What’s New in Forecast Pro TRAC V4s New In TRAC V4.pdf · 2015. 7. 20. · Numeric Output (all...

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Transcript of What’s New in Forecast Pro TRAC V4s New In TRAC V4.pdf · 2015. 7. 20. · Numeric Output (all...

  • Business Forecast Systems, Inc.68 Leonard StreetBelmont, MA 02478 USALast Revised: July 13, 2015© Copyright 1999-2015 All Rights Reserved

    What’s New in Forecast Pro TRAC V4

    James BerryPhone: (617) 484-5050Fax: (617) 484-9219E-mail: jberry@forecastpro.comWeb site: www.forecastpro.com

  • 2

    Director of Training at Business Forecast Systems, Inc. (BFS).

    Holds a degree in Economics from the University of Chicago.

    During his 12 year tenure with the firm, James has worked with

    numerous clients representing a wide range of industries,

    helping them to implement and improve their forecasting

    processes. His current clients include Thermo Fisher Scientific,

    FedEx Ground, Arysta Life Sciences, Irving Oil and Honeywell.

    James Berry

  • 3

    Upgrading from Forecast Pro TRAC version 3 to version 4

    The data manager

    Custom allocation

    Improvements to the Override Grid

    Displaying archived forecast values

    Rounding to whole numbers

    Modeling Improvements

    Component Models

    New Product Forecasting

    Constant level Exponential Smoothing models

    Workshop Outline

  • Upgrading from TRAC V3 to V4

    “"The beginning is the most important part of the work.

    - Plato

  • 5

    Upgrading from Forecast Pro TRAC version 3 to version 4 is easy and direct.

    Save and close your project in Version 3

    Open your project in Version 4

    Check to make sure the Data Manager is populated correctly

    Go to File>Save As and save a new version 4 copy of your project

    Once your project is saved in version 4, it will no longer work in version 3

    Steps to Upgrade

  • 6

    The Options Dialog Box has adapted to the new settings available in Forecast Pro TRAC Version 4.

    The Options Dialog Box

    No Longer Specify theData Format

  • 7

    The Options Dialog Box

    The Input Data Can NowBe Sorted as it is Read

    Into Forecast Pro

  • 8

    The Options Dialog Box

    The New Constant LevelModel Can be Disabled

  • 9

    The Data Manager lists the data file(s) you wish to import into Forecast Pro. The Historic Data is required, all other files are optional. Click the red Script icon ( ) to call up the Data Manager dialog box.

    The Data Manager

  • 10

    When you upgrade from Forecast Pro TRAC version 3 to version 4, you no longer need a secondary file. When you upgrade, the secondary file will be listed in the Conversions, Filters, and Definitions sections. You will want to remove the file where it is not being used.

    The Data Manager: Upgrading

  • 11

    Data Movement

    Historic Data FilesExcel (.XLSX, .XLS)

    Text (.MLT, CSV)



    Output FilesNumeric Output (all input

    formats and XML)

    Forecast Report (Excel)

    Tracking Report (Excel)

    Override Report (Excel)

    Exception Report (Excel)

    Outlier Report (Excel)

    Hotlist (Excel)

    TRAC Project FilesForecast Project (.FPProj)

    Forecast Archive (.DB)

    Forecast Document (.FCB)

    External Data FilesFilters (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    Conversions (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    Custom Allocation (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    Integer Rounding (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    External Data (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    Overrides (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    Modifiers (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

    Hotlist (Excel,.CSV,ODBC)

  • Custom Allocation

    “You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created.

    -Albert Einstein

  • 13

    Bottom-up aggregation. Create model-based forecasts at the lower level. Construct upper level forecasts by summing nested lower level forecasts.

    Top-down aggregation. First, create a model-based forecast at the top level by forecasting the aggregated history. Then, create model-based forecasts at the lower levels. Finally, apply proportionality factors to lower-level forecasts so that the forecasts sum to the top-level forecast.

    Custom Allocation. The user imports the allocations to use when distributing a group level forecast.


  • 14

    Entries are quantities forecast

    Model-Based Bottom-Up Top-Down Custom Allocation


    6 Packs 70 70 84 60

    12 Packs 30 30 36 60

    Cans 120 100 120 120

    Reconciliation Techniques


    12 Packs6 Packs

  • Overrides

    When you have your name attached to a prediction your incentives may change.

