Strology Remedies for Venus or Shukra

Post on 01-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Strology Remedies for Venus or Shukra

strology Remedies for Venus or ShukraSometimes the placement of Venus in the horoscope chart of some people becomes harsh either because of ill-placement of Venus or by lower dignity or bal of Venus or by both. In this state the impacts of Venus would be negative or malefic to make their life worst on account of the wrath of Venus upon them. Here , we would describe all the possible remedies for Venus. All of them are beneficial for reducing the ill-impacts of Venus. Any one of them or the combinations of two or three of them would be sufficient to reduce the wrath of Venus (when malefic in the chart).   


      Fasting / Vrat for Venus or Shukra

Natives of Venus are always advised to fast on Fridays as bestowed to Goddess Shakti, the divine Mother of all, along with dedicating it to Goddess Santhoshi Maa, the paradisiacal daughter in law of Maa Shakti and Daughter of Lord Ganesha.

It should be done in form the form of taking the meal only once the day, which should be followed for 16 consecutive Fridays. It is significant to avoid curd on the day and preference to white color. The fasting on Fridays begins with Sunshine in the morning and ends with Sunset in the eve.


      Rituals   for Venus or Shukra

It is believed to be highly auspicious to adore all the divine images of Goddess Durga on Fridays and to visit the sacred places meant for the paradisiacal mother. Lord Shukra is also perceived to be worshiped on the day to acquire his blessings of joy and worldly pleasure.

Wearing white on Fridays is one of the strongest way to please the Lord Shukra and the presiding deities of the planet. Besides this, it is believed to be effective to have white dish like sweet dish of milk that is Kheer.


      Gemstone / Mani for Venus or Shukra

For reducing the ill-impacts of Venus (if malefic in the birth chart) or to enhance the benefic impacts of Venus (if benefic in the birth chart), Diamond gemstone or it's substitute Zircon is recommended.

Natives are advised to wear Diamond in a ring or locket in ring finger on Friday. It should be taken in concern that it should not have any flaws and defects. It is believed to be best effecting if worn in White Gold or silver . The best time would be the one hour after the sun rise.


For removing the ill-impacts of Venus, 6 mukhi and 13 mukhi rudraksha is recommended to wear.


 Charity, Donation or Daana for Venus or Shukra

As it is one of the most believed way of pleasing the celestial beings, it also have it’s role for the planet Venus. Natives are advised to denote silver, sugar, camphor, ghee, curd, rice, cow and while cloths on Friday at the time of sunrise to attain the blessings of Lord Shukra.

To reduce the malefic effects of planet Venus, it is also believed to be beneficial to donate white horse and sandal wood to the needy and true living. Donating the Gem of the planet that is Diamond as preferring to the young girl on Friday evening is also favorable for wiping the poor effects of the planet.


Japa / Chanting Mantra / Rituals for Venus or Shukra

Chanting the mantras or Japa of Lord Shukra is one of the best way to remedy to pacify the ill-impact of the planet. Chanting of  Mantra of Shukra could range from chanting it from one hundred eight (108) times to twenty thousand times. In one sitting , the person can do the japa of Shukra beeja mantra for 108 times or multiples of 108 times. 

Apart from chanting the Venus beeja mantra, native can also recite Shukra stotra

Japa of Shukra beeja mantra

Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah, 20000 times in 40 days.


Shukra   Stotra

Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurumSarv shastra pravaktaram bhargavem pranamamyaham


Other Venus / Shukra Remedies/ Beliefs

The individuals are advised to feed poor and celibates with Ghee rice, sweets and desserts to acquire the blessings of the Lord Shukra. The person should also feed crows and should keep one half of his meal to feed cow as it pleases the Venus most.

The natives should not use the things associated with Venus like perfume and ghee and should not utilize much time upon selection of dresses as this all to avoid and minimize the malefic effects of the planet.

GIA Report Check


Report Type: GIA Diamond Dossier®

Date of Issue: October 08, 2012

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or call 800 421-7250 or 760 603-4500.


