t câÜ•á|Åt VÉÇvxÑv|™Ç Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ · Pangilinan†, Miguel Grijalva†, Mario...

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Transcript of t câÜ•á|Åt VÉÇvxÑv|™Ç Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ · Pangilinan†, Miguel Grijalva†, Mario...

Pastoral Office / Centro Pastoral

213 West Olive Avenue Lompoc, California 93436

Hours/Horario. Monday through Friday / Lunes a Viernes 8:30 AM – 5:00 PM

Regular Confession Schedule / Horario Regular de Confesiones Friday Mornings / viernes por la mañana - 7:15 - 7:45 A.M.

Friday Evenings / viernes por la noche - 7:00 P.M. If you need an appointment — Please call the Pastoral Center / Si necesita una cita — Favor de llamar al Centro Pastoral

_t câÜ•á|Åt VÉÇvxÑv|™Ç Vtà{ÉÄ|v V{âÜv{ Corner of South “I” Street & Olive Ave. Lompoc, California 93436 Website: www.lapurisima.org

Baptisms / Bautismos & Marriage / Matrimonio Please call the Pastoral Center for information / Favor de llamar al Centro Pastoral para información

(6 month notice required for marriage / 6 meses de anticipación requeridos para matrimonio)

Times / Horario

8:00 AM

5:00 PM (English), 7:00 PM (Español)

8:00 and 10:00 AM (English), 12:00 PM (Español)

Sunday during 10:00 AM Mass Sábado durante la Misa de 7:00 PM

Pastoral Staff / Equipo Pastoral

Administrator / Administrador: Fr. Michael Sezzi Permanent Deacons / Diáconos Permanentes: Miguel Márquez, Paul Nicastro, and Jesús Rico Coordinator of Religious Education / Coordinadora de Educación Religiosa: Leticia Diaz Spanish RCIA Coordinator / Coordinadora de Iniciación Cristiana en Español: Alicia Lopez Business/Property Manager / Administrador General de Negocios y Propiedad: Frank Hain Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa: Norma Solis Parish Secretary / Secretaria Parroquial: Alejandra Cervantes

La Purísima Concepción School (K-6) Little Saints Preschool 219 West Olive Avenue Lompoc, California 93436

Phone (805) 736-6210 Website: www.lapurisimaschool.org Office Hours: School Principal / Director:

School Vice-Principal / Sub-Directora: Julie Clement Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativa: Deysi Arias

Preschool Phone (805) 735-7226 Facility Number: 426213750 Preschool Director / Directora de Preescolar: Terese Munoz-Hill

Services (Mass) Misas

Daily / Diario (Monday through Friday) Lunes a Viernes

Saturday Vigil / Sábado-Vigilia

Sunday / Domingo

Liturgy of the word with Children (K-2) Liturgia para Niños en Español (3 años a edad de Kinder)

To leave a message please call / Para dejar un mensaje favor de llamar al (805) 735-3068, ext. 45

Religious Education / Educación Religiosa

First Communion Program Tuesday or Thursday from 5:30 PM to 6:45 PM

Programa de Primera Comunión Martes o Jueves de 5:30 PM a 6:45 PM

Christian Initiation Please call the Pastoral Center for information Confirmation Program Sundays at 8:15 AM, ends with 10:00 AM Mass Post Communion /Post Comunión Thursday/Jueves 5:30 PM - 6:45 PM

PAGE 2 MARCH 4, 2018

For more information visit us online at www.lapurisima.org



First Reading — God gives the law through Moses (Exodus 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17])

Psalm — Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19)

Second Reading — We proclaim Christ crucified (1 Corinthians 1:22-25).

Gospel — Many began to believe in Jesus’ name when they saw the signs he was doing (John 2:13-25)

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 2 Kgs 5:1-15b; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30

Tuesday: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35

Wednesday: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19

Thursday: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-9; Lk 11:14-23

Friday: Hos 14:2-10; Ps 81:6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mk 12:28-34

Saturday: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-21ab; Lk 18:9-14

Sunday: 2 Chr 36:14-16, 19-23; Ps 137:1-6; Eph 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Alternate readings (Year A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps 23:1-6; Eph 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]



Urge kids not to keep secrets from trusted adults Abusers often encourage their victims to keep secrets from their parents or other trusted adults, and reinforce secrecy through bribes, threats or by making it seem fun and excit-ing to keep a secret. Parents should talk to their kids about secrets, and teach them the difference between fun secrets like a birthday surprise and bad secrets like unsafe touches. Kids should know that adults should never ask them to keep secrets from their parents, and if an adult does ask them to keep secrets, to talk to their parents immediately. To view a kid-friendly video on this topic, visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWqTzelTGLY.

