Vision and Inversion Nightwood

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Transcript of Vision and Inversion Nightwood

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood




    Jean Gallagher

    I am not a critic.To me, criticism is so often nothing more than the

    eye garrulously denouncing the shape of the peephole that gives

    access to hidden treasure.

    Djuna Barnes, "The ongs of ynge"

    In !!#, t$enty years %efore the pu%lication of Nightwood, Djuna

    Barnes characteri&ed criticism as mista'enly concerning itself $ith the

    visual aperture rather than the ostensi%le o%ject of vision. (o$ever,

    Barnes)s !*+ novel suggests that despite this early disavo$al of the

    critical act, Nightwood does indeed offer a critiue not only of "the shape

    of the peephole" %ut of the entire "peephole" model of seeing that plays

    such an important role in the visual culture of modernity, especially

    through the technologies of vision associated $ith the camera. This

    critiue of the "peephole" is accomplished through the novel)s repre-

    sentation of $hat Barnes called the "peculiarly seed" %ody / 0lum%

    1*23 and its construction of the reader)s relation to that %ody. In its

    turn from representing $omen $ithin heteroseual contets to repre-

    senting same-se desire and transgendered su%jects, Nightwood repeat-

    45 Modern Fiction tudies,6olume 7#, num%er 1, ummer 122!. 8opyright 9 for the 0urdue :esearch

    5oundation %y the Johns (op'ins ;niversity 0ress.

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    1=2 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    edly attempts to unsettle its readers from a position outside the visual

    field and to locate them instead $ithin a circumscri%ed visual field shared

    $ith the variously gendered and seuali&ed %odies that inha%it the novel.

    everal readers of Nightwood have identified the novel)s narrator

    and, %y etension, its reader as vie$ers at a peephole, particularly the

    vie$finder of a camera or the voyeur)s 'eyhole. 8arolyn

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1=!

    "sho$n to loo' not from a site eterior to the field of vision, %ut from

    one fully inside" /!713. (o$ever,the tet also gestures to$ard the some-

    $hat later concept of "homoseuality," $hich depends not on the no-

    tion of miing or crossing genders $ithin an individual su%ject %ut rather

    on the radical separation of genders. eologists developing the dis-

    course of "homoseuality" emphasi&ed the "sameness %et$een partners,"

    creating "a permanent avenue of potential slippage >...? %et$een >...?

    identification and desire" /edg$ic' !3. In its representations of the

    central les%ian relationship %et$een :o%in and Eora 5lood, Nightwood

    uses voca%ulary and images associated $ith the discourse of "homo-

    seuality" to suggest a comple relationship %et$een les%ian desire and

    photographic visuality. Fve Cosofs'y edg$ic' has o%served that the

    discourse of "homoseuality" developed after, %ut did not necessarily

    supersede, the notion of "inversion" in early-t$entieth-century culture

    /7#3 in a similar $ay, Nightwood dra$s on %oth models to eplore the

    relationship %et$een visuality and seuality.

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    1=1 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    ries,and ideasand ver%al images, chiefly metaphors and descriptions /

    !23. Ahile this essay is concerned primarily $ith "ver%al images," it is

    also concerned $ith the novel)s linguistic representations of other

    "%ranches" of images, as presented %y the narrator)s descriptions of the

    visual eperiences of the novel)s characters.The range of images that

    cro$d Nightwood are repeatedly descri%ed as if placed or contained $ithin

    yet another "ver%al image"@ the %ounded, constraining space that charac-

    teri&es the nature of visuality as it is represented in the novel. This

    image of a limited, constraining space is $hat constitutes the "visual

    field" in Nightwood$ 4y goal here is to eplore not only ho$ that visual

    field is constructed $ithin the tet, %ut ho$ Nightwood's characters and

    readers are located in relation to the visual field and to the "inverted"

    %odies inscri%ed on that field.

    The novel)s title and t$o of its chapter titles /"Eight Aatch" and

    "Aatchman,Ahat of the EightH"3 underscore the visual anieties asso-

    ciated $ith "night," $hich, among other things, can %e defined as a con-

    dition of limited visi%ility. i'e theorists discussing visuality,!2Eora and

    Dr. )8onnor, t$o of the novel)s homoseual characters, treat "night" as

    a su%ject of anious scrutiny /"tell me everything you 'no$ a%out the

    night" >#?3 as something $ith a comple cultural history /"(ave you

    thought of the night, no$, in other times, in foreign countries, in 0arisH >.

    ..?ou should, for the night has %een going on for a longtime" >=1?3 and

    as an agent $hich affects and transforms su%jectivity /"no$ I see that the

    night does something to a person)s identity" >=!?3. Nightwood might,

    then, %e read as a site for eamining the limited and aniety-laden condi-

    tions of visi%ility for the ne$ly emerging gender identities of the mod-ernist period, $hich Eancy

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1=*

    of the ord and the disapproval of the people, (edvig

    6ol'%eina 6iennese $oman of great strength and military

    %eauty, lying upon a canopied %ed of a rich spectacular crim-

    son, the valance stamped $ith the %ifurcated $ings of the

    (ouse of (aps%urg,the feather coverlet an envelope of satin

    on $hich, in massive and tarnished gold threads, stood the

    6ol'%ein armsgave %irth, at the age of forty-five, to an only

    child, a son, seven days after her physician predicted that she

    $ould %e ta'en.

