The Wanderer and the Medallion of Power - Exodus [Rev01]

Post on 03-Jun-2018

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Transcript of The Wanderer and the Medallion of Power - Exodus [Rev01]

  • 8/11/2019 The Wanderer and the Medallion of Power - Exodus [Rev01]



    Pablo C. Agsalud Jr.

  • 8/11/2019 The Wanderer and the Medallion of Power - Exodus [Rev01]



    A man from the past, named Ulrick, was sent to the distant future to find the Stone.However, an unforseen accident made him lose his memories.

    Not knowing who he really was or where he came from, he found help from atroublesome woman who will then come to change his life forever.

    Without a rightful Master to weild it for decades, the sacred Medallion weakenedand became tainted by evil.

    Will his memories come back in time before the Medallion end up in the wronghands?

    Will he chose immortality over love?

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    2012 12




    NOTES 25


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    Chapter I

    Chapter Title

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    The Wanderer and the Medallion of Power[06-06-2013]


    There was an orphan from Belruth who accidentally picked up a cursed Medallion, theone they claim to be untouchable and had unholy powers. His name was Ulrich. And hewas later known as the Chosen One, because the Stone itself cannot be tamed; theMedallion of Power chooses its own master.

    Ulrich escaped from Belruth together with the dormant Stone. He became a thief likehis long lost brother and aimlessly wandered from town to town, until he met a youngwoman named Vala. Ulrich fell in love with Vala that he then moved to Purple Valley,her hometown, and settled there.

    Meanwhile, the Shadows and their leader, the Shadowlord named Drekkor, wentlooking for the Stone. They went from town to town, searching for the Medallion of Power and slaughtering everyone they come across with.

    For fear that the Shadows would come to Purple Valley for the Medallion, Ulrichdecided to leave town with the Stone. But then, Vala disagreed, and in her anger, shebroke the Stone in two. Afterwards, Ulrich and Vala separately kept the two brokenpieces of the Stone and informed the village of the impending war.

    Ulrich had to face the imminent threat and defend his new home. All the while, he hascompletely unaware of the Stones true power or the fact that he woul d have to face

    the Shadow Master, who was really his long lost elder brother, Kane.

    The Shadows attacked Purple Valley and a war ensued. Vala was killed and the otherhalf of the Stone was taken from her.

    With half the Stone already in the Shadow s possession, the Spirit of the Stone sawUlrichs dismay and his hunger for justice. The Spirit of the Stone, then, led Ulrich to

    the Underworld where he gallantly faced the Shadow Master and successfully retrieved the other half of the Stone.

    The Shadow Master was defeated. But in spite of this, the Shadowlord, was too strongfor Ulrich. Drekkor wounded Ulrich and the angel who surprisingly came to his rescue.

    The injured angel took Ulrich and escaped to the skies of Archaea, the Aeon Kingdom. There, he met the Aeon Seer, Luna, and gained the knowledge of the ancientinscriptions. And as a reward for his good heart, Rovelia, the Queen of the Aeons,bestowed him with a new armor and an exceptional pair of wings. From then on, hebecame the embodiment of the great White Knight, the Defender of the Earth.

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    Meanwhile, the Shadowlord assimilated the abilities of an Aeon captive and becameeven more powerful. Soon, Drekkor flew to Archaea and challenged Ulrich, and theGreat War began.

    Ulrich lured the Shadowlord back to earth to keep the Aeon people from further harm.Unfortunately, the Shadow lords minions were lying in wait. The Shadow Underlingscaught Ulrich by surprise and he had no choice but to give up the Stone. Drekkor took

    the Medallion, but then he could not read the ancient inscriptions on the it andunleash the Stones true power.

    Drekkor forced Ulrich to read the inscriptions on the Stone, and the two gods,Shivanaktra and Ramuja were summoned. Drekkor wished for power and immortality.

    But before Shivanaktra could ever granted his wish, Ramuja searched Ulrichs mind andfound out that Ulrich was the Stones one true master. Shivanaktra grew mad and

    Ramuja seized the Stone. Then, Drekkor tried to escape back to the Underworld.

