Social media presentation

Post on 20-Nov-2014

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Transcript of Social media presentation

• What is social media?

• Social media is not about technology. It is about people.

Different definitions of social media

• Social Media is the instantaneous aggregation and creation of content by the people, of the people, for the people, on the social web.

• Social media is an online renaissance empowering people with influence to facilitate conversations around shared ideas

• It's not web 2.0. It's not web 3.0. It's simply life.

• Social media is us

• Social media is a substitute for traditional media

Average 130 friends

Facebook generates 770 billion page views per month

An average Facebook user spends about 55 minutes a day on the site.An average Facebook user spends about 6.50 hours a week on the site.

The average Facebook user spends 1.20 days a month on the site.

Who is on Facebook – take a look…

• 51% of Americans overall have a profile on Facebook and that’s up from 8% only three years ago.

• 88 percent growth among internet uses age 55-64 in 1 year

• From Dec 2008 to Dec 2010 baby boomers using social media grew from 9% to 43 %

• A study commissioned by the Bank of America found 96% of people in the USA under the age of 50 were now using social media regularly.

• A full 92% of children in the U.S. have an online presence by the time they are two

• People who participate in social media tend to be more socially connected in real life. According to Pew Research Center (PRC), Social Networking affects our relationships in positive ways: building trust, creating closer relationships, and enhancing social support among peers.

• Someone who visits Facebook multiple times per day is 2½ times more likely to attend a political rally or meeting, 57 percent more likely to influence someone else’s vote and 43 percent more likely to have said he or she would vote, the survey found.

• Number of people over the age of 18 that have a Facebook account in our service area.

• When Osama Bin Laden was killed it overtaxed twitter with 4,000 million tweets per second.

• 1 million new members every week

• 70% of recruiters use LinkedIn to find candidates. They use it as a primary source and follow up with a traditional resume only when they find the capabilities they are seeking.

• Every second a new member joins LinkedIn.

• 235 current or former employees are now on LinkedIn

• The number of YouTube videos viewed per day

• 24 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube by users every minute

• The length of time it would take to view every YouTube video.

• More video is updated in 60 days than all 3 major us networks in 60 years

• In 9 months 100 million people had joined Facebook.

More people are using the mobile web to socialize than desktop users.

iPhone application downloads hit 1 billion in 9 months

• People prefer to get their news via their friends and acquaintances on social media, than from a journalist or news organization

• The three cable networks saw their median audiences dwindle. That's the first time in at least a dozen years. And online-only sites added almost as many reporters as lost their jobs in print than broadcast.

• Sixty-one percent of Americans said they get at least some of their news online, according to a survey by the Pew Internet and American Life Project.

• 70 % of journalists said they use social networks to assist in reporting(41 % last year)

• 48% use online videos

• Over 50 % of CNN’s news is generated from iReporters.

• The fact is that the media usually reports what twitter and Facebook users are seeing and reporting

• We saw the first pictures from Haiti and Japan

earthquake, learned about the “miracle on the Hudson” from Twitter.

• The news that Osama Bin Laden was killed was first reporter via twitter 45 minutes before the first news source got it. It was over 2 hours before the president confirmed it.

• The Egypt revolution began with a call to protest Jan. 25th. On Feb 11, Mubarak resigned.

• Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook.

• It is changing the way we need to respond.

• According to Vincent Covello.

• We coordinated with IRWD who responded similarly

• We continued posting through out the day more facts, graphs charts and other tidbits that boosted our original statements.

• The best the Register could do…”The public’s apathy toward the wee governments that do its business is “a recipe for disaster,”

• Story died quickly

• It took the Register 24 hours to blog it – our response had already been out for 18 hours

• Conversely, it took the cities several days to respond and they continue to dribble in prolonging the story.

• Our Website …

• 11:11AM - Ddaze’s photo posted on Facebook and Tweeted

• 11:41 AM - request to publish his photo in Fountain Valley Living

• Result full page “free ad” the best place possible

• Lynn Seeden was formally a editor for the Orange County Register. I had developed a relationship years ago.

• When she started a presence on Facebook I signed up as a friend.

• Because of our relationship, when Lynn started getting questions on our project, she called me out on a Saturday morning at 8:16.

• I was notified on my iPhone and responded. I was not able to give them an answer until Monday morning but the fact that I responded immediately quailed the remarks.

• Vincent Covello a crisis communications specialist who works for the World Health Organization and coordinated the 9/11 response of Rudy Giuliani, has a very important statement he often makes. “They don’t care WHAT you know until they

know that you care.”

• When the young girl from Fountain Valley was in a car accident near our construction site … it was important again. Because of my online relationship with them they reached out to me again.

• This could have easily turned into a situation where we could have found a media van camped out in front of our construction site…asking why we were putting young lives at risk with our construction.

• When we later changed how work was proceeding, I was able to work with Daisy to get the message out via Facebook.

• It was also published on Fountain Valley Living website and in the “our towns” section of the register by Chris Seeden – Lynn’s husband who still does some local work for the register.

• I had watched a reporter do a live report that morning. Watching the story let me approach her in a way that I new would get her interest. I contacted her through her facebook page.

• 1:40 email from producer to set up a date.

• Fastest response I have ever received from a reporter on a pitch.

• Number 1 rated morning show in Los Angeles

• Segments airing live from 5:45 to 8 am and a playback full story during 1 o’clock news.