    Turning upon that field, $hich shoo' to the clatter of

    morning horses in the street %eyond,$ith the gross splendour

    of a general saluting a flag, she named him 5eli, thrust him

    from her, and died. /!3

    In the first sentence, the su%ject /(edvig 6ol'%ein3 and its ver% /gave

    %irth3 are separated %y a long series of appositional and prepositionalphrases set %et$een dashes.!! These phrases, descri%ing %oth (edvig

    and the %ed upon $hich she lies, locate the gravid, dying $oman among

    a set of visual signs associated $ith Furopean empire and aristocracy.

    These imperial signs, $hich occupy so much of the center of the long

    opening sentence, are se$n and stamped into the material surfaces of

    (edvig)s %ed. They dra$ the reader)s attention to the %ed as much as to

    the figure on the %ed, rendering (edvig part of the "spectacular" visual

    surface itself.

    The impression that (edvig is placed upon, and is a constitutive

    element in, this flattened visual field is reinforced in the first phrase of

    the second sentence, "turning upon that field." The O%#ord &ngish Dictio!

    nar provides one definition of "field" as "the surface on $hich some-

    thing is portrayed" or "the ground$or' of a picture." (edvig is the

    foregrounded image or figure on the picture plane, set at a distance %y

    the demonstrative pronoun "that." In a more specific etension of this

    definition,a "field" in heraldry is the %ac'ground upon $hich the picture,

    also 'no$n as the "charge" or the "%earing," is placed. The presence of

    the "6ol'%ein arms" and the "$ings of the house of (aps%urg" as $ell as

    a later description of (edvig dancing /"The feather in her hat had %een

    'nife-clean and uivering as if in a heraldic $ind" >7?3 support a reading

    of (edvig as part of a coded heraldic image. Giving %irth and dying on

    this field, (edvig is as much a "charge" or "%earing"that $hich is %orne,

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    1=7 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    charged, received, upon the visual fieldas the eplicitly heraldic "6ol'%ein

    arms" and the $ings of the house of (aps%urg.

    < "field" is also defined in the O%#ord &ngish Dictionar as "the space

    or range $ithin $hich o%jects are visi%le through an optical instrument

    in any one position" and the space to $hich o%servation etc. is limited."

    i'e many of the tetually rendered visual fields in Nightwood, the %ed in

    this passage is an etremely limited sphere of vision and action. This

    field, $hich %ears the coded mar's of family and empire, a site of intense,

    and intensely gendered, physical pain and danger, underscores the sense

    of physical constraint to $hich the gravid $oman is su%ject.Thi!

    circm!cribed% menacing "i!al #ield i! what ma&e! 'ed"ig

    ("i!ible( to reader! who are po!itioned a! e)ternal% detached


    The reader of these opening sentences, immediately positioned at

    the "peephole," is constructed in $ays similar to the spectator $ithin

    perspectivalism or of classical cinema!1@ disem%odied, detached, atemporal,

    and eternal to the field of vision. (o$ever, this seeing su%ject inscri%ed

    in Nightwood's first t$o sentences is thereafter repeatedly challenged %y

    an "inverted" model of reading and vie$ing.

    A Doble *on#!ion

    This challenge first appears in the novel)s second chapter and its

    !econd repre!entation o# a #emale body on a bed pre!ented a! a

    con!training "i!al #ield. ;nli'e in the opening passage, $ith its

    disem%odied vie$ing position, the loo' in this scene is em%odied %y acharacter, 5eli 6ol'%ein, $hose %irth is descri%ed in the novel)s

    opening sentences. :evising a concept introduced %y GKrard Genette,

    4ie'e Bal uses the term "focali&ation""a narrative mechanism that

    spreads %efore the )mental eye) of the reader a vision of the narrative

    content" /73to descri%e this directing of the reader)s imagined

    "vie$" of ver%ally descri%ed events and o%jects.!*5eli, the "focali&er" in

    this scene, accompanies Dr. )8onnor to a hotel room in $hich, they

    learn, "a lady >...? had fainted and couldn)t %e %rought out of it" /**3.

    The unconscious o%ject of 5eli)s /and the reader)s3 fascinated loo' is

    :o%in, $ho later marries 5eli, %ears a child %y him, and eventually

    leaves him to enter a relationship $ith Eora. :eaders discover later inthe novel that :o%in is, according to the doctor, "the girl $ho should

    have %een a %oy," %ut at

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1=

    this point in the narrative, !he appear! only a! the ob+ect o# the

    de!iring% hetero!e)al male ga,e% embodied in Feli).

