Scrum - the basics

Post on 24-Jun-2015

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An introduction to the basic principles and practices of scrum. This presentation is designed to help convince your boss or colleagues that agile practices such as scrum have a solid set of theories behind them and a useful set of tools to implement them. There are also examples of success stories as well as how to learn more. The presentation is designed to be used by someone who already knows a bit about scrum, and wants to explain it to someone else. Some of the slides are cues for the speaker, so let me know if you find any of it confusing.

Transcript of Scrum - the basics

Feature-Driven Development

Test-driven Development


Extreme programming


Lean software development

What is “Scrum”?

Who invented it?



Continuous improvement

Why is it called “Scrum”?

Who is using Scrum?

How does it work?

Scrum sprint cycle

Product backlog

Prioritised list of features required by the customer.

Sprint backlog

Features to be done this sprint. Features are expanded into smaller tasks.


One day


One month

New functionality

Is demonstrated at the end of each sprint.

1) What did you do yesterday?

2) What will you do today?

3) Is there anything in your way?

Every day a 15-minute meeting is held and the Scrum Master asks three questions:

What does a Scrum team look like?

Show me some of the tools…

The project task board

The burndown chart

Case study 1: Systematic Software Engineering

• Planning costs cut by 80% • Defects cut by 40% • Process overhead cut by half • Happier development team

Now 100% Scrum. They charge double for waterfall, if asked.

Learn more