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (2 licences).

T explosives detection equipment.extended temperature range integrated circuits (2 licences).frequency changers (2 licences).imaging cameras (3 licences).inertial equipment.information security equipment (5 licences).machine tools (5 licences).magnetometers.neutron generators.non-military detonators.pressure transducers.software for machine tools.technology for machine tools (2 licences).technology for X-ray accelerators.technology for X-ray generators.X-ray accelerators.X-ray generators.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £421,420ML1 2 £731,145PL9010 1 £0

components for pistols.components for rifles.components for sporting shotguns.

T direct view imaging equipment.pistols (100).rifles (200).sporting shotguns (400).

T weapon night sights.

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 23 £10,833,986Total 23 £10,833,986

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


Page 353

Page 354: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML1 1 £51,000ML4 1 £762,000ML5 8 £720,303ML6 10 £7,575,858ML7 1 £61,920ML9 1 £5,105ML11 1 £24,684ML15 1 £51,116ML17 1 £1,582,000

components for military combat vehicles (8 licences).components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.components for military radars.components for naval electrical/electronic equipment.components for NBC protective/defensive equipment.components for weapon control equipment (4 licences).equipment for the use of military combat vehicles.general military vehicle components (2 licences).machine guns (6).military field engineer equipment.munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.periscopes (3 licences).

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

BahrainBangladeshIndonesiaKazakhstanMalaysiaNigeriaOmanPhilippinesPolandQatarSouth KoreaTurkmenistanUnited Arab Emirates


CountMilitary 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

Page 354

Page 355: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

ML9 1

components for submarines.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

4 1

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam2 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components for

electronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

3 P components for constructions for ballistic protection of military systems,constructions for ballistic protection of military systems

4 P information security equipment [See footnote 4]5 P components for combat aircraft, components for decoying/countermeasure

equipment, components for fire location equipment, components forlaunching/handling/control equipment for missiles, components forlaunching/handling/control equipment for munitions, components forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components for military aircrafthead-up/down displays, components for military combat vehicles, components formilitary helicopters, components for military improvised explosive devicedecoying/detection/disposal/jamming equipment, components for military radars,components for military support aircraft, components for military support vehicles,components for military training aircraft, components for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, components for periscopes, components forrangefinding equipment, components for tanks, components for targeting equipment,components for turrets, components for weapon control equipment, components forweapon night sights, components for weapon sights, general military aircraftcomponents, general military vehicle components

6 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft militarycommunications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use of

Page 355

Page 356: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

military aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedUnited States of America 1 0 0


components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.3. Licence granted for temporary / exhibition purposes. Armed forces end use.4. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 32 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 299 days

Page 356

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% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £247,642Total 1 £247,642

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A008 1 £247,642

components for radar equipment [See footnote 2].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

Page 357

Page 358: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for government end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (4)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 53 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 67% (2)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 1 £85,000Non-military 1 £166Total 2 £85,166

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 1 £85,000

components for military support vehicles.military support vehicles.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1C351 1 £166


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Page 358

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for information security equipment, information security equipment,

information security software, software for information security equipment2 P information security equipment [See footnote 1]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 2]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 12 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 65% (11)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 82% (14)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 63 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 5 £188,915Non-military 9 £6,392,994Total 14 £6,581,909

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The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 3 £144,065ML5 1 £40,000ML13 1 £4,850

gun silencers.military helmets [See footnote 1].

T targeting equipment.weapon sights (2 licences).


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £133,4955A002 4 £1,992,3496A001 1 £1,280,0006D003 1 £360,2007A103 2 £2,625,000PL9010 1 £1,950

civil NBC protection equipment.diver location sonars.inertial equipment (2 licences).information security equipment (4 licences).software for diver location sonars.sporting shotguns (1).

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated


Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for end use by a law enforcement agency.

United Arab Emirates

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

Page 360

Page 361: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 61% (45)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 85% (63)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 1% (1)

Median processing time SITCLs 27 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 122 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 17% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 33% (2)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 29 £17,467,836Non-military 23 £1,218,190Both Military and Non-military 1 £36,300Total 53 £18,722,326

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 1 £2,250ML4 5 £664,916ML5 2 £169,134ML6 9 £13,731,650ML7 1 £0ML10 8 £232,082ML14 1 £1,588,705ML21 3 £7,259ML22 3 £1,071,840

aircraft military communications equipment.components for military aero-engines (3 licences).