    In a manner similar to the novel)s opening passage, the sentence

    that descri%es the reader)s and 5eli)s first loo' at :o%in sets up a com-

    ple visual field through a series of appositional phrases and relative

    clauses %efore arriving at its main su%ject and ver%@

    n the %ed, surrounded %y a confusion of potted plants, e-

    otic palms, and cut flo$ers, faintly oversung %y the notes of

    unseen %irds, $hich seemed to have %een forgottenleft $ith-

    out the usual silencing cover,$hich, li'e cloa's on funeral urns,

    are cast over their cages at night %y good house$iveshalf

    flung off the support of the cushions from $hich, in a moment

    of threatened consciousness she had turned her head, lay the

    young $oman, heavy and dishevelled. /*73

    The sentence)s delayed arrival at its main ver% and su%ject /"lay the young

    $oman"3 emphasi&es the visual and aural surroundings $hich frame :o%in,

    $hose prone %ody is the final focus of the sentence.!7 The narrative

    underscores the flat, planar uality of this initial presentation of :o%in

    %y e)plicitly comparing Robin her!el# to a painting@ "i'e a painting

    %y the douanier :ousseau, she seemed to lie in a jungle trapped in a

    dra$ing room /in the apprehension of $hich the $alls have made their

    escape3 thro$n in among the carnivorous flo$ers as their ration the

    set, the property of an unseen dom(teur, half lord, half promoter"

    /*3. This visual scene, replete $ith a high degree of artifice, constructs

    a sense of a heavily circumscri%ed and constructed visual field /"a jungletrapped in a dra$ing room"3 containing a profusion of visual detail

    surrounding the ostensi%le su%ject of the sentence and of the reader)s


    Ahile :o%in is eplicitly compared to a moderni!t painting,

    the tet)s presentation of her to the vie$er also recalls t$o other

    modes of figuration in modernist visual culture, the cla!!ical #ilm image

    and the !till photograph$-. :ead as a classical cinematic image, the

    scene places the reader, li'e 5eli, outside the visual field% while Robin

    occpie! the po!ition o# the woman/a!/!pectacle$ (o$ever, unli'e

    the classical spectator or the "unseen dom(teur" $ho is reminiscent of

    the detached vie$er of Nightwood's opening sentences, 5eli occupies aparticular place on the margin of the visual field@ "5eli, out of delicacy,

    stepped %ehind the palms"

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    1=+ 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    /*3. 5eli)s "delicate" vie$ing position is that of the voyeur, since his

    screened o%servation post does not prevent him from "loo'ing >. . .?

    intently" at the young $oman prone on the %ed /*#3. n the other

    hand, even though 5eli is himself ostensi%ly screened from sight %y his

    step %ehind the palms, his "delicacy" also suggests an a$areness of the

    possi%ility of %eing seen. This suggestion that the voyeur is at least po-

    tentially su%ject to o%servation is consonant $ith ilverman)s definition

    of the eperience of specularity in $hich the voyeur)s "eperience of

    himself as )pure) loo', eterior to the field of vision, gives $ay to the

    disuieting reali&ation that he is himself immanently in that field, )on

    vie$)" /!+73.

    5eli)s position as a vie$er $ithin, rather than eternal to, the vi-

    sual field is emphasi&ed in a !entence that de!cribe! the !pectacle

    o# Robin0! body a! a !till photographic image1 "The $oman $ho

    presents herself to the spectator as a )picture) forever arranged is, for

    the contemplative mind, the chiefest danger" /*#3. This self-

    presentation as a fied image "forever arranged" strongly suggests the

    "pose" ta'en %y a person a%out to %e photographed, descri%ed this $ay

    %y 8raig $ens@ "$hen I pose for a photograph, I free&e >...? as if

    anticipating the still I am a%out to %ecome mimic'ing its opacity, its

    stillness inscri%ing,across the surface of my %ody, photography)s

    )mortification) of the flesh" /td. in ilverman 1213. (o$ever, the

    narrator indicates that :o%in)s pose not only articulates her o$n

    position $ithin visuality %ut also constitutes a "danger" to her

    "contemplative" vie$er. The "danger" to $hich 5eli is su%ject in this

    scene may stem from his very position of seeming visual mastery overthe fied image of the spectacular female %ody. ilverman suggests that

    the act of posing creates a "photographic" field of vision $hich

    encompasses everything around the posed %ody@ "The representational

    force $hich the pose eerts is so great that it radiates out$ard, and

    transforms the space around the %ody and everything $hich comes into

    contact $ith it into an imaginary photograph" /12*3. If, as $e have

    seen, 5eli is already a$are of himself as potentially under the ga&e, :o%in)s

    "photographic" pose even more emphatically opens to the camera-li'e

    ga&e the visual field in $hich 5eli is located.

    This scene in $hich the voyeur is %oth hidden from vie$ and su%-

    ject to a specular, decentering ga&e offers yet another and related distur-%ance in the visual field@

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1=#

    Fperiencing a dou%le confusion, 5eli no$ sa$ the doctor,

    partially hidden %y the screen %eside the %ed, ma'e the move-

    ments common to the "dum%founder," or man of magic the

    gestures of one $ho, in preparing the audience for a miracle,

    must pretend that there is nothing to hide the $hole pur-

    pose that of ma'ing the %ac' and el%o$s move in a series of

    "honesties," $hile in reality the most flagrant part of the hoa

    is %eing prepared.

