Start with why

Post on 06-May-2015

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Transcript of Start with why

Start with Why: How Leaders Inspire Action

Simon Sinek Notes

The TED Talk.

I would urge you to start off this blog post by

watching this 18-minute TED video from Simon


This is arguably the best TED video I’ve seen this



Why are some leaders more persuasive and inspiring than others?

What inspiring qualities have cemented Apple, Martin

Luther King Jr, and the Wright Brothers into their iconic

status as leaders in spite of intense competition in this red

ocean market?

Principle, Start with Why!

In fact, these leaders have utilized this principle whether

knowingly or unwittingly.

The more you dissect these great leaders, the

more noticeable the pattern becomes.

Principle, Start with Why!

In essence, leaders think differently. Instead of the

conventional “what-centered thinking”

they have embraced a “why-centered thinking.”

The Golden Circle:

WHAT: Every single person on this planet knows WHAT they


HOW: Some people know HOW they do WHAT they do. HOWs are often given to explain how something is different or better.

WHY: Very few people can clearly articulate (i.e., why do

you get out of bed every morning?)

The Golden Circle shows that the conventional

thought-process of most people are:

What –> How –> Why

Leaders like Apple, Martin Luther King Jr, and the Wright

Brothers have started inside out:

Why –> How –>What

By starting with Why, Sinek means starting with purpose, cause, or belief that drives

your What.

Your What my change over time, but

your Why doesn’t.

Apple is a case in point.

Apple epitomizes the “why-centered thinking.” See how

Apple frames their messages.

“We make great computers.(WHAT) They’re beautifully

designed, simple to use, and user-friendly.(HOW) Want to

buy one?”

Doesn’t really sound compelling, does it?

This is how Apple really communicates:

“Everything we do, we believe is challenging the status quo, we believe in thinking differently.


The way we challenge the status quo is by making our products beautifully designed, simple to use, and user-friendly. (HOW)

We just happen to make great computers. (WHAT) Want to buy


Finding Your Why

Now, let’s think about how you can apply the concept of “why” in your


The author Sinek shares his precise definition of


Finding Your Why

“My Why is to inspire people to do the things that inspire them. [My] vision is to have every person and every organization know their WHY and use it to

benefit all they do. So that’s what I’m doing, and I’m relying on the concept of WHY … to help me get

there. “

A Paradigm Shift

This new paradigm shift of thinking follows my

thought-process of living with intentionality.

I define living intentionally as living today as God

intends you to live tomorrow.

A Paradigm Shift

That is, you must discover your purpose in life, how to

utilize your spiritual gifts, talents, and potential to

achieve your vision.

Life must be seen from a larger scheme rather than from a focus solely on your career, family, or personal


Here is how I have defined my Why, How, and What:

What’s Your Why?

When we start with Why, things change.

Our thought processes begin to change. We gain clarity

around our why we do certain things.

Why we choose this certain job over the other, why we spend time with family and


What’s Your Why?

We often take things for granted without thinking the reason behind the


We gain the opportunity to understand what truly

matters – the core of who we are, our unyielding conviction, belief, and


What’s Your Why?

Now, can you think about examples of things you’ve started with Why and with


How were the experiences different? Besides

companies like Apple, what companies come into your mind that has mastered the ‘Why-centered thinking?”

So, here’s the question of the day: why do you get out of bed every morning?

The Greatest Why?

John 3:16 (KJV)

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten

Son, that whosoever believeth in him

should not perish, but have everlasting life.