Rv components for military combat vehicles (6 licences).components for military training aircraft (4 licences).components for munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.components for NBC detection equipment.demolition charges/devices.equipment for the use of artillery.

Page 361

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general military vehicle components (3 licences).hand grenades (3 licences).military equipment for initiating explosives.military training equipment.munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment.periscopes.smoke canisters (2 licences).software for military auxiliary/support vessels.software for military training equipment.software for NBC detection equipment.technology for equipment for the use of artillery.technology for NBC detection equipment.technology for periscopes.technology for weapon sights.weapon sights.

Rv - Some or all of which have subsequently been revoked.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 3 £189,2131C231 1 £4302B350 3 £44,0185A002 11 £174,7405D002 2 £13,2116A001 1 £35,0007A003 2 £275,8187A103 1 £308,7508A002 1 £177,010

civil explosive detection/identification equipment (2 licences).civil NBC protection equipment.components for civil riot control agent protection equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment (3 licences).guidance/navigation equipment.hafnium.inertial equipment (2 licences).information security equipment (10 licences).

T information security equipment.information security software.software for information security equipment.submersible equipment.

T towed hydrophone arrays.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £17,000ML1 1 £14,800ML3 1 £4,500

T components for sniper rifles [See footnote 2].T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 2].T gun silencers [See footnote 2].T small arms ammunition [See footnote 2].T sniper rifles (1) [See footnote 2].T weapon sights [See footnote 2].


Page 362

Page 363: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

CountMilitary 1Total 1

The SIELs refused were not granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export exceptwhere the case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note thatmore than one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted onlyonce per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry

ML1 1

weapon night sights.

Information on the Criteria used (from the Consolidated EU and National Arms Export Licensing Criteria) for theabove refusals (refusals under WMD are covered by Criterion 1).

Criteria Number of times theCriteria were used

7 1

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 2 £66,008Non-military 1 £5,000Total 3 £71,008

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML6 2 £66,008

components for military combat vehicles.general military vehicle components.


Page 363

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Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3A001 1 £5,000

microwave components.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 T components for submersible vehicles, submersible equipment, submersible

vehicles, syntactic foam3 P cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping, components for information security

equipment, equipment for generating spreading codes, equipment with reducedelectromagnetic emanations, impulse radio equipment, information securityequipment, information security software, software for cable systems sensitive toeavesdropping, software for equipment for generating spreading codes, software forequipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, software for impulse radioequipment, software for information security equipment, software for informationsecurity software, technology for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for equipment for generating spreading codes, technology for equipmentwith reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology for impulse radio equipment,technology for information security equipment, technology for information securitysoftware, technology for software for cable systems sensitive to eavesdropping,technology for software for equipment for generating spreading codes, technologyfor software for equipment with reduced electromagnetic emanations, technology forsoftware for impulse radio equipment, technology for software for informationsecurity equipment, technology for software for information security software [Seefootnote 3]

4 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life supportequipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

Page 364

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Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedCzech Republic 1 0 0Germany 1 0 0


explosives.military equipment for initiating explosives.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for testing and evaluation purposes. Armed forces end use.3. Licence granted for cryptographic equipment for commercial use. Civilian / commercial end use.

United Kingdom

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time OIELs 38 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 33% (1)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general naval vessel components, technology for general naval vessel components

[See footnote 1]2 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets

Case & goods Footnotes

Page 365

Page 366: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

1. Licence granted for End use by the Navy.

United States of America

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 8 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 91% (263)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (287)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 47 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 22% (4)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 67% (12)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 30 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 50% (1)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 107 £40,521,524Non-military 97 £2,770,881,470Both Military and Non-military 4 £127,576,692Total 208 £2,938,979,687

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 12 £462,004ML2 4 £226,598ML3 1 £25,512ML4 13 £14,872,707ML5 2 £9,186,000ML6 10 £238,054ML7 2 £117,730ML10 39 £2,649,831

Page 366

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ML11 7 £2,414,687ML13 6 £2,162,982ML14 2 £749,370ML15 1 £918,480ML16 8 £626,105ML18 1 £531,406ML21 5 £218,020ML22 6 £5,122,037

T aircraft military communications equipment.armoured plate (2 licences).