    5eli sa$ that this $as for the purpose of snatching a

    fe$ drops from a perfume %ottle pic'ed up from the night

    ta%le of dusting his dar'ly %ristled chin $ith a puff, and dra$-

    ing a line of rouge across his lips, his upper lip compressed on

    his lo$er, in order to have it seem that their sudden em%el-

    lishment $as a visitation of nature still thin'ing himself uno%-

    served, as if the $hole fa%ric of magic had %egun to decom-

    pose, as if the mechanics of machination $ere indeed out of

    control and $ere simplifying themselves %ac' to their origin,

    the doctor)s hand reached out and covered a loose hundred

    franc note on the ta%le. /**+3

    If the source of one half of 5eli)s "dou%le confusion" is his displacement

    from a position of visual mastery as he ga&es at the posed $oman, the

    other half is his $itnessing of the scene of gender inversion, signified %y

    the doctor)s appropriation of feminine accessories, the fetishi&ed "de-

    tacha%le part>s?" $hich, as 4arjorie Gar%er demonstrates, are so cen-

    tral to cross-dressing /!7=3. The doctor)s "machination," $hich empha-

    si&es the process of imperfect transformation, reflects Gar%er)s claim

    for the "deconstructive nature of the transvestite performance," $hich

    is "al$ays undoing itself as part of its process of self-enactment" /!73.

    The doctor)s movements, displaying the usually hidden processes that

    create the visi%le surface of gender, %elie the certainty or naturalness of

    gender.!+The "confusion" and "disuiet" /*+3 occasioned in 5eli %y this

    image of gender am%iguity resonates $ith Jacueline :ose)s assertion

    that "uncertain seual identity muddies the plane of the image so that

    the spectator does not 'no$ $here she or he stands in relationship to

    the picture. < confusion at the level of seuality %rings $ith it a distur-

    %ance in the visual field" /11+3.

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    1== 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    The "dou%le confusion" that 5eli eperiences in loo'ing at :o%in

    and the doctor%oth of $hom are characteri&ed %y the doctor later in

    the novel as "inverts"is $rought %y this scene)s lin'ing of insta%ilities

    in visual mastery and gender %oundaries. Dra$n into the visual field, the

    vie$er of this scene is eposed not only to the specular ga&e that dis-

    rupts his voyeuristic loo' at the spectacular female %ody %ut also to the

    %rea'do$n of gender sta%ility itself. The dual image of the $oman as a

    dangerous "picture" and the doctor)s gender machinations help to un-

    dermine the "peephole" model of vision, $hich no longer ensures the

    contemplative spectator)s sta%ility in relation to the visual field.

    The Di!order that Met 'er Eye!

    Nightwood's fifth chapter, "Aatchman, Ahat of the EightH" again

    represents a %edroom as the site of inversion, %oth as a seual-gender

    practice and as a model of seeing and reading.

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    Gallagher 1=

    half a do&en odd instruments that she could not place, a cath-

    eter, some t$enty perfume %ottles, almost empty, pomades,

    creams, rouges, po$der %oes and puffs. 5rom the half-open

    dra$ers of this chiffonier hung laces ri%ands, stoc'ings, ladies)

    underclothing and an a%dominal %race, $hich gave the im-

    pression that the feminine finery had suffered venery. < s$ill

    pail stood at the head of the %ed, %rimming $ith a%omina-

    tions. There $as something appallingly degraded a%out the

    room, li'e the rooms in %rothels, $hich give even the most

    innocent a sensation of having %een accompliceyet this room

    $as also muscular, a cross %et$een a chambre ) coucher and a

    %oer)s training camp. There is a certain %elligerence in a

    room in $hich a $oman has never set foot every o%ject seems

    to %e %attling its o$n compressionand there is a metallic

    odour, as of %eaten iron in a smithy.

    In the narro$ iron %ed, $ith its heavy and dirty linen

    sheets, lay the doctor in a $oman)s flannel nightgo$n.

    The doctor)s head, $ith its over-large %lac' eyes, its full

    gun-metal chee's and chin, $as framed in the golden semi-

    circle of a $ig $ith long pendant curls that touched his shoul-

    ders, and falling %ac' against the pillo$, turned up the shad-

    o$y interiors of their cylinders. (e $as heavily rouged and

    his lashes painted. /#=-#3.

    !7?3,!#finally arriving at the image of the doctor in %ed.

    (o$ever, unli'e the disem%odied vie$er of (edvig)s imperial %edroom

    or the reader $ho vie$s :o%in via 5eli)s position as the hidden voyeur,

    the reader of this scene, through Eora as "focali&er," is identified as an

    "accomplice" to the cro$ded field of images. By remar'ing that a $oman

    had never %efore set foot in the compression cham%er of the doctor)s

    room, the tet underscores Eora)s physical entrance into the "invert)s"

    visual field, littered $ith the "pieces" that are part of the transvestite

    performance. Just as 5eli)s entrance into the "inverted" visual field is

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    12 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    mar'ed %y "confusion," so here, the field of vision that contains %oth the

    seually inverted %ody and its o%server is characteri&ed %y intense "dis-


    In addition to this emphasis on the em%odied and disordered na-

    ture of Eora)s entrance into thi! "i!al #ield% the pa!!age

    metaphorically !trctre! Nora0! loo& arond the room a! i# !he

    were photographing it$This is emphasi&ed %y the $ay tet presents

    Eora)s entry into the room not once, %ut t$ice. Immediately after the

    long passage uoted a%ove, the tet says, "It flashed into Eora)s head@

    )God, children 'no$ something they can)t tellthey li'e :ed :iding

    (ood and the $olf in %edL) But this thought, $hich $as only the

    sensation of a thought, $as of %ut a second)s duration as she opened

    the door in the net, the doctor had snatched the $ig from his head"

    /#3. In the earlier and lengthier representation of Eora)s loo' around

    the room, each o%ject in the long list of o%jects is vie$ed as if in a

    series of still photographs. The second representation of Eora)s

    entrance into the room suggests the actual moment in $hich a

    photograph is ta'en@ a one-second duration and a flash, reminiscent of

    the one that accompanies the clic'ing of a camera)s shutter.

