S.D.F E-9, E-10 Special Economic Zone, Noida Phase-II Mosaic Core Values.

Post on 26-Mar-2015

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Transcript of S.D.F E-9, E-10 Special Economic Zone, Noida Phase-II Mosaic Core Values.

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Mosaic Core ValuesMosaic Core Values

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Wow your customer

Be fair to everybody you deal with



Definition of Growth

Learning's & constant push to learn new things is growth.

Life is problem solving and you can only solve problems by new leanings.

Problems are learning deficiencies like poor eyesight is Vitamin deficiency.

Setting long term goals and working to achieve those is the highway to growth.

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II


Definition of Death


No LearningsResults in failures

And drifts

Making wrongchoices

Taking Criticismnegatively

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Growth vs Death

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Examples Of Successful Legends

• Amitabh Bhachchan• Sachin Tendulkar• Bill Gates• Dhirubhai Ambani


Characteristics Of Growth

You are never static. Either you are growing or you are dying. Not growing has a huge opportunity cost.

Growing is investing in yourself. You reap the ROI.

Growth is a long term goal. You can put regular milestones to track it yet the distance must be travelled.

Learning is a mindset. Make a commitment that you will learn one new skill every year. You will acquire one new certification every year.

You meet growth every day. The only challenge is its recognition for it comes disguised as difficulties.

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Characteristics Of Death

Demotivation and beset with difficulties. Congested reality.

Living a life Vs leading life.

Very little monetary benefits increase. Condemned to being hand to mouth.

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II


Short term goals (Job switcher)

Lack of Clarity on path

Not explicitly decided about growing

Running or avoiding problems instead of solving them.

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Staying in comfort zone and not stretching.

Not realising that growth is your ownership

Taking failures or criticisms personally

Strategies Of Growth

Focusing on long term goals

Strive to learn new skills

Accept challenges

Come out of your comfort zone

Work on your weaknesses by being open about them.

Manage your ego.

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Growth Strategies

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Be on the right Path

Long term goals

Like minded people(Attract good

around you)

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II

Mosaic Achievers

S.D.F E-9 , E-10 Special Economic Zone,Noida Phase-II