Measurements:5.38 - 5.41 x 3.30 mm

Carat Weight: 0.59 carat

Color Grade: D

Clarity Grade: Internally Flawless

Cut Grade: Excellent


Depth: 61.2%

Table: 57%

Crown Angle: 34.5°

Crown Height: 15.0%

Pavilion Angle: 40.6°

Pavilion Depth: 42.5%

Star Length: 50%

Lower Half: 80%

Girdle: Medium to Slightly Thick, Faceted (3.5%)

Culet: None


Polish: Excellent

Symmetry: Excellent

Fluorescence: Medium Blue


Minor Details of Polish

INSCRIPTION(S): GIA 5146075883


GIA Report Check is intended solely to help confirm that the report number and carat weight provided by the user of this service correspond to an existing GIA Report archived in the GIA report database. GIA does not make any representations or warranties regarding the information returned by Report Check. Report Check is not a GIA Report. Report Check and the information returned by Report Check are subject to all the notices and limitations included in the GIA Report with the report number listed above.

Diamond is gemstone of planet Venus(Shukra).Venus means love, romance, luxury, comfort, fame, beauty etc. Venus is a benefic planet and governs the refined attributes, romance, beauty, sensuality, passion, sexual pleasure, marriage, love matters, comforts, luxuries, jewelry, wealth, prosperity, art, music, dance, theater, actors, poets, musicians, the season of spring, rains and aquatic creatures. In the body he rules over the reproductive system, eyes, throat, chin, cheeks, and kidneys. Rightly aspected Venus is strong, and it brings wealth, comfort, attraction to the opposite sex in the early part of life, a well-proportioned body, and the attractive features necessary for a sensuous nature. It makes its natives tender, gentle, and considerate; lovers of jewelry, sour (pungent) taste, white dress, decoration, perfume, tasty food, and the fine arts. It inspires them to be poets, musicians, and seekers of truth and knowledge (secret sciences). The native loves the company of the members of the opposite sex, artists, and musicians. Venus Signifying Fields: Venus is a karaka, or indicator of spouse, love, marriage, comfort, luxury, beauty, prosperity, happiness, all conveyances, art, dance music, acting, passion and sex, healing and the saying of mantras.

General Characterstics of Diamond (Heera)

Hindi Name Heera

Planet Venus

Day Friday

Cosmic Color White, Pink

Rash i (Sign) Taurus (Vrish), Libra (Tula)

Ring Wearing Finger Center /Index

Metal Gold with Rhodium plating

Astrologically GemStone Shape RoundProcedure Of Wearing Diamond (Heera):

Minimum weight of Diamond should be 30-40 cents.

Diamond should be wear in center finger of working hand.

Diamond must touch your fingure skin.

Dip the ring into gangajal or cow milk at least 10 min before wearing.

Wear ring on Friday during the ascending moon cycle(Shukal paksha) near sunrise time.

Recite “OM SHUKRAYA NAMAHA” mantra while wearing the ring.

Diamond bottom should be cleaned regularly using Soapy water or soft brush as dust deposited at the bottom of the stone resulting lessen the gemstone effect.

Diamond originating countries: India, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Namibia, Angola, Russia, Central African Republic, Guinea and Congo.

Diamond Specifications for Astrology purpose

Cut Excellent, Very Good

Color I – D

Clarity SI2 - Flawless

Carat Weight 0.3 carat – 1 carat

Fluorescence None

Shape Round

OPALMethod of use :

This is semiprecious stone of white color from the surface of which the seven colors emit. It appears as if the sparks of fire are coming from it. It can be worn in ring or locket of silver. Sprinkle raw milk and Gangajal on it and recite below mentioned mantra for it.

"Om Draang Dreeng Draung Sah Shukraay Namah”

When Venus occupies watery sign Opal can be recommended.

In this way by wearing opal you can make your life more happy, prosperous and sweet. It should be gifted to your lover or beloved to enhance mutual attraction and love. It can be worn in bracelet or bangle also.