T armoured plate.assault rifles (8).body armour.

T body armour (2 licences).command communications control and intelligence software.

T components for assault rifles.T components for body armour (2 licences).

components for bombs (2 licences).components for combat aircraft (8 licences).

T components for combat aircraft.components for decoying/countermeasure equipment (3 licences).components for electronic countermeasure equipment.components for electronic warfare equipment (2 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles (5 licences).components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions (2 licences).

T components for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.components for machine guns.components for military aero-engines.components for military aircraft head-up/down displays.components for military combat vehicles (2 licences).components for military communications equipment.components for military helicopters (2 licences).components for military support aircraft (11 licences).components for military training aircraft (3 licences).components for military training equipment.components for sniper rifles.components for tanks (2 licences).components for unmanned air vehicles (8 licences).components for weapon night sights.equipment for the production of military aero-engines.equipment for the use of electronic warfare equipment.

T equipment for the use of weapon night sights.general military aircraft components (4 licences).general military vehicle components.grenade launchers.gun mountings.machine guns (2).military aero-engines.military combat vehicles (3 licences).

T military electronic equipment.military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).

T military guidance/navigation equipment.military helmets (2 licences).

T military helmets.T military image intensifier equipment.T military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.

military training equipment.NBC protective/defensive equipment (2 licences).pistols (1) (2 licences).

T projectile launchers (2 licences).T rangefinding equipment.

small arms ammunition.sniper rifles (1).software enabling equipment to function as equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment.software enabling equipment to function as military communications equipment (2 licences).

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software for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.sporting guns (1) (3 licences).sporting guns (6).tanks (2 licences).technology for combat aircraft.technology for command communications control and intelligence software.technology for launching/handling/control equipment for missiles.technology for launching/handling/control equipment for munitions.technology for military aero-engines.technology for submarines.technology for surface-to-air missiles.unfinished products for military aero-engines (8 licences).

T weapon night sights.weapon sights (2 licences).

T weapon sights.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


0C001 6 £3,3810E001 2 £3,0001A006 1 £7,9001B101 1 £161,0301C233 4 £408,1971C240 1 £6831C351 7 £4,9502B001 1 £21,4602D001 1 £02E201 1 £03A230 1 £726,0003A231 1 £150,0005A002 5 £2,763,541,2145D002 1 £1006A002 2 £186,1006A003 6 £1,669,8506A006 1 £52,5007A003 1 £2,1657A103 1 £2,8759A006 1 £5,717FR AI 1 £22,947PL9010 56 £3,911,401

bacteria.T components for improvised explosive device disruptors.

components for instrumentation cameras.components for sporting shotguns (3 licences).composite materials production equipment.devices containing enriched lithium.direct view imaging equipment.focal plane arrays.high speed pulse generators.imaging cameras (5 licences).

T inertial equipment.information security equipment (4 licences).

T information security equipment.instrumentation cameras.machine tools.

T magnetometers.T materials containing natural uranium (2 licences).

natural uranium (2 licences).neutron generators.nickel powders.products containing depleted uranium (2 licences).products containing enriched lithium (3 licences).products containing thorium (2 licences).

Page 368

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software for information security equipment.software for machine tools.sporting shotguns (1) (30 licences).sporting shotguns (2) (15 licences).

T sporting shotguns (2).sporting shotguns (3) (4 licences).sporting shotguns (4) (4 licences).sporting shotguns (5).

T sporting shotguns (6).sporting shotguns.sub-systems for liquid rocket propulsion systems.technology for machine tools.technology for nuclear grade graphite.technology for nuclear reactors.toxins (6 licences).

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 4 £95,529,070PL9010 4 £32,047,622

sporting guns (1) (2 licences).sporting guns (9).sporting guns (9800).sporting shotguns (2).sporting shotguns (5).sporting shotguns (7).sporting shotguns (400).

