Service Help Desk Reference

Post on 02-Jun-2018

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Transcript of Service Help Desk Reference

  • 8/10/2019 Service Help Desk Reference


    Automate Your Help Desk Processes to Work Faster

    & More Efficiently!

    Help Desk is a comprehensive service desk solution that helps you streamline your IT operations, increase

    productivity, and implement industry best practices. In one centralized location, you have all the tools you need tohandle all service requests your IT department receives. From assigning tasks to administrators and resolving

    incidents to automating workflows and tracking through to completion, SysAid Help Desk equips you to handle

    your organizations IT requirements according to IT best practices.

    Improve response time, control your IT activities, and meet your organizationsrequirements. Providing fa

    and effective support is that simple!

    Optimize Your Efficiency by Automating Your Help Desk

    By automating your help desk processes, SysAid Help Desk helps you handle issues as quickly and efficiently aspossible. You can configure parameters based on your IT departments requirements and business goals to ensure

    that administrators focus their energy to where its really necessary and that every service request receives the

    attention it deserves. SysAid Help Desks automation platform includes:

    Routing Rules

    Specify the individual administrator, queue, or support groups to which service requests should be directed based

    on category, urgency, or other predefined parameters.

    Escalation Rules

    Create a set of conditions that determines what should happen to a service request if, for example, it has not been

    resolved by its due date or it has a high urgency. Define this criteria based on many different help desk fields. Thquery and action builders are also available to extend the criteria to other fields in the service request.


    Set the priorities of service requests based on predefined parameters. A visual alert system will keep you instantly

    informed on the priority of every service request in your list.

    Automatic Notifications

    Stay informed about your help desk tasks and keep your end users automatically updated on the resolution status otheir service requests.
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    Due Dates

    Set up due dates for the various services provided to ensure that superior support and SLAs are met.

    Quick List Templates

    Create quick list templates for the fast entry of service requests for common issues. Service requests created from

    quick lists are pre-populated with predefined information so that you can save the time of manually entering the

    same information.

    Greater Administrative and Permission Control

    Admin Groups and Permissions

    Control admin groups with customizable permissions and define support levels per admin group to track themaximum support level that each service request reaches. You can also define permissions for individual


    Responsible Administrator

    Specify the administrator who is responsible for the handling and resolution of a service request or assign theservice request to a specific administrator group.

    Satisfaction Surveys

    The best way to know if your end users are satisfied is to ask them! When closing a service request, provide your

    end-users with a survey for them to evaluate their support experience. This can provide you with important insight

    into how your service is valued and perceived.

    The Tools You Need for Better Problem Solving

    SysAid Help Desk offers many built-in tools to help you identify and resolve problems as effectively as possible.All the information you need about a specific issue is contained within the service request itself.

    Knowledge Base

    Find solutions in a database of common service requests and their resolutions. Perform a smart search from within

    service request to identify similar issues in the Knowledge Base. In addition, SysAid helps you build your

    Knowledge Base by allowing you to automatically add all resolved service request solutions as Knowledge Baseitems. Add these items to the End-User Knowledge Base to enable end users to resolve issues on their own.
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    Maximize the shared knowledge of your IT department! The time-saving information contained in the administratKnowledge Base helps you learn from other IT administrators (as well as your own previous experiences) to find

    the best solutions as quickly as possible.

    Automatic Screenshot Attachment

    Your end-users can press the F11 hotkey to access the End-User Web Portal and report a technical problem. SysA

    automatically takes a screenshot of the screen they are viewing, and this full-sized screenshot is then attached totheir service request. It's great tool to help you more easily and efficiently diagnose their problem.

    Automatic Asset Attachment

    When an end user submits a service request using the F11 hotkey, the asset they are using is automatically attache

    to the service request. This gives you instant access to their asset information from within a service request, keepinall information easily in-reach.

    Message Log and History

    All correspondence you have with an end user about a specific issue is saved within the relevant service

    request. That means that you dont have to search through your email or chat archives to track down what you

    discussed with an end user last week. Every modification you make to a service request is documented so that you

    can access a full history of the service requests life-cycle.

    Parent/Child Service Requests

    If a certain incident happens more than once or is submitted many times, you can attach multiple service requests

    a single "parent" service request. All changes you make to the parent service request automatically affect the

    children service request so you dont have to update each one individually.

    Easy and Friendly for Your End Users

    The easier it is for your end users to submit service requests, the better the service youll be able to provide them.With SysAid, you can provide your end users with many different channels through which they can submit service

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    End-User Web Portal

    A central hub where your end users can submit service requests, access the Knowledge Base to independently

    resolve their own issues, track their service history, and participate in change processes.

    Email Integration

    When an end user sends an email to one of your help desk email addresses, SysAid will convert the email into aservice request. You can set up multiple email accounts for your different IT processes.

    Easy Integration Into Your Companys Internal Portals

    With iFrame support, you can easily embed the End-User Web Portal into your own website to make it as

    accessible as possible for your end users.

