Walking tour

Post on 23-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Walking tour

Walking TourBy: Juan Camilo Parra

From Mambo to Bolivar’s Square


You turn right and walk up until 7 st then turn left on the 7 st for 2 blocks on your right you can see it.

It was built between 1939 and 1940, when it was opened. In 1970 it changed its name to Jorge Gaitan.

Jorge Eliecer Gaitan’s Theater

You walk up for 1 block from jorge elicer gaitan theater on your right you can see this place.

De las nieves’s square

You walk up for 4 blocks on your left you can see the bank.

It is the central bank of the Republic of Colombia, founded in 1923.1 and entityresponsible for issuing, managing and controlling cash movements in Colombia

Bank of Republic