Speak Up! Learn to use your voice with confidence

Post on 05-Sep-2014

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A presentation given at ArtSmart 2014 sponsored by The University of the Arts looking at effective and professional voice use. Feel more confident about public speaking through a better understanding of how your voice works. Presented by Steven Sparling of The Thriving Creative (www.thethrivingcreative.com).

Transcript of Speak Up! Learn to use your voice with confidence

Speak Up! Talk about yourself

with confidence

Steven Sparling MA FRSA

Common Vocal Problems?

!   Not being heard at the back of the room (inaudible)

!   Not being understood (incomprehensible)

!   Lacking confidence (communicated vocally & physically)

!   Speaking too quickly

!   Monotone

!   Mumbling

!   No eye contact

!   Fidgeting, swaying, rocking

!   Nerves

Body/Voice Connection

Body Alignment

Our goal: a free, flexible & aligned spine

Lower-body Connection


Pelvic Diaphragm

Thoracic Diaphragm

Rib Cage

Three Parts to Voice

Chiaroscuro contrast between light & dark

Chest Resonance/Head Resonance warmth, colour, trust/brightness, clarity, authority

Vowel sounds









Mona Lisa Smile

!   Italian Bel Canto talks of forward placement of the sound (in the mask) achieved through ‘smelling a rose’

!   This results in an opening of the nasal passages and a lift of the nasal labials (it also widens the pharynx)

!   Brightness, clarity, projection and sheen to voice

Articulation shaping sounds into words

!   The lips, the teeth, the tip of the tongue

!   Red leather, yellow leather

!   She sells seashells by the seashore

!   What a to-do to die today at a minute-or-two to two


A Compelling Speaker Varies:

!  Pace !  Pitch !  Pause

Vocal Variety

!   Pitch – use different notes in your range (avoid the dreaded monotone)

!   Pace – speed up to build excitement, slow down for emphasis

!   Pause – build anticipation, allow time for your point to land, make room for dialogue

3 Circles of Communication

!   !   You + 1

!   You + small group

!   You + large group You


How to reach back of Room

!   You have to WANT to connect with them

!   You have to NEED to connect with them

!   Relaxation

!   Higher Pitch

!   Brighter sound (Twang)

!   Slower Pace – more pause

!   Deeper Breaths/grounding/athletic physicality

!   Awareness of back & space behind you

!   Your voice goes where your eyes go


Non-Verbal Communication

!   Make eye-contact with individuals. One sentence/thought at a time.

!   Your voice goes where your eyes go. To fill a room make eye contact with people at the back.

!   Don’t scan the room, be random

!   Gesture with whole arm not just from elbow down

!   Gestures need to be launched and released

!   The bigger the space, the larger the gestures. The smaller the space, the smaller the gestures.

David Lloyd George, WWI I am in the happy position of being, I think, the first British Minister of the Crown who, speaking on behalf of the people of this country, can salute the American Nation as comrades in arms. I am glad; I am proud. I am glad not merely because of the stupendous resources which this great nation will bring to the succour of the alliance, but I rejoice as a democrat that the advent of the United States into this war gives the final stamp and seal to the character of the conflict as a struggle against military autocracy throughout the world. That was the note that ran through the great deliverance of President Wilson. It was echoed, Sir, in your resounding words today. The United States of America have the noble tradition, never broken, of having never engaged in war except for liberty. And this is the greatest struggle for liberty that they have ever embarked upon. I am not at all surprised, when one recalls the wars of the past, that America took its time to make up its mind about the character of this struggle. In Europe most of the great wars of the past were waged for dynastic aggrandizement and conquest.

Steven Sparling

www.thethrivingcreative.com Steven.sparling@btopenworld.com

079 5861 0977