    The jutaposition of Eora)s photographic perception and her em-

    %odied, physical entrance into the room /the narrative and visual space

    of inversion3, suggests that one element of this visual field)s disorder is

    its conflation of the photographic and the haptic, once again modifying

    or challenging the "peephole" model of vision. !=The description of the

    room)s smell and the sense of intense physical enclosure /emphasi&ed %y

    the small %arred $indo$ $hich provides the only ventilation and thecro$ded space $hich allo$s Eora only "to $al' side$ays"3 suggest that

    the "inverted" visual field$hich represents and contains the "inverted"

    %ody and $hich "turns in" the reader-vie$er from a detached vie$ing

    positionalso continually reinscri%es the physical, em%odied nature not

    just of the o%ject of vision, %ut the su%ject as $ell, including the su%ject

    situated metaphorically at the camera)s vie$finder.

    Ob!er"able Space

    < contrast very similar to the one $e have %een tracing %et$een

    the disem%odied su%ject of "peephole" vision and the em%odied, "in-

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1!

    verted" su%ject on the confusing, disordered, visual field of seual inver-

    sion occurs in the descriptions of the central relationship in the novel,

    that of :o%in and Eora. Before her relationship $ith :o%in shifts the

    features of the visual field, Nora i! de!cribed in way! that recall the

    !pectatorial !trctre! o# cla!!ical cinema. i'e (edvig, she is

    represented as an o%ject of disem%odied, detached, monocular sight@

    "There is a gap in )$orld pain) through $hich the singular falls

    continually and forever a %ody falling in o%serva%le space, deprived of

    the privacy of disappearance as if privacy, moving relentlessly a$ay, %y

    the very sustaining po$er of its $ithdra$al 'ept the %ody eternally

    moving do$n$ard, %ut in one place, and perpetually %efore the eye.

    uch a singular $as Eora" /!3.

    i'e the %edroom scenes discussed a%ove, this passage relies on a

    series of apposite phrases and relative clauses $hich inscri%e a visual

    field %efore arriving at the central figure on that field /"uch a singular

    $as Eora"3, although the field in $hich Eora appears is descri%ed in

    $holly a%stract terms /$orld pain, o%serva%le space, the po$er of $ith-

    dra$al, privacy3 and free of temporal limitations /"continually and for-

    ever," "perpetually"3. The o%server or focali&er inscri%ed %y this passage

    is once again reminiscent of the vie$er at the peephole@ a

    di!embodied% !ingle% atemporal eye be#ore which Nora i!

    (perpetally( in "iew$Thi! de!cription o# Nora al!o re!emble! the

    cla!!ical cinematic image2a mo"ing image continally be#ore the

    eye o# the !pectator who!e ga,e i! aligned with the camera . /< fe$

    pages later, the narrative descri%es Eora)s "singular" condition in another

    $ay@ "The $orld and its history $ere to Eora li'e a ship in a %ottle sheherself $as outside and unidentified, endlessly em%roiled in a

    preoccupation $ithout a pro%lem. Then she met :o%in" /*3. Eora,

    previously descri%ed as the image under the classical cinematic ga&e,

    no$ occupies the privileged vie$ing position, eternal to the visual field,

    "outside and unidentified."3

    *on"er!ely% Nora0! two (cinematic( po!ition! are

    challenged by her meeting with Robin at a circ! per#ormance /a

    shift already signaled %y the sentence, "Then she met :o%in"3@

    >Eora? came into the circle of the ring, ta'ing her place in the

    front ro$. >...? < girl sitting %eside Eora too' out a cigarette

    and lit it. (er hands shoo' and Eora turned to loo' at her

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    11 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    she loo'ed at her suddenly %ecause the animals,going around

    and around the ring, all %ut clim%ed over at that point.They

    did not seem to see the girl, %ut as their dusty eyes moved

    past, the or%it of their light seemed to turn on her. . . .? Then as one po$erful lioness

    came to the turn of the %ars, eactly opposite the girl, she

    turned her furious great head $ith its yello$ eyes afire and

    $ent do$n, her pa$s thrust through the %ars and, as she re-

    garded the girl, as if a river $ere falling %ehind impassa%le

    heat, her eyes flo$ed in tears that never reached the surface.

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1*

    sual field of the doctor)s room, this circus scene infuses the visual field

    $ith the haptic, emphasi&ing the physically em%odied status of the scene)s

    "inverted" spectator $ithin a highly constricted visual field.

