Vaccination Programs for Beef Cow/Calf Operations Dr. Michelle Arnold Ruminant Extension...

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Transcript of Vaccination Programs for Beef Cow/Calf Operations Dr. Michelle Arnold Ruminant Extension...

Vaccination Programs for Beef Cow/Calf Operations

Dr. Michelle ArnoldRuminant Extension Veterinarian

University of Kentucky


Scours Pinkeye Clostridials



Histophilus Pasteurella Mannheimia

Viral 4 or 5-way



Lepto Hardjo Bovis

Trich Vibrio

Respiratory and Reproductive

What diseases am I trying to prevent?

Trying to prevent the diseases that lead to AbortionDisease Stage of Gestation Control Method

BVD Up to 6 months FP vaccine, cull PI

Brucellosis 6+ monthsHeifer vaccination;

test / cull

Campylobacter (Vibrio) Early embryonic death

Vaccinate, antibiotic

Chlamydia Last trimesterSeparation, sanitation

IBR Last half Vaccinate

Leptospirosis Any stage (usually 6+)Vaccinate, antibiotic

Neospora 4-6 months Canine control

Sarcocystis Last trimesterCanine feces out of


TrichomoniasisEarly embryonic death

< 5 monthsCull infected bulls,




Blackleg7-way (<2 yrs)


Virals4-way (5-way)




Treat for internal and external parasites

Cows Need Annually

HB=Lepto Hardjo-Bovis

Aim is to prevent the most common diseases as well as enhance colostrum

Open cows and heifers need a 5 way respiratory vaccine with vibrio (Campylobacter) and lepto 4-6 weeks prior to breeding

• Open Cows and Heifers – use modified live

FP=Fetal Protection

What is BVD?One of the most important and most complicated viral diseases in beef and dairy cattle worldwide

Two broad types of infection based on transmission:

Transient Infection (TI)

Persistent Infection (PI)

Courtesy of Dr. John Pickering

PI developmentPersistently Infected Carriers (PI’s)


BVD Virus

1 – 4 months gestation

93% of all PI’s produced this


PI’s produce PI’s 100% of

the time


What does it do?

• Effects on fertility

Infection early in pregnancy= failure to conceive

Early embryonic loss

Above - normal embryo Below - a degenerate embryo from a cow infected with BVD in early pregnancy.


• Up to 180 days

Mummified Fetus

Developmental defects - hydrocephalus, cleft palate, cerebellar hypoplasia (120- 150days).

Developmental defectsDevelopmental defects

90 to 150 daysCataractsRetinal DegenerationOptic Neuritis

90 to 150 daysCataractsRetinal DegenerationOptic Neuritis

Live bornDummy calves


180 days on

Normal calf- fetus isimmunocompetent

and able to mount a specific immune response

Summary of BVD Effects

-50 0 50 100 150 200 250 300

No effect - calf born immune

Developmental defects

Persistent infection

Embryonic loss or abortion

Failure to conceive

Persistent InfectionPI Carriers

• If fetus becomes a PI and survives- will continuously shed millions of virus all its life from all its

secretions - feces- urine- saliva- nasal- milk - semen- uterine secretions- aborted membranes, fluids, fetus

- Across fences. Virus survives in environment up to 7 days

• If it’s a female and later gets pregnant then its offspring will be a PI and its offspring and so on and so on

“FP” means protection against persistent infection and abortion due to BVD virus

Unfortunately the fact that a vaccine is licensed and available doesn’t mean it works

Ribble CS Assessing vaccine efficacy Can J Vet Med Vol 31 Oct 1990

Vaccines do not work in sick, stressed, thin, or heavily parasitized cattle

Two Types of Viral Vaccines: Killed (Inactivated) and Modified Live (Attenuated)

MLV Respiratory

Stimulate cell mediated and humoral immunity quickly-longer, stronger

Booster recommended but not always required. Do not booster in less than 2 weeks

Safe for Pregnant:

Open Cows Only:

Anamnestic (Memory) Response with killed vaccine requires two doses- a primary and a booster





Day 0 Day 14 Day 21 day 28

Antibody and T cellresponse

Booster given on day 21

Killed Viral Respiratory Vaccines

A “respiratory vaccine” contains antigens from 4 viruses but the name often depends on the BVD fraction

RESPIRATORY "4 or 5 or 6 way" Other Respiratory

IBR BVD PI3 BRSVMannheimia

Pasteurella (-) Histophilus(-)

  Type 1 Type 2        

 NCP 36%

CP 25%

NCP 30%



Type 1 and 2 are genotypes; CP and NCP Are biotypes. Pis have noncytopathic BVD

*Not in Vaccines

“HS” stands for Histophilus somni (formerly known as Haemophilus somnus)

• Only used if required or if identified as a problem on the farm.

While they are in the chute, I’ll give them everything…but they will feel rough the next day

• More than two Gram (-) vaccines one time or mishandle vaccine-Excess endotoxin

• Mannheimia and Pasteurella• Brucellosis (Bangs)• Moraxella (Pinkeye)• Salmonella, E.coli • Histophilus (Hemophilus)• Vibrio (Campylobacter)

The bull needs vaccinating, deworming and a breeding soundness exam before breeding season

• Approximately 20% of bulls have some degree of infertility

Pregnant cows and heifers need Scours Vaccine before they calve.

• Heifers need primary dose and booster. Annual vaccination required

Scour Bos 9

GuardianScour Guard 4KC

Scours Vaccines

Scour Bos 9Initial: 5-7 mos;Booster at 8 mos;Annual: 6.5-7 mos

GuardianInitial: 7 mos; booster at 8Annual: 7.5-8 mos

Scour Guard 4KCInitial: 7 mos; booster at 8Annual: 8 months

Calf Colostrum Absorption is best in the first 6 hours of life and steadily declines to zero in 24 hours

Hours after birth



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n i

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Talk to your veterinarian about your individual herd health program.

• Based on exposure to risk• Marketing choices

(Cows/calves/stockers/replacements)• Compliance• Expense

What if calve year round so cows are in all stages of gestation and all different ages of calves in the pasture

• #1 Recommendation-Individually identify cows and calves and record birth dates

• #2 Recommendation- Use killed vaccine and give an initial dose followed by a booster 4 weeks later. Continue using killed vaccine twice a year.

What about deworming? Use products effective against adult and inhibited Ostertagia but be aware of Cooperia

Macrocyclic lactones-Long acting + External parasite control


• White wormers• Short acting-kill

adult worms in the gut and dormant (hypobiotic) larvae

• No residual activity but excellent efficacy against Cooperia

Ta b le 1. Efficacy of m a c ro c y c lic la c to n e in je c ta b le fo rm u la t io n s f ro m F E C R Ts * c o n d u c te d by v e te rin a ry p ra ctit ion e rs and s u b m it te d to In te r v e t ’s n a tio n a l d a ta b a s e .

P ro d u c t

N u m b e r of tr ia ls

N u m b e r of sa m p le s

P re -R x

Egg co u n ts/3 g * * P o s t-R x

P erce n t efficacy (%)

In jec tio n s : Ivomec® In j . 6 1 6 2 5 5 .5 1 3 .2 7 6 .2 % Ivomec® P lu s 6 2 5 7 1 2 0 .4 6 9 .1 4 2 .6 % D e c to m a x ® In j . 11 3 6 2 4 3 .6 4 .4 8 9 .9 % C y d e c tin In j . 2 6 4 2 4 6 .1 4 .7 9 8 .1 % Iv e rm e c tin In j . 1 4 0 3 3 .0 1 6 .5 5 0 .0 %

Inj. S u m m a ry : 2 6 8 8 4 7 9 .2 2 1 .8 7 2 .5 %

*Fecal egg c o u n t re d u c tio n te s ts . ** All sa m p le s ta k e n a t trea tm e n t and ag a in two w e e k s p o s t-trea tm e n t.

Results from 2007-2008 FECRT: Free Lab Support to Bovine Practitioners4765 samples tested

Ta b le 2. Efficacy of m a c ro c y c lic la c to n e p o u r-o n s from F E C R T s * c o n d u c te d by v e te r in a r y p ra c ti t io n e rs and s u b m it- ted to In te rv e t ’s n a tio n a l d a ta b a s e .

P ro d u c t

N u m b e r of tr ia ls

N u m b e r of sa m p le s

Egg co u n ts /3 g * * P re -R x

P o s t-R x

P erce n t efficacy (%)

P o u r-o n s : Ivomec® P O


3 6 6

4 5 .8

1 2 .7

7 2 .3 %

Iv e rm ec tin P O 3 5 1 ,4 3 7 5 3 .6 2 1 .6 5 9 .7 % D e c to m a x ® P O 8 3 1 8 8 9 .2 1 8 .8 7 8 .9 % C y d ec tin ® P O 9 3 6 5 4 5 .1 1 4 .8 6 7 .2 %

P o u r-O n su m m ary 6 0 2 ,4 8 6 5 6 .0 1 9 .0 6 6 .1 %

* F eca l egg co u n t re d uc tio n te s ts . **All sa m p le s tak e n a t tre a tm e n t and ag a in two w e e k s p o s t-trea tm e n t.

Results after Pour-Ons: Failure to eliminate worm egg shedding due to lack of Consistent and adequate absorption into the bloodstream.

Ta b le 4. Efficacy of S a fe -G u a rd ® /P a n a c u r® in c o m b in a tio n w ith v a r io u s m a c ro c y c lic la c to n e fo rm u la tio n s f ro m F E C R T s * c o n d u c te d by v e te r in a r y p r a c ti t io n e rs and s u b m itte d to In te r v e t ’s n a tio n a l d a ta b a s e .

C om b in a tio n p ro d u c t

N u m b e r of tr ia ls

N u m b e r of sa m p le s

Egg co u n ts /3 g * * P re -R x P o s t-R x

P erce n t efficacy (%)

S a fe -G u ard /P a n ac u r D re n c h p lu s: Ivomec® In j . 3 5 9 8 8 .2 0 1 0 0 .0 % Ivomec® P lu s 1 4 0 3 0 .7 0 1 0 0 .0 % Iv e rm ec tin P O 3 11 8 3 0 .8 0 .1 9 9 .9 % D e c to m a x ® In j . 1 2 0 3 8 9 .4 0 1 0 0 .0 % C y d ec tin ® In j. 1 2 4 5 8 3 .0 0 .2 9 9 .9 % S u m m ary 9 2 6 1 1 5 2 .1 0 .1 9 9 .9 %

* F eca l egg co u n t re d uc tio n te s ts . **All sa m p le s tak e n a t t im e of tre a tm e n t and ag a in two w e e k s p o s t- tre a tm e n t.

If a macrocyclic lactone (especially ivermectin) is used for external parasite control, it should be used with another dewormer to prevent production losses and the further transfer of resistant parasites to other cattle


• New dewormer called LongRange• Eprinomectin-similar drug to Eprinex• Delivers 100-150 days of parasite control in

a single dose• Prescription only

Pinkeye versus IBR

Current Pinkeye Facts

• Agent – Moraxella bovis, (M. bovoculi)

• Transmission – direct contact, face flies• Treat – long acting antibiotics

– Long acting tetracycline such as Hexasol or Noromycin 300(LA-200-seeing resistance)

– Benzathine Penicillin and Dexamethasone subconjunctival-only with valid VCPR

– Excede (off-label)– Draxxin– Nuflor (off label)

Predisposing Factors

• Lack of pigmentation around the eye ?– Ultraviolet light not absorbed by white hair

• Mechanical irritation/Physical trauma– Pollen, seeds, feed dust, dust– Stubble, thorn bushes can scratch cornea

• Chemical trauma– Fresh nitrogen applied to pasture

• Flies– Face flies feed on eye secretions– Vector of spreading bacteria from animal to animal




Predisposing Factors

• Ultraviolet light-cell damage to the cornea is initiated by UV burning. This is why the greatest occurrence is in summer.

• Viral Infection-Viruses such as IBR can damage the protective cells covering the eye

• Stress from shipping, processing, commingling can be immunosuppressive

Pinkeye Prevention• Prevent Corneal Damage from sun- need shade.• Control FACE flies-ear tags, face “flyps”,Altosid. Clean up

areas where flies breed-spilled feed, old hay in rings.• Clip pastures-mechanical injury from plant awns such as

foxtail• Clean Water Source-critical to keep eye clean and moist. • Vaccinate• Antibiotic in feed mix/ free choice mineral

– Chlortetracycline (Aureomycin®) is not labeled for pinkeye control. However, it is legal to feed CTC to prevent anaplasmosis.

Fly Control-UK ENT-11 Fact Sheet

•Insecticide-impregnated tag•Back rubs and wicks•Dust bags•Sprays•Feed-throughs•Pour-ons•Avoidance of areas with heavy fly infestations

Numerous insecticides

and equipment available-

Most Permethrin


Cylence or Python give good face and horn fly control