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 35 £41,483,440Non-military 3 £2,360,100Both Military and Non-military 1 £990Total 39 £43,844,530

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML4 2 £581,500ML5 7 £4,403,100ML7 1 £14,755ML9 1 £24,540ML10 18 £34,646,937ML11 5 £1,337,609

Page 369

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ML15 1 £475,000ML21 2 £0

components for air-to-air missiles.components for combat aircraft (2 licences).components for military aero-engines (4 licences).components for military aircraft head-up/down displays.components for military guidance/navigation equipment (2 licences).components for military helicopters (2 licences).components for military radars (2 licences).components for military support aircraft (3 licences).components for military training aircraft (6 licences).components for NBC detection equipment.components for surface-to-surface missiles.components for targeting equipment (3 licences).general naval vessel components.military guidance/navigation equipment (3 licences).military infrared/thermal imaging equipment.military radars.software for military aero-engines (2 licences).targeting equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £100,1006A003 2 £2,260,000

imaging cameras (2 licences).information security equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


3A001 1 £2ML11 1 £988

components for military communications equipment.extended temperature range integrated circuits.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:


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Page 371: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Czech RepublicDenmarkDominican RepublicEgyptEstoniaFinlandFranceGermanyGreeceHungaryIndiaIndonesiaIraqIsraelItalyJapanJordanKuwaitLatviaLithuaniaLuxembourgMalaysiaMexicoMoroccoNetherlandsNew ZealandNigeriaNorwayOmanPakistanPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalQatarRomaniaSaudi ArabiaSingaporeSlovakiaSloveniaSouth KoreaSpainSwedenSwitzerlandTaiwanThailandTunisiaTurkeyUnited Arab EmiratesUnited KingdomZambia

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

Page 371

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Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays2 P components for sporting guns, components for sporting shotguns, small arms

ammunition, sporting guns, sporting shotgun ammunition, sporting shotguns,weapon night sights, weapon sights

3 P components for combat aircraft, components for military training aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components

4 T aerial target equipment, components for aerial target equipment, components forelectronic countermeasure equipment, components for electronic warfareequipment, components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasureequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military training aircraft, electroniccountermeasure equipment, electronic warfare equipment, equipment for the use ofelectronic countermeasure equipment, general military aircraft components, militaryelectronic equipment, military guidance/navigation equipment, military trainingaircraft, technology for aerial target equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for electronic warfare equipment,technology for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,technology for military electronic equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military training aircraft

5 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineerequipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment [See footnote 3]

6 P technology for unfinished products for military aero-engines, unfinished products formilitary aero-engines

7 P components for equipment for the use of electronic countermeasure equipment,components for launching/handling/control equipment for rockets, components formilitary electronic equipment, components for rangefinding equipment, equipmentfor the use of electronic countermeasure equipment, launching/handling/controlequipment for rockets, military electronic equipment, rangefinding equipment,software for electronic countermeasure equipment, software forlaunching/handling/control equipment for rockets, software for military electronicequipment, software for rangefinding equipment, technology for electroniccountermeasure equipment, technology for launching/handling/control equipment forrockets, technology for military electronic equipment, technology for rangefindingequipment

8 P components for ground vehicle military communications equipment9 P goods treated for signature suppression for military use, weapon night sights10 P aircraft gaskets, aircraft military communications equipment, aircraft seals,

components for aircraft military communications equipment, components forequipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, componentsfor equipment for the use of general military aircraft components, components forequipment for the use of military aero-engines, components for equipment for theuse of military communications equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary guidance/navigation equipment, components for equipment for the use ofmilitary radars, components for equipment for the use of military support aircraft,components for military aero-engines, components for military communicationsequipment, components for military electronic equipment, components for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, components for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, components for military radars, components for military support aircraft,equipment for the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment forthe use of general military aircraft components, equipment for the use of militaryaero-engines, equipment for the use of military communications equipment,equipment for the use of military guidance/navigation equipment, equipment for theuse of military radars, equipment for the use of military support aircraft, generalmilitary aircraft components, military aero-engines, military aircraft groundequipment, military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support

Page 372

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equipment, military communications equipment, military electronic equipment,military guidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,military radars, technology for aircraft military communications equipment,technology for general military aircraft components, technology for militaryaero-engines, technology for military communications equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military guidance/navigation equipment,technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft [See footnote 1]

11 P CS hand grenades, depth charges, hand grenades, illuminators, munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment, signalling devices, smoke canisters,smoke/pyrotechnic ammunition, tear gas/irritant ammunition, tear gas/riot controlagents, training CS hand grenades, training hand grenades, training tear gas/irritantammunition [See footnote 2]