Saturday, March 3rd & Sunday, March 4th

Maria Del Refugio Meza†, Int. of La Purisima Catholic Daughters, Tranquilino & Trinidad Rodriguez†,

Guadalupe & Conchita Solis†, and Elisa Medina†

Monday, March 5th.: Int. of the Alcoser Family Tuesday, March 6th: All Souls in Purgatory † Wednesday, March 7th: Miguel Grijalva † Thursday, March 8th : Eulalia Esparza † Friday, March 9th: Int. of Joe Millagan

Saturday, March 10th & Sunday, March 11th

Alfonso Morales†, Ollie Ponciano Ruiz & Julia Pangilinan†, Miguel Grijalva†,

Mario Barajas†, and Lorenzo Gonzalez Jr.†



The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will be awarding a $1000.00 scholarship to each of two 8th grade students who will be attending 9th grade at a Catholic High School in the fall of 2018. Requirements are you must be Catholic, you must attend a Catholic High School, and you must submit an essay of 250-300 words from the words of Pope Francis May we joyfully witness our Faith on “how you will share with a joyful heart your faith with others.”

Applications must be received at National Headquarters by May 1, 2018. For further details, please call Ethyl Ahrendt at (805) 717-0266.

Rite of Initiation

This past weekend the Catechumens in our par-ish participating in the Rite of Sending and then the Rite of Election with Bishop Robert Bar-

ron. The ELECT, now are preparing for the period of The Period of Purification and Enlightenment. We ask you to keep them in your prayers.

Lara deSchryver, Madison deSchryver, Faith Ortega, Melo-dy Ortega, Mindy Diaz, Jose Rangel, Anthony Rangel, Edu-ardo Rangel, Melina Rangel, Jorge Cazares, Gabriela Peña Jesus Duarte, Omar Cervantes, Virginia de la Cruz, Alondra Lopez, Brandon Lopez, Luis Ramirez, Jesus Adan Navarro, and Brian Navarro.

Catholic Relief Services Collection

Next week Sunday, March 11th 2018, our parish will take up The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Funds from this collection help provide food to the hungry, support to displaced refugees, and bring Christ’s love and mercy to all people here at home and abroad. Please give generously to the CRSC, and help Jesus in disguise. Learn more about the collection at www.usccb.org/catholic-relief.


For more information visit us online at www.lapurisima.org



If these hours are not convenient, drop your order off at the Pastoral Center or School Office and it will be fill the next

scrip day.

Scrip will continue to be sold after the 8:00 am & 10:00 am Sunday Mass


Friday, March 16th and Monday, March 19th. - CLOSED Religious Conference (Anaheim)

Sunday, March 18th - NO SUNDAY SALES Friday, March 30th. - CLOSED - Good Friday

Sunday, April 1st thru Friday, April 6th - NO SALES Easter Break

See’s Candy Fundraiser

This is the final weekend that school families are taking presell orders of

See's Candies! Students will be outside most Masses with order forms, which are also available at lapurisima.org/sees-candies. You will have the opportunity to pick up your order at the church during the weekend of Palm Sun-day. Presell orders will be accepted through March 7. For more information, contact the school, Pastoral Center, or Christine Grelck: grelck617@gmail.com / (805) 291-3917.

Monday 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Tuesday 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Wednesday 8:00 am - 9:00 am

Thursday 8:00 am - 10:00 am

Friday 8:30 am - 10:00 am

Catholic Daughters Offer Lenten Stations of the Cross

Through the Eyes of Mary

Held at noon on Fridays (except Good Friday) and Holy Thursday at

La Purisima Church on Mar 16 & 29


Queen of Angels on Mar 2, 9 & Mar 23

All are invited to participate.

The Stations through the Eyes of Mary is an emotional connection to Our Lady’s witness of Our Lord’s Passion.

You may wish to bring Kleenex!

Catechism Questions

8 AM Mass, Cycle A - 1st Scrutiny. 1st Reading) Exodus 17:3-7. In the desert, the people grumbled and complained against God about the lack of water, ignoring the previous gifts from God of their escape from Egypt, the Manna and quail (food) daily provided in the desert. The people tested God's love again and once again, God showed His Love and Grace and patience. He told Moses to use his staff to bring forth water for the people.

