Sjzl20082134-ZXWN IHLR (V3.07.40) User Documentation Guide

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Transcript of Sjzl20082134-ZXWN IHLR (V3.07.40) User Documentation Guide

  • ZXWN iHLRintegrated Home Location Register

    User Documentation Guide

    Version 3.07.40

    ZTE CORPORATION ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057 Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830 Fax: (86) 755 26772236 URL: E-mail:

  • LEGAL INFORMATION Copyright 2006 ZTE CORPORATION. The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations. All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION or of their respective owners. This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained herein. ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein. ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice. Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information. The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

    Revision History

    Date Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Issue

    July 18, 2008 R1.0 sjzl20082134 First edition

  • ZTE CORPORATION Values Your Comments & Suggestions! Your opinion is of great value and will help us improve the quality of our product documentation and offer better services to our customers.

    Please fax to (86) 755-26772236 or mail to Documentation R&D Department, ZTE CORPORATION, ZTE Plaza, A Wing, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

    Document Name ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    Product Version V3.07.40 Document Revision Number R1.0

    Serial No. sjzl20082134 Equipment Installation Date

    Presentation: (Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Completeness, Level of Detail, Organization, Appearance)

    Good Fair Average Poor Bad N/A

    Accessibility: (Contents, Index, Headings, Numbering, Glossary)

    Good Fair Average Poor Bad N/A

    Your evaluation of this documentation

    Intelligibility: (Language, Vocabulary, Readability & Clarity, Technical Accuracy, Content)

    Good Fair Average Poor Bad N/A

    Your suggestions for improvement of this documentation

    Please check the suggestions which you feel can improve this documentation: Improve the overview/introduction Make it more concise/brief Improve the Contents Add more step-by-step procedures/tutorials Improve the organization Add more troubleshooting information Include more figures Make it less technical Add more examples Add more/better quick reference aids Add more detail Improve the index Other suggestions __________________________________________________________________________





    # Please feel free to write any comments on an attached sheet.

    If you wish to be contacted regarding your comments, please complete the following:

    Name Company

    Postcode Address

    Telephone E-mail

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  • Contents

    About This Guide............................................................... i

    Purpose................................................................................ i Intended Audience ................................................................. i What Is in This Guide ............................................................. i Conventions......................................................................... ii How to Get in Touch.............................................................. ii

    Declaration of RoHS Compliance..................................... v

    Chapter 1.......................................................................... 1

    Introduction to Documentation Guide ............................1

    Overview .............................................................................1 Presales Technical User Documents .........................................1 Aftersales Technical User Documents .......................................2

    Chapter 2.......................................................................... 5

    User Document Indexes ..................................................5

    Overview .............................................................................5 Indexing Modes ....................................................................5 Indexing by Subject Area .......................................................6 Indexing by Life Cycle ...........................................................7 Indexing by Intended Audience............................................. 10 Indexing by Document Serial Number .................................... 13

    Chapter 3........................................................................17

    Documentation Overview..............................................17

    Overview ........................................................................... 17 Applicable Product Version ................................................... 17 Main Functions of Product Version ......................................... 18 Product Manual Type ........................................................... 18 Description Manual.............................................................. 19 Task Manual....................................................................... 19

  • Reference Manual................................................................21 Product Manual Structure .....................................................21 Numbering Mode.................................................................22

    Chapter 4........................................................................25

    Reading Guide................................................................25

    Overview ...........................................................................25

    Work Responsibility Work Flow User Document Relationships................................................................ 26

    Work Responsibility- Work Flow Relation.................................26 Work Flow User Document Relation .....................................26

    Reading Guide .............................................................. 29 Need to Learn Overall User Document ....................................29 Need to Learn Overall Product Knowledge ...............................29 Need to Learn Knowledge and Method of Network Planning .......29 Need to Learn Hardware Installation Process ...........................30 Need to Learn Software Installation Process ............................30 Need to Learn Configuration Process ......................................30 Need to Learn Product Operating Method ................................31 Need to Learn Number Assignment Operating Method...............31 Need to Learn Common Maintenance Method ..........................31 Need to Learn Fault Handling Methods....................................32 Need to Learn Performance Report and Performance Evaluation Method ..............................................................................32 Need to Learn Version Update Process....................................32 Need to Learn Capacity Expansion Process ..............................33 Need to Learn Office Record..................................................33

    Chapter 5........................................................................35

    User Document Issuance...............................................35

    Overview ...........................................................................35 Paper Copies Issuance .........................................................35 Electronic User Document Issuance........................................36 Supplementary Issuance after Version Update .........................36

    Application and Acquisition for User Document .................. 37 Applying Through Contract ...................................................37 Applying Through E-Mail.......................................................37 Applying Through Fax ..........................................................37 Downloading Electronic User Document ..................................38

  • Chapter 6........................................................................39

    Feedback ........................................................................39

    Feedback Channel ......................................................... 39 Feedback through E-Mail...................................................... 39 Feedback though Website .................................................... 39 Feedback though Telephone ................................................. 41 Feedback though Fax........................................................... 41


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  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION i

    About This Guide


    This guide introduces documentation overview of ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register.

    Intended Audience

    This guide is intended for the following readers:

    Various engineers whose jobs are related to this equipment

    Personnel who need to learn this equipment

    What Is in This Guide

    This guide contains the following chapters:

    T AB L E 1 C H A P T E R S U M M AR Y

    Chapter Summary

    Chapter 1, Introduction to Documentation Guide

    Introduces categories of documents that ZTE provides for customers.

    Chapter 2, User Document Indexes

    Introduces user document indexing methods.

    Chapter 3, Documentation Overview

    Gives introduction to the production version applicable for the whole set of ZXWN iHLR (V3.07.40) manuals and brief contents of the product manuals.

    Chapter 4, Reader Orientation

    Describes the relationships among work responsibility, work flow and the product manuals. The readers can refer to different manuals based on their own purposes or work responsibilities.

    Chapter 5, User Document Issuance

    Describes user document issuance, and how to apply and obtain user document.

    Chapter 6, Feedback Describes feedback channels and methods.

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    ii Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION


    ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.

    T AB L E 2 TY P O G R AP H I C AL C O N V E N T I O N S

    Typeface Meaning

    Italics References to other Manuals and documents.

    Quotes Links on screens.

    Bold Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names.

    CAPS Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and company name.

    Constant width Text that you type, program code, files and directory names, and function names.

    [ ] Optional parameters.

    { } Mandatory parameters.

    | Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it.

    T AB L E 3 M O U S E OP E R AT I O N C O N V E N T I O N S

    Typeface Meaning

    Click Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) once.

    Double-click Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) twice.

    Right-click Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right mouse button) once.

    Drag Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and moving the mouse.

    How to Get in Touch

    The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software.

    If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.

    Typographical Conventions

    Mouse Operation


    Customer Support

  • About This Guide

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION iii

    ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also browse our website at, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.

