Social Media Today

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Social Media Today

  1. 1. Social media today
    Social media pushing E-Christmas
  2. 2. Social media today
    FanbookFacepage- A way to grow your business
  3. 3. Social Media today
    Small businesses need to get social
  4. 4. Social media today
    Airlines using social media
  5. 5. Social Media Today
    Royal wedding buzz brings millions of viewers
  6. 6. Social media today
    Share button added to enhance professional experience
  7. 7. Social Media Today
    Celebrities Social death
  8. 8. Social media today
    Twitter as a social beast
  9. 9. Social media today
    Award-winning company helps businesses grow
  10. 10. Social media today
    Not tonight dear, Im on Facebook