Zen in General2

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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in general

Transcript of Zen in General2

Zen in general: Re-intoducing Mus Sosekis Dialogues in a Dream Molly VallorJizin is a tiny temple ensconced in a thick grove o !am!oo in a "uiet #estern$ytoneigh!orhood% &stringo signspoint visitorstothetemple' most o (hichadvertises its ties to t(o historical igures o importance: its !uilder' shogunal deputy)osoka(a *oriyuki +,-./ 0 ,-/.1 and the amously eccentric monk 2kky3 So4un +,-/50 ,56,1 (ho trained there% &ll !ut overlooked is the man posthumously credited (ith itsounding: Mus Soseki +,.78-,-8,1' a small statue o (hom sits in a darkly lit cornero the main hall' en4oys only a !rie mention in the temples pamphlet% Relegated to the margins o most contemporary narratives o medieval historyandculture' MusSoseki &lthoughMusis mostlykno(nas the genius gardendesigner !ehindsuchimpressivetemples as 9enry34i andSaih4i' !othin#estern$yto% Still' his numerous contri!utions as a prominent prelate and ela!orator o the:ive Mountains system o Rinzai Zen monasteries during a time o social and politicaltur!ulencearelargely neglected no(%)is(orkso poetry' calligraphy'andreligious(ritings have yet to receive signiicant popular or scholarly attention% 2n particular' hisreligioustractDialoguesinaDream +Muchmondsh',-551isahidden4e(elo;uddhistliterature andthat promotes Zenpracticeevenas it insistson the ainities!et(een Zen and other styles o medieval Japanese ;uddhism% 2t e