What kind of media institution might distribute your

Post on 23-Jan-2015

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Transcript of What kind of media institution might distribute your





We chose the name BBQ Productions because we wanted to create thriller that brought people together because the semantics of a BBQ are fire, danger, family, fun, food, summer and brings people together.

We chose our logo because it is simple and also just tells the people what our production company is about, and it isn't the usual name for a production company to produce thrillers.

We wanted to make our logo and production company very recognisable and for people to remember it.


A production company is typically in the business of performing

arts, they develop and physically produce media, such as

television programmes or films. It helps in the scripting, casting,

scheduling and more.

They are also responsible for the actors health and well being.

For example if an actor or actress hurts them selves. Also if

anything goes wrong in the film like the set getting broken.

They are responsible for the finding of the director and the acting



The distributor is a company that is responsible for realising films to

the public either in the cinema or on DVD. A role they also play in

terms of distribution is the marketing for the film, they are responsible

for promoting the film thought trailers and posters.

We have chose to sell our thriller to the three main companies

around . They are Universal, Sony and Warner Bros, because they

have created very successful films through out the years.

We have chosen universal to distribute our film because they have

made the most successful thrillers over time. For example “Psycho”.


Our source of our budget was from a website called

‘Kick-starts’. This is a website where they help

people start up their film and give a small amount of

money to kick start their film. We pitched our 2

minute film to kick starts to get them to fund us.

The money we got given paid for the equipment we

used and some of the props. (Cameras, Tripods,

Props etc)

ROLES IN THE FILM Role Description

Producer Over looks the creation of the film and to make sure it is completed to the correct standard.

Script Writing Writes the script and makes sure the script is worth saying.

Editor Makes sure the film all flows and doesn’t look scrappy and doesn’t make the audience confused.

Actor Plays the roles in the film

Cinematographer To perfect the lighting, camera shots and angles to the directors specification

Director Responsible for the whole film and the look of the whole film.


Mentions is the people mentioned in the film and what order they come up

and why we did them in that order.

The opening scene starts with our production company in the corner to

make people aware of who made it. Then we show the main actors name

because it helps to promote himself and also tells the audience who he is.

Then it comes up to the next actress in the film to show who the character

is and to promote herself. We have shown the most important actors in the

film such as “Kieran Lowen” and “Emma Hodgson”.

We also showed who the director, cinematographer, writer and editor was

to give them credit and promote themselves.


A similar film to our thriller is ‘The Lovely

Bones’. This is because the main character

in our thriller is based around the main

character in ‘The Lovely bones’. They are

the same because they both take little

children and like to watch them. The

costumes were the same as they are both

wearing coats and the coats represent

creepy men and you don’t know how what

they are going to. Also the use of the young

girl makes the audience feel for her and

makes the audience feel uncomfortable

watching a young girl get hurt and raped.