    Documentation Support

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    iv Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

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  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION v

    Declaration of RoHS Compliance

    To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility to the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declaration that ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION are in compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect to the following substances:

    Lead (Pb)

    Mercury (Hg)

    Cadmium (Cd)

    Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))

    PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

    PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

    ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION meet the requirements of EU 2002/95/EC; however, some assemblies are customized to client specifications. Addition of specialized, customer-specified materials or processes which do not meet the requirements of EU 2002/95/EC may negate RoHS compliance of the assembly. To guarantee compliance of the assembly, the need for compliant product must be communicated to ZTE CORPORATION in written form.

    This declaration is issued based on our current level of knowledge. Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTE CORPORATION makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of this information.

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    vi Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

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  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 1

    C h a p t e r 1

    Introduction to Documentation Guide


    Since this set of user documents contains many contents, it is hard and unnecessary to read them through. But the readers may find from the documents what they want or what are useful for them, or they can perform operations or solve problems according to the instructions in the user documents. This is where the value of the documents lies. In this sense, this set of documents is a library on this product.

    This chapter introduces categories of documents that ZTE provides for customers.

    This chapter comprises the following topics.

    T AB L E 4 TO P I C S I N C H AP T E R 1

    Topic Page No.

    Presales Technical User Documents 1

    Aftersales Technical User Documents 2

    Presales Technical User Documents

    Presales technical user documents provide customers with overall information for reference before purchasing the product, covering product technologies, specifications, features and configuration.

    Note: Only documents on product technologies are introduced here.

    The presales user documents that ZTE provides for customers include:




    Categories of Presales


  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    2 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Technical Proposal

    Technical Proposal describes technical attributes of the product.

    Technical Specifications

    Technical Specifications describes technical parameters and technical criteria which the product abides by.

    Feature List

    Feature List provides short description on product features.

    Configuration Guide

    Configuration Guide provides recommendations for product configuration.

    Aftersales Technical User Documents

    Aftersales technical user documents provide customers with detailed information for reference after purchasing the product, covering product technologies, features, configuration, operation and maintenance, and management.

    The presales user documents that ZTE provides for customers include:

    Product manuals

    Product manuals are user documents generally delivered to customers together with the equipment. A set of product manuals, based one network element, describes in detail the knowledge on this product, and provides installation guide, operation guide, maintenance guide and other reference information.

    Product manuals are delivered in two forms, paper copy and CD.

    Help file

    Help file is an online user document integrated with the software, and provides engineers with operation guide and other reference information for online query.

    Installation Acceptance Report and Environment Acceptance Report

    Installation Acceptance Report is a document for recording results of each installation acceptance test after hardware installation.

    Environment Acceptance Report is a document for recording results of each environment acceptance test.


    Categories of Aftersales Documents

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Documentation Guide

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 3

    Acceptance Test Guide and Acceptance Test Record

    Acceptance Test Guide is a document providing guide for acceptance tests on system features.

    Acceptance Test Record is a document for recording results of each system function test.

    The two documents are drafted according to network situations by engineers in charge of engineering debugging.

    Cutover Scheme

    Cutover Scheme is a document providing guide for cutover, and is drafted by engineers in charge of engineering debugging according to networking situations before and after cutover.

    Project Completion Document

    Project Completion Document is a document recording various data of the office concerned, and is drafted by engineers in charge of engineering debugging according to actual situations after the engineering debugging.

    Version Description

    Version Description, provided on version release, describes the features of this version, covering new functions, compatibility with older versions, and precautions for using this version.

    Version Update Guide

    Version Update Guide, provided on version release, is an operation manual used for guiding on-site version update. It covers but not limits to intended readers and requirements for their skills, prerequisites and precautions of version update, detailed version update procedure, possible problems in version update and solutions, test items after version update, and emergency measures and rollback procedure.

    Capacity Expansion Solution

    Capacity Expansion Solution, drafted by debugging engineers according to the target of capacity expansion and the networking situations before capacity expansion, is used for guiding capacity expansion.

    Maintenance Experiences

    Maintenance Experiences is a paper copy magazine containing a collection of maintenance experiences from ZTEs customers and ZTE engineers.

    Other electronic user documents

    Electronic user documents are user documents delivered aperiodically to customers. Such a document is generally on one special topic.

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    4 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Note: This documentation guide mainly introduces product manuals, with other user manuals just mentioned. To get other documents, please contact local ZTE Office.

  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 5

    C h a p t e r 2

    User Document Indexes


    This chapter introduces user document indexing methods.

    This chapter comprises the following topics.

    T AB L E 5 TO P I C S I N C H AP T E R 2

    Topic Page No.

    Indexing Modes 5

    Indexing by Subject Area 6 Indexing by Life Cycle 7

    Indexing by Intended Audience 10

    Indexing by Document Serial Number 13

    Indexing Modes

    Product manuals and other user documents cover basic product knowledge, installation, debugging, data configuration, test, maintenance, and network management, and may be used as a reference for those engineers who want to know about these or who do such work.

    The following indexing modes may be helpful for finding those expected from so many documents.

    Indexing by Subject Area

    Indexing by Life Cycle

    Indexing by Intended Audience

    Indexing by Document Serial Number




  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    6 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Indexing by Subject Area

    For user documentation, a subject area is a set of user documents describing knowledge, or operations and procedures of a certain aspect. Documents with a common or similar attribute belong to one subject area. User documents of all subject areas should cover all aspects of a complete end-to-end system or product.

    Table 6 shows a list of user documents indexed by subject area.

    T AB L E 6 U S E R D O C U M E N T S I N D E X E D B Y S U B J E C T AR E A

    Subject Area User Document

    General Technical Proposal (presales document)

    Technical Specifications (presales document)

    Feature List (presales document)

    Configuration Guide (presales document)

    Hardware Description

    Product Description

    Cable Description

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Performance Management User Guide

    Agent User Guide

    Maintenance Tools User Guide

    Version Description (delivered on version release)

    Power Supply Project Completion Document


    List of User Documents

  • Chapter 2 User Document Indexes

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 7

    Subject Area User Document

    Installation Environment Acceptance Report (not a product manual)

    Hardware Installation

    Installation Acceptance Report (delivered on version release)

    Software Installation

    Acceptance Test Guide (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Acceptance Test Record (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Cutover Scheme (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Version Update Guide (delivered on version release)

    Capacity Expansion Solution (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Provisioning Data Configuration Guide

    Debugging Guide

    Maintenance Alarm Information Reference

    Notification Information Reference

    Performance Statistics Counters Reference

    Component Replacement Guide

    Routine Maintenance


    Emergency Action and System Recovery Guide

    Maintenance Experiences (not a product manual)

    Database Administration

    Performance Data Analysis and Applications

    Indexing by Life Cycle

    Every product serving a carrier has its life cycle. Each lift cycle stage has some corresponding user documents. Shows the life cycle stages of a product.