2nd Reading) Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. 3 points of this reading shine forth. * "But God proves His love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ dies for us." * "For Christ, while we were helpless, yet died at the appointed time for the in-godly;" * "...because the Love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit that has been given to us."

3rd Reading) John 4:5-42. Jesus revealed Himself as the Messi-ah to the Samaritan woman at the well, when He said "I AM He, the one who is speaking to you." She receives His state-ment, by Faith, as fact. Acknowledging that the Messiah is not only for the Jews, but for the gentiles and all of God's creation.

Question: What do we understand, that God is revealing to us in these readings?

Hint: CCC 54, 55-59, 65 5PM Vigil & 10AM Masses, Cycle B 1st Reading) Exodus 20:1-17. In this reading, we hear how God delivered to the people, His 10 Commandments, (Decalogue). God saw that the Israelites were quarrelsome, grumbling and faint of pur-pose. While they "know" that God is with them, they "need" to have rules clearly set down, or otherwise they do not acknowledge that God is in charge.

2nd Reading) 1 Corinthians 1:22-25. The act and image of Christ being crucified, (Hung on a tree), is a real problem for both Jews and Gentiles. For the Jews, crucifixion is condemned in Scripture (Deut. 21:23) and for the Greeks, the execution of God does not make sense. The power and wisdom of God, manifested as Christ's sacrifice, is only perceived and known, by Faith.

3rd Reading) John 2: 13-25. The Gospel has Jesus cleans-ing the Temple of the peddlers and money changers. Jesus, by His words and actions, is "taking charge" and exerting an au-thority that is compelling. God is in charge.

Question: How is God revealing His will in today's Scripture readings?

Hint: CCC 2052-2055, 2057

Special Masses at the Convalescent Homes by Fr. Mike

3/12/18 Lompoc Skilled Rehab Nursing Center @ 2:30pm 3/15/18 Meridian @ 10am 3/16/18 Comprehensive Care Center @ 3pm


For more information visit us online at www.lapurisima.org

40 Days for Life- Feb. 14 - Mar. 25 Save Lives!

Converted Planned Parenthood workers have related that there have been up to 70% Cancellations or “no show” abortion appointments when people are praying across the street. This is a prayer vigil and no interaction with those at Planned Parenthood.

This is the difference you can make just by showing up and quietly praying 30 minutes to an hour. Best if two or more are praying together.

The location is across the street from Planned Parenthood. At 415 E. Chapel St. in Santa Maria from 8 am to 8 pm daily.

Go to www.40daysforlife.com/santamaria for more information or contact Hilda Cabal 1 (530) 340-1464.

Monday Night Adult Group

We are taking a break during the Lenten season. All are invited to our next gathering on Monday, March 26, at 7 p.m. when we will listen to a talk by Dr. Stephen Smith called The Resurrec on of Jesus: FACT or FICTION? This will be an excellent way to start Holy Week as Dr. Smith explores Resurrec on narra ves from the vantage point of each of the four Gospels, as well as many of the vital medi-cal details of Roman crucifixion. Outlines will be provided.

Our spring study, Who Am I to Judge? Responding to Rela vism with Logic and Love with Dr. Edward Sri begins April 2. In this 8-week study we will learn to respond to rela vism effec vely with a Catholic moral worldview. Op-

onal par cipant guides are available from lighthousecatholicmedia.org. For more informa on, contact John Grelck at pw17pw@yahoo.com or 805-717-1687 or visit lapurisima.org/monday-night-adult-group.

Knights of Columbus Council 3570 KRISPY KREME Doughnut Fundraiser

Saturday April 14, 2018 pick up between 10:00 am and 11:00 am

219 West Olive Avenue $10.00 per dozen

(must present ticket at pick up to receive doughnuts)

Tickets available from any Knights of Columbus Member after masses or contact Jim Hall at

(805) 588-4211 for purchase trying to sell 2,000 dozen.

REMEMBER: CHANGE YOUR CLOCK!!! Sunday, March 11th 2018

Daylight Saving Time Starts Forward 1 hour

2018 LENTEN PENANCE SERVICES All Services begin at 7 P.M.

March 12th - Old Mission Santa Inez March 13th (Spanish) - St. Louis de Mon ort Church March 19th - Queen of Angels Church March 20th (English) -St. Louis de Mon ort Church March 21st -St. Mary Of Assump on Church March 23rd - La Purisima Concepcion

All Services are Bilingual unless marked differently

As you may have heard.. I will be leaving La Purisima Concepcion at the end of June. Over the past 18 months I have been evaluating the needs of this parish and my own gifts and talents. During these many months that I have been with you I have also come to recognize my own limits in speaking the Spanish language, especially in office appointments and parish group meetings. It is important for you to know that I have come to this decision in total free-dom and with much prayer and discernment. No person or group has asked for this change. As we move to the future I ask you to pray for the Priest Person-nel Board. They have the task of identifying and recommending to Archbishop Gomez a priest to lead this parish. Let us ask the Holy Spirit to guide them in their work. Let us also pray for whom ever the Lord sends to La Purisima.

