The Case Method Applying, Analyzing, and Communicating MKT 6800.

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Transcript of The Case Method Applying, Analyzing, and Communicating MKT 6800.

The Case MethodApplying, Analyzing, and Communicating

MKT 6800

What is a Case Study?

Presents eventsexperienced

by a firm

Puts youIn driver’s


Make decisions about

future strategicdirections

Why Subject You to This?

Expose tounfamiliarsituations Flex your


Show what you have learned

Analyzing a Case

Review Background

Define Problem

Identify Strategy Alternatives

Analyze Alternatives

Recommend Strategy

Review Background

Summarize key info

Identify criticalincidents

Keep itbrief!

Define Problem

What is marketing problem (or opportunity)company now faces?

Summarization of casevia background brings

you to this pointBrief, no more than1 paragraph

Identify Strategy Alternatives

Do SWOT Analysisfor snapshot

of current situation

Identify 3 marketing strategies

for evaluation

Status Quo can be an

option… maybe

Analyze Alternatives

Evaluate eachstrategy option

What are prosand cons of each option?

Lay out factsto prep you for decision


Recommend Strategy

Make aRecommendation…

And only 1recommendation!

Make case forsuperiority ofyour strategy

To Write a Good Case Analysis…

Be complete

Avoid rehashof case facts

Make realisticassumptions

Identify problems,not symptoms

Don’t asserta decision

before its time

Discuss prosand cons of

each alternative

Take a stand –Make a decision!

Link decision with case evidence