    F I G U R E 1 P R O D U C T L I F E C Y C L E


  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    8 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    The tasks at each stage are different and the user documents for this stage may be different.

    Table 7 shows a list of user documents indexed by life cycle stage.

    T AB L E 7 U S E R D O C U M E N T S I N D E X E D B Y L I F E C Y C L E

    Life Cycle Stage

    Main Task User Document

    Purchase Purchase decision

    Hardware Description

    Cable Description

    Product Description

    Technical Proposal (presales document)

    Technical Specifications (presales document)

    Feature List (presales document)

    Configuration Guide (presales document)

    Planning and design

    Hardware planning

    Network planning

    Service planning

    Engineering planning and design

    Configuration Guide (presales document)

    Hardware Description

    Product Description

    Cable Description

    Installation Hardware installation

    Software installation

    Installation test

    Environment Acceptance Report (not a product manual)

    Hardware Description

    Hardware Installation

    Installation Acceptance Report (not a product manual)

    Software Installation

    Acceptance Test Guide (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Acceptance Test Record (drafted according to on-site situations)

    List of User Documents

  • Chapter 2 User Document Indexes

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 9

    Life Cycle Stage

    Main Task User Document

    Presetting Office data presetting

    Adjacent office data presetting

    Debugging Guide

    Data Configuration Guide

    Acceptance test

    Function test Acceptance Test Guide (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Acceptance Test Record (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Cutover Cutover management

    Cutover Scheme (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Equipment monitoring

    Project Completion Document (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Routine Maintenance

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Alarm Information Reference

    Notification Information Reference

    Performance Management User Guide

    Performance Statistics Counter Reference


    Emergency Action and System Recovery Guide

    Software and hardware maintenance

    Tools User Guide

    Component Replacement Guide

    Maintenance Experiences (not a product manual)

    Subscriber data management

    Agent User Guide


    Performance evaluation and optimization

    Performance Data Analysis and Applications

    Performance Measurement Items Reference

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    10 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Life Cycle Stage

    Main Task User Document

    Expansion or reconstruction

    Capacity expansion


    Capacity Expansion Solution (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Version Description (delivered on version release)

    Version Update Guide (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Indexing by Intended Audience

    Intended audience refers to the persons who will read the user documents and whom the user documents are designed for. Intended audiences include:

    Purchasing engineer

    Planning engineer

    Installation supervision engineer

    Equipment installation engineer

    Debugging engineer

    Data engineer


    Maintenance engineer


    The classification of intended audience depends on the carriers internal administration system. In a big office the personnel are generally assigned to more detailed posts and tasks, while a small office may have fewer categories since one person may take more tasks because of limited human resources.

    Readers of different categories have different tasks, and may have different requirements for user documents. Therefore, the intended audience of each document may be different.

    Table 8 shows a list of user documents indexed by intended audience.


    List of User Documents

  • Chapter 2 User Document Indexes

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 11

    T AB L E 8 U S E R D O C U M E N T S I N D E X E D B Y IN T E N D E D AU D I E N C E

    Intended Reader

    Responsibility User Document

    Purchasing engineer

    Purchasing Hardware Description

    Product Description

    Technical Proposal (presales document)

    Technical Specifications (presales document)

    Feature List (presales document)

    Configuration Guide (presales document)

    Planning engineer

    Network design

    System configuration

    System performance evaluation and optimization

    Configuration Guide (presales document)

    Hardware Description

    Product Description

    Performance Statistics Counters Reference

    Installation supervision engineer

    Instructing installation engineers to conduct hardware installation

    Assuring installation quality

    Environment Acceptance Report (not a product manual)

    Hardware Description

    Hardware Installation

    Installation Acceptance Report (not a product manual)

    Equipment Operating Instructions

    Equipment installation engineer

    Hardware installation

    Hardware Description

    Hardware Installation

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    12 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Intended Reader

    Responsibility User Document

    Debugging engineer

    Debugging before equipment commissioning

    System function test


    Capacity expansion


    Equipment Operating Instructions

    Software Installation

    Office Parameter Description

    Data Configuration Guide

    Acceptance Test Guide (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Acceptance Test Record (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Cutover Scheme (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Version Update Guide (delivered on version release)

    Capacity Expansion Solution (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Data engineer

    Making office data, service data, and subscriber data

    Making performance data reports

    Data Configuration Guide

    Agent User Guide

    Performance Management User Guide

    Performance Statistics Counter Reference

    Project Completion Document (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Key Performance Indices Description

    Attendant Routine equipment maintenance

    Handling simple alarms

    Reporting severe faults

    Routine Maintenance

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Tools User Guide

  • Chapter 2 User Document Indexes

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 13

    Intended Reader

    Responsibility User Document

    Maintenance engineer

    Software and hardware maintenance

    Handling alarms

    Positioning and handling common faults

    Handling or helping engineers from the equipment supplier to handle severe faults

    Component Replacement Guide

    Alarm Information Reference

    Notification Information Reference

    Performance Alarm Monitoring Guide

    Key Performance Indices Description


    Emergency Action and System Recovery Guide

    Project Completion Document (drafted according to on-site situations)

    Maintenance Experiences (not a product manual)

    Indexing by Document Serial Number

    Document serial number is a unique code for each product manual. For the numbering method of document serial number, see Numbering Mode.

    Note: Only product manuals are introduced here.

    Table 9 shows a list of product manuals indexed by document serial number.

    T AB L E 9 P R O D U C T M AN U AL S I N D E X E D B Y D O C U M E N T S E R I AL N U M B E R

    Document Serial No.

    Document Revision No.

    User Document

    sjzl20082134 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    sjzl20082135 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Product Description


    List of User Documents

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    14 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Document Serial No.

    Document Revision No.

    User Document

    sjzl20082136 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Hardware Description

    sjzl20082137 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Cable Description

    sjzl20082138 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Hardware Installation Guide

    sjzl20082139 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Network Management System Software Installation Guide

    sjzl20082140 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Agent and Interfacing Processor Software Installation Guide

    sjzl20082141 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Database Software Installation Guide (AIX)

    sjzl20082142 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Database Software Installation Guide (HPUX)

    sjzl20082143 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Debugging Guide

    sjzl20082144 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Office Data Configuration Guide

    sjzl20082145 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Hardware Data Configuration Guide

    sjzl20082146 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Signaling Data Configuration Guide

    sjzl20082147 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Service Data Configuration Guide

    sjzl20082148 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register System Administrator Guide

    sjzl20082149 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Alarm Management User Guide

    sjzl20082150 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Performance Management User Guide

    sjzl20082151 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Maintenance Tools User Guide

  • Chapter 2 User Document Indexes

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 15

    Document Serial No.

    Document Revision No.

