The Three Do's and Don'ts of Blogging

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Three Do's and Three Don'ts for Beginning Small Business Bloggers.

Transcript of The Three Do's and Don'ts of Blogging

The Three (plus) Do’s & Don’ts

of Blogging

Ann ZuccardyWBON Spring Conference, May 9 2012

To Blog or Not to Blog?

Blogging is social media. And like Shakespeare’s work, its value is timeless.

Position yourself as an expert.

Help solve your clients’ and prospects’ problems.

Build trust.


Increase traffic to your web site.

Why blog? Promote a business or a passion.

Tip One: Do Post Regularly

Create content calendar and stick to it (or pay someone to do it for you).

Schedule posts about industry holidays, made-up holidays, events, invite guest bloggers.

Length of 250-500 words.

Bullet points and images are your friends.

“Sexy” titles attract readers.

Tip Two: Do Comment on Other Blogs

How do you feel when someone comments on one of your social media platforms?

How do you make Google trust you?

Blogging (and all social media) is a slow dance, not a one-night stand.

Top down blogging: if you want to go viral, get someone who is popular in social media to promote you.

Tip Three:Give More Than You Take

Give away valuable information.

If what you give is powerful, it will attract the right people for your cause.

Provide valuable content that seemingly has no sales agenda…but links back to what you have to offer.

You won’t “get rich quick” blogging, but you will build strong relationships and reach.

Be a guest blogger on blogs you admire.

Develop relationships with the experts.

Tip One: Don’t Take it Personally When People Disagree with You

Your blog is your living room. YOU are in control of the conversation (but it’s good manners to let others talk even when they disagree).

How you reply may set the tone for the rest of the conversation.

You can delete, respond politely, send commenter a private email asking for clarification.

Develop a comments policy and post it.

Recognize and praise returning commenters.

Admit when you are wrong. Be humble. Be human.

Tip Two: Don’t Forget Social Media “Share” Buttons

It’s nice to share.

Readers share your information on their social media profiles without leaving your site.

Make it easy for people to share your great information with widgets.

Don’t overcrowd widgets. Pick the ones your readers are most likely to use.

Tip Three: Don’t Obsess Over Statistics

Don’t be a Blogbore ( or a Klobsessor, Twitsnob or Facefiend)

Don’t focus on what the “popular kids” are doing. Focus on what you do better than they do.

Look for steady improvement (hits, leads, comments, shares).

Yes, SEO is important, but don’t obsess or your posts will be borrrrrring.

What Should I Write About?

Write in a personal, conversational voice.

Posts with images get more clicks.

The most important word in blogging is YOU.

Solve a problem and/or entertain. Preferably both.

Skim national news, publications, etc. for post ideas.

Do an interview.

Talk about your mistakes.

Hold a contest.

Write a book review.

Make up a holiday and create a buzz about it.

Ask questions. Invite reader responses.

Sexy Titles: Ten Tips for…, Seven Signs of…, How to…

Examples and Questions

Look at blogs you admire. What are their owners doing well? What could they do better?

What did you learn?

Generate ideas for your own blog.

What do you still want to know?

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