Fr. Mike

Music Rehearsals for Holy Week! Prac ce for Holy Thursday Mass will be on March 6 in the church from 7:30-9pm. Prac ce for Easter Vigil Mass will be on March 13 in the church at 7:30-9pm. A second prac ce for each Mass will be on March 20 in the church at 7:30-9pm. Hope to see you there!


Saturday, March 17th, 2018 at the La Purisima Catholic Church Hall Corned Beef, Cabbage, Potatoes, Carrots, Bread, Butter, and Dessert. $10.00 for Adults and $7.00 for children under 12. Dinner for pre-paid tickets will be served starting at 5:45 p.m. and held until 6:30 p.m. Tickets sold at the door will be served starting at 6:30 p.m. All are welcome.


Tickets available at the Parish Hall office until March 9th, or send a check for $10.00 per ticket with your name and return address to: Knights of Columbus, 523 East Chestnut Avenue, Lompoc, CA 93436, tickets will then be mailed to you. Checks must be received by March 10th to be considered as pre-paid.

Para más información visite nuestra página de Internet al www.lapurisima.org


Ofrecimiento de Intenciones para Misas



Primera lectura — Dios entrega los mandamientos al pueblo por medio de Moisés (Éxodo 20:1-17 [1-3, 7-8, 12-17])

Salmo — Señor, tú tienes palabras de vida eterna (Salmo 19 [18]).

Segunda lectura — Pablo proclama a Cristo crucificado; Cristo es el poder y la sabiduría de Dios (1 Corintios 1:22-25).

Evangelio — Jesús echa a los mercaderes del templo y predice su resurrección (Juan 2:13-25


Lunes: 2 Re 5:1-15b; Sal 42 (41):2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lc 4:24-30

Martes: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Sal 25 (24):4-5ab, 6-7bc, 8-9; Mt 18:21-35

Miércoles: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Sal 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19

Jueves: Jer 7:23-28; Sal 95 (94):1-2, 6-9; Lc 11:14-23

Viernes: Os 14:2-10; Sal 81 (80):6c-11ab, 14, 17; Mc 12:28-34

Sábado: Os 6:1-6; Sal 51 (50):3-4, 18-21ab; Lc 18:9-14

Domingo: 2 Cr 36:14-16, 19-23; Sal 137 (136):1-6; Ef 2:4-10; Jn 3:14-21 Lecturas alternativas (Año A): 1 Sm 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Sal 23 (22):1-6; Ef 5:8-14; Jn 9:1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38]


Urja a los niños a no guardar secretos de los adultos de confianza Los abusadores suelen alentar a sus víctimas a guardar secretos de sus padres u otros adultos de confianza, y re-fuerzan la secretividad a través de sobornos, amenazas o haciendo que parezca divertido y emocionante mantener un secreto. Los padres de familia deben hablar con sus hijos sobre secretos y enseñarles la diferencia entre secre-tos divertidos como una sorpresa de cumpleaños y malos secretos como caricias inseguras. Los niños deben saber que los adultos nunca deben pedirles que guarden secre-tos de sus padres, y si un adulto les pide que guarden se-cretos, deben hablar con sus padres inmediatamente. Para ver un video para niños sobre este tema, visite https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWqTzelTGLY.


Favor de recordar que durante el tiempo de Cuaresma NO SE PONEN FLORES

en la iglesia.

Misas Especiales en los Centros de Convalecencia

por el Padre Mike

3/12/18 Lompoc Skilled Rehab Nursing Center @ 2:30pm 3/15/18 Meridian @ 10am 3/16/18 Comprehensive Care Center @ 3pm

El pasado fin de semana los catecumenos de nuestra parroquia participaron en el Rito de Envio y en el Rito de Elección con el Obispo Robert Barron. Los ELEGIDOS ahora se preparan para El Periodo de Purificación e Illuminacion. Les pedimos que los mantengan en sus oraciones. Lara deSchryver, Madison deSchryver, Faith Ortega, Melody Ortega, Mindy Diaz, Jose Rangel, Anthony Rangel, Eduardo Rangel, Melina Rangel, Jorge Cazares, Gabriela Peña, Jesus Duarte, Omar Cervantes, Virginia de la Cruz, Alondra Lopez, Brandon Lopez, Luis Ramirez, Jesus Adan Navarro, y Brian Navarro.