    User Document

    sjzl20082152 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Agent User Guide

    sjzl20082153 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Performance Statistics Counters Reference

    sjzl20082154 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Alarm Messages Reference

    sjzl20082155 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Notification Messages Reference

    sjzl20082156 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Key Performance Indexes Description

    sjzl20082157 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Component Replacement Guide

    sjzl20082158 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Routine Maintenance

    sjzl20082159 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Troubleshooting

    sjzl20082160 V3.07.40 ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register Emergency Actions and System Recovery Guide

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

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    C h a p t e r 3

    Documentation Overview


    This chapter gives introduction to the product manuals and the product version they are applicable for.

    This chapter includes the following topics:

    T AB L E 10 TO P I C S I N C H AP T E R 3

    Topic Page No.

    Applicable Product Version 17

    Main Functions of Product Version 18

    Product Manual Type 18

    Description Manual 19

    Task Manual 19

    Reference Manual 21

    Product Manual Structure 21

    Numbering Mode 22

    Applicable Product Version

    The product manuals correspond to the product versions. The version information provided on the cover of the manual indicates the product version. Sometimes the product subsystem version information is also provided on it.

    For there are differences between each product version, the product manuals, on which different product version information is provided, also differ from each other. Therefore, it needs to refer to the right manual consistent with the product version to read.




  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    18 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Item Model Version No.

    Product ZXWN iHLR V3.07.40

    Note: Customers dont have to pay attention to the product subsystem version.

    Main Functions of Product Version

    The main functions of ZXWN iHLR V3.07.40 are listed below:

    Management and maintenance of subscriber authentication data and subscription data

    Authentication function

    Mobility management function

    Call service

    SM (short message) service

    Supplementary services

    CAMEL service

    Location service

    Product Manual Type

    According to the manual functions, the product manuals can be divided into three categories which are as follows:

    Description manual

    Task manual

    Reference manual

    The description manual describes the background knowledge and concepts of the product for purpose of helping reader to understand the product accurately.

    The task manual focuses on the operating procedure of tasks for purpose of providing guidance to effective and correct operations for the engineers. Some description topics are also contained in the task manuals.

    The reference manual provides some detailed information about the equipment for purpose of offering the engineers accurate reference information so that they can understand the product better and perform more practical operations.

    Among these three types of product manuals, the task manual is taken as a core, which serves as a direct instruction of equipment operations. The description manual helps the engineer to understand the equipment well, which thus



  • Chapter 3 Documentation Overview

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 19

    facilitates their operations. The reference manual provides accurate information, which guarantee correctness of their operation.

    The following is a brief introduction to contents of each kind of product manual.

    Description Manual

    Brief introductions to contents of the description manual are as follows:

    Manual Contents

    Hardware Description

    Focuses on hardware of the equipment including the cabinet, shelf, frame, board, cable etc. Describes the structure, function, signal flow direction, specifications, and technical parameters of ZXWN iHLR, which helps the engineers to learn more details about the product hardware.

    Product Description

    Describes the supported functions, characteristics, applications and services, networking and configurations, matching equipment, interfaces with the maintenance system, supported safety standard of ZXWN iHLR, which helps the engineers to apply the products.

    Cable Description

    Describes the specifications, types, technical indices and connection methods of cables used by ZXWN iHLR system.

    Task Manual

    Brief introductions to contents of the task manual are as follows:

    Manual Contents

    Hardware Installation Guide Describes the hardware installation procedure, serving as a guide to hardware installations.

    Software Installation Guide Describes the software installation procedure, serving as a guide to hardware installations.

    Data Configuration Guide

    Describes the flow, preparations and detailed procedure of data configuration, serving as a guide to configuration of each kind of data.



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    Manual Contents

    Component Replacement Guide

    Describes the procedure of replacing every kind of component and relating precautions, serving as a guide to correct replacement of components.

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Describes basic concepts and basic operations of the alarm management system, serving as a guide to alarm information query and alarm parameter setting.

    Performance Management User Guide

    Describes basic concepts and basic operations of the performance management system, serving as a guide to creating performance management task, querying performance data and making performance report.

    Agent User Guide

    Describes basic concepts and basic operations of the agent system, serving as a guide to adding authentication information, assigning subscriber numbers and performing subscriber information statistics.

    Maintenance Tools User Guide

    Describes basic operations of each kind of tools, serving as a guide to tool usage when it is required.

    Routine Maintenance

    Describes routine maintenance items and operating procedures periodically by day/ week/ month / quarter, serving as a guide to periodical maintenance of the equipment so as to guarantee normal running of the equipment.

    System Administrator Guide

    Describes the basic concepts and operations of security management, serving as a guide for the engineers to perform system security management.

    Troubleshooting Describes troubleshooting methods, serving as a guide to troubleshooting for typical faults.

    Emergency Action and System Recovery Guide

    Describes the emergency handling and system recovery flow as well as typical emergency actions, serving as a guide to emergency handling at the key moment and contacting necessary technical support in order for recovering the system within a short time.

  • Chapter 3 Documentation Overview

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 21

    Manual Contents

    Debugging Guide

    Describes system debugging procedure and relating precautions, serving as a guide for the engineers to do system debugging.

    Reference Manual

    Brief introductions to contents of the reference manual are as follows:

    Manual Contents

    Alarm Information Reference

    Describes indications and causes of the alarm information, and relating handling measures. It can be referred to when the engineer needs to eliminate the alarms.

    Notification Information Reference

    Describes indications and causes of the notification information, and relating handling measures. It can be referred to when the engineer needs to process notification information.

    Performance Statistics Counters Reference

    Describes meanings of the performance statistics counter and relating measurement points. It is applied when the engineers need to analyze performance data and monitor performance indices.

    Key Performance Indices Description

    Describes the meanings of key performance indices. It is applied when the engineers monitor system performance.

    Product Manual Structure

    The basic structure of each kind of product manual is same, including a cover page, a copyright page, a feedback table, Preface, contents, mainbody and appendixes. Each part is described as follows.

    On the cover page, the information about the product model No., product specifications, product name, product version No., contact methods and the technical support website address is provided.

    On this page, legal declarations and documentation information are provided.

    The feedback table is provided for asking for the customers comments and suggestions on improving the product quality,



    Cover Page

    Copyright Page

    Feedback Table

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    which builds a bridge of communications between ZTE and the readers.

    In the preface, brief introductions to the manual and its contents as well as document conventions are provided.

    The contents include the mainbody contents, figure contents and table contents. The contents enable the user to find needed information about the specific text, figure or table easily.

    Being the mainbody of the manual, most of the product knowledge and information are provided in this part. In the mainbody, chapters of each kind of manual differ from each other. But they are all composed with clear consecution and detailed information.

    In the appendixes, other useful information about the product is provided. This part may vary with different manuals. It is possible to have one or more appendixes in a manual. For example, the English abbreviations are often provided in this part, which enables the user to find answers to the meanings of some specific abbreviations appearing in the manual.

    Numbering Mode

    Every manual has a document serial No. and a revision No., according to which the user can find the specific manual easily and meanwhile learn the issue time and update information about the manual.

