Digipak analysiss


Transcript of Digipak analysiss

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Gabrielle Aplin- English RainIn my research, I chose to look at the artist Gabrielle Aplin as she is a solo indie artist that we are partly basing our own artist on and out of all of her album covers, this one appealed to me the most. Gabrielle follows the typical format of an digipak having the artist name in clear capitals with the album name underneath. However, the contrast of the two fonts stood out to me as it’s this difference that makes the album stand out and look different which tells me this a convention that draws the audience in so I will consider adopting this style when I make my own digipak. The colours of the cover is very dark featuring a nature scene but with a statement umbrella catches the attention of the viewer. This umbrella pattern is again shown on the CD which I like as it presents continuality whilst clearly fitting the indie genre as this is a fairly original design element so will stand out to her target audience. Gabrielle both conforms and goes against the stereotypical design technique of an indie artist ensuring she will stand out whilst making money from it. This is done again following the typical layout of an digipak having the simplistic style of the songs in the middle of the cover on the back of the digipak. I also like how the front and back of the cover are linked as well as having the umbrella pattern as I feel it’s a nice touch to the digipak and as the front and back cover are fairly monotone apart from the umbrella, the colours from the umbrella add character and make the digipak look more eye catching.








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On the back of the digipak, underneath the song names Gabrielle’s website

(gabrielleaplin.co.uk) is shown along with the legal and rights reserved

information. This information is traditionally always includes on a digipak as

the rights reserved information allows the artist to have control over how

their material is used and the website promotes the artist and may include

tour details for the digipak furthermore earning the artist more money.

Gabrielle’s website promotes her social media platforms encouraging her

target audience to buy her tour tickets and so on. The font for the songs

work’s well and appears to be in the same font as the album name again

presenting the continuality across the digipak and it works with the style of

the digipak. The darker colours are also continued on the back presenting the

same scene and contrasting the black writing against the grey background

meaning it will be easy to read by the audience. Overall, the digipak works

well and I can clearly see how it fits with the genre resulting in it standing out

to the target audience meaning I will consider certain elements used and

whether to include them in my own digipak.


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Imagine Dragons- EvolveIn my research, although I am using a solo artist with two singers I decided to look at a band from the indie genre to see the comparison. This particular digipak stood out to me as it was an original layout that caught my attention. I like how the colours also are continually shown across the digipak which tells me that as these indie artists are adopting this style to catch the attention of their target audience, I should do the same. I am considering using my artists makeup as inspiration for my continued colour (such as the lip colour) as well as possibly using a stained glass window pattern which clearly links to the featured song of the album other the Headlights which will be Take Me To Church. Although I like the bold font used in the Digipak, I am not considering changing the format of the letters which Imagine Dragons have done (such as making the letters back to front). Overall, I really like the simplistic approach of the digipak and the positioning of the text in the middle on the bottom.


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On the back of the digipak, the songs are displayed in a bold white font and the placement of the songs really catches my attention so I have heavily considering adopting this approach in the creation of my own digipak. Similarly to Gabrielle Aplin, Imagine Dragons also include their website suggesting to me that this is a style many artists use as it gives them more publicity so I am considering also using this element. I like the logo for the record company featured which is Interscope Records who work with a variety of indie artists so I think I will use this company on my own digipak and advert. I feel the layout is effective on the back of this digipak as it captures the audiences’ attention however I do feel having all the information in line with the songs may look more effective. Overall I can clearly see how the digipak fits with the indie genre and I will consider using elements from this in the creation of my own digipak.

Imagine Dragons- Evolve


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LANA DEL REY- ULTRAVIOLENCEI chose to look at another solo indie artist and I picked Lana Del Rey as I love the style of her digipaks. I also feel her style would be similar to our own artist. She has taken a black and white approach on the front and back of her digipak but she has contrasted this with her CD featuring flower petals. On the front of the digipak, I like the positioning of the artist with the text across the bottom which clearly catches the audiences attention which is a technique I may use for my own digipak. The font is written in white which I feel works well and contrasts against the background and as it's bold, it’s easily readable for the audience. The title includes ‘violence’ which contrasts with the flower petals which I feel is an aspect that will work with her genre and stand out to her target audience. The CD stands our and makes this digipak unique which again works well with the indie genre.


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On the back of the digipak, the songs are written in the

same bold white font presenting continuality across

this digipak which is something I believe I will also do.

The artist is positioned on the right of the text with no

text covering her face meaning the audiences’ eyes are

drawn to her. The barcode is in the top right corner

whereas the legal information is in the bottom left and

this layout works well as our attention is drawn to

every part of the digipak. Overall, I like the contrast

element of this digipak and the layout of it and using

this I will create my own digipak taking inspiration

from each of my analyzed digipaks.