When being you is more than good enough re-branding you as you!

Post on 16-Aug-2015

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Transcript of When being you is more than good enough re-branding you as you!

When being you is more than good enough

- re-branding you as you!www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

Do you have those moments so self

doubt? Of course you do! You are


(If you are reading this and you never

have self doubt then I suggest you may

be a narcissist or something along those

lines and you may need to speak to

someone.... Just saying...)www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

We all experience it at some time and it

is what keeps us on our toes and helps

keep us honest.

But lately I have been seeing this whole

new version of people who are

experiencing this self doubt, and I have a

few thoughts on this issue...www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

Here is the scenario: New online

businesses are popping up with no

experience or training while creating an

illusion of success. This is great on so

many levels and I completely love that

people are taking the initiative.

Unfortunately there are all these people

out there with many years of experiences

who are struggling to find their place in

the online world.


It often deflates those with real insight and

experience thinking "how can I compete with



The trick is not to compete, use the Blue

Ocean Strategy.

It is a big world out there... And I guarantee you don't

need a big piece of the pie to be successful. Create your

own unique offer. Use everything about you to your

advantage. Got fired once? Use that as a positive. Almost

everything have a positive side to it. You don't need to lie,

you just need to remove the negative from the

experience. By putting all of YOUR traits, values,

experiences, knowledge together you will find people

who want what you offer.


Don't get left behind by being stuck is the


One of the biggest issues I face as a coach is helping these

people leave behind the "old ways" and move forward. It is

ok to have your own style and your own brand, but this

needs to brought into the modern ways. A good example

would be that as people moved from the 1940's to the

1950's they had to change their fashion and hair whether

they liked it or not, it is just what progress was all about.www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

For instance I have a client who offers

spiritual healing. I worked with her to create a

new website and re-brand her image. I

showed her my modern, simple, stunning

design draft idea for her new site and by the

time she finished telling me what to change

we were back to where she started, an

outdated website!


Remember what we tell children?

The most used advice we give to all kids is 'Be

yourself and the right people will see how

wonderful you are". Well???? What happened

to your own advice? You need to take that

advice yourself! Just be yourself! There is only

one you.


Finding your own style and making it

work for you:

You don't need to be, nor should you try to be,

like anyone else. As much as you may be

worried that you are knocking out a large part

of your target audience, you are more likely to

alienate everyone.www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

Use your competition for inspiration not

for copyiration

Look at your competitor and think about what

they are not doing that your perfect customer

wants. Work out what you have, can share,

know that your competition doesn't know.

Look at ways in which you can differentiate

yourself from them.www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

Don't let people compare oranges to


The only way to be truly unique in business is

to be you. By being similar to someone else

you allow others to compare you to them. If

you are yourself, when someone says "I was

also looking at your competitor" you can

honestly say "Sorry I don't have competition,

no-one can offer you what I offer".www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

Finding the balance

It can be hard to find the balance between what

you are use to and what you need to do to

progress. I can offer 1 piece of the advice which I

promise is 100% true for absolutely everyone....

The first step is always the hardest. Once you get

past that initial shock you will be able to move

forward with seeing things in a different light,

and you will feel differently about it as time goes



To begin with you will need to be ready to be a little

uncomfortable. I suggest you sit on things for a while. If

you need a new website or maybe you need to get some

photos done for your website and you need to update your

look, start by creating a board on Pinterest and collecting

ideas. Show your closest friends and ask them to help you

and tell them you are open to suggestions.

You need to find what works for you so don't feel

pressured. But set a time frame otherwise you may keep


To begin with you will need to be ready to be a little

uncomfortable. I suggest you sit on things for a while. If

you need a new website or maybe you need to get some

photos done for your website and you need to update your

look, start by creating a board on Pinterest and collecting

ideas. Show your closest friends and ask them to help you

and tell them you are open to suggestions.

You need to find what works for you so don't feel

pressured. But set a time frame otherwise you may keep


What is normal?

If you are loud and swear all the time, the last thing you

want to do is pretend you are a quiet god fearing soul.

Changing yourself to fit the "norm" is not ideal as there is no

normal. A Christian thinks their religion is normal yet a

Muslim thinks they are normal. I think living next to the

beach is the only way to live yet I know others that can't

understand my logic. Find your normal and you will find

your "tribe"www.onlinemarketingprincess.com

The smoke and mirrors never last

There is a lot of smoke and mirrors in business these days as

it is much easier than ever before to create the illusion, and

this year I have seen it more than ever. What I know for sure

is these people will not last. They can portray themselves as

they wish, I do not care to worry about that. They might tell

you they receive a lot of work, however I know for a fact

many lose any credibility once they come face to face with

their client as they are not able to "walk the talk". There is no

point trying to work out what is true and what is not, just

make sure you are exactly who you want to people to know

you are. People are much more savvy these days and want to

see a genuine person behind the website.


3 ways to get more of the

the right client by being y

