The History Of Marketing

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Transcript of The History Of Marketing

  • 1. 2015 A.D.
    Google Age

2. Fast-forward
Two monkeys gave birth to the first ever man who after some time learnt to settle down at one place with other men and women around thereby creating a market for goods and services
3. Initially people use to live in small-small groups spread across the world
4. Each group was a market in itself, disconnected from the rest, it had its own set of small marketers
5. The only source of information were the chit chats they use to share and the only way anyone would hear about a product was from their friends and family
6. Marketer
These chit chats were natural and organic conversations, marketers had no means of encouraging or influencing it
7. Word-of-mouth was the most credible and influencing source of information
You must check out the new stuff at shop no. 11
This is good stuff, I must buy this!
8. But
word-of-mouth wouldnt spread far and wide
9. Marketers that were popular and were doing well in one market
10. Were not known to anyone in another
11. As a result, no marketer could become big enough to benefit from economies of scale and the market wasnt truly competitive
12. and then
13. Things Changed
14. People started staying in bigger groups closer to each other
15. Television and newspaper came
16. National and global marketers emerged and mass marketing was born as the same marketers could now talk to consumers from different groups
17. Markets became truly competitive and a lot of effort had to be put in on marketing to create a differentiated brand
organic, fat free, low calorie, high protein, bigger, tastier eggs!
18. As a result, big-global players emerged and enjoyed a monopolistic like market as they had enough money to spend on marketing keeping small and new players under their feet
19. The picture shown by these marketers was not regarded credible by consumers because of their false promises
Sir! Our latest mirror helps you loose weight instantly!
What the hell!
20. and then
21. Things Changed
22. With advent of internet, each person was connected to and was talking with many others
23. Consumer opinions for and against brands were spreading faster and wider than ever as people could talk with the entire world on the internet thereby influencing each others purchase decisions
This sucks! Dont buy this.
This is awesome! Buy this.
24. Now
word-of-mouth was spreading far and wide
25. Multibillion dollar marketers, if not liked, were thrown down by consumers overnight. Good marketers were getting over night popularity without spending any marketing money.
26. For the first time smaller-mouse-sized marketers became big enough to make the otherwise bigger ones dance to their tunes
27. Marketing and business was changing forever and some marketers were fast at reaching new heights
28. Others found their way out of market!