    Format: sjzlyyyyxxxx

    Item Explanation Example

    sjzl Prefix of the document serial No. sjzl

    yyyy Year (4 digits) 2007

    xxxx Serial number (4 digits) 1980

    The document serial No. is a code designed for easy search and management. Each manual has its unique serial No.. On the technical support website (, product manuals can be searched according to these serial Nos.

    Format: yyyymmdd-Rx.x

    Item Explanation Example

    yyyymmdd Archive date. It may vary with each revision.


    R Stands for the revision of the product manual.


    x.x Stands for revision No. of the manual, which may vary sequentially with the each revision.







    Serial No.

    Revision Number

  • Chapter 3 Documentation Overview

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 23

    The document revision number reflects the document update such as update date etc.

    In each manual, the revision history of the document is recorded. An example is given as follows:

    Product Version

    Revision No. Serial No. Reason for Issue

    V2.00 20070124-R1.0

    sjzl20072604 First edition

    V2.00 20070928-R1.1

    sjzl20072604 Modifying disk array name

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    C h a p t e r 4

    Reading Guide


    This chapter describes the relationships among work responsibility, work flow and the product manuals. The readers can refer to different manuals based on their own purposes or work responsibilities.

    This chapter includes the following topics:

    T AB L E 11 TO P I C S I N C H AP T E R 4

    Topic Page No.

    Work Responsibility- Work Flow Relation 26

    Work Flow User Document Relation 26

    Need to Learn Overall User Document 29

    Need to Learn Overall Product Knowledge 29

    Need to Learn Knowledge and Method of Network Planning


    Need to Learn Hardware Installation Process 30

    Need to Learn Software Installation Process 30

    Need to Learn Configuration Process 30

    Need to Learn Product Operating Method 31

    Need to Learn Number Assignment Operating Method 31

    Need to Learn Common Maintenance Method 31

    Need to Learn Fault Handling Methods 32

    Need to Learn Performance Report and Performance Evaluation Method


    Need to Learn Version Update Process 32

    Need to Learn Capacity Expansion Process 33

    Need to Learn Office Record 33



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    Work Responsibility Work Flow User Document Relationships Work Responsibility- Work Flow Relation

    When doing some work, everyone does it in a certain way and in a certain order until the work is finished. If everyone works their own way, it is possible that the work effectiveness differs, or even incorrect operations bring losses. Therefore, it is necessary to work out a work flow that can standardize the operators behaviors so as to guarantee high work efficiency.

    The work responsibility of the person who uses the document is specified in the carrier management rules. And the work flow corresponds to their work responsibilities one to one.

    The purpose of designing the work flow is to complete the work in an optimized order so as to guarantee consistent work result and the highest work efficiency.

    The work flow is designed based on definite work responsibility. The procedure to design a work flow is as follows:

    1. Analyze post responsibility.

    2. Partition the work procedure and work out several steps that can bring about a certain result.

    3. Peer review.

    4. Verify the flow.

    5. Determine and release the flow.

    Note: Some trivial steps can be ignored sometimes when designing the flow.

    Work Flow User Document Relation

    Every step in a work flow needs to be implemented by specific personnel. The executors should have sufficient level of skills and knowledge so as to implement each step. However, there are no detailed implementing instructions inferred from the flow itself.


    Work Flow Design


  • Chapter 4 Reading Guide

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 27

    Thus, in order for effective work, how to make sure the implementations of each step in the work flow are correct?

    Serving engineers at different posts, the user documents provide guidance and reference information for the executors (usually different kinds of engineers) to implement each step in the work flow. By reading product manuals, the executors can improve their skills and enhance their knowledge level. Therefore, the work efficiency can be guaranteed.

    There are so many user documents and so many work flows which refer to even more implementation steps. Thus how to set up a relationship between the project flow and the product manual?

    As refer to the relationship between the work flow and the user documents, simply speaking, the user documents provide direct or indirect guidance and reference information for implementation of each step in the work flow. A full understanding of the relationship between the work flow and the user document helps the readers to select pertinent document to read so as to enhance their work efficiency.

    The relationship between the project flow and the user document can be designed in light of the work steps determined in the work flow and based on the above-mentioned relationship. The design procedure is as follows:

    1. Analyze the required skills and knowledge level that should be obtained by the person who implement each step.

    2. Match user documents specifically with those executors so that they can improve their skills and knowledge level.

    The following is an example, wherein user documents needed by the maintenance engineers for handling common alarms will be shown.

    Handle alarms


    Query alarms


    Document Guide

    Search for documentsAlarm

    ManagementUser Guide

    Alarm Information


    Analyze alarm information

    Work Flow-User Document

    Relation Design


  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

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    Note: The above flow only covers general operations of the maintenance engineers. If the maintenance engineers for handling that fault are very familiar with the product, it is unnecessary for them to refer to any user documents.

    It can be inferred from this flow that the maintenance engineers can refer to one or several kinds of user documents during the process of handling alarms. This flow clearly represents the relationship between the user documents and the work flow.

    As there are so many works and the work flow varies with different posts, the readers need to design the relationship between the work flow and the user documents starting from those work flows, which they are familiar with, and get to learn more about the documents and also preserve them well in order for quick search at key time.

  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 29

    Reading Guide Uses have their own purpose when reading any one of user documents. If uses have clear purpose and select the appropriate document, then they can get twice the result with half the effort.

    From the perspectives of various purposes, some manuals for reading and reference are recommended in the following topics.

    Need to Learn Overall User Document

    Recommended documents:

    User Manual Guide

    User Manual Guide is the gateway of user document, through which user can learn general situation of user manuals.

    User Manual Guide introduces the types, index methods of user documents, content and reading methods of the complete sets of product documents, as well as issuance, application channel and feedback of user documents.

    Need to Learn Overall Product Knowledge

    Recommended documents:

    Hardware Description

    Product Description

    The above documents introduce product knowledge from various perspectives, helping readers understand the overall product knowledge.

    Need to Learn Knowledge and Method of Network Planning

    Recommended documents:

    Configuration Guide (provided before sales)

    Product Description


  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

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    Debugging Guide

    The above documents describe product knowledge from various perspectives, including proposals on network planning.

    Need to Learn Hardware Installation Process

    Recommended documents:

    Hardware Description

    Cable Description

    Hardware Installation

    Component Replacement Guide

    The above documents describe hardware information, hardware installation method and how to replace the faulty components.

    Need to Learn Software Installation Process

    Recommended documents:

    Software Installation

    The above documents describe software information, software installation method, how to initialize the equipment and how to replace faulty component when it is necessary.

    In most cases, it is necessary to install some software, such as operating system, database and version software on the server. Board software is usually loaded before delivery and does not need to be installed on the site. But it may be necessary to load board software for some special needs.

    Need to Learn Configuration Process

    Recommended documents:

    Data configuration Guide

    System Debugging Guide

    The above documents introduce the basis, principles and process of data configuration.