    Web Forms

    Not only can you embed the End-User Web Portal into your own website, but you can also customize its format anappearance to reflect your companys brand.

    Live Online Chat

    While chatting with your end-users, you can easily create a service request from within the chat session. In additio

    if no administrator is online to chat, end-users can leave messages that are automatically converted into service


    Get Prices Get Free Trial

    Integrated, Inter-Modular Approach

    Your IT environment is a dynamic set of moving parts that constantly influence each other. To effectively run you

    help desk, you need information about your assets, network, servers, and end users. With SysAid, all thisinformation is accessible from within the help desk.

    Asset Management and Remote Control

    From within a service request, you can view the details of the attached asset and perform a remote control sessionwith a single click of the mouse. Similarly, from within Asset Management, you can view the full service request

    history for every asset.
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    Knowledge Base

    Automatically add a closed ticket solution to the Knowledge Base as well as search the Knowledge Base from

    within a service request to find a solution.

    Server Monitoring

    Monitoring rules can directly open service requests with the exact service request details you specify. Emails and

    text messages can also be sent for various events when they arise.

    Tasks & Projects

    Attach a service request to a task or project. In addition, task notifications can open service requests with the exact

    service request details you specify.

    User Management

    From within a service request, view a users profile and service history with a single click!


    View the business impact that a service request could have by linking the service request to a configuration item inyour CMDB.

    The Result: Faster, more efficient, and more effective service for your entire organization

    SysAid Features

    Help Desk

    Asset Management Remote Control

    End-User Web Portal

    Knowledge Base

    Mobile Application

    Reports & Analysis

    Manager IT Dashboard


    Online Chat

    Calendar & Scheduling

    Tasks & Projects

    SLA Management ITIL CMDB

    ITIL Change Management

    ITIL Problem Management

    API & Advanced Customization

    IT Performance Benchmark


    Ease of use with newer version is outstanding! After seeing how easy it was to view and manage our help deskrequests versus the standard post it note, another department is thinking about getting the full version as well!
  • 8/10/2019 Service Help Desk Reference

  • 8/10/2019 Service Help Desk Reference


    Polar Help Desk is a web based help desk that helps you organize support department. With email integration, incident

    management enables your organization to manage support services to your employees and customers through a central hel

    desk portal.

    Key advantages:

    - Incorporate proven Incident Management process based on ITIL and best practices procedures.

    - Email integration and automation from multiple mailboxes via POP/IMAP.

    - Easy management unlimited number of customer, accounts, teams, incidents, email mailboxes.

    - Service Level Management. Use best practices from ITIL.

    - Email Notifications management and customization.

    - Powerful and completely customizable User Roles and Permissions.- Custom Languages and customization any labels.

    - Active Directory integration.

    - API that lets you integrate any system with Help Desk through Restful API over HTTP protocols.

    - Build your own new reports using client and server side Java Script.

    - Source code available for purchase.

  • 8/10/2019 Service Help Desk Reference


    Web Based Help Desk Features

    Bulletin board style communications.Each trouble ticket may consist of unlimited number of messages.

    Simplified markup tags allow to control text appearance (bold, italic, underline, code) and to insert html links

    and images. Any message may be marked as hidden to facilitate internal communications and notes.

    Registration is optional, as anonymous (guest) visitors may access their tickets using unique access keys.

    Dynamic FAQ EntriesShare knowledge at a speed of light. The very moment a problem is solved, the solution

    may be published in a searchable knowledge database. Do not waste your time answering the same questions

    again and again. Do not force your customers to waste their time asking questions answered before!

    Customizable Views.Choose what information you want to see while browsing tickets and customer accounts.

    Highly customizable interfaceusing embedded WYSIWYG HTML editor.

    Message editorwith support for text proofing and message drafts.

    File attachments.A file of any type may be added to any message.

    Reporting.Track operator performance and customer activity. Prepare customer and operator timesheets.

    Email based ticket submissionwith support for html-only messages and multiple file attachments.
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    Intelligent ticket routingusing departments and 4 tiers escalation model. Manual and automated escalation


    Dashboard- home page for your customer service site. An ideal place for your announcements, quick links and

    personalized information. Highly customizable template with support for simple macro language allows serving

    dynamic content based on customer account information.

    Customer databasefor easy tracking of customer details like contact info or service options.

    Custom fields.Both ticket and customer databases support up to 10 user definable fields to keep additional

    information. Each field may be configured as a text, select menu or checkbox. Supported attributes: hidden, readonly, mandatory.

    Multilingual Support.Automated language detection using encoding info captured from email headers. Direct

    urls to access your customer service web site using different languages.

    Live help.Chat with your customers and monitor your web site visitors in real time.

    High availability.Two node failover cluster to ensure uninterruptible operations.

    ISM Service Help Desk
  • 8/10/2019 Service Help Desk Reference


    ISM IT Service Desk

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