Sleep is vital to mental health 1. If a person is deprived of sleep, they will develop psychological...

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Transcript of Sleep is vital to mental health 1. If a person is deprived of sleep, they will develop psychological...

Sleep is vital to mental health

1. If a person is deprived of sleep, they will develop psychological (and physical) symptoms

2. Sleep is a state of altered consciousness, characterized by certain patterns of brain activity and inactivity (genetics research)

3. Consciousness is a state of awareness.a) Can range from alertness to non-alertnessb) The study of sleep has been aided by the development of the

electroencephalograph (EEG)

4. Why do we sleep?a) No one knows, possible reasons

i. Characterized by unresponsiveness to the environment and limited physical mobility

ii. Maybe to restore our batteriesa. Brain is recovering from exhaustion and stress

iii. Primitive hibernationa. We sleep to conserve energy

iv. An adaptive practicea. Kept humans out of harm’s way at night when we would have been most

vulnerablev. To clear out minds

a. Gets rid of useless informationvi. We sleep to dream

5. Stages of Sleep

Stage Bodily Activity  Depth Of Sleep Thought Process Miscellaneous

0    Awake

Slows down, decreased muscle tension

Borderline wakefulness  Relaxation, mind wanders, awareness dulls

Heart rate, pulse, temperature and blood pressure slightly diminished.


Eyes roll slowly on falling asleep, eyes quiescent in later stage 1 periods. Body movements slowed. 

Light sleep, easily awakened, might deny being asleep if awakened.

Drifting thoughts and floating sensation.

Temperature, heart rate, pulse decline further. Regular breathing. May have hypnogogic hallucinations on falling asleep.


Eyes quiet. Few body movements.           Snoring is common. 

Light to moderate sleep. Relatively easy to awaken. Eyes will not see if open.

Some thought fragments, memory processes diminished, may  describe vague dream if awakened

Decreased heart rate, pulse, blood pressure, temperature and metabolic rate, regular breathing with increased airway resistance.

3 Occasional movement, eyes quiescent.

Deep Sleep, takes louder sounds to be awakened.

Rarely able to remember thoughts. A few vaguely formed dreams.  Possible memory consolidation. 

Metabolic rate, pulse, heart rate, blood pressure and temperature decrease further. Increased secretion of growth hormones. 

4 Occasional movement, eyes quiet.

Deepest sleep, very difficult to awaken.

Virtually oblivious, very poor recall of thoughts if awoken possibly involved in memory consolidation. 

Continued decline in heart rate, temperature and metabolic rates. Increased secretion of growth hormone. (possibly to restore bodily tissues)


Large muscles paralyzed. Fingers toes and facial muscles twitch. Erections, snoring uncommon.

Variable. If sound is incorporated into dream, then harder to awake.

80 percent dreaming, good vivid dream recall, especially later in the evening.  Possibly involved in unconscious conflict resolution.

Heart rate 5 percent greater than above stages. Pulse, temperature and metabolic rates increase.  Irregular breathing one-half extra breath per minute. 

Stages of Sleep Chart Visual

Hours of the night

11 pm 12 am 1 am 2 am 3 am 4am 5 am 6am






REM Sleep

a. Stage 1 i. Pulse slows and muscles relaxii. Breathing becomes uneven and brain waves grow

irregulariii. “Just drifting” timeiv. Lasts 10 minutes or so

b. Stage 2i. Eyes roll from side to sideii. Lasts 30 minutes

c. Stage 3i. Short periods of large delta waves

d. Stage 4i. Deepest sleep of allii. Difficult of wake during this stageiii. Disoriented if woken upiv. Talking out loud, sleep walking and bet wetting can occur

here, leaving no memoryv. Important to physical and psychological well-being

e. People spend 75% of their sleep in stages 1 through 4

Sleep Disorders

1. Insomniaa) Insomnia is a prolonged and usually abnormal inability to obtain

adequate sleepi. Causes – anxiety, depression, alcohol and drug overuse

2. Sleep Apneaa) Sleep apnea causes frequent interruptions of breathing during

sleepi. Snoring that leads to a stop of breathing, leads to a complete

blockage of the breathing passage, choking the person. Ends when low levels of oxygen or high levels of carbon dioxide trigger the breathing reflex to start again

ii. Occurs in 1 in 100 people, usually older

3. Narcolepsya) Narcolepsy is characterized by a permanent and overwhelming

feeling of sleepiness and fatigueb) Unusual sleep and dream patterns

i. Hallucinationsii. Feeling temporarily paralyzediii. Sleep attacks, falling to sleep anywhere, at any time

