Your Instagram Marketing Plan - Jeffrey Poling, CEO LiftSocial

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Your Instagram Marketing Plan - Jeffrey Poling, CEO LiftSocial

Bare Essentials Your Instagram Marketing Plan

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Your Instagram Marketing Plan

● Step 1. Identify Your Market, Create Your Brand

● Step 2. Decide What Kind of Channel You Are, Begin Uploading Content

● Step 4. Run Contests, Use Local Marketing, Get People Involved

● Step 3. Be Consistent, Do Promotion, Synergize Across Social Media and Your Website

● You should also use local marketing by location tagging your images and by using local hashtags.

● If you’re local then you should also get your customers involved as they come in – take photos of them and ask them to tag you in their pictures.

● Influencer marketing can also help a great deal. Get people behind your message and leverage the ground work that other individuals and brands have done before you.

Instagram Marketing Dos and Don'ts

● DO engage with your audience, respond to comments and generally stay active.

● DON’T let your account become a ghost town with no new photos and no new comments or likes.

● DO use your real-world networking to help enhance your Instagram efforts.

● DO put real thought into your images.

● DO consider using stock images when you’re at a loss, such as those from Compfight.

● DON’T upload content that doesn’t gel with your mission statement, your tone or your niche. A consistent and strong brand identity is key.

● DO create a good logo to use across all your social media.

● DON’T be too salesy or pushy. Instagram is not the place for that.

● DON’T measure your success based on conversions – Instagram is about art, expression and the personal touch.

● DO think about the lifestyle you want to portray and the emotion behind that.

● DO look for the beauty and the artistic opportunity in everyday activities.


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