World War I

Post on 25-Jun-2015

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Transcript of World War I


OBJECTIVES:1. Explain the major causes of unrest in Europe prior to WWI2. Understand the results of the early fighting3. Analyze the term “stalemate and trench warfare”4. Explain the United States position and the challenges that came

with it.5. Identify events that led to US entry into WWI6. Understand efforts to prepare the US military7. Describe new technology of WWI.8. Understand the efforts of American civilians to aid the war effort9. Analyze the effectiveness of propaganda10. Analyze Wilson’s 14 points and the creation of the League of

Nations11. Explain the global impact of WWI

#1- Explain the major causes of unrest in Europe prior to WWI

• Nationalism

• Militarism

• Alliances

• This was the perfect ingredient for a war… the only thing missing was an event to ignite war!


• Prince of Austria Hungary that was visiting Bosnia– Shot and killed by a Serbian

• (Serbia wanted freedom)• The terrorist wanted Bosnia to join Serbia in freedom

Pg. 312

#2- Understand the results of the early fighting

• Germany wanted to strike France first and isolate Great Britain– Germany would invade France through


• Fighting reaches a stalemate

• Then turn to the east and attack Russia

STALEMATE:• No one wins…

– Gain and lose ground on a daily / weekly basis.

• Two sides traded millions of casualties over a few yards of mud




#4- Explain the United States position and the challenges that came with it.

• President Wilson

had to guide

America to or away

from war.

I have decided it is in America’s best interest to stay

out of the war in Europe.

We are a Neutral nation!!!

#5 - Identify events that led to US entry into WWI

• German submarine warfare

• Sinking of the Lusitania (128 Americans killed)– Created strong anti-German feelings in the US

• Zimmerman Note – Germany asked Mexico to start a war with USA.

# 6- Understand efforts to prepare the US military

• National Defense Act:– 90,000 to 175,000 , 313 million for Navy

• Selective Service Act:– Men 21-30 years old had to sign up for the draft– Eventually 21-45 years old

• 3 million had been drafted• Another 1 million joined



#8- Understand the efforts of American civilians to aid the war effort

#8- Understand the efforts of American civilians to aid the war effort

• 1. Meatless days

• 2. Victory Gardens

• 3. Sewing Clothes

• 4. Donating books

• 5. Purchasing bonds

• 6. Women taking jobs in factories

# 9- Analyze the effectiveness of propaganda

• Increased support

• Raised Money

• Limited Rumors

• Pride

#10 - Analyze Wilson’s 14 points and the creation of the League of Nations

• President Wilson and others sign the Treaty of Versailles– Ended the war

– Put blame on Germany • ($$$ and loss of military)

– Created the League of Nations• US Did not join!!!

• New Nations – map on 326

# 11- Explain the global impact of WWI

• 8.5 Million soldiers– 126,000 US soldiers killed

• 33 Billion dollars

• Formation of new countries (see map)

• Germany was severely punished

• Formation of the League of Nations

Russia Revolts:• While fighting Germany, the Russian people

lead a revolt.• The country becomes Communist

– Government ownership of… Farms, Factories, banks

• The new government decided to make a peace pact with Germany– 1 million troops were pulled

• **** Now Germany could focus entirely on England and France