10 DELICIOUS Blog Hacks Get You More Email Newsletter Subscribers & Leads

10 delicious blog hacks that will get you more email newsletter subscribers and leads Sensei Daniel Dou “The Hungry Ninja Sensei” The List Legend (dot) com

Transcript of 10 DELICIOUS Blog Hacks Get You More Email Newsletter Subscribers & Leads

10 delicious blog hacks that will get you more email newsletter

subscribers and leads

Sensei Daniel Dou“The Hungry Ninja Sensei”

The List Legend (dot) com

Want to optimize your blog for more leads ? ( in most cases, the answer is yes ... )


01 An interesting study showed that posting 3 blog posts a week instead of 2 actually decreased social sharing and commenting.

You might consider trying to post less and see how well it does for you.

The number of people using mobile is rising every year. Make sure your opt-in forms are well optimized for mobile.02


Sandwich an opt-in form between your header and your content.


Talk about your opt-in incentives when you are doing podcasts. It is like a blurb in an informational article. Only better.


Use a Lightbox plugin. Tests have shown that it is more effective than an Exit Intent Plugin.


Strike at your readers pain points, and build value around that by offering a powerful solution.


Offer a teaser video that gives a good amount of generosity. Viewers have to opt-in to watch the full video. But this has to be done tastefully. As mentioned in the full article.


Use webinars to create urgency and provide education.


Set up goal tracking in Google Analytics to make sure you are doing the right stuff.


Use the ninja list building techniques taught in the The List Legend (dot) com free training to further explode your blog subscriber base...

hungry for more?click here to read the full article

other list building tips• 7 day ninja list building training floods email lists with a 10k mountain of subscribers

• 7 ways to grow your mailing list with actual paying & buying subscribers

• ultimate guide: 50 ways to build your email list fast from scratch

• 5 super fast ninja techniques that use social media to build your list

• why exit intent technology is killing your opt-in rate and what to use instead…

• 4 powerful content promotion techniques & autopilot tools that get you more leads

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to be continued ...