    After equipment installation, it is a must to perform data configuration according to connection conditions and hardware

  • Chapter 4 Reading Guide

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 31

    configuration of each NE. Data configured reflect logical relations among NEs and among units in a NE. the relations are what each equipment is based on to control NE running.

    Data configured are very important. Once they are wrong, the system can not work normally and even can not provide services. Therefore data backup is needed as data configuration. The backed up data can be used when it is necessary to ensure system runs normally in a short time.

    Need to Learn Product Operating Method

    Recommended documents:

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Performance Management User Guide

    Maintenance Tools User Guide

    Agent User Guide

    Component Replacement Guide

    For various product knowledge needed to be learned by different posts, the above documents introduce operating methods and procedures of each part to guide readers how to do. They also provide some reference information.

    Need to Learn Number Assignment Operating Method

    Recommended documents:

    Agent User Guide

    The above document introduces operating method and procedures of number assignment on the agent.

    Generally, user authentication data and user data are inputted or imported into the system in the business hall. They can also be inputted or imported into the system on the agent client.

    Need to Learn Common Maintenance Method

    Recommended documents:

    Routine Maintenance

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    32 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Alarm Information Reference

    Notification Information Reference

    Performance Management User Guide

    Maintenance Tools User Guide

    Component Replacement Guide

    Key Performance Indices Description

    The above documents introduce operating methods and operating process of routine maintenance.

    Need to Learn Fault Handling Methods

    Recommended documents:

    Alarm Management User Guide

    Alarm Information Reference

    Notification Information Reference

    Performance Alarm Monitoring Guide


    Emergency Action and System Recovery Guide

    The above documents introduce fault handling methods and reference information.

    Need to Learn Performance Report and Performance Evaluation Method

    Recommended documents:

    Performance Management User Guide

    Performance Statistic Counters Reference

    The above documents introduce the making method, performance evaluation method and reference information of performance reports.

    Need to Learn Version Update Process

    Recommended documents:

  • Chapter 4 Reading Guide

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 33

    Version Update Guide

    Version Description

    The above documents introduce function differences between the new version and the old one, updating process and precautions. Version Update Guide should be drafted according to on-site situations.

    Need to Learn Capacity Expansion Process

    Recommended documents:

    Capacity Expansion Solution

    The above document introduces capacity expansion solution. For different situations of each office, Capacity Expansion Solution must comply with the situations of the office concerned and it is not a universal document.

    Need to Learn Office Record

    Recommended documents:

    Project Completion Document

    The above document records detailed networking situations, data configuration and other information of the office concerned for querying during maintenance.

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    C h a p t e r 5

    User Document Issuance


    This chapter describes user document issuance, and how to apply and obtain user document.

    This chapter comprises the following topics.

    T AB L E 12 TO P I C S I N C H AP T E R 5

    Topic Page No.

    Paper Copies Issuance 35

    Electronic User Document Issuance 36 Supplementary Issuance after Version Update 36

    Applying Through Contract 37

    Applying Through E-Mail 37

    Applying Through Fax 37

    Downloading Electronic User Document 38

    Paper Copies Issuance

    Product manual paper copies

    Maintenance Experiences paper copies

    Product manual paper copies are generally delivered to customers together with the equipment, the number of which is based on the contract.

    Maintenance Experiences paper copies are generally delivered to customers by e-mail.



  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    36 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Electronic User Document Issuance

    Electronic user document contains the following documents:

    Electronic user documents and CDs of product manuals

    Electronic user documents of Maintenance Experiences

    Electronic user documents of Online help

    Electronic special issue user documents delivered aperiodically

    CDs of product manuals are generally delivered to customers together with the equipment, the number of which is based on the contract.

    Online help files integrated in the version software are delivered to customs together with the version software. And online querying will be realized after version software installation.

    User documents issued by ZTE technical support website ( are as follows:

    Product Manuals

    Maintenance Experiences

    Electronic user documents delivered aperiodically

    ZTE Technical Support Website provides querying and downloading services, and querying methods are as follows:

    Queried by document serial number or keywords

    Queried by product category

    Advanced search querying

    Note: For the first time when you log in, it is required to register at first. Refer to registration wizard instructions for registration method.

    Electronic special user documents are delivered aperiodically to customers by e-mail. The e-mail used to deliver user document is

    Supplementary Issuance after Version Update

    For the version upgraded, the original product manuals can not correspond to the new version, in which case supplementary manuals are necessary. The supplemented user documents are as follows:

    Product manual CD

    Product manual paper copy

    Issued by CD

    Issued by online help

    Issued by Website

    Issued by e-mail

  • Chapter 5 User Document Issuance

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 37

    Note: Generally only CD is delivered. If the customer needs paper copies, they can apply them through the formal channels. Then paper copies will be delivered.

    At the same time, the product manual updated will be issued on ZTE Technical Website.

    Application and Acquisition for User Document Applying Through Contract

    When the contract is signed, it is necessary to define the sets of product manuals and number of CDs. ZTE will deliver the user documents required in the contract while the contract is delivered.

    Applying Through E-Mail

    If the customers need product manual CD, maintenance experiences printed copies, electronic user document delivered aperiodically, they can send e-mail to a designated mailbox ( for application. The e-mail should include the applied user document, customers' addresses and e-mail addresses.

    Note: To get product manual printed copies, please contact local ZTE office.

    Applying Through Fax

    If the customers need product manual CDs, maintenance experiences printed copies, electronic user document delivered aperiodically, they can send fax to a designated number ((86) 755 26772236) for application. The fax should include applied user, customers' addresses and e-mail addresses.

    Note: To get product manual copies, please contact local ZTE office.

  • ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    38 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    Downloading Electronic User Document

    ZTE Technical Support Website ( provides various electronic user documents.

    Perform the following procedure to download:

    1. Input in the address bar, and click Go to link.

    2. Click Register link (this procedure is only needed when the user logs in the website for the first time and the registration process is omitted here).

    3. Input account, password and authentication code. Click Log in button to log in.

    4. Select Documentation.

    5. Using one of the following three ways to query product manuals:

    Input some keywords or product serial number in keyword, and click Search button.

    Select the product category to enter web page showing detailed product user documents. Then click a product with a certain version to see its all user documents.

    Click Advanced Search link to enter detailed searching page. You can select or input some or all items and then click Search button.

    6. The customer can find user document required with the aid of the upper and down scroll bar or page turning operation.

    7. Click the link of the user document found out.

    8. Click Documents Download.

    9. Click Save.

    10. Select the storage path and then click Save.

    11. After download, click Close.

    Note: Please visit technical support website and download new product manuals to maintain consistence between versions of user manual and product manual version.

  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 39

    C h a p t e r 6


    This chapter describes feedback channels and methods.

    This chapter comprises the following topics.

    T AB L E 13 TO P I C S I N C H AP T E R 6

    Topic Page No.

    Feedback through E-Mail 39

    Feedback though Website 39 Feedback though Telephone 41

    Feedback though Fax 41

    Feedback Channel Feedback through E-Mail

    The mailbox to receive feedback is

    You can fill your feedback opinions in the feedback table.