    - Nate Silver”

  • 16

    Systems Rows Dialog Box

    This Systems Row Dialog Box allows you to:

    Display previously generated forecasts in the override grid

    Round the forecasts to the nearest, pre-defined integer

    The Previous ForecastsTo Display

    Select Which PreviousForecasts are Displayed

    Round Using the Integer Scheme

    Start the Rounding atThe Beginning of the


  • 17

    A header row is required. The IRQ column must be present and labeled accordingly.

    If you do not specify a rounding quantity, Forecast Pro will use the default rounding quantity.

    Integer Rounding Quantity (IRQ)- Excel File Layout

  • 18

    IF(condition, value1, value2) - Returns value1 if condition is true or value2 if condition is false

    SUM(x, y, …) - Returns the sum of the specified set of values

    AVERAGE(x, y, …) - Returns the average of the specified set of values

    ABS(n) - Returns the absolute value of n

    SIGN(n) - Determines the sign of n. Returns 1 if n is positive, 0 if n is zero, and -1 is n is negative.

    SQR(n) - Returns n squared

    SQRT(n) - Returns the square root of n

    INT(n) - Rounds n down to the nearest integer

    TRUNC(n) - Truncates n to an integer

    ROUND(n, decimal places) - Rounds n to the specified number of decimal places

    MIN(x, y, …) - Returns the smallest value in the specified set of values

    MAX(x, y, …) - Returns the largest value in the specified set of values

    MEDIAN(x, y, …) - Returns the median of the specified set of values

    MODE(n) - Returns the mode (most frequently occurring value) of the specified set of values

    Supported Override Formulas

  • 19

    Forecast Pro also has custom tokens to quickly reference certain numbers:

    FORECAST - Forecast row

    STAT - Statistical forecast row

    BASE - Baseline forecast row

    OVR# - Override row “#”

    HIST# - The historic row “#” years prior

    SAFETY - The safety stock at the item’s specified lead time

    SAFETY_ALL - The safety stock corresponding to the lead time of the current cell

    DDLT - The demand during the item’s specified lead time

    DDLT_ALL - The demand corresponding to the lead time of the current cell

    REORDER - The reorder point at the item’s specified lead time

    REORDER_ALL - The reorder point corresponding to the lead time of the current cell

    YTD - Returns the calendar Year-to-Date value, using the historical value, and adjusted value

    CONV – The Conversion factor

    MAD - The within-sample mean absolute deviation

    Override Tokens

  • 20

    Forecast Pro also has custom tokens to quickly reference certain numbers:

    INHER- The inherited overrides row

    LOWER - The lower confidence limit based on the adjusted forecast

    UPPER - The upper confidence limit based on the adjusted forecast

    LEADTIME – The leadtime

    HISTFC - Returns either the history value, if available, or the forecast value

    MOD_MOI - Croston's model mean order interval

    MOD_MOS - Croston's model mean order size

    MEAN - The mean of the historic data

    STDEV - The standard deviation of the historic data

    Override Tokens (continued)

  • Constant Level Smoothing

    “Time present and time past are bothperhaps present in time future and time

    future contained in time past.- T.S. Eliot

  • 22

    This model will set the level smoothing coefficient to a very small number

    The model helps when you have items with zero or very low demand for parts of the year

    Constant Level

  • Component Model

    Whatever good things we build end up

    building us.

    -Jim Rohn”

  • 24

    In a Custom Component Model, you have the ability to either let Forecast Pro estimate the final values for a given component or to customize the values to be used.

    The model is based on the components found in an Exponential Smoothing Model





    Component Model

  • 25

    Custom Component Models can be used to:

    Customize the trend

    Set the seasonal pattern

    Share the seasonal pattern of one item with another

    Define the volume impact of events

    Component Model Uses

  • 26

    The Component Model Settings

    Define the Seasonality

    Name the Model

    Set the initial valueequivalent to the Level of a smoothing model

    Define the Trend

    Assign an Event Schedule and define its impact

  • 27

    You can choose the type of Trend you want to use by choosing from the dropdown. The 3 main options are:

    None/No Trend

    Linear Trend

    Bent Trend

    Customizing the Trend

  • 28

    With a linear trend, you are growing/declining at a constant rate. This will appear as a straight line trend. You can set the growth rate 4 ways:

    Slope – Set the consistent growth/decline per period.

