Target Audience Research

Post on 15-Jun-2015

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Target Audience Research

Transcript of Target Audience Research

For my research and planning for my film opening I am analysing the data showing mainstream and niche audiences to find what demographic enjoy the genre I have chosen the most. I will be using the UK Film Council's data to find this information and to develop ideas for my film opening that will apply to the key demographic (Such as social class/Gender/age) of the murder mystery/thriller genre which I have chosen to do for my opening.

As we can see in the data above we can see that 55+ females are the largest general film audiences so we will be targeting the themes of our film opening to them the most. However we don’t want to rule out the other large demographics such as people who are 25-34 as they are still a large portion of the film audience so we will adapt our opening to appeal to the widest range of audiences possible.

The film genre murder mystery/thriller is both mainstream and niche as murder mystery is not in this data showing it is not a particularly popular genre but as I am using a mix of two genres, the other genre being thriller which 53% of the public enjoy watching we have a mainstream genre that will allow the film to appeal to this wider audience.

As we can see in the data one of the genres I am using for my film opening (Thriller/suspense) is the public’s second favourite genre of film. This allows our film to appeal to a very wide audience who are more likely to enjoy what we are creating. This allows us to have more freedom in what we are creating as we don’t have to alter very much of our film to be able to attract a wider audience.

In these two tables it is clear that thriller/suspense is very popular with it being second most popular in the favourites table and the fourth most popular in the enjoying watching table. Our key demographic is definitely over 35’s without children (Primarily females but males are close behind) in all social classes. This means we can create a more mature and less family friendly film opening. This broadens the choices we have with our opening allowing us to create a more entertaining viewing experience for our target audience.