    Feedback though Website

    On Technical Support Website, you can make a mark for each manual and present your suggestions. The procedures of feedback through website are as follows:

    1. Input in the address bar, and click Go to link.

    2. Click Register link (this procedure is only needed when the user logs in the website for the first time and the registration process is omitted here).



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    40 Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION

    3. Input account, password and authentication code. Click Log in button to log in.

    4. Select Documentation.

    5. Using one of the following three ways to query product manuals:

    Input some keywords or product serial number in keyword, and click Search button.

    Select the product category to enter detailed product user documents web page. Then click a product with a certain version to see its all user documents.

    Click Advanced Search link to enter detailed searching page. You can select or input some or all items and then click Search button.

    6. The customer can find user document required with the aid of the upper and down scroll bar or page turning operation.

    7. Click the link of the user document found out. You can see the following content in the left part of the interface.

    F I G U R E 2 FE E D B AC K TH R O U G H W E B S I T E

    8. Please select your opinion about this document in Your opinion and input your improvement suggestions in Your suggestions.

    Note: Improvement suggestions may include some problems in the manual concerned. It would be better that the improvement suggestions are specific, facilitating us to update manual according to these suggestions.

  • Chapter 6 Feedback

    Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 41

    Feedback though Telephone

    Telephone number to receive the feedback is: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830.

    Feedback though Fax

    The fax number to receive feedback is (86) 755 26772236.

    You can fill your feedback opinions in the feedback table.

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  • Confidential and Proprietary Information of ZTE CORPORATION 43


    Table 1 Chapter Summary ...................................................i

    Table 2 Typographical Conventions ...................................... ii

    Table 3 Mouse Operation Conventions .................................. ii

    Table 4 Topics in Chapter 1.................................................1

    Table 5 Topics in Chapter 2.................................................5

    Table 6 User Documents Indexed by Subject Area..................6

    Table 7 User Documents Indexed by Life Cycle ......................8

    Table 8 User Documents Indexed by Intended Audience........ 11

    Table 9 Product Manuals Indexed by Document Serial Number..................................................................................... 13

    Table 10 Topics in Chapter 3 ............................................. 17

    Table 11 Topics in Chapter 4 ............................................. 25

    Table 12 Topics in Chapter 5 ............................................. 35

    Table 13 Topics in Chapter 6 ............................................. 39

    ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation GuideAbout This Guide Purpose Intended Audience What Is in This Guide Conventions How to Get in Touch

    Declaration of RoHS Compliance Chapter 1 Introduction to Documentation Guide Overview Presales Technical User Documents Aftersales Technical User Documents

    Chapter 2 User Document Indexes Overview Indexing Modes Indexing by Subject Area Indexing by Life Cycle Indexing by Intended Audience Indexing by Document Serial Number

    Chapter 3 Documentation Overview Overview Applicable Product Version Main Functions of Product Version Product Manual Type Description Manual Task Manual Reference Manual Product Manual Structure Numbering Mode

    Chapter 4 Reading Guide Overview Work Responsibility Work Flow User Document Relationships Work Responsibility- Work Flow Relation Work Flow User Document Relation

    Reading Guide Need to Learn Overall User Document Need to Learn Overall Product Knowledge Need to Learn Knowledge and Method of Network Planning Need to Learn Hardware Installation Process Need to Learn Software Installation Process Need to Learn Configuration Process Need to Learn Product Operating Method Need to Learn Number Assignment Operating Method Need to Learn Common Maintenance Method Need to Learn Fault Handling Methods Need to Learn Performance Report and Performance Evaluation Method Need to Learn Version Update Process Need to Learn Capacity Expansion Process Need to Learn Office Record

    Chapter 5 User Document Issuance Overview Paper Copies Issuance Electronic User Document Issuance Supplementary Issuance after Version Update

    Application and Acquisition for User Document Applying Through Contract Applying Through E-Mail Applying Through Fax Downloading Electronic User Document

    Chapter 6 Feedback Feedback Channel Feedback through E-Mail Feedback though Website Feedback though Telephone Feedback though Fax


    ZXWN iHLRintegrated Home Location RegisterUser Documentation Guide

    Version 3.07.40


    ZTE Plaza, Keji Road South,

    Hi-Tech Industrial Park,

    Nanshan District, Shenzhen,

    P. R. China


    Tel: (86) 755 26771900 800-9830-9830

    Fax: (86) 755 26772236




    Copyright 2006 ZTE CORPORATION.

    The contents of this document are protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Any reproduction or distribution of this document or any portion of this document, in any form by any means, without the prior written consent of ZTE CORPORATION is prohibited. Additionally, the contents of this document are protected by contractual confidentiality obligations.

    All company, brand and product names are trade or service marks, or registered trade or service marks, of ZTE CORPORATION or of their respective owners.

    This document is provided as is, and all express, implied, or statutory warranties, representations or conditions are disclaimed, including without limitation any implied warranty of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title or non-infringement. ZTE CORPORATION and its licensors shall not be liable for damages resulting from the use of or reliance on the information contained herein.

    ZTE CORPORATION or its licensors may have current or pending intellectual property rights or applications covering the subject matter of this document. Except as expressly provided in any written license between ZTE CORPORATION and its licensee, the user of this document shall not acquire any license to the subject matter herein.

    ZTE CORPORATION reserves the right to upgrade or make technical change to this product without further notice.

    Users may visit ZTE technical support website to inquire related information.

    The ultimate right to interpret this product resides in ZTE CORPORATION.

    Revision History


    Revision No.

    Serial No.

    Reason for Issue

    July 18, 2008



    First edition


    Values Your Comments & Suggestions!

    Your opinion is of great value and will help us improve the quality of our product documentation and offer better services to our customers.

    Please fax to (86) 755-26772236 or mail to Documentation R&D Department, ZTE CORPORATION, ZTE Plaza, A Wing, Keji Road South, Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Shenzhen, P. R. China 518057.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

    Document Name

    ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register User Documentation Guide

    Product Version


    Document Revision Number


    Serial No.


