Taormina, walking tour

http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/sandamichaela- 1236381-taormina3/


I would like to invite you once again to take a tour in Taormina, in one of the most beautiful islands on the Earth, SicilyYOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: http://www.authorstream.com/Presentation/sandamichaela-1236381-taormina3/(You have the link on the first slide)

Transcript of Taormina, walking tour

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Guy de Maupassant in "La Vie errante", 1885, wrote: " if somebody might pass one day only in Sicily and asked: What should I visit? I would answer without hesitate: Taormina.

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The architecture and artistic richness of Taormina originate from the numerous cultural influences that have characterized the city for centuries

Arhitectura şi bogăţia artistică a oraşului Taormina se datorează numeroaselor influenţe culturale care au marcat oraşul de-a lungul secolelor

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Piazza Sant Antonio, Porta Catania

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Porta Catania, where Corso Umberto I, the road that crosses the whole town, begins.

Poarta Catania, unde începe Corso Umberto I, principala arteră a Cataniei, care traversează tot oraşul

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Via Sesto Pompeo

The pretty fountain, built around 1600, Piazza DuomoFântâna din Piaţa Domului, anul 1600

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Sicily’s attractiveness comes from its tumultuous history in the hands of its serial invaders. Sicily has always attracted foreigners, either occupying tyrants or benevolent rulers and now tourists.  Modern day tourists come year round, mainly to discover the rich history, the glorious culture and breathtaking landscape, as well as to taste the healthy food and wine.

Farmecul Siciliei îşi are rădăcinile în tumultoasa sa istorie sub stăpânirea nesfârşitului şir de invadatori. Sicilia i-a atras întotdeauna pe străini, odinioară tirani care au cucerit-o sau conducători luminaţi, iar acum turişti. În zilele noastre turiştii vin să descopere istoria ei bogată, cultura grandioasă, peisajul covârşitor dar şi mâncarea sa gustoasă şi vinul excelent.

Localitatea se află altitudinea de 204 m

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Castello and Madonna della Rocca At the top of Monte Tauro are the ruins of a medieval Castello, which is also described as a Saracen castle.

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Piazza Duomo

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Duomo-Cathedral (Church of San Nicola) – this was built around 1400

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The baroque fountain, built in 1635

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Piazza del Duomo: A Baroque fountain with a centaur, the symbol of Taormina, is at the center of Piazza del Duomo. The Church of San Nicola, also called the fortress cathedral, was built in 1400 over an older church. It has pink marble columns and interesting carvings. Its main portal was rebuilt in 1636 and has a Renaissance-style rosette.

O fântână în stil baroc cu un centaur (femee), simbolul oraşului, se ridică în centrul Pieţei Domului, în faţa catedralei. Biserica Sfântul Nicolae de Bari numită şi catedrala fortificată a fost construită la 1400 pe locul unei biserici mai vechi. Poarta are coloane de marmură roz. Intrarea principală a fost refăcută în anul 1636.

Castello and Madonna della Rocca

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North entrance into Taormina Duomo, 13th century gothic arch

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Taormina became an over-crowded townEach of these popular locations has the same problem—too many tourists at the same time.

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Corso Umberto I

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Piazza IX Aprile, which looks like a giant terrace, opens the beautiful view of the sea. The little Gothic church of Sant'Agostino was built in 1448

Piazza IX Aprile, pare o imensă terasă care oferă o spectaculoasă deschidere spre mare. Biserica gotică Sant'Agostino a fost construită în 1448

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Piazza IX Aprile. The Church of San Giuseppe, that can be reached from a staircase

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Biserica gotică Sant'Agostino din Piaţa IX Aprilie, a fost construită în anul 1448

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The little Gothic church of Sant'Agostino, Piazza IX Aprile, was built in 1448

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Piazza IX Aprile, which looks like a giant terrace, opens the beautiful view of the sea.

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The clock-tower acts as an entrance gate to the part of the city that historians call "the 15th century area". Dating back to the 12th century, the tower was razed to the ground during a French invasion under Louis XIV in 1676

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Viccolo strettoViccolo tipico

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Viccolo tipico

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Corso Umberto I

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Corso Umberto I

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Corso Umberto I

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Corso Umberto I

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Corso Umberto I

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The former church of Santa Maria del Piliere, along Corso Umberto currently houses a shop

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Isola Bella

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Isola Bella (Sicilian: Ìsula Bedda) also known as The Pearl of the Ionian Sea, is located within a small bay on the Ionian Sea; it was a private property until 1990, when it was bought by the Region of Sicily, being turned into a nature reserve, administrated by the Italian branch of the World Wide Fund for Nature. There is a narrow path that often connects the island to the mainland beach. The island has a small and rather rocky beach which is a popular destination for sunbathers.Isola Bella supranumită Perla Mării Ionice a fost proprietate privată (Ms. Trevelyan )până în anul 1990 când a fost cumpărată de stat şi transformată în rezervaţie naturală.

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The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)Curmalul este un palmier, cunoscut si apreciat inca din antichitate, fiind cultivat in principal pentru fructele sale cu un bogat continut de zahar.

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The date palm (Phoenix dactylifera)Curmalul este un palmier, cunoscut si apreciat inca din antichitate

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Bougainville /Bougainvillea

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Sound: Musica Popolare Siciliana

Text: Internet

Pictures : Sanda Foişoreanu

Gabriela Cristescu

Otilia Contraş

InternetCopyright: All the images belong to their authors.

Arangement: Sanda Foişoreanuwww.slideshare.net/michaelasanda