    Their Doble Regard

    In its representation of Eora and :o%in)s relationship, Nightwood

    restages its struggle $ith the "peephole" model of spectatorship, sug-

    gesting that the novel)s critiue of the peephole is significantly compli-

    cated %y its representation of les%ian desire. This is seen at the end of

    the "Eight Aatch" chapter, $hich descri%es the years Eora and :o%in

    live together in !12s 0aris@

    oo'ing out into the garden in the faint light of da$n, >Eora?

    sa$ a dou%le shado$ falling from the statue, as if it $ere mul-

    tiplying, and thin'ing perhaps this $as :o%in, she called and$as not ans$ered. tanding motionless, straining her eyes,

    she sa$ emerge from the dar'ness the light of :o%in)s eyes,

    the fear in them developing their luminosity until, %y the in-

    tensity of their dou%le regard, :o%in)s eyes and hers met. o

    they ga&ed at each other. ...? Eora fell to her 'nees, so that her

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    17 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    eyes $ere not $ithdra$n %y her volition, %ut dropped from their or%it

    %y the falling of her %ody" /+73. The %rea'ing of this visual "or%it" does

    not rupture the enclosures $hich characteri&e %oth visuality and "inver-

    sion" in the novel, %ut instead reinscri%es those enclosures in the %ody

    itselfnot any single %ody, %ut rather the anonymous %odies of uniden-

    tified $omen@ "he closed her eyes, and at that moment she 'ne$ an

    a$ful happiness. :o%in, li'e something dormant, $as protected, moved

    out of death)s $ay %y the successive arms of $omen" /+73. The "succes-

    sive arms of $omen"the continuing, physical enclosures of les%ian

    desire, reminiscent of the concentric circles $hich structure Eora and

    :o%in)s meeting at the circus%oth replace and etend the "or%it" of

    vision $hich characteri&es the mutual ga&e %et$een these lovers.HHH

    The !trctring o# thi! !cene again ca!t! Nora in the

    po!ition not only o# the #ocali,er who go"ern! or "iew o# the

    in"ert0! body bt al!o a! a photographer o# that body$ Nora0!

    violent dropping from the framed visual field and the closing of her

    eyes,follo$ed %y the multiple image of :o%in in the successive arms of

    $omen $hich move her "out of death)s $ay," metaphorically stages a

    photographic event@ the closing of the camera)s shutter $hich %oth

    immortali&es and "mortifies" the person photographed. The fact that

    Eora is %oth participant in and metaphoric photographer of the scene

    she o%serves from the $indo$ once again indicates ho$ Nightwood

    challenges the model of the detached vie$er at the peephole or

    vie$finder, dra$ing that vie$er into the visual field oc cupied %y the

    invert)s %ody.

    This passage descri%ing Eora at the $indo$ also evo'es a laterstep in the photographic process@ the reproduction of the image. Ceep-

    ing in mind :oland Barthes) o%servation that ">$?hat the 0hotograph

    reproduces to infinity has occurred only once the 0hotograph mechani-

    cally repeats $hat could never %e repeated eistentially" /73, I suggest

    that the imagined "successive arms" can %e read as a tetual analogue to

    a photographic reproduction of the image that Eora has seen from the

    $indo$an em%race already associated $ith a reproduced image

    through the "multiplying" shado$s falling from the statue. (o$ever, this

    reproduction is mar'ed %y difference as $ell as %y duplication, as these

    are the successive arms of di##erent $omen, reflecting

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    Gallagher 1

    The notion of a photographic image mar'ed %y %oth duplication

    and difference recalls another of Barthes)s assertions a%out photogra -

    phy and su%jectivity@ "the 0hotograph is the advent of myself as other"

    /!13. < parallel to this conception of the photographic image is evident

    in Nightwood in relation to les%ian desire $hen Eora, echoing the lan -

    guage of "homoseuality" $ith its emphasis on the sameness of same-

    se desire, says of :o%in, "he is myself" /!1#3 and later asserts that ">a?

    man is another person a $oman is yourself, caught as you turn in panic

    on her mouth you 'iss your o$n" /!7*3. :esponding to the parts of the

    novel $hich seem to euate les%ianism $ith narcissism,. . .? the %inary portrait emphasi&ed the

    sameness and euality of the t$o individuals portrayed." he claims that

    these portraits,moreover,%y %lurring ">s?eual difference,including po$er

    differences" /1#3 offered "a visual challenge to heteroseual norms" /1=3.

    8astle also notes the presence of "numerous les%ian )adaptations) of the

    %inary portrait in the later )12s and )*2s" /*23, such as the !*# Meda!

    ion, a dual portrait of the artist and her lover %y the les%ian painter

    Gluc' /see cover3. In this painting, the les%ian couple is represented in

    overlapping profiles that emphasi&e similarity of facial features and a

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Figure *$

    8laude 8ahun, +ue Meeu%!Tu-, !1=. 0rivate 8ollection, 0aris.

    shared trajectory of vision. These images enact in visual terms the trend


  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1#

    Figure /$

    8laude 8ahun, elf-portrait, !1=. 8ollection 0remiere (eure, t. 8loud, 5rance.

    Figure 0$

    8laude 8ahun, elf-portrait, !1=. 8ourtesy of the Jersey (eritage Trust.