    The Humans and the Aeons joined forces with Ulrich to fight the evil threat. But then,Drekkor unleashed his numerous powerful minions and his gigantic hideous monsters.

    A third inscription suddenly appeared on the Medallion and Ulrich quickly summoned Archaea, the most powerful of all the gods. The goddess used Ulrichs body as her vessel, and in expense of his life force, Archaea ultimately unleashed her powers, andDrekkor, together with a vast number of his minions, were eradicated.

    Peace returned to earth, once more. While the Medallions ancient inscriptions vanish,Shivanaktra and the two other gods declared that they will never interfere with Humanaffairs again. And right before they left, Archaea revived Ulrich and Ramuja entrusted

    the Stone to him.

    Ulrich tracked down the rest of the Shadows. Though, instead of annihilating them for good, he demanded them not to harm the Humans again in exchange for their lives.

    And now that Vala is gone and his brother dead, Ulrich is left without a family toreturn to, or a purpose. He wandered around the earth for a time, and back. Then, hefinally came to realize that he just can t live a second life and carry on without the oneshe truly care about.

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    The Shadows are gone. They wont be bothering the Humans anymore . The earth will bepeaceful from now on.

    I have chosen a man from among many to inherit the Stone I am putting my faith, my legacy, and the future of the world in his hands

    A young man found his way into the middle of a dense forest, across a wide open spacefilled with blooming bright red flowers. He found a big rock with an engraved image of abeautiful woman. It was the hidden monument of Vala, the woman the Eldersmentioned in their legendary tales.

    The young man is a historian, and a specialist when it comes to rare artifacts andearthen treasures. H e discovered Valas grave and documented the details of herepitaph on his book.

    There was a round impression at the right side of the epitaph, but the piece that used to be fastened into it was missing. It must have been a big round gem or precious stone,he thought.

    Are you sure about this? asked Archaea.

    Yes, replied Ulrich.

    The young man searched the grass-covered ground around him, towards the field ofbright red flowers. But then, he failed to find the object and he thought that maybesomebody got to it first.

    The heat of the mid-day sun striked him with exhaustion and he lied down on the

    ground to take a break. Feeling like there were other eyes looking at him, he lookedaround to find out if there was anyone else around. But then, the only thing he saw wasa small glittering light between some flowers. Some thing is reflecting the suns light.

    He picked up the gleaming piece of metal and wiped the dirt off. It was a medallion likenothing he had ever seen before. There was one inscription written behind it and it waswritten in a very old language.

    The medallion seemed to fit the round slot on the epitaph and the young man found out that it was indeed the missing piece.

    Surely he is not someone who needs the power of the Stone. But, what made you think that Aleck is the right one?

    Before the young man left the site, he decided to pick the brightest red flower on thefield, placed it on the epitaph, and offered a silent prayer.

    So, h es known as Aleck?

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    Giving the Medallion of Power to someone you ve never met might lead to unforseencircumstances in the future, Ulrich .

    Then, why dont you look up his future and see if I gave the Stone to the wrongperson?

    Archaea closed her eyes and began searching the future.

    Hmm Archaea said.

    So, how does it look like from there?

    Aleck seemed like a man with a pure heart

    So, I guess the Stone is safe in good hands , then?


    What is it?

    Somethings wrong

    Tell me, d oes it concern the new Master of the Medallion?


    What is it, then?

    The distant future

    The distant future?

    Yes. The future beyond his time. There is a great and unbearable threat in the future Even I had never realized of the possibility of such unimaginable threat.

    What kind of threat?

    Several decades after Alecks time, t he last of the Keepers will die and there will benoone to protect the Stone. And without a Master or a Keeper, the Medallion will be

    buried for ages. The holy Stone will gradually weaken and evil will come to tarnish itspower. A vile creature will come to find the Stone and it will succeed. It will use theMedallions power to subdue all the inhabitants of the earth until everyone is bent onevil and everything is covered with darkness.

