The use of props in Crystals By Of Monsters and Men

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of The use of props in Crystals By Of Monsters and Men



-In the opening scene we see a woman holding balls of wool, the camera tilts up so that we can see her face, of which she has long lengths of wool hanging from her eyes. We are lead to believe that these pieces of wool are from the balls of wool in her hands. Her holding them in her hands could suggest that they are important to her, like she is almost looking after them. The audience could also interpret this as because the wool is attached to her eyes she looks after them so that they do not break away, which could potentially cause her pain either mentally or physically.

-She sits in a room where she is surrounded by what look like vases and random objects on shelves around her. These add a sense of randomness which could be seen to add a mystical tone.

-Someone pulls a thick chain surrounded by other metal objects, this suggest hard work. As it is a chain it could also be linked to slavery as chains are an iconic part of that, so the audience could believe that this man is under someone's order.

-Wool spins as it goes into a loom, this suggests that something is being made.

-A conveyer belt goes round with nothing on it.-A pole with a material burning at the eng is held over something that we cant see.

-Potatoes are smashed using a large metal object, this seems random and out of place- why potatoes? Which adds to the random, mystical, hidden tone.

-The woman holds a concave mirrored bowl on a table, this distorts her face making her look monstrous. The bowl could be seen to be a way to view things that are happening, like a crystal ball for a fortune teller.

-A man pushes feathers into a machine, this machine furthers the idea that something is being made.

-The whole machine is shown, it looks old and like it has just been stuck together, as if it is not there to last. As the audience can tell that this is definitely machine the idea that something is being made is secured in their minds. The prop doesn't give what is being made away.