12 P components for equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, components forNBC detection equipment, equipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, NBCdetection equipment, software for NBC detection equipment, technology forequipment for the use of NBC detection equipment, technology for NBC detectionequipment, technology for software for equipment for the use of NBC detectionequipment

13 P neutron generators, non-military detonators, non-military firing sets14 P components for military support aircraft, components for military training aircraft


Source Issued Refused RevokedBelgium, Bulgaria, ChannelIslands, Channel Islands,Croatia, Czech Republic,Denmark, Estonia, France,Germany, Gibraltar,Greece, Greenland,Hungary, Ireland, Isle OfMan, Israel, Italy,Liechtenstein, Lithuania,Luxembourg, Monaco,Montenegro, Netherlands,Norway, Poland, Portugal,Romania, Saudi Arabia,Serbia, Singapore,Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain,Sweden, Switzerland,Turkey, United ArabEmirates, Vatican City

1 0 0


assault rifles.components for assault rifles.components for sniper rifles.sniper rifles.unfinished products for assault rifles.unfinished products for sniper rifles.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for Armed Forces and Law Enforcement agencies end use.3. Licence granted for armed forces end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Page 373

Page 374: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Median processing time SIELs 18 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 302 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 1 £3,191,360Both Military and Non-military 2 £849,550Total 3 £4,040,910

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £3,169,0005D002 1 £22,360

information security equipment.software for information security equipment.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £191,0006A003 2 £128,750ML1 2 £129,800ML5 1 £400,000

T direct view imaging equipment.imaging cameras.

T imaging cameras.T targeting equipment.

weapon night sights.T weapon night sights.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)

Page 374

Page 375: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 18 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 67% (2)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (3)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 3 £195,589Total 3 £195,589

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 375

Page 376: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 1 £32,0005A002 2 £163,589

civil NBC detection systems [See footnote 3].information security equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 1, 2].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for government end use.2. Licence granted for government end use.3. Licence granted for end use by a law enforcement agency.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 2 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 74 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 T towed hydrophone arrays


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment, information security software

Country Footnotes

1. EU Council Decision (CSFP) 2017/2074 and Council Regulation (EU) 2017/2063 were introduced inNovember 2017. It includes an asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo, embargo on equipment that couldbe used for repression, and restrictions on monitoring equipment. Targeted restrictions should be imposedagainst those responsible for serious human rights violations or abuses or the repression of civil society anddemocratic opposition; or those whose actions, policies or activities otherwise undermine democracy or therule of law in Venezuela.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Page 376

Page 377: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Vessel and/or Platform in International Waters

Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SITCLs 16 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 75% (6)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 88% (7)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OITCLs 28 days

% and number of OITCLs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (2)

% [as a % of all OITCLs cases processed] and number of OITCLs refused 0% (0)

SITCLsSource Issued Refused Revoked

Vessel and/or Platform inInternational Waters

8 0 0


assault rifles (4).assault rifles (9).assault rifles (12) [See footnote 4].assault rifles (13).assault rifles (15).assault rifles (22).body armour (5 licences).components for assault rifles (3 licences).components for body armour (5 licences).military helmets (5 licences).small arms ammunition (7 licences) [See footnote 1].sporting guns (6).sporting guns (11).


Source Issued Refused RevokedVessel and/or Platform inInternational Waters

2 0 0


anti-armour ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].body armour (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].bomb suits (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for body armour (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for bomb suits (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for military image intensifier equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for military shotguns (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].

Page 377

Page 378: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

components for pistols (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for smooth-bore weapons (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for sniper rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for sporting shotguns (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].components for tactical shotguns (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].flash suppressors (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].gun mountings (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].gun silencers (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].military helmets (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].military image intensifier equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].military infrared/thermal imaging equipment (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].military shotguns (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].pistols (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].smooth-bore weapons (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].sniper rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].sporting shotgun ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].sporting shotguns (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].tactical shotguns (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].weapon night sights (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].weapon sights (2 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.2. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.3. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.4. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 13 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 71% (15)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 95% (20)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 5 £6,028,727Non-military 12 £14,524,829Both Military and Non-military 1 £1,407,210Total 18 £21,960,766

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only once

Page 378

Page 379: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

per individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML5 2 £723,107ML9 2 £4,730,791ML10 1 £115,479ML11 1 £385,000ML21 1 £55,600ML22 1 £18,750

components for military support aircraft.components for naval gun installations/mountings.components for sensor integration equipment.components for targeting equipment.components for weapon control equipment.electronic warfare equipment.general naval vessel components.rangefinding equipment.