Colecta especial de Catholic Relief Services

La próxima semana domingo, 11 de Marzo 2018, realizaremos The Catholic Relief Services Collection (CRSC). Los fondos recaudados en esta colecta ayudan a proporcionar alimentos a los que pasan hambre, apoyo a los refugiados desplazados y trae el amor y la misericordia de Cristo a todos los pueblos, aquí en casa y en el exterior. La próxima semana por favor contribuye generosamente a la CRSC y ayuda a Jesús con otro rostro, ¿le ayudarás? Infórmate más sobre esta colecta en www.usccb.org/catholic-relief.

La próxima clase para quinceañeras será el viernes, 16 de marzo, 6:30 p.m., Salón St. Francis.


Para más información visite nuestra página de Internet al www.lapurisima.org


Beca de Las Hijas Católicas

Las hijas católicas de las Américas harán entrega de una beca de $1000,00 a cada uno de los dos estudiantes de grado 8 que estarán entrando al 9 º grado en una escuela secundaria católica en el otoño del 2018. Los requisitos son debe ser católico/a, debe asistir a una escuela católica y debe presentar un ensayo de 250-300 palabras de las palabras del Papa Francisco Que podamos con alegría ser testigos de nuestra fe "cómo usted compartirá con un corazón alegre su fe con otros."

Aplicaciones deben ser recibidas en la sede nacional el 01 de mayo de 2018. Para obtener más información, llame Ethyl Ahrendt al (805) 717-0266.


ABSTINENCIA: La abstinencia es una práctica penitencial que consiste en abstenerse del consumo de carne. Dicha prácti-ca debe ser observada por todos los católicos mayores de 14 años de edad. Para el Miércoles de Ceniza, el Viernes Santo, y todos los viernes de Cuaresma, se les pide a los padres de familia y a los párrocos que motiven a los niños, a quienes no les obliga el ayuno y la abstinencia, a que aprecien el verdadero sentido de la penitencia.

AYUNO: Además de la abstinencia, el ayuno también debe observarse por todos los católicos que tienen entre 18 a 59 años de edad. Se permite una comida completa en los días de ayuno. Asimismo, se pueden tener dos comidas pequeñas, suficientes para mantener las fuerzas, y que juntas no igualen la porción de una comida completa. No se permite ingerir alimentos sólidos entre comidas, sólo líquidos. Nota: para quien no pueda observar tales regulaciones debido a enfermedad u otras razones serias, se le exhorta a que practique otras formas de abstinencia de acuerdo a su situación.

Recaudación de fondos de See's Candy

¡Este es el último fin de semana que las familias de la escuela están toman-do pedidos de See's Candies! Los estudiantes estarán fuera de la mayoría de las Misas con formularios de pedido, que también están disponibles en lapurisima.org/sees-candies. Tendrá la oportunidad de recoger su pedido en la iglesia durante el fin de semana del Domingo de Ramos. Las órdenes de Presell se aceptarán hasta el 7 de marzo. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con la escuela, el Centro Pastoral o Christine Grelck: grelck617@gmail.com / (805) 291-3917.

Caballeros de Colón 3570 Recaudación de fondos KRISPY KREME Donas

Sábado 14 de abril de 2018 recoger entre las 10:00 a.m. y las 11:00 a.m.

219 West Olive Avenue $ 10.00 por docena

(debe presentar el boleto en el pick up para recibir sus donas)

Entradas disponibles de cualquier Caballeros de Colón Miembro después de misas o póngase en contacto con Jim Hall a (805) 588-4211 para comprar tratando de vender 2,000 docenas.


Todos los servicios son a las 7 P.M.

12 de marzo - Old Mission Santa Inez

13 de marzo (Español) - St. Louis de Montfort Church

19 de marzo - Queen of Angels Church

20 de marzo (Ingles)- St. Louis de Montfort Church

21 de marzo - St. Mary of Assumption Church

23 de marzo - La Purisíma Concepción

Todos los servicios son Bilingües excepto los marcados.