    What do you want me to do?

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    You must travel into the future, Ulrich. You have to retrieve the Stone before it endsup in the wrong hands.

    And If I fail?

    You mustnt. If you fail, then the future weilder of the Stone will have the power torearrange the universe as he see fit and the world will never see the light of day everagain

    Where will I find the Medallion?

    I dont know. The Stone is too weak for me to sense its exact location. I will open up aportal for you, now. You must find the Medallion before anyone else does.

    So, I just have to get it back before something bad happens, right?

    Remember, Ulich, she said. Time will come and you will have to face a very harddecision, but you will find your long- sought Destiny waiting at the other end

    What does that mean?

    You have to see it for yourself

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    Vermin City.

    Rachel was eating while watching the four oclock news.

    As you can see what youre seeing right now, is what the Friasco Bridge look ed likeafter a huge tornado passed by here, two hours ago. The National Weather Bureau saidrecently that the storm would last for two days and we would be expecting more rainsand thunderstorms, not to mention a possibility of another tornado forming at thesouth end of the city. So all citizens are advised to stay inside their homes and wait forthe latest updates from the Weather Center. This is your news correspondent, AndrewBeckett, fo r VBN.

    It seems like you and me will be stuck here for two days, Alice .

    Meow. A furry cat walked toward the sofa and sat next to her master.

    You want some of this, too?

    Meow. Her master took half a spoonful for herself. The cat looked on. The ice creamlooked so yummy.

    Sorry, you cant have mine. But, let me get you something else instead.

    The woman went to the kitchen to fix some food for Alice. The cabinet was empty.

    Oh! I guess we have to go to Rays and buy some more.

    Rachel drove slowly through the heavy rain. Then, she parked her car in front of aconvenient store and opened up an umbrella.

    Rachel ran hurriedly towards the door and cleared out some of the raindrops on hercoat.

    An OPEN sign. More dripping umbrellas. And a black guy mopping out feetmarks from the floor.

    Hows it going , Ray? asked Rachel.

    Still b usier than ever, Miss Rachel.

    Do you know where I can get Alice some food?

    Catfood? Its over there. Last shelf. Third row.

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    Rachel took took cans of different sizes and inspected it. Then she took two more and threw them in the pushcart.

    Here, Rachel said as she put s all the cans on the counter.

    That would be thirty -two dollars and thirty-five cents, said Ray.

    Here you go.

    Thank you for shopping with us.

    Anytime, Ray.

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    Belruth Theatre. Act 20.

    Princess! cried the young prince.


    Stop right there! shouted the villain clad in black armor. The Princess is mine!

    The Princess belongs to noone!

    Not anymore. The Princess is about to be married to me.

    Dillan, save me!

    Be right there, my Lady!

    Guards! called the Black Knight. Seize this intruder!

    The guards outnumbered the young prince.

    The Princess is mine and noone can stop me. Not even you.

    Her heart shall never be yours

    Lets see about that.

    The Black Knight drew his sword and thrusted it into the prince.

    No!!! cried the Princess.

    Suddenly, an unexpected bright light shined from above. The people behind the stagenoticed it.

    Somethings wrong with the lights, whispered the director.

    Its not part of the act, is it? asked one of the actors behind the curtains.

    Get the technical team to fix the lights on the next curtain call.

    I hope nothing bad will happen.

    The Princess ran to the lying body of her beloved. The Black Knight came to drag heraway.

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    Then, the lights above the stage blew and the stage turned dark. All the audience weresurprised.

    The lights! The lights! whispered the worried director.

    Another bright light appeared and something fell on the stage. The thing fell on the Black Knight, throwing him off balance and away from the Princess.

    Who are you? asked one of the guards.

    Ulrich fell and noticed a handful of armed men around him and a guy clad in blackarmor. Then, he saw a lady crying just a little behind him. He thinks hes a stranger to

    this land but he knows what trouble looks like --- and this lady seemed to be in trouble.