T rangefinding equipment.sensor integration equipment.software for electronic warfare equipment.targeting equipment.technology for naval gun installations/mountings.technology for rangefinding equipment.technology for sensor integration equipment.technology for targeting equipment.technology for weapon control equipment.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


1A004 2 £123,7001C350 1 £482B350 1 £4,7423A101 1 £12,000,0003E101 1 £565,0005A002 2 £143,0525D002 2 £49,9815E002 1 £1,0256A003 1 £65,6407A103 1 £18,0008A001 1 £823,0008A002 1 £725,000PL8001 1 £5,640

chemicals used for general laboratory work/scientific research.civil explosive detection/identification equipment.civil NBC protection equipment.corrosion resistant chemical manufacturing equipment.imaging cameras.improvised explosive device disposal equipment.inertial equipment.information security equipment (2 licences).information security software.software for information security equipment (2 licences).submersible equipment.

Page 379

Page 380: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

submersible vehicle control systems.submersible vehicles.technology for information security equipment.technology for X-ray generators.X-ray accelerators.X-ray generators.

Both Military and Non-military

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


6A002 1 £1,255,340ML1 1 £151,870

T direct view imaging equipment [See footnote 1].T weapon night sights [See footnote 1].

SIELs - Incorporation


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 2 £59,140Total 2 £59,140

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £41,1407A103 1 £18,000

inertial equipment.information security equipment.

The items being incorporated in this destination are ultimately destined for all or some of the following:

United Kingdom

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P components for marine position fixing equipment, marine position fixing equipment2 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]

Page 380

Page 381: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

3 P acoustic seabed survey equipment, guidance/navigation equipment, inertialequipment, magnetometers, marine position fixing equipment, sonar log equipment,submersible equipment, submersible vehicles, underwater telecommunicationssystems [See footnote 3]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for demonstration to potential customers. Law enforcement agency end use.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (1)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (1)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time SITCLs 18 days

% and number of SITCLs completed in 20 working days 61% (19)

% and number of SITCLs completed in 60 working days 100% (31)

% [as a % of all SITCL cases processed] and number of SITCLs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 122 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 0% (0)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 100% (2)

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits2 P components for military electronic equipment, components for military field engineer

equipment, components for military support vehicles, components formunitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, general military vehiclecomponents, military electronic equipment, military field engineer equipment, militarysupport vehicles, munitions/ordnance detection/disposal equipment, technology formilitary electronic equipment, technology for military field engineer equipment,technology for military support vehicles, technology for munitions/ordnancedetection/disposal equipment

SITCLsSource Issued Refused RevokedDjibouti 31 0 0


Page 381

Page 382: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

assault rifles (8) (2 licences) [See footnotes 5, 7].components for assault rifles (2 licences) [See footnotes 5, 7].components for sporting guns (25 licences) [See footnotes 1, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 2, 20,21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9].promoting the supply of components for sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnotes 19, 24].promoting the supply of small arms ammunition (2 licences) [See footnotes 19, 24].promoting the supply of sporting guns (2 licences) [See footnotes 19, 24].small arms ammunition (29 licences) [See footnotes 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 2, 20, 21,22, 23, 25, 26, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9].sporting guns (4) (7 licences) [See footnotes 15, 16, 17, 21, 23].sporting guns (8) (10 licences) [See footnotes 1, 10, 11, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9].sporting guns (12) (10 licences) [See footnotes 12, 13, 14, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26].