4. Nightmares and Night Terrorsa) Nightmares – frightening dreams, during the dream phase of

REM sleepi. May frighten the sleeper, waking up with a vivid memory of a

movielike dreamb) Night Terrors – occur during Stage IV sleep (within an hour of

sleep)i. Can last 5 to 20 minutes, involving screaming, sweating,

confusion and rapid heart rateii. Sudden awakening or a persistent fear at nightiii. If woken up by the terror, the subject will not be “awake” and

could continue with the terroriv. Most will not remember the night terror at all

5. Sleepwalking and Sleep Talking (Somniloquy)a) A disorder in which a person is partly, but not completely, awake

during the nightb) People may walk or perform other tasks and have no memory of itc) Sleepwalking mostly associated with childrend) It is NOT dangerous to wake sleepwalkerse) Sleep talking can occur in REM or non-REM sleep

i. Long sentences or just a couple of wordsii. You can engage a sleep talker in conversations occasionally

6. Sleep Motor Startsa) A sudden, often violent, jerk of the entire body that occurs upon

falling asleep

7. Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)a) Grinding teeth during sleep is a very common occurrence and little

evidence suggests that teeth grinding is associated with any significant medical or psychological problems.


1. Any mental activity that takes place during sleep is dreaminga) Everyone dreamsb) First dreams are usually vague thoughts left over from the day’s

activitiesc) As night goes on, dreams become longer, more vivid and dramatic

i. Especially dreams taking place in REM sleepii. Last dream is usually the longest and the one people

rememberiii. If you miss REM sleep, subsequent sleep will contain increased

REM sleepa. Suggests that REM sleep is necessary

2. Content of Dreamsa) We often incorporate our everyday activities into our dreamsb) Most occur in commonplace settings: home, car, streetsc) Most involve either strenuous activities or passive eventsd) Most involve unpleasant emotionse) Dreams are in real time, not in a split second

3. Dream Interpretation

a) Freud believed that no matter how simple or mundane a dream, they contain clues to thoughts the dreamer is afraid to acknowledge in their waking hours

Section 1 Review

b) Some say that dreams serve no functioni. That it’s a by-product of stimulating brain cells during sleepii. Another says that dreaming allows people the chance to

review and address some of the problems they faced during the day

iii. Another says dreams are the brain’s way of removing certain unneeded memoriesc) Daydreams

i. Requires a low level of awareness and involves fantasizing but directed thinking while we are awakea. Serves purposes such as reminding us of or preparing us

for events in our futureb. May improve our creativity by generating thought

processesc. Or to help us control our emotions


1. Hypnosis is a form of altered consciousness in which people become highly suggestible to changes in behavior and thought

a) People can be made conscious of things that they are normally unaware of and unaware of things they normally noticei. May recall forgotten memories in detailii. Feel no pain from a pin prick

2. Does not put people to sleepa) The trance makes people more receptive and responsive to internal and

external stimulib) Able to focus attention on minute details and ignore all other inputsc) They are conscious and awared) Can be convinced to do things that they normally wouldn’t do (Note your

book’s text here!!)i. BUT the hypnotist cannot make you do or say something that you

normally wouldn’t do or say unless you want toii. The mind rejects undesired suggestions automaticallyiii. Your will, morality and ethics will not allow it to happen

e) Anyone can resist hypnosis by refusing to open their minds, you must be willing to be hypnotized

3. Theories of Hypnosisa) A simple result of suggestibilityb) Reveals that people have potential abilities that they do not


4. Uses of Hypnosisa) Posthypnotic suggestion – when a hypnotist suggests

things for their participants to remember or forget when the trance is overi. Memory can be aided or enhanced through this type to

hypnosisb) Helping people change unwanted behavior such as overeating

and smokingc) To reduce pain

i. Reduces the patients anxiety and encourages relaxationd) Combination of hypnosis and therapy can help people work

through their problems


1. Biofeedback – technique in which one learns to control their internal physiological processes with the help of feedback

a) A light goes off when your heart rate goes above 80, you learn to keep your heart rate below 80 to keep the light off

b) Can be used to teach people to control a variety of physiological responses such asi. Brain wavesii. Heart rateiii. Blood pressureiv. Skin temperaturev. Sweat gland activity

c) Uses machines to give feedback on subtle, moment to moment changes in the body


1. Meditation – focusing one’s attention on an image or thought with the goal of clearing the mind and producing relaxation, or inner peace

a) Transcendental meditation – mental repetition of a mantra or phrasei. Sitting with eyes closed and meditating for 15 to 20 minutes

twice a dayb) Mindfulness meditation – from the Buddhist tradition, focusing on

the present momenti. Moving one’s focus throughout the body while paying

attention to areas that cause painc) Breath meditation – concentrating on one’s respiration, inhaling

and exhaling2. Most people would benefit from this type of relaxation

a) Lowers blood pressure, heart rate, and respiration rate

Section 2 Review

Psychoactive drugs – drugs that interact with the central nervous system to alter a person’s mood, perception and behavior

1. Examples: caffeine, depressants (alcohol), marijuana and LSD

How drugs work

1. Carried by the blood and taken to tissues throughout the body2. Taken into the body from the outside3. Attach themselves to the ends of nerve cells (neurons) and send out

their own chemical messagea) Alcohol molecules tell nerve cells not to fire

i. More and more cause a person to become slower and leads to unconsciousness

b) LSD causes circuits in the brain to start firing together instead of separately causes hallucinations