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    1= 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    trast to the unidentifia%le feminine garment around 8ahun)s mid-torso

    and arms. The confusion occasioned %y these self-portraits is dou%led in

    "+ue me veu%!tu-" $here the t$o figures are placed $ithin the same

    frame so as to appear to %e in intimate dialogue and physical contact

    through the reversing or inverting of one image and the tilting of the

    other. The title, $ith its t$o pronouns, and the t$o heads in the image

    suggest t$o separate figures and t$o separate individuals, $hile the over -

    lapping and merging of the figures at shoulder level suggest a single shared

    %ody in the space %eneath the lo$er edge of the frame. The dou%ling

    and inversionthe literal inverting or turning of images of this am%igu-

    ously gendered figurethat structure this photomontage are intensi-

    fied yet again in a !1!*2 photomontage /fig. 73 made %y 8ahun and

    her lover and stepsister 4oore /u&anne 4alher%e3, $hich reuses and

    again inverts /%y turning upside-do$n3 the dou%le image of "Nue me


    8ahun)s photographs and the Nightwood passage descri%ing Eora

    at the $indo$ are %oth engaged in revising the "shape of the peephole."

    They also $or' to revise our understanding of les%ian desire in the age

    of mechanical reproduction. The play of dou%ling, inversion, sameness,

    and difference that characteri&es 8ahun)s images offers a strong visual

    parallel to Nightwood's metaphoric association of les%ian desire $ith a

    form of photographic reproduction mar'ed %y %oth duplication and dif-

    ference. 4oreover, %oth Eora and 8ahun can %e read as photographers

    $hose images not only represent the les%ian %ody %ut also depend on

    the 'ind of visual inversion I have %een associating $ith Barnes)s critiue

    of the "peephole" model of vision. Both 8ahun and Eora occupy posi-tions simultaneously outside and inside the visual field@ 8ahun through

    the self-portraiture that places heron either side ofthevie$finderEora

    through the intense mutual ga&e she shares $ith :o%in that renders her

    %oth spectator and participant. Both as' us to imagine a photographic

    order in $hich the vie$er is %oth at the peephole or vie$finder and

    occupying a position $ithin the visual field under o%servation.

    To$ard the end of Nightwood, Dr. )8onnor articulates a meta-

    phor for the tet)s response to modern visuality@ " ) I f you really $ant to

    'no$ ho$ hard a pri&efighter hits,) he said, loo'ing around, )you have got

    to $al' into the circle of his fury and %e carried out %y the heels, not %y

    the count)" /!=3.

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher 1

    Figure 1$

    8laude 8ahun and 4oore, 8ollage from2veu% non avenus, !1-*2. 0late I6. Fditions du

    8arrefour, 0aris.

    $ant to 'no$ ho$ hard a pri&efighter hits,ou must not be a (ri3e#ighter,

    you must $al' into the circle of his fury as an onoo4er, and get carried

    out %y the heels, not %y the count" /td. in 0lum% 1++ emphasis added3.

    The deleted phrases emphasi&e ho$ Nightwood as's visual outsiders or

    "onloo'ers" to a%andon their detached, voyeuristic position at the "peep-

    hole" to enter a circumscri%ed, often menacing or distur%ing visual fieldand there%y to enter the ueer spaces of modernist visuality.1



  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    *22 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    0$ n theories of "seual inversion," see ymonds Fllis !-1 8hauncey ! !+

    8alhoun 11*-17 5aderman 17*6icinus 7=2-=!.

    1$ By "apphic 4odernism," I mean a modernist art practice that not only

    represents aspects of les%ian erotics %ut also is formally or structurally

    impacted %y that representation. It is an art $hich is, as Fric 8arlstonputs it, "hypersensitiv>e? to seuality in, and as, the aesthetic and the po

    litical" /+3. ee Benstoc' !=*-= !+-# and 8arlston +-.

    5$ The li%eratory model $hich denigrates the mastering eye and the struc

    tures of the 0latonic eidos may %e traced %ac' to the $riting of (enri

    Bergson, $hom 4artin Jay identifies as "the first modern philosopher

    any$here to dispute the no%ility of sight" /!=+3.

    6$ 8hisholm finds an analogous suspicion in Barnes)s resistance to "the ten

    dency that animated her ama&onian contemporaries to ela%orate and

    glorify )inversion) instead, she flaunts a ueer scepticism concerning seual

    li%eration and its %ohemian milieu" /!#+3.

    7$ ee the introduction to Downcast &es$


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    Gallagher *2!

    is no focali&ing or focali&ed character@ #ocai3ed can %e applied only to the

    narrative itself" /#*3. Genette)s definition of "focali&ation" is, unli'e Bal)s,

    not concerned $ith the representation of visual eperience, although he

    does use the visual metaphor of the "field" to define the concept@ "%y

    focali&ation I certainly mean a restriction of)field)actually, that is, a se-lection of narrative information $ith respect to $hat $as traditionally

    called omniscience" /#73.


  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    *21 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    11. If :o%in is rendered as a cinematic image, her loo' at Eora here recalls

    not so much the "classical" film actor as the actor of "primitive" or early

    cinema, $ho often loo'ed %ac' at the spectator. ee Gunning += and

    (ansen *#.

