Survey analysiss

Post on 06-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Survey analysiss

Survey Analysis

Lauren Evans

How old are you?

Most of my respondents were aged between 16-17 years old. This means that I will have to make my magazine suit the mid-teen audience more as they are the ones that most likely to read my magazine. I will do this through my colour scheme and my use of language throughout my magazine. I will use informal language that this age group will respond to and understand.

Whereabouts do you live?

47% of my respondents lived in the north east with a further 30 being from the north which means my typical reader will be from the north of the country. I will ensure I cater for this by mentioning concerts and festivals that are close to this area so they are able to have the chance to attend these if they wish.

How many hours do you listen to music (per day)

Most people listen to music for more than 1-2 hours per day which means that my readership will be very interested in music and will enjoy it. I will equip for this by listing current music and new up-coming artists they may like to listen to.

How often do you read music magazines?

Most of my respondents never read music magazines or only read them sometimes. This means I will have to offer something different in my magazine to encourage them to read it. To achieve this I will include exclusive interviews and articles they may not be able to fine anywhere else such as the internet or other magazines.

What music genre do you like?

My respondents mainly listen to R&B/Pop and chart music and so I will orientate my music magazine around these genres to suit their preferences. I will do this by reseraching current and up-coming R&B and Pop artists and write articles about them so that my readership have information about artists they like and actually listen to.

Who is your favourite artist/band?

These are just a sample of the artists and bands my respondents enjoy listening to and so I will vary the articles within my magazine to be around these artists and artists like them to ensure my readership is getting what they enjoy. There is a wide range of artist that people enjoy so I will have to make sure that I cater for all these.

What would you want in a music magazine?

From my responses I can see that people want to see interviews and facts about artists and bands within a magazine. Also listings of new songs and the top songs right now, I will ensure that I include lots of articles and facts about current and upcoming artists and musicians.

Would you attend a music festival?

95% of the people that responded to my survey said they would attend a music festival. To cater for and encourage this I will ensure my magazine has lots of dates, information and pictures of upcoming festivals and events.

Are you Male or Female?

60% of my respondents were female therefore most of my readership will be female. I will have to ensure to use colour schemes and information on certain artists to collaborate with this. I will use bright colours and images to ensure I cater for my female audience.

Are you influenced by music? (state below)

Most of my respondents claimed that music influenced their mood a lot and helped them to concentrate and block people out, therefore in my magazine I will cover a range of different styles of music to ensure that people are affected by my magazine.