Country Footnotes

1. UN Security Council Resolution 2216 (2015) established a targeted arms embargo to prevent the direct orindirect supply, sale or transfer to, or for the benefit of designed individuals and entities and those acting ontheir behalf or at their direction in Yemen, of arms and related material of all types, and of technicalassistance, training, financial assistance or other assistance related to military activities or the provision,maintenance or use of any arms and related material. This adds to earlier resolution 2140 (2014) establishingassest freezes and travel bans of designated individuals and entities. The EU implements these measuresthrough Council Decision (CFSP) 2015/882, as amended; as well as Council Regulation (EU) 2015/878, asamended.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.2. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.4. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.5. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.6. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.7. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations. Civilian / commercial end use.8. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.9. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.10. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.11. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.12. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.13. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.14. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.15. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.16. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.17. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.18. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.19. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.20. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.21. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.22. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.23. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.24. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.25. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.26. Licence granted for anti-piracy operations.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 7 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 100% (10)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (10)

Page 382

Page 383: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 127 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 33% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 0% (0)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueMilitary 6 £148,200Non-military 1 £33,000Total 7 £181,200

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


ML1 2 £15,500ML3 1 £97,000ML6 4 £35,700

gun silencers.military support vehicles (4 licences).small arms ammunition.sporting guns (1).sporting shotgun ammunition.


Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 1 £33,000

information security equipment.

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P general purpose integrated circuits, technology for general purpose integrated

circuits [See footnote 2]

Page 383

Page 384: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

2 P information security equipment [See footnote 3]3 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.


Processing Statistics (excluding amendments)

Median processing time SIELs 14 days

% and number of SIELs completed in 20 working days 75% (3)

% and number of SIELs completed in 60 working days 100% (4)

% [as a % of all SIEL cases processed] and number of SIELs refused 0% (0)

Median processing time OIELs 175 days

% and number of OIELs completed in 20 working days 0% (0)

% and number of OIELs completed in 60 working days 50% (1)

% [as a % of all OIELs cases processed] and number of OIELs refused 50% (1)

SIELs - Permanent and Temporary (excluding Incorporation and Transhipment)


Types of goods on licence No. of licences ValueNon-military 3 £26,753Total 3 £26,753

The SIELs issued were granted for goods with the following 'Control Entries' (for permanent export except wherethe case summary description is preceded by a T, which indicates a Temporary Export). Please note that morethan one 'Control Entry' can apply to goods on an individual licence and each 'Control Entry' is counted only onceper individual licence (regardless of the number of goods that have been rated with that 'Control Entry'):


Page 384

Page 385: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for

Control Entry No. of licenceswith goods ratedusing ControlEntry


5A002 3 £26,753

information security equipment (3 licences) [See footnotes 2, 3].

OIELs (excluding Other OIELs)


Licences issued or where coverage was amended during the period by the inclusion or reinstatement of thisdestination.No. Type Goods Summary1 P aircraft military communications equipment, components for aircraft military

communications equipment, components for military aero-engines, components formilitary aircrew life support equipment, components for military guidance/navigationequipment, components for military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,components for military radars, components for military support aircraft, equipmentfor the use of aircraft military communications equipment, equipment for the use ofgeneral military aircraft components, equipment for the use of military aero-engines,equipment for the use of military aircraft ground equipment, equipment for the use ofmilitary aircraft pressure refuellers, equipment for the use of military aircrew lifesupport equipment, equipment for the use of military guidance/navigationequipment, equipment for the use of military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,equipment for the use of military radars, equipment for the use of military supportaircraft, general military aircraft components, military aircraft ground equipment,military aircraft pressure refuellers, military aircrew life support equipment, militaryguidance/navigation equipment, military infrared/thermal imaging equipment,technology for aircraft military communications equipment, technology for generalmilitary aircraft components, technology for military aero-engines, technology formilitary aircraft ground equipment, technology for military aircraft pressure refuellers,technology for military aircrew life support equipment, technology for militaryguidance/navigation equipment, technology for military infrared/thermal imagingequipment, technology for military radars, technology for military support aircraft[See footnote 1]


Applications to this destination refused in full.No. Type Goods Summary1 P information security equipment

Country Footnotes

1. Restrictions currently in force with respect to Zimbabwe are set out in Council Decision 2011/101/CFSP, asamended, and Council Regulation No. 314/2004, as amended. These include an embargo on the provision ofarms and related material, as well as of equipment that might be used for internal repression.

All exports for this destination were approved in accordance with the sanctions in place.

Case & goods Footnotes

1. Licence granted for accessories / spare parts. End use by the Air Force.2. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.3. Licence granted for civilian / commercial end use.

Page 385

Page 386: 1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018 · 2018 and 30th June 2018. Licence applications are submitted to and processed by the Export Control Organisation (ECO), part of the Department for