The hurch of St John the Evangelist, arterton · 2019-12-08 · The Monthly offee Mornings will...

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Transcript of The hurch of St John the Evangelist, arterton · 2019-12-08 · The Monthly offee Mornings will...

Getting in touch with us: The Church office is not currently staffed regularly, except Monday mornings when volunteers come

in to pay bills. If you have a claim for expenses or a bill that the Church should pay, please make

sure it is left in the church office by then.

Publicity. If you would like to publicise an event in the newsletter, please leave in the Church office or

email the church mailbox by Thursday lunchtimes. Please put “newsletter” in the title line.

Church emails :

Team Rector: The Rev’d Bill Blakey Email: “”

Church and Rectory Phone number; 01993 846996 Clergy mobile number: 07504 824 822

Churchwardens: Mike Cox (tel: 841069); Doreen Trezise (tel: 843080)

PCC Secretary: Linda Wooloff (tel: 840133)

Team Vicar: The Rev’d James Madden ( tel: 844175

Websites and (search for Carterton) Ideas, comments and contributions (including pictures) welcome.



Morning Worship

29 November

All Ages

6 December


13 December

Morning Worship

20 December


Cleaning Glenys




Ray Goodson Lyn Bostock Tracy Crouch

Welcoming Hilda Parrott Volunteer


Barbara Gou-


Linda Cox Lynne Boulter

Reading Margaret Brewer

Geoff Furnival

Sue Blakey

Jon Abbott

Ray Goodson

Ian Harley

Glenys Edwards Carol Hadgraft

Doreen Trezise



Ladies’ Breakfast Jeanette Welsh Phil Scott Sharon Harley Steve Bostock

Chalice Jon Abbott

Doreen Tre-


Ray Goodson

Bob Monkhouse

Sidespersons Ros & Will Fiennes Ray Goodson

Linda Wooloff

Hilda Parrott

Miriam Knight

Volunteers please Ros & Will


Refreshments Carol Hadgraft

Linda Wooloff



Liz Wood

Lynne Boulter

Alison Brown

Sharon Harley

Carol Hadgraft

Linda Wooloff

Sunday Services:

Weekly 8.00am Holy Communion

Today Christ the King Sunday 10.30am Morning worship +SC (Student) Daniel 7:9-10 & 13-14, Revelation 1:4-8

29th November Advent Sunday 10.30am All Age worship Jeremiah 33:14-16 & Luke 21:25-36 Signs of the 2nd coming of the Christ 12.30pm Baptism Service

6th December 10.30am Holy Communion + Baptism + SC Malachi 3:1-4 & Luke 3:1-6 “The messenger of the Messiah“ 4pm Christingle Service

13th December (Rev Wilbraham leading) 10.30am Holy Communion + SC Philippians 4:4-7 & Luke 3:7-18 “The fruit of repentance in practice”

Thursdays (not 17th Dec) 10.30am - Holy Communion + coffee Bill & James alternate on Thursdays BUT

The Week before Christmas the service will be on WEDNESDAY 16th followed by Xmas lunch -Book

Sunday 10.30 services are usually webcast. See the website to view. SC means Children’s Activity

Prayer priorities this week:

Praise God that His Son came to

deal with sin and to reign as King of

Kings and Lord of Lords.

Thanks for the “Christianity Explored” course

to all who came and worked hard to lead. Also

for those who found their faith deepened.

Pray for:

Open Church next Friday.

Our preparations for Christingle, Carols, Nativi-

ty play and Christmas worship.

Our Deanery as we all prepare for the celebra-

tion of Christmas.

The church to be a safe haven for those who

are hurting and who have suffered at the

hands of others.

For Besom and other local food banks as they

respond to families in severe need here.

leaders and members that all might learn


For RAF crews on operations, for their families

and for our work with the Padres.

Pray for God’s healing and wholeness for those

who are unwell or in ongoing pain and those

giving thanks for recovery. Anita, Lyndsay

Baker, Helena Bark, Joyce Baskerville, Jean

Brown, Liz Bullock, Mary Calcutt, Dot, Ken

Edwards, Jan Fleetwood, Barbara Furnival,

Steve Gardner, Emma Goodson, Leon Goudal,

Victoria Gulley, Sarah-Louise Jordan, Mike

King, Kelly Langley, Alan Lewin, Matthew, Rob

Marsh, Mervyn, Eric Pearce, Keith Pike,

Michelle & Cameron Stevenson, Margaret

Talty, Pat Thomas, Chloe Tudor, John.

Pray for bereaved families. Also those with

anniversaries at this time.

The prayer list will be regularly reviewed and updated. If

a name needs to be put back, please advise the office

Birthday Congratulations: November: Con-nor Wood (28th) December: Alan Carter (6th); Alison Ford (9th); Therese Ingram & Shirley Norgan (15th); Tracy Crouch (20th)

November Baptisms:

29th: Ethan Toulson & Mason Griffiths

2015 Text: (1 Peter 4:10)

We should use whatever gift we have

received to serve others, faithfully admin-

istering God’s grace in its various forms

The Church of St John the Evangelist, Carterton

22 November 2015 —Christ the King Sunday

Welcome to worship!

Please stay and join us after the service for refreshments!

Let’s Sing! Thursday evenings at

7.30pm—all welcome!

Dear All,

There has been a lot going on lately in the life of our Church. We certainly need stamina.