    Equipment Installation Date

    Your evaluation of this documentation


    (Introductions, Procedures, Illustrations, Completeness, Level of Detail, Organization, Appearance)

    ( Good ( Fair ( Average ( Poor ( Bad ( N/A


    (Contents, Index, Headings, Numbering, Glossary)

    ( Good ( Fair ( Average ( Poor ( Bad ( N/A


    (Language, Vocabulary, Readability & Clarity, Technical Accuracy, Content)

    ( Good ( Fair ( Average ( Poor ( Bad ( N/A

    Your suggestions for improvement of this documentation

    Please check the suggestions which you feel can improve this documentation:

    ( Improve the overview/introduction( Make it more concise/brief

    ( Improve the Contents( Add more step-by-step procedures/tutorials

    ( Improve the organization( Add more troubleshooting information

    ( Include more figures( Make it less technical

    ( Add more examples( Add more/better quick reference aids

    ( Add more detail( Improve the index

    ( Other suggestions






    # Please feel free to write any comments on an attached sheet.

    If you wish to be contacted regarding your comments, please complete the following:







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    iAbout This Guide


    Intended Audiencei

    What Is in This Guidei


    How to Get in Touchii

    Declaration of RoHS Compliancev

    Chapter 11

    Introduction to Documentation Guide1


    Presales Technical User Documents1

    Aftersales Technical User Documents2

    Chapter 25

    User Document Indexes5


    Indexing Modes5

    Indexing by Subject Area6

    Indexing by Life Cycle7

    Indexing by Intended Audience10

    Indexing by Document Serial Number13

    Chapter 317

    Documentation Overview17


    Applicable Product Version17

    Main Functions of Product Version18

    Product Manual Type18

    Description Manual19

    Task Manual19

    Reference Manual21

    Product Manual Structure21

    Numbering Mode22

    Chapter 425

    Reading Guide25


    Work Responsibility Work Flow User Document Relationships26

    Work Responsibility- Work Flow Relation26

    Work Flow User Document Relation26

    Reading Guide29

    Need to Learn Overall User Document29

    Need to Learn Overall Product Knowledge29

    Need to Learn Knowledge and Method of Network Planning29

    Need to Learn Hardware Installation Process30

    Need to Learn Software Installation Process30

    Need to Learn Configuration Process30

    Need to Learn Product Operating Method31

    Need to Learn Number Assignment Operating Method31

    Need to Learn Common Maintenance Method31

    Need to Learn Fault Handling Methods32

    Need to Learn Performance Report and Performance Evaluation Method32

    Need to Learn Version Update Process32

    Need to Learn Capacity Expansion Process33

    Need to Learn Office Record33

    Chapter 535

    User Document Issuance35


    Paper Copies Issuance35

    Electronic User Document Issuance36

    Supplementary Issuance after Version Update36

    Application and Acquisition for User Document37

    Applying Through Contract37

    Applying Through E-Mail37

    Applying Through Fax37

    Downloading Electronic User Document38

    Chapter 639


    Feedback Channel39

    Feedback through E-Mail39

    Feedback though Website39

    Feedback though Telephone41

    Feedback though Fax41


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    About This Guide


    This guide introduces documentation overview of ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register.

    Intended Audience

    This guide is intended for the following readers:

    Various engineers whose jobs are related to this equipment

    Personnel who need to learn this equipment

    What Is in This Guide

    This guide contains the following chapters:

    Table 1 Chapter Summary



    Chapter 1, Introduction to Documentation Guide

    Introduces categories of documents that ZTE provides for customers.

    Chapter 2, User Document Indexes

    Introduces user document indexing methods.

    Chapter 3, Documentation Overview

    Gives introduction to the production version applicable for the whole set of ZXWN iHLR (V3.07.40) manuals and brief contents of the product manuals.

    Chapter 4, Reader Orientation

    Describes the relationships among work responsibility, work flow and the product manuals. The readers can refer to different manuals based on their own purposes or work responsibilities.

    Chapter 5, User Document Issuance

    Describes user document issuance, and how to apply and obtain user document.

    Chapter 6, Feedback

    Describes feedback channels and methods.


    Typographical Conventions

    ZTE documents employ the following typographical conventions.

    Table 2 Typographical Conventions




    References to other Manuals and documents.


    Links on screens.


    Menus, menu options, function names, input fields, radio button names, check boxes, drop-down lists, dialog box names, window names.


    Keys on the keyboard and buttons on screens and company name.

    Constant width

    Text that you type, program code, files and directory names, and function names.

    [ ]

    Optional parameters.

    { }

    Mandatory parameters.


    Select one of the parameters that are delimited by it.

    Mouse Operation Conventions

    Table 3 Mouse Operation Conventions




    Refers to clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) once.


    Refers to quickly clicking the primary mouse button (usually the left mouse button) twice.


    Refers to clicking the secondary mouse button (usually the right mouse button) once.


    Refers to pressing and holding a mouse button and moving the mouse.

    How to Get in Touch

    The following sections provide information on how to obtain support for the documentation and the software.

    Customer Support

    If you have problems, questions, comments, or suggestions regarding your product, contact us by e-mail at You can also call our customer support center at (86) 755 26771900 and (86) 800-9830-9830.

    Documentation Support

    ZTE welcomes your comments and suggestions on the quality and usefulness of this document. For further questions, comments, or suggestions on the documentation, you can contact us by e-mail at; or you can fax your comments and suggestions to (86) 755 26772236. You can also browse our website at, which contains various interesting subjects like documentation, knowledge base, forum and service request.

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    Declaration of RoHS Compliance

    To minimize the environmental impact and take more responsibility to the earth we live, this document shall serve as formal declaration that ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION are in compliance with the Directive 2002/95/EC of the European Parliament - RoHS (Restriction of Hazardous Substances) with respect to the following substances:

    Lead (Pb)

    Mercury (Hg)

    Cadmium (Cd)

    Hexavalent Chromium (Cr (VI))

    PolyBrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)

    PolyBrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)

    ZXWN iHLR integrated Home Location Register manufactured by ZTE CORPORATION meet the requirements of EU 2002/95/EC; however, some assemblies are customized to client specifications. Addition of specialized, customer-specified materials or processes which do not meet the requirements of EU 2002/95/EC may negate RoHS compliance of the assembly. To guarantee compliance of the assembly, the need for compliant product must be communicated to ZTE CORPORATION in written form.

    This declaration is issued based on our current level of knowledge. Since conditions of use are outside our control, ZTE CORPORATION makes no warranties, express or implied, and assumes no liability in connection with the use of this information.

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    Chapter 1

    Introduction to Documentation Guide



    Since this set of user documents contains many contents, it is hard and unnecessary to read them through. But the readers may find from the documents what they want or what are useful for them, or they can perform operations or solve problems according to the instructions in the user documents. This is where the value of the documents lies. In this sense, this set of documents is a library on this product.

    This chapter introduces categories of documents that ZTE provides for customers.


    This chapter comprises the following topics.

    Table 4 Topics in Chapter 1


    Page No.

    Presales Technical User Documents


    Aftersales Technical User Documents


    Presales Technical User Documents


    Presales technical user documents provide customers with overall information for reference before purchasing the product, covering product technologies, specifications, features and configuration.

    Categories of Presales Documents

    Note: Only documents on product technologies are introduced here.

    The presales user documents that ZTE provides for customers include:

    Technical Proposal

    Technical Proposal describes technical attributes of the product.

    Technical Specifications

    Technical Specifications describes technical parameters and technical criteria which the product abides by.

    Feature List

    Feature List provides short description on product features.

    Configuration Guide

    Configuration Guide provides recommendations for product configuration.

    Aftersales Technical User Documents


    Aftersales technical user documents provide customers with detailed