Como habrán escuchado.. me voy de La Purísima Concepción a fines de junio. En los últimos 18 meses he estado evaluando las necesidades de esta parroquia y de mis propios dones y talentos. Du-rante estos 18 meses que he estado con ustedes, también he llegado a reconocer mis propios límites al hablar el español, especialmente en las citas de oficina y reuniones con los grupos parroquiales de habla hispana. Es impor-tante que sepan que he llegado a esta decisión con total libertad y con mucha oración y discernimiento. Quiero afirmar que ninguna persona o grupo tuvo que ver con mi decisión que tome y de este cambio.

A medida que avanzamos hacia el futuro, les pido que oren por la Junta de Personal del Sacerdote. Tienen la tarea de identificar y recomendar al arzobispo Gómez un sacerdote para dirigir esta parroquia. Pidamos al Espíritu Santo que los guíe en su trabajo. Oremos también por quien el Señor envía a La Purísima. Muchas Gracias, Padre Michael


Pray for the sick Juvy Adamson Steve Adamson Bienvenido Ayala Dan Bain Ashton Carlson Lidia Chavez Vasquez Ann Chellman Holly Coxsey

Alfonso Guzman Maria Dolores Guzman Mary Lou Hopkins Brian Iavicoli Ernest Jackson Don Judd Aria Justice Larry Kurz Melonie Lipan

Patrick Coxsey Jr. Edgar Datuin Louise Deveny Aaron Figueroa Keoni Jesus Forstelle Cosme Garcia Guadalupe Gomez Francisco Gonzalez Ana Gutiérrez

Juan Antonio Lopez Joseph Milligan Pamela Mills Eliseo Mireles Javier Navarro Carol Oliveira Maria Rico Lidia Rios

Joel Rivera Margarita Rodriguez David Snowdon Pauline St. Jean Antonio P. Uribe Ronald Villlalobos Joan Wetzel

Pray for the Soul of /Oren por la Alma de: Anna Carmela Richards and Antonio Cabrera

Para más información visite nuestra página de Internet al www.lapurisima.org

Names on the list will remain for ONE MONTH ONLY, please call the Pastoral Center if you wish to keep a name on the list. Los nombres en la lista solamente permanecen POR UN MES. Llame al Centro Pastoral si desea dejar algún nombre enlistado.



Si estas horas no son convenientes, deje su orden en el

Centro Pastoral o en la Oficina de la Escuela y se llenará el siguiente día de scrip.

Scrip se continuará vendiéndose después de las misas de 8:00 a.m. y 10:00 a.m. los domingos

Calendario de Scrip

Viernes, 16 de marzo y lunes, 19 de marzo. - CERRADO Conferencia Religiosa (Anaheim)

Domingo, 18 de marzo - NO HAY VENTAS DOMINICALES

Viernes, 30 de marzo. - CERRADO - Viernes Santo

Domingo, 1 de abril a viernes, 6 de abril - SIN VENTAS Vacaciones de pascua

lunes 8:00 am - 9:00 am

martes 8:00 am - 10:00 am

miércoles 8:00 am - 9:00 am

jueves 8:00 am - 10:00 am

viernes 8:30 am - 10:00 am

La Cuaresma se aproxima, y de igual manera las actividades propias de la temporada. El grupo de la Obra de La Pasión le hace la más cordial invitación a participar. No se requiere expe-riencia en actuación. Esta invitación es para personas de todas las edades. Próximamente tendrán reunión de planeación.

Favor de comunicarse con Pedro González: 319-9534 o

Francisco Zúñiga al 714-3253


Invitamos a parejas y familias a compartir con nosotros. Lunes a las 7 p.m. en la iglesia.

Acompáñenos también cada domingo después de Misa de 12 p.m. durante las Cápsulas Doctrinales donde compartimos temas sobre nuestra Fe basa-

dos en el Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica y la Santa Biblia.

Los Miércoles a las 7 p.m. en la Iglesia

Te Invitamos al

¡RECUERDA CAMBIAR TU RELOJ! El 11 de marzo 2018

Adelante su reloj una hora

CENA DE CARNE Y REPOLLO por parte de Los Caballeros de Colón

Sábado, 17 de marzo de 2018 en el Salón Parroquial de La Purísima Brisket de Res, Repollo, Papas, Zanahorias, Pan, Mantequilla y Postre. $ 10.00 para adultos y $ 7.00 para niños menores de 12 años. La cena para boletos prepagos se servirá a partir de las 5:45 p.m. hasta las 6:30 p.m. Los boletos vendidos en la puerta se servirán a partir de las 6:30 p.m. Todos son bienvenidos!