1. In some cultures, is legally and morally more acceptable than alcohol2. Illegal for sale, possession and use is illegal in most states, but not legal by national law

(becomes a constitutional issue over state vs. federal law)3. A subculture drug before late 1970’s and 80’s4. Active ingredient is THC (tetrahydrocannabinol)

a) Made by drying the planti. Hashish is the gummy powder made from the resin from the top of the female

plantb) Usually smoked, but can be cooked with food and eaten

5. Effects vary from person to persona) Depend on the setting its taken in, the mood the person is in and the users past

experienceb) Psychological Pleasant and Unpleasant Effects

i. Sensory experiences are greatly augmented a. Music sounds fullerb. Colors look brighterc. Smells are strongerd. Food is more intense in flavor

ii. Users feel elatediii. Ordinary events take on extraordinary significanceiv. Psychologically addictive and dependentv. Instill or heighten unpleasant experiences

a. Those frightened, unhappy or depressed will have those emotions blown out of proportion

b. Can bring on psychological disturbances in those unstable before using the drug


1. Hallucinations – perceptions that have no direct external cause (hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting, or feeling things that don’t exist)

a) Caused by hypnosis, meditation, certain drugs, drug withdraw, psychological breakdown and sensory deprivation

b) Can occur under normal conditionsi. During dreamingii. When deprived of sleepiii. High emotionsiv. Concentrationv. Fatiguevi. Daydreams

c) Very much alike from one person to the nexti. May be due to the way the drug affects the brain

a. The part that responds to incoming stimuli is disorganized and the central nervous system is aroused

d) More likely to involve color

1. Hallucinogens – drugs whose main effect is to produce hallucinations

a) Found in plants grown throughout the worldb) Used since the earliest recorded human historyc) Create lost of contact with reality

i. Create a false body image, loss of self, create dreamlike fantasies and hallucinations


d) Example: LSDi. Most studied and most potent (LSD-25)ii. One of the most powerful drugs known to maniii. Syntheticiv. Synthesized by Dr. Albert Hofmann in Switzerland in 1938

a. Searching for medicinal properties of a fungus, contained lysergic acid

b. Synthesized 24 prior lysergic acids before handc. Noticed the hallucinogenic properties 5 years later while

studying it d. Made himself a guinea pig

2. Counter-Culture of the 1960’s.

a) Why were hallucinogens the drug of choice for the 1960’s?

b) Government experimentation and use (MK-Ultra Program)

c) Dr. Timothy Leary

i. For spiritual growthii. Turn on, tune in, drop outiii. Professor at UC Berkley and Harvard


a) Also known as narcoticsb) Include opium, morphine and heroinc) Produce analgesia – pain reduction, euphoria – pleasurable state

somewhere between wake and sleep, and constipationd) Leads to physical addiction

i. Can lead to death from respiratory failure

e) Harvesting/cultivating opium and coca

1. Most widely used and abused mind-altering substancea) A disease or an addiction

b) Encouraged /tolerated throughout our society and traditionsi. Up to debate


c) Effectsi. Immediate – loosening of inhibition

a. More likely to engage in behaviors and actions one normally wouldn’t take part in (sexual, other drugs)

ii. A depressant that inhibits brain functioning

iii. Acting without social restraint or self-control

v. Long Term Effectsa. Permanent brain damageb. Liver damagec. Change in personality

Blood AlcoholConcentration

Changes in Feelingsand Personality

Physical and MentalImpairments

0.01 — 0.06

RelaxationSense of Well-beingLoss of InhibitionLowered AlertnessJoyous


0.06 — 0.10

Blunted FeelingsDisinhibitionExtroversionImpaired Sexual Pleasure

Reflexes ImpairedReasoningDepth PerceptionDistance AcuityPeripheral VisionGlare Recovery

0.11 — 0.20

Over-ExpressionEmotional SwingsAngry or SadBoisterous

Reaction TimeGross Motor ControlStaggeringSlurred Speech

0.21 — 0.29StuporLose UnderstandingImpaired Sensations

Severe Motor ImpairmentLoss of ConsciousnessMemory Blackout

0.30 — 0.39Severe DepressionUnconsciousnessDeath Possible

Bladder FunctionBreathingHeart Rate

=> 0.40UnconsciousnessDeath

BreathingHeart Rate

1. Drug abusers are those who regularly use illegal drugs or excessively use legal drugs

2. Reasons for drug abusea) Avoid boredomb) To fit in sociallyc) To gain self-confidenced) To forget about problems or cope with paine) To relax or feel good

Drug Abuse and Treatment

3. Risksa) Death or injury due to overdose or accidentb) Health damagec) Legal consequencesd) Destructive behaviore) Loss of controlf) Addiction

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