Shift Happens! for OFSA - Manage Change

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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description - This presentation was created and given at the OFSA 2011 conference by Jim Feldman of Shift Happens! Jim did the keynote speech on Shift Happens! or Change Management. He was speaking to Funeral Directors and others in the Funeral Industry.

Transcript of Shift Happens! for OFSA - Manage Change

death is one of the certainties of life

and the industry is not immune

it’s time for a shift

you have developed services for families

…but haven’t done your own pre-need?

in the past we weathered the storm

today may be different

members are feeling the effects

time to choose another direction

create a meaningful memory

shifts are on the horizon

don’t be the last to react

it’s a great time for innovation

the survival of your business

could hinge on your ability to

receive, grasp and act

listen to your families, employees & suppliers

can you hear me now?

what am I doing differently tomorrow that will obtain better results than I achieved today?

in the past 20 years

profit margins cut in half

more families are

choosing cheaper options

more families are shifting to cremation

it’s clear--dying isn’t cheap these days

create a meaningful memory

redefine what you offer as standard options

what else should you offer?

$11 Billion industry can be slow to change

a few have been quicker

some have diversified

and have found a niche

pet death care options

green sustainable burial practices

don’t forget your tech savvy customers

create a way to attract & interact with them

Could you use

Bar Codes

or RFID?

Use Technology

make traditionalists squirm

technology can’t truly replace personal service

ignoring change makes you look antiquated

obesity has forced a shift

use this obstacle as a new business model

how are you shifting?

develop robust solutions that suit your families

visiting hours have shifted

the economy has shifted

casket purchase is down

casket rental is up

less flowers

more memorial donations

religion is playing a smaller role

you are conducting more events

how are you shifting?

focus on service

families want online interaction

families don’t want old & dark

families want bright & inviting

change is the key to success

status quo no longer works

genuine wins. uncommon wins.

original wins.

stop doing it the old way

start doing what works

don’t slow down

speed up

don’t panic

stay cool

don’t just get ready

get going

don’t waste energy on emotions

spend energy on solutions

don’t just play it safe

take more risks

Again, ask yourself…What am I doing differently tomorrow that will obtain better results than I achieved today?

when they give you paper





stop ‘shoulding’ all over yourself

experts have their knowledge in order

do ordinary things in an extraordinary way

create your own bucket list

create your own bucket list

You PROVIDE SolutionsYou CREATE ValueYou ENGAGE your FamiliesYou REWARD LoyaltyYou Reach them while you Teach themYou Teach through their heartYou do not Major in minor thingsYou remain passionate about OFSAYou create meaningful memories




Thriving On Change

James Feldman

©2011 James Feldman. All rights reserved.

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