    1*. 5or other discussions of "mirroring" and "dou%ling" in 8ahun)s photographs and in her $ritten $or', see 8a$s -! ! Crauss 172

    ichtenstein Dean asalle and olomon-Godeau.

    17. 8ahun)s familiarity $ith seology and $ith the voca%ulary of "inversion"

    is evidenced %y the fact that she translated into 5rench one of (aveloc'

    Fllis)s essays on female seuality /"a femme dans la sociKtK," Mercure de

    France, !1 cited in creen.;eading Broust6isually.Trans.

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher *2*

    ---------. "The ongs of ynge." NewCor4 MorningTeegra(h >unda Maga3ine$

    != 5e%. !!#@=.

    Barthes, :oland. ?amera :ucida.;e#ections on Bhotogra(h$Trans$ :ichard (o$ard.

    Ee$or'@ 5arrar, !=!.

    Benstoc', hari. "Fpatriate apphic 4odernism@ Fntering iterary (istory.":esbian Te%ts and ?onte%ts. ;adica ;evisions$ Fd. Carla Jay and Joanne

    Glasgo$. Ee$or'@ Ee$or' ;0, !2. !=*-12*.

    Boone, Joseph e%uait and the >ha(ing o# Modernism$

    8hicago@ ; 8hicago : !=.

    Brennan,Theresa,and 4artin Jay, eds. ision in ?onte%t. Historica and ?ontem(o!

    rar Bers(ectives on >ight$ Ee$or'@ :outledge, !+.

    Broe, 4ary ynn, ed. >ience and Bower. 2 ;eevauation o# Duna @arnes$

    8ar%ondale@ outhern Illinois ;0, !!.

    Bryson, Eorman. "The Ga&e in the Fpanded 5ield." ision andisuait$ Fd. (al

    5oster. eattle@ Bay, !==.=+-!2=.

    Bryson, Eorman, 4ichael mboic 2ction. &ssas on :i#e, :iterature,

    and Method$ Ber'eley@ ; 8alifornia : !++.172-*.

    8alhoun, 8hesire. "The Gender 8loset@ es%ian Disappearance ;nder the

    ign )Aomen.)" :esbian >ubects$Fd. 4artha6icinus. Bloomington@ Illinois

    ;0, !+.12-*1.

    8arlston, Frin G. Thin4ing Fascism. >a((hic Modernism and Fascist Modernit$

    tanford@ tanford ;0, !=.

    8astle,Terry. NoE ?oward and ;adc##e Ha. indred >(irits$ Ee$or'@ 8olum-

    %ia ;0, !+.

    8a$s, 4ary urreaist :oo4$ 8am%ridge, 4amagundi =-/!=1-!=*3@ !!7-7+.

    8hisholm, Dianne. "%scene 4odernism@ &ros Noir and the 0rofane Illumina-

    tion of Djuna Barnes."2merican :iterature +.! /!#3@ !+#-12+.

    8ollecott, Diana. "Ahat Is Eot aid@ < tudy in Tetual Inversion." e and

    >ameness.Te%tua Di##erences in :esbian and GaWriting$ Fd.Joseph Bristo$.

    Ee$or'@ :outledge, !1. !-! !2.

    Dean, 8arolyn. "8laude 8ahun)s Dou%le." Cae French >tudies 2 /!+3@ #!-


    Fllis, (aveloc'. "eual Inversion." >tudies in the Bschoog o# >e%$ 6ol. !. !=#.

    Ee$or'@ :andom, !71.

    5aderman, illian. >ur(assing the :ove o# Men. ;omantic Friendshi( and :ove @e!

    tween Women #rom the ;enaissance to the Bresent$ Ee$ or'@ Ailliam

    4orro$, !=!.

  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    *27 6ision and Inversion in Nightwood

    "5ield." Def. !* !*a !*% !+ and !+%. ?om(act &dition o# the O%#ord &ngish

    Dictionar$ !#!.

    5isher, Jennifer. "(aptic ense and ensi%ility in the 6isual ient Fim$ 8am-

    %ridge, 4te 1+.1 /!13@ *!2-1+.

    0lum%, 8heryl, ed. Nightwood.The Origina ersion and ;eated Dra#ts$ By Djuna

    Barnes. Eormal@ Dal'ey e%oog in ?uture.:abeing @odies and

    Desires$ Fd. ucy Bland and aura Doan. 8hicago@ ; 8hicago 0, !=.


    :ose,Jacueline. >e%uait in the Fied o#ision$ Ee$or'@6erso, !=+.

    edg$ic', Fve Cosofs'y. &(istemoog o# the ?oset$ Ber'eley@ ; 8alifornia 0,


  • 8/11/2019 Vision and Inversion Nightwood


    Gallagher *2

    ilverman, Caja. The Threshod o# the isibe Word$ Ee$ or'@ :outledge, !+.

    ymonds,John e%ua Inversion$ !=+. Ee$ or'@ Benjamin Blom, !#!.

    6icinus, 4artha. "They Aonder to Ahich e I Belong@The (istorical :oots

    of the 4odern es%ian Identity." Feminist >tudies !=@* /!13@ 7+#-#.Ain'iel, aura. "8ircuses and pectacles@ 0u%lic 8ulture in Nightwood$" ourna

    o# Modern :iterature 1!. ! /!#3@ #-1=.