    End Point – Set the trend value of the last forecast point. Forecast Pro will connect the starting point to the end point with a straight line.

    Total Forecast – Set the total volume for the entire forecast.

    Current Year – Set the total for the current year (historic + forecast). The resultant trend will be continued beyond the current year if your forecast extends that far.

    Note: the percent option is not available for linear trends

    Linear Trend

  • 29

    A bent trend is best thought of as a beginning point and end point. A bent trend requires you to define 2 components; a slope and any other definition of how fast the line bends up or down.

    In a bent trend you set the starting and end points, then how quickly the trend “Bends”.

    Bent Trend












    bend up


    bend down

  • 30

    You can define the seasonality by setting the Multiplicative Indexes for each period. These will indicate whether each period is above average or below average.

    Customizing Seasonality

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    The user needs to assign a pre-existing event schedule. The impact can be set either in units (additive) or as a percentage (multiplicative).

    Customizing Events

  • 32

    When applying a Component Model to multiple items, some considerations:

    Starting Point – If you customize the starting point, you will be setting the initial level and this could lead to issues when applied to items with different volumes.

    Trend – If you customize any option other than the slope, this could lead to issues when applied to items with different volumes.

    Event – If you use customize the event indexes using Custom Additive, this could lead to issues when applied to items with different volumes.

    Applying the Model to Multiple Items

  • New Product Forecasting

    When we create stuff, we do it because we listen to the customer, get their inputs and also throw in what we’d like to see,

    too. We cook up new products.

    - Steve Jobs”

  • 34

    Assumes the initial demand pattern will be similar to an analogous product’s initial demand pattern or to a “launch profile” that you’ve created.

    Can be used with or without historic demand.

    When used without historic demand, an estimate of the initial sales over a specific period of time (the “launch total” over the “launch horizon”) is required.

    If historic demand exists, the launch total can be estimated using the analogy series’ cumulative relative percentage.

    Forecast by Analogy

  • 35

    Take an existing item, and apply its “shape” to a new, similar product.

    Forecast by Analogy












    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  • 36

    Specified Launch Total: Set the sum of the volume over the launch period.

    Launch Horizon: Set the number of periods you want the volume to cover.

    Launch Date: For items with no history, set the starting period.

    Automatically Extend: If your schedule is too short, use Expert Selection to extend it.

    Expert Selection After: Set an ending date when the Analogy model will be replaced by Expert Selection.

    Align Seasonality: Make sure a seasonal analogy series lines up properly.

    Forecast by Analogy Settings

  • 37

    Analogy schedules can either be:

    Imported from Excel

    Created dynamically within Forecast Pro from an existing item’s

    Historic Data

    Forecast Data



    Analogy Schedules

  • 38

    Creating Analogy Schedules

  • Conclusion

    “It's more fun to arrive a conclusion than to justify it.

    - Malcolm Forbes”

  • 40

    Upgrading from Forecast Pro TRAC version 3 to version 4

    New settings and data formats

    The data manager

    Improvements to the Override Grid

    Displaying archived forecast values

    Rounding to whole numbers

    Modeling Improvements

    Component Models

    New Product Forecasting

    Constant level Exponential Smoothing models


  • 41

    BFS offers forecasting seminars, Webinars and product training workshops.

    On-site, and remote-based (via WebEx) classes are available.

    Learn more at www.forecastpro.com

    Subscribe to our blog at theforecastpro.com

    Forecasting Training and Workshops

  • 42

    September 28 thru 30, 2015 in Boston Massachusetts USA

    Monday, September 28th : Optional pre-conference workshopUnderstanding and Implementing the Forecasting Methods in Forecast Pro presented by Eric Stellwagen

    Tuesday & Wednesday, September 29th and 30th : Main Conference featuring

    Educational tutorials

    User presentations

    Forecast Pro demonstrations

    Q&A panels

    And much more

    Forecast Pro User Conference 2015

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    Forecast Pro User Conference 2015

    September 28 thru 30, 2015 in Boston Massachusetts USA

    A sample of the sessions being presented:

    Unleashing the Power of the Override Grid

    Improving Forecast Pro Performance

    What Next? A Roadmap for Continuous Forecast Improvement

    Case Study: Implementing Forecast Pro TRAC across Caterpillar’s Dealer Network

    Intimate event with maximum of 60 users

    Visit www.forecastpro.com for more info & to register; early bird discounts still available