Lots of people have been involved in the “Christianity Explored” course and my thanks to Sue, Al and the whole team for running it so well. On 6th December we will celebrate by baptising one of the participants. -Very exciting! We shall look to run more such courses in the future.

Last week I was privileged to talk at a conference at Lambeth Palace about the work of St John’s with the RAF. It was lovely to be able to tell a distinguished audience something of the joys and struggles of building our work with the Chaplaincy and the men and women who serve in HM Forces. This arose because the MOD gave us a grant for the entrance upgrade and for the hall ceiling and fire alarm system. Even Earl Howe, the Armed Forces Minister knew of us.

This weekend we held our Christmas Fayre and so many people have worked together to pro-duce items for sale and to staff the event. But that is not all, more stamina needed…

Next Friday 27th is the switch-on of the Town Christmas Lights and we have “Open-Church” and an outdoor stall. Again, these need staffing for we want to have a good presence on the street and a warm welcome in the building. Please help.—sign up sheets in the Hall.

Christingle follows on Sunday 6th and we will need help with setting up after the service on the Sunday morning. Morrison's have donated the oranges so we will be able to give more to the Children’s Society. Please invite and bring people to this special service and try to fill the candle saving boxes with coins. Or...why not take a box and put coins in throughout the year? The Society regard us as one of their good parishes for support. Let’s try to improve in 2017. I will write more about their work next week after a briefing from one of their staff on Tuesday.

Finally, thanks to Asthall, Swinbrook & Widford PCC for a very generous gift towards our work.

Remember all of the above is about team-work not just what the Rector does. For us to be effective for the Good News about Jesus we have got to work together as we are doing increas-ingly well. After all when He went to reign in heaven Jesus left a team to start the Church.

Best wishes Rev Bill Blakey

Our vision is to be a growing church, rooted in Christ, that reaches out with love and service to the whole community.

Fellowship Together is a vital part of the Christian life

Why not ask one of the leaders about joining our Tuesday home group? Tuesday evenings 7.30pm at the Rectory. Talk to Sue Blakey or Linda Cox

Also, hosts David & Sue Edgar, 69 Elmhurst Way, Carterton OX18 1GQ (tel: 845801) alternate Wednesdays @ 8.00pm

Monthly Men’s Bible Study at 2 Brampton Drive led by Padre Al Nicoll (895644) Third Monday of the month

Fellowship Breakfasts: Bi-monthly Saturday events starting @ 8.30am for the Ladies and Men. Book by emailing or sign up on the board

The Monthly Coffee Mornings will resume on 2nd Saturday of January 2016

For the Children & Young People

DROP-IN (school term time only) for pre-school infants & parents Fridays


Messy Church: 4.00-5.00pm 3rd Sunday of the month Next meeting :

17 January (4.00-5.00pm)

2015 Text: (1 Peter 4:10) We should use whatever gift we have received to serve others,

faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms


November Events:

27 November: Ladies Lunch—11.30 at church if you need a lift, or 12.00 noon at Aston Potteries

27 November: Open Church (6.00pm-8.30pm) - We need help, please see below

28 November: Men’s Breakfast (revised date)- Book via office@ email or speak to Mike or Steve December Events:

5 December: Christingle Factory & Church Set Up (from 9.30am) 6 December: Christingle Service (4.00pm)

20 December: Carol Service (6.00pm)

24 December: Nativity Drama (5.30pm)

Open Church Night—Please can you help stock the chocolate tombola stall with donations of small chocolate products/multi-packs. Please leave in the office. Volunteers needed for various duties on the night. Please see sign-up sheet on the board. New carpeting will be laid in the Old Chancel and Meeting Room areas on 1 and 2 December. We need your help to clear the floor space. Please can those who are able-bodied stay behind after the service on 29 November to help. See Mike for more information. If you would like a ticket for “Christmas Unwrapped” - a carol service with speaker Canon J John—at Witney Methodist Church (7.30pm) on Tuesday, 1 December please see Linda W to book (tickets are running out fast). Lifts will be organised leaving here at 6.15pm on the night. Christianity Explored: The 7 week course has now been completed. Although everyone could not attend all of the sessions, of the 20 who started, only 4 dropped out. Thank you to all in the church who prayed for the course, supported it financially and those who regularly baked amaz-ing cakes. (Sue)

St John’s Church now has an account with the RAF B-N thrift shop. If anyone would like to do-nate items for sale with the proceeds going to church funds (90% of sale price to the church), please see Nicky Witt (845194). Electrical items cannot be accepted unless brand new and boxed.

Drop in: We have record numbers of families dropping in which is wonderful news. But the set up and clear away team is struggling with various health issues and require urgent regular sup-port. Could you help set up on a Thursday evening at 7pm or clear away on a Friday morning at 10.20am? Messy Church desperately needs help in the following areas - organise a simple craft activity, supervise an activity, help to set up (3pm-3.45pm) / clear away (5.30pm-6pm). If you can help in any way please speak to Lyndsay (840509). If you would like to contribute towards buying this year’s church Christmas tree, please speak to Mike.

Looking Ahead Pick up an Activities Calendar sheet from the Foyer for details of all our regular events in 2016

If you have a celebration, like a birthday, we can all share or an event to publicise, please tell the Office (

Our church facilities are available to hire for private events. See Sue for details