    Ulrich stood up and quickly drew his sword.

    The technical team is here, Sir.

    The director cant believe what his own eyes are seeing.

    Who is that guy? the director said to himself.


    Then, power came back and some of the lights turned back on. The director noticed that the audience seemed to think that it was still part of the act.

    Hold that thought. Lets see where this one goes.

    The Black Knight stood up and noticed that the current scene was a little bit off. Helooked at the director and the director motioned him to continue with the play.

    Are you alright? Ulrich asked the lady as he offer his hand.

    Yes. I believe I am. Thank you.

    I dont think Ive seen your face before, the Black Knight said, but you will pay forruining this occassion .

    That armor of yours

    Its black. Never seen one before?

    Actually I have. And you remind me of him .

    Does this him have a name ? he asked. Or are you just playing with our minds?

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    His name was Kane.

    Oh really? And what do Kane do for a living, if I may humbly ask?

    He killed my wife.

    Sorry about that , but I think you should know that your time is up. You dont belonghere.

    The Black Knight shoved his sword in an attempt to frighten Ulrich, but Ulrich stoodunmoved and thinks the clumsy adversary pose no serious threat to him.

    The Black Knight and the guards charged into Ulrich simultaneously, but Ulrich wasable to parry all of their swords. Ulrich noticed that all their swords were a bit lighter

    than his. And in one swift move, he sliced through all their armors and threw them offbalance.

    Then, Ulrich dragged the Princess behind the stage.

    Youre safe now.

    Who are you?

    The names Ulrich.


    Im sorry I have no time for formal acquaintances, but I must leave now. Take care ofyourself.

    While Ulrich was running towards the exit, the director appeared to meet him half way.

    That was magnifice ---! the director said as he tried to grab him.

    Ulrich knocked him unconscious and hurriedly ran towards the back door.

    What did he say his name was? one of the supporting actors asked.

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    _New Worlds[08-21-2013]

    What kind of sorcery is this?

    What sorcery? What are you talking about?

    Look! There are people trapped inside your box.

    Its a TV.


    Yes. We watch them all the time.

    How rude! We must release them!

    Oh, dear, she said to herself. Where on earth did you come from?

    Rachel picked up her phone.

    Hello. Jenny? Its me, Rachel.

    Oh, hi, Rachel! Whats up?

    I bumped into a nutcase and hes right inside my house!

    Is he gorgeous?

    A little bit. But hey, listen. This guy is really freaking me out.

    Youre not doing it on the first day, are you?

    Jenny! Im being serious here!

    You took another gorgeous guy home and now youre calling me just to tell me that hesfreaking you out?


    Are you drunk?


    Are you on drugs?

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    No. Im perfectly fine.

    Then, what are you calling me for?

    Oh my God


    I think hes in the restroom now and playing with the flush.

    Youre lucky. My ex-boyfriend went into my restroom and played with my lipstick.

    Will you just come over to my house and help me out?


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    Chapter II

    Chapter Title

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    _The Sky Island[07-31-2014]

    [Humans found out about the floating islands and the kingdom of Archaea.]

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    _ Natures Revenge [07-31-2014]

    [Archeans started sabotaging industrial plants to stop the Humans from polluting the


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    _The Will of Zemrrah [08-05-2014]

    [Corrupting the power of the Stone became easier after Zemrrahs powers was absorb

    into it along with his evil will.]

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    _Free Again[08-05-2014]

    [Instead of controlling the Stone and commanding its power, the wielder became a

    vessel and all the powers became inffused into him, including Zemrrahs will. And now that Zemrrah is free from his prison, he will stop at nothing to get what he wants anddestroy the Human world.]

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    _Untitled[insert date here]

    [Insert text here.]

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    Ulrich the Defender of the Earth

    Archaea the Spirit of the Stone


    Alice Rachels cat

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  • 8/11/2019 The Wanderer and the Medallion of Power - Exodus [